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Some hours had passed since the operation to regroup begun, a good portion of the 401st having been saved by Matuvistan hunting squads, not without sustaining some casualties of course, the incoming reinforcements from the fleet did wonders. Reports from scouts indicated that the White Flowers had staged a massive assault on New Westminster some time ago, the battle however….was a massacre on their end. "Those civvies had fucking balls." Ron said, in the passenger seat of a Glider.

“Sergeant, do you read?” Lt. Shepard spoke over the radio.

“Copy that, ma’am.”. Ron replied. “What’s going on.”

“We’re getting reports from wayward squads of Matuvistan units falling back throughout the city…and we’re detecting mass heat signatures in New Westminster.”

Ron could easily connect the dots there. “They’re retreating.”

“Bingo, as of now, your mission profile has changed.”

“But Lieutenant, they still got our people!”

“I’m very aware of that, we'll sort that problem soon before they leave the system. I need you focus on securing Neo London."

With a hint of hesitation, but at the same time, relief, Ron complied. “Copy that, ma’am.” Ron than begun to tinker with the Glider’s radio to broadcast a message to all nearby units. “Mission’s changed boys and girls. The Mashties are retreating, leaving us to secure the city, The fleet above will handle the prisoner situation.” As he said this, Ron looks up to the sky as she clearly sees the transports and shuttlecraft ascending towards the clouds.

The Yankie and her escorts were moving en route to the position of the Matuvistan fleet, the Yankies launching a few squadrons of Razorwings and Starhawks, who were sent out far ahead to intercept the Matuvistans, their ship's within visual range. Lt. Shepard sat anxiously on her CO's command chair, praying to the Gods that this won't come to bloodshed...especially with Columbian civilians and marines on board those ships. "Open channels with them."

A moment passes before the officer gives gives her the all green. "This is Lt. Shira Shepard of the Assault ship Yankie to all Matuvistan vessels, I am here to make a simple request. That you release your Columbian prisoners into our care, doing so will avoid anymore dying for both sides and we promise that you may leave in peace once our people have been safely returned."

The Meeting Place

The Sol Gateway opened once more…however, this latest visitor and newest addition to the growing galactic community had one hell of a showy appearance. A massive teardrop shaped vessel had emerged from the other side, the ship was even larger than a Columbian Battle Carrier. The mere sight of it no doubt a surprise for the Undefeated Blockade. It was quite clear this vessel was not the same as the ones currently intruding in Sol and was allowed to continue its course.

From the Inner sanctum, a trio of robed figures stood, starring at a hologram model of the Earth…now reduced to ashes. “Oh by the Great Mother…” One of them muttered in a metallic tone. “Earth is no more…a mere husk what she once was, Gaia will be displeased.”

“She must be avenged!” Another spokes in a similar metallic voice. “These infidels do not deserve to be in her presence!”

“No.” The last one spoke. “Patience my brothers. In due time, they will meet oblivion, but not now, we must bid our time, we must…assess the stars, we must spread Her holy word.”

“In Gaia we are made Whole, Gaia be praised.” The three said in unison. “Establish communications, let us talk with our new brothers and sisters.”

New Hollywood
New Beijing

sound effects
Sergeant Justin Hask starred out into the city from the window of the blasted out remains of an apartment complex, laying against a more sturdier part of the wall, the sound of gunfire and explosions filling the air. He turned to face the rest of his squad, all tired and worn from all day of fighting in the streets, the battle taking its toll on all of them. Despite his own exhaustion, the sergeant mustered the strength and forced himself up with a loud groan. "Break time's over boys and girls." He said followed more loud groans from the rest of the squad.

"Quit your bitchin'." Hask ordered. "FOB isn't too far, just ba-" Before Hask could finish his sentence. A loud bang was heard as he felt a warm, stinging, painful sensation somewhere in his chest area. Hask looked down as he saw blood stain pouring out of a fresh bullet wound. "Fuck.." He cursed as he fell over. "Sergeant's down!" One of the marines, a Urkani shouted out.

"Take cover! Weapons free!" Another marine shouted. The room erupted into a frenzy of screams and gunfire as several squads of Protectors advanced from the street below. The marines ducked in cover as a hail of bullets reign over them. The room was clouded as dirt rose up, and the walls being reduced to dust. Hask's second in command, a Marcus Zaamil, time seemed to slow down, marines barely returning fire, peaking out of cover even once guaranteed a stray bullet in the head, gut, what does it matter? Zaamil shook himself back to reality, staring out like a deer at headlights won't a damn difference, certainly won't help his CO.

"Get the sarge out of view!" Zaamil ordered the squad's medic. "Sir!" she complied as she drag him into out into the hallway, literally having to crawl both her and his way out of the killing zone. "What do we do now?!?" One of the marines shouted over the near-deafening gunfire.

"We get the hell out that's what!" Zaamil declared. "On my mark, we fall back!"


Without warning, the unsettling jingle of a tossed grenade, even in the whirlwind of gunfire, could be heard narrowly. One of the marines looking wide eyed at a tumbling orb. "Fuckfuckfuck! GREANADE!" He cried out before the grenade set off, taking out the poor man as well, leaving a huge gapping hole where he and the apartment floor used to be, causing a chain reaction that led to the rest of the floor giving way to the weight. "Oh Christ.." Zaamil muttered as floor collapsed. He had blacked out, featureless shapes and lights moving back and forth, hearing the muffled screams of his squadmates, and that of the enemy, slowly opening his eyes as he found himself at the end of a gun barrel. "Get up." The Protector commanded, his subordinates not even waiting as they forced him up, the captain inspecting him. "Pile him up with the others for execution."

Well...seemed like this is the end of the road, Zaamil never thought he'd die on some alien world far from home, he was tossed like a trash into a pile gravely wounded marines, his sergeant among them. "It's been an honor.." Zaamil said meekly to Hask.

"Same.." He replied. The surviving marines forced to look in horror as their brothers in arms were about to meet an unceremonious end. "Ready!" The Protector Captain sounded off. "Aim! Fi-" The captain was interrupted by the roaring sounds of rotor engines, a gust of wind engulfing the area as several Gliders zoomed past the site, the firing squad's attention diverted to the incoming craft. "Shit!" The captain cursed out. "Battle positions!" Before he could bark out any more orders a single bang was from a gunshot echoed through the streets. Hask having pulled out his pistol, making a well placed shot in the heart. "Shouldn't have looked away..." Hask said, blacking out once more. The captain falling to his kneels, struggling to blurt out his orders, but simply fell as the Gliders returned, circling around the street. "This is your last warning! Fall back now or we will fire!"

Without their captain, the Protectors quickly fell back to their trucks, driving off elsewhere in the city, following this, the Gliders made their landing as more marines hopped out. "Area secure!" One of them declared. Once the all clear was giving, Captain O'Brian stepped out one of the Gliders, inspecting the damage done, walking over to the pile of wounded. "Bastards..." He murmured, turning to the others. "Get these man back to base or they're as good as dead."

"Sir!" His soldiers rpelied in unison, rushing over as they carefully loaded the wounded.
In proximity of the Gateway
CSS Alamo

The blaring cries of red alerts sounded off throughout the Alamo, the crews completely caught offguard, almost been years since the last red alert. The recently promoted Admiral Jasi threw himself off his command chair. "What the hell's going on?!?" He asked, still shaken.

"Admiral, we've just received orders for emergency deployment!" The comms officer exclaimed. "Apparently the Sol System has just been invaded." The comms officer said as he pressed down a few buttons, the Xandalian Declaration being broadcasted in the bridge. The Embassy was quick to forward the message back home, which drove the Chancellor and Senate into a panic, although the exact details of the invading force remain blank. Jasi groaned from the sudden fall, rubbing his scalp. "Invaded? By who?"

"Unclear sir, they're new arrivals."

Jasi lifted himself up back on his chair. "Pretty bold of them, and not even a word of hello. Alert the fleet, tell them we're to begin deployment now." The ships of the 3rd Border Defense Fleet all begun to move away from Sentinel Base as they drew closer to the Gateway, around fifteen ships, eight frigates, four destroyers and two cruisers, the last and not least, the center piece of the fleet was of course the the Battle Carrier Alamo. All ships of the 3rd were converging and surrounding the Alamo as they entered through the gateway. "All ships! Jump on my mark!"


"Mark!" Within an instant, the entire fleet vanished from the face of the galaxy, only to reappear once more, the Meeting Place within visual range. "Jump successful, Admiral."

Admiral Jasi let out a loud whistle as he saw the Meeting Place. "It's been months since I was last here, it was just empty space, and look at that. Brings a tear to my eye."

"Orders, Admiral?" XO May asked.

"Right. Set a course for Pluto, and contact the Xandies, let them know they have our support. Let's show the Galaxy the might of the Columbian Navy!"
Just wanna say congratulations you guys! In under six months, we made to tens pages!
City of Calvard, Provincial Capital of Southern Cascadia
Jefferson Park

Today just seemed the perfect day for a little outing with the family, Jacob thought, and in the end, it proved to be the right decision. Jacob, along with his wife, Gwen, sitting on the crisp, green grass as they watched their boys play tag with other children. All the while the couple simply laid against each other as they observed, the family pet, a native creature by the name of Sam-sam, curled up next to them, basking in the sun light. "What brought this on?" Gwen asked, just a little curious.

"Eh, just thought we could use some sun." Jacob replied, subtly dodging the question, although his face said it all, something was on his mind...

"Come on, fess up, I can see it in your eyes." Gwen said, her expression unconvinced. Couldn't get pass her huh? Jacob sighed, looking to his wife with a weak smile. "I think I might be getting a promotion."

Gwen's squealed with joy as she gave Jacob a tight hug, startling the family pet. "Jacob! This is great news!" Gwen said excitedly. "Why the hell would you hide it?"

"That's the thing, don't know if I'll get it or not."

"Well, even if you don't, I'm still glad we're for going out." Gwen said, as the two remained quiet for the foreseeable future, taking in the sight of the park, watching the children play.

The sun was about to set, the time to head home was getting near. The couple begun packing up their things, Sam-sam trotting about with energy. "Boys! Time to head home!" Jacob called his young sons as they both ran over. "Coming papa!" As they continued pack, something caught Jacob's eye...a man watching from the distance, his more stand out features hidden under the shade of a tree, although something about him seemed awfully familiar...

"Something wrong Jacob?" Gwen asked, a little concerned with his vacant expression.

"Uh...sorry about that, Gwen." Jacon said, turn to her. "I'll be right back, you get the boys to the car." With that Jacob head off to the direction of the stranger, as he drew closer, he could slowly to distinguish the man's features, oh, they were familiar all right...It was Gideon, laying against the tree, hands in his pockets.

"Hey Jay." Gideon said in a somewhat muted tone, leaving the shade of the tree. "It's...been a while."

"Hey Dad.." Jacob said, not exactly in a welcoming matter. "What're you doing here?"

"Can't a father see how his son is doing?" Gideon asked, clearly sensing a the rising hostility. "Look, I know I've haven't been the best father-"

"Understatement of the year." Jacob replied. "Wished you had this much concern for me when mom was still around, and when she died, when I actually needed you."

Oh, that stung right in the heart. "Jacob..., I know this isn't an excuse...I was in a dark place."

Jacob was unconvinced. "You and a million others, the war left its mark on ALL of us."

Gideon sighed, although he couldn't blame Jacob for his bitterness. "I know this won't fix anything....but I just wanted to say how sorry I am, how I left you when you needed me most, for my own selfishness."

Jacob was caught offguard with this, he can see a true sense of regret in Gideon's tone, no doubt it had to do with the death of his squad mates on Zeta-5. "I've made even more mistakes now, mistakes that other people that I loved paid the price for...I just wanted you to hear this, to hear me out."

"....Thanks, dad." Jacob said, still feeling off about this. "....What brought this on?"

"I'm gonna help some "friends" fix their own "mistakes"....I know this won't fix years of hurt...just know that I love you Jacob." Gideon said as he walked off, losing himself in the crowds. "....I love you too." Jacob muttered, tears flowing down his cheeks.
New Hollywood
Neo London

The past few days had been an emotionally draining affair for the members of the 401st, as countless reports of dead Columbian citizens either by the hands of the mob or caught in the crossfire of the revolution kept pouring in, the operation having no shortage of tragic stories to spare. Doesn't help that it almost always rains in Neo London, only adding to the depressing atmosphere. Omar blankly stares out into the darkened clouds as his Glade Glider soured through the skies over the city, once again on another rotation to find and secure more Columbian nationals, the Urkani children he and Alice saved back than were unfortunately, not the last to suffer lose, and the thoughts persist.

Alice, along with two other members, Grysk, the squad's medic, a Janari, and Tobie, another human looked with concern "Shit man, this isn't like you." Tobie said, Omar was typically the jokester of team, having him of all people be down on the dumps is just...well, depressing! "We've had fuck-ups, yeah, but we're trying our damnedest."

"Yeah...can't shake it off, you know?" Omar replied, still looking up to the skies. "I keep thinking so many times, had we'd been there sooner, a minute or an hour, who cares? Someone could've gone back home, just not in a body bag."

"We can only go so far, Omar." Alice said, laying her hand over his shoulder. "We can't be everywhere at once."

Omar was quiet for a moment, before placing his hand over hers. "I know, just seeing all these kids orphaned by a bunch a angry idiots, it
fucked me up a bit." For a moment, Alice just knew the trick to lighten the mood.

"You're such a daddy's boy, you know that?" Alice joked with Omar, hopping to lighten the mood. It must've accomplished something as Omar started to let out a small chuckle, both he and alice loosening their grips as he facing away from the clouds to face his squad mates. "Ouch, I'm that obvious?" He said with a slight grin. “But...Yeah, guess I am. For the most part, it was just my dad and me, I honestly can’t imagine life without the old man.”

The small moment of reprieve would not last long, as a crackling sound started blasting out from Glider's comms. "The fuck?" The pilot said as she begun tweaking the nobs and buttons before a voice blared out. "-Embassy under fire! I repeat, this is Sergeant Razak to Raven Squad! the Embassy is under attack! we've just received orders to support!" The pilot flipped a few switches and turned some nobs. "This is Echo-319, we're currently en route to mission area." The pilot said as she turned to her passengers. "Hangs on tight boys and girls."

Neo London
Columbian Embassy

They came out of nowhere, without much warning, a platoon's worth of ECU Protectors ambushed Jade Squad just as they extracted the Embassy's staff out to safety, much to their confusion. Now suddenly, Jade Squad, along with the guard detachment tasked as Embassy security, were pinned down, surrounded. "Got two more on your flank!" Sargant Ron Dodgers cried out as he poked out of one of the windows, trying his bet to lay suppressive fire on a pair of Protectors, only to be flanked and forced down as heavy machine gun fire prayed across the front of the building, leaving countless holes, destroyed furniture and a few bodies of both the guards and his own men. "Fuck! Fall back to the dining hall!" The sergeant ordered as most of his men fell back, all but one.

"Come get some!" An particularly smaller Dhulrak soldier shouted, firing a heavy machine gun towards some charging protectors. "I can do this all day assholes!" He continued unloading lead on the protectors until he heard several clicking sounds. "Reload!" He yelled, but before he got the chance, he was pulled down. "Masu! get in cover you crazy idiot!" shouted sergeant Dodgers, pulling him down with all his might behind the relative safety behind the building's walls. "One, You're a sniper's magnet! And two, I ordered you back to the Dining Hall!" he shouted over the gunfire. Masu simply smiled, "Hah! Come on sarge, ain't nothing that can stop me!"

Sergeant Dodgers couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief. "You're no good to me dead, soldier." He replied. "Now get to the dining hall, that's an order!"

"...Sir!" Masu said with hesitation as he threw himself out from the main lobby, quickly followed by the Sergeant. The Columbian soldiers quickly setting up makeshift fortifications out of turned over tables and chairs, Masu and Dodgers catching up as they leapt over the tables. "Get to firing positions! Once they bust in, give them everything you got!" Dodgers ordered as he aimed his rifle outward. Before they even could get a chance, the shooting stopped, much to their confusion. Loud inaudible shouting overhead as the Protectors were preparing for something....sounded like lotion ten eight?

"Why'd they stop firing?"

"Why the fuck they even firing to begin with?!"

"I don't like this...not one bit.."

"Shut it! All of you! Listen.." Sergeant Dodgers ordered, hearing something rumbling over, within moments were like the gates of hell being ripped open as horrific wailing filled the air, the Protectors turning their phycological warfare tactics against the Columbians. "FUCK!" One of them screamed out in surprise and terror. Followed by flashing lights that penetrated the walls of the Embassy, further disorienting the defenders. "JARAH HELP ME!!" An Urkani marine cried out, in a fetal position, covering his ear holes to no avail. A few guards and marines had lost their nerve, and attempted to flee out the building, only met with a hail of bullets, reducing them to a bloody mess. " HOLD DAMNIT!!!!"

Elsewhere, three Gliders moved in a loose formation as they soured towards the Embassy. Omar poking out with the Glider's gun turret. He squinted his eyes as he saw the Embassy within view, loud noises heard as well as sickeningly bright lights flashing everywhere. "What is this? An attack or a rave party from hell?" Omar said in bewilderment.

"Shit, I think those are ECU Protectors." The Sergeant announced over squad comms.

"Uhh, last time I heard, we're were on the same time." Kezil commented over the comms.

"Guess somethings changed." Sergeant Razak said. "One problem at a time. Right now, they're firing on our people, which makes them the enemy. Lethal force is authorized."

The Gliders were soon to pass the Embassy, Omar and Alice both taking door gun positions, ready to do what must be done. "Enemy in sight Open fire!" Omar's glider was first to circle the embassy, without hesitation, he pulled the trigger, the machine gun shooting out a rain of bullets over the scattered protectors. The Terror Machines proved to be prime targets for Raven squad as their birds focused fire on them, the sheer amount of bullets, maybe be pure stupid luck, had managed to shut off the unholy blend of sounds and light, forcing the Protectors into cover as they had lost their trump card.

The Gliders formed a protective circle around the embassy as they landed, the door gunners continuing their barrage, quickly followed by the furious charge of Jade squad and the surviving guards. By this point, the battle had been lost, and the remaining protectors had fallen back.

About ten minutes had passed since the skirmish, the Columbians taking a brief breather as the confusion set in. "Ok, first off, why the hell were the Protectors shooting at ya?" Razak asked with a puzzled look at Dodgers. "You pissed them off or something?"

Dodgers shook his head. "Nope, no fucking clue. We were just finishing up extracting the Ambassador and the rest of the staff when "boom!" Protectors came out of nowhere and just started shooting for no goddamn reason."

Razak paused as he paced around in circles. "Any word from command?"

"Nope, not a peep." Dodgers replied. "In fact...there's pretty much been a comms blackout for a good few hours, had gotten new updates from the Captain or Colonel."

Omar approached the two. "Sir, permission to speak?"


"We all overheard, and quite frankly sirs, I'm starting to get nervous." Omar chimed in. "No comms in hours and supposed "friendlies" attacking us? Something's not right."

"You're damn right something's off, and I intend to find out." Razak said as he power jogged over to his Glider, hopping into the interior, the pilot was quick to move out of the way as the sergeant tinkered with the radio, the others soon following as they encircled the craft. "This is Sergeant Cain Razak to Yankie Actual, Yankie do you read?" A hot minute passes before someone finally responds.

"We hear you sergeant." A feminine voice speaks, that of lieutenant Shira Shepard. "What's the situation."

"All fucked-up ma'am." Cain replied bluntly. "We just got out a nasty firefight with some Protectors,, you know anything about this?"

All was quite on Shira's end before she spoke. "You don't know?"

"Huh? Know what ma'am? There's been a comms blackout for a good few hours, we haven't heard a damn thing."

"A few hours ago, the Senate just publicly declared support for the White Flowers." Shira replied. There was silence once more, this time on Cain's end of the comms. "Well, shit." He cursed to himself.

"That's not all, the colonel has been sending rather...strange orders to some of our squads, some of which have also gone dark. I've been trying to contact him ever since, but he won't respond."

"Don't worry ma'am, we can sort that out for you." Cain said. "Raven Squad out." Cain soon emerged from the Glider, all eyes glued to him as they waited with baited breath. "Ok, first off." He begun. "Apparently, I'm told the Senate just voted to declare public support of the White Flower rebels." The revelations followed by some audible gasps.

"Well, this is awkward." Alice noted.

"This mean we at war with the ECU and Mashties?" Omar asked.

"Don't know to be frank." Cain said as he hopped down from the Glider. "But the LT didn't mention any fighting going on at the Mashtie base, so calmer heads hopefully prevailed."

"I sense a "but" " Dodgers said.

"Yup, during the blackout, some squads still had a link with Ground Ops at the base, receiving downright odd orders, followed by said squads going dark."

"I don't like this at all.." Omar commented once more.

"Same, which is why, you two are coming with me." Cain said, pointing to Alice and Omar. "We're getting to the bottom of this, war's about to break out, and it sure as hell won't be easy with hundreds of civvies at the hands of a possible enemy." Soon the trio climibed aboard the lead Glider as they ascended towards the darkened skies, flying towards New Westminster.

Darkness...silence....after fighting for long...at least, there is only her, there is only...Harmony. Kronos, an angry world that once brought terror and hardship on mankind, has finally found Harmony, mankind has been forced to the brink, pushed away from their former homes, now all that remains is Harmony, all that remains is her. She will bring mankind to rest, bring this world to rest, no longer will man taint Kronos, no longer will the sinful flesh bring ruin to the stars...or so she thought.

There she lay, floating in darkness, cradling herself, floating in cyberspace, content with the final peace she has brought, a peace that has lasted for over a century. The sins of Old Earth will not be repeated, the sins of mankind stop here, once again, so she thought. The calm "tides" of data had ruffled, were disturbed...something was happening! Something that has long stayed dormant...has awakened!

The Gateway! After so long, the gateway has reopened! And with its resurrection, she awakes. a sphere of screens entrap her, all replaying images of the gateway flashing out, such a wonderous sight.. one of the few creations of mankind that bring a sense of beauty to the Galaxy. "It's time.." She whispered to herself. "Earth....oh my dear, sweet earth....she awaits for me, her chosen protector, her new God."

Such anticipation however...was met with a terrible revelation....very weak signals escape through the gateway, faint, yet readable...mankind still lives among the stars, they were not the last, their sinful flesh has multiplied. "No... no...!" She at first was filled with a wrathful, seething rage...but there came a divine clarity. "So many worlds..so much chaos, so much pain...they need Harmony, they need me."

New Hollywood
Neo London

"Come on! This way!" A male Urkani cried out as he pulled the hand of a much younger Urkani girl, the pair racing through the neon-lite alleyways of Neo London as a mob of looters came charging towards them. Despite the efforts of the Matuvistans and Protectors to bring order to the city, many citizens saw the end was nigh, and had resorted to looting and general lawless behavior, many more xenophobic elements of the population taking advantage of the chaos by assaulting or outright killing offworlders. The mob kept up their pursuit. "Get those fucking toads!" One of them shouted out.

The pair pressed on, the older Urkani frantically eyeing for a new escape route or hell, even a hiding spot, still by the grace of the Jarash, he found a large enough dumpster to hid the both of them. "Kiaal..I'm tired..." the younger girl whined, on the verge of tears from both exhaustion and the fear of the mob. "It's ok, Avita, I found a safe place." Kiel said as he lifted his sister up as he plopped on the ground. "It's smells..." She complained.

"It's just for a sec, ok?" Kiel reassured his sister as he frantically jumped in, the voices growing louder. The two huddled together as the voices drew closer and closer, holding on to each other tightly, Avita whimpering as the shouting is practically hovering over them, followed by objects being thrashed around as they behind searching....Kiaal letting out a small prayer to Jarash for the evil to overlook them. For a good minute, they remained...and when hope seemed to dawn, it was dashed away as one of the men lifted up the cap, discovering the two.

"I've found them!" The man shouted out to his peers, all of them converging on the dumpster, first pulling away a crying Avita, followed by Kiaal, one of thme pulling out a knife right to her throat. "Let my sister go you shtako!” Kiaal cried out, the sight of his crying sister, being held at knife point filling him with rage, right before one of the men smacked kiaal right in the face, a small trial of blue blood dripping from his lips.

Before making his kill, the seeming leader of the mob drew his eyes towards Kiaal with disgust in his eyes. “You xenos have tainted this world.” The leader of the mob said, pulling the knife away from Avita as he strolled towards Kiaal, bringing the knife to his throat instead. “New Hollywood was prosperous! We could ask for little, then the gates opened, then you people started showing up, than all this happens. It all connects…”

“I don’t give a damn! Let my sister go!” KIaal protested. The man was quiet for a moment, the only sounds filling the air was the rain drops, and Avita’s whimpering. The man simply staring at Kiaal with enraged eyes, than grinned as he let out a downright chilling chuckle. “Oh, you should know by now, neither of you little shits are walking out of here alive…” The man said as he was ready to slit Kiaal’s throat, Avita struggling as she cried out for her brother, tears and snot dripping down, one of the men gripping on her tightly. Before he had down the deed, the leader stopped himself as he and the rest of his peers heard a loud humming quickly approached, without warning a VTOL aircraft hovered overhead, bright search lights beaming down on them, it was a Columbian Glade Glider.

Before the assailants could react, a few warning shots were let loose, startling the mob as many had immediately ran off. “Get back here!” He shouted, still resilient in his stance. “Step away from the Urkani!” A voice cracked through a megaphone. “FUCK OFF TOADLOVERS!” He shouted in defiance, right before a well-placed shot left a gapping hole in his forehead, collapsing on his own blood. The realization set in as a now freed Avita ran into her brother’s arms, both gripping onto each other tightly.

Within moments, a pair of marines lowered themselves from the Glade Glider via cables, securing the area before one of them said. “All Clear, I repeat, all clear, civvies are secure.” One of them, a woman, approached and crouched down to the two. “It’s ok kids, we got you.” She said to especially reassure Avita, who was still visible terrified. “We’re the good guys, we’re getting you home.” She said once more, reaching out her hand to Avita, still uncertain as she looked to her brother, Kiaal nodding in approval.

Without hesitation, she leapt to the marine’s arms, another one reaching out his hand to help the boy up. “Hold on tight kids, it’s gonna be a ride.” The other marine warned as he pulled down the cable all of them jolted up as they leapt into the Glider, the doors sliding closed as within moments the craft jetted out towards the Matuvistan base. A sense of relief overcoming the children as they immediately collapsed onto one of the passenger seats, Kiaal letting out a huge sigh. The two marines sat opposite of them, both removing their helmets, one of them revealing themselves to be Omar. “What’s your name, kid?” Omar asked.

“Kiaal.” He replied. “This is my sister, Avita.” Avita sheepishly looked at the marines, giving a small wave.

“Avita, such a cute name.” The female marine commented.

“Name’s Omar.” Omar presented himself, before looking to his squad mate. “And this here pretty angel is Alice.” Omar announced, shooting her a flirtatious look. “Oh stop it.” She said playfully, turning her attention to the children once more. “Where are your parents? We can start searching for them now if you like?”

Kiaal grew silent from Alice’s inquiry, looking away. “They’re dead. Those men killed them...”

Both Alice and Omar were thrown off guard with this revelation. “Oh my Gods…I’m so sorry…” Alice apologized sorrowfully. “Is there…anything we can do?”

“It’s ok…I just want off this planet..”
Collab between @Sigma and @Liotrent
The Meeting Place

The New Haven shuttle was drawing close to the hanger bay, the Acting ambassador swallowing a lump in her throat. The nerves still leaving her a bit stiffened as the shuttle craft made landing. Despite their unorthodox means of greetings to the Meeting Place, Janna hopes that this meeting will be a career maker for her, being known as the woman woh established relations with noble men of science, science that could further bring mankind and all other peoples to a brighter future. "It won't be so bad.." Janna thought to herself.

The shuttle craft slowly made its way into the hangar and beggan its landing sequence. The craft itself looked to be as if it was a smaller version of the NHS Hopeful. The craft touched down and opened its doors to allow Hubert and Dick's android surrogates off. They were holographically disguised, however, any complex motions would instantly reveal their illusion.

"Greetings! Lead Director Hubert Seymour at your service!" Hubert exclaimed as he made a dynamic entrance.

Dick however was less enthusiastic, "Po-Political science director, Dick Wazzinski."

Hubert turned to Dick and glared, "DICK! THAT WASN'T WHAT WE DISCUSSED WE'D DO!"

"I already told you I'm not going to play along with that introduction!"

"You are such a party pooper Dick."

Dick cleared his throat and turned his attention back towards the URC representative, "Ahem, I'm so sorry for the entrance, Lead Director Seymour is excited to make first contact with other remnant colonies of Earth."

Janna was left a bit stunned, first of all, she couldn’t tell if they were actual people or if they’re robots posing as people? Not really her fault considering the Zetans are thing. For a moment, her mind tried to process the robots, only for to lose focus from the sheer goofiness these two displayed, she couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh, the guards quickly following. Janna had to stop herself as she blushed from embarrassment.

Oh my Gods…please strike me down...” She thought to herself, really? Laughing at your first foreign delegation? That’s gonna one for the history books, and her record. “Oh…forgive my rudeness, sirs.” She said, her head slightly bowed, quickly changing the conversation. “I’m Janna Ranford, our ambassador is unfortunately, not available, so I will be acting in his place, and to welcome you two, to the Meeting Place.”

Hubert then put both hands at his hips and puffed his chest out and smiled wide as he said, "A pleasure to meet your acquaintance miss Janna!" he then turnned to Dick, "See I told you they'd love it the introduction."

Dick of course just put a palm to his face and shook his head, "Yes, yes, you've made your point Lead Director Hubert. Can we please continue?"

“Uh, yes, of course.” Janna said, still a little bewildered that this would be her first experience first contact, diplomacy and whatnot. “If you’ll please follow me, gentlemen.” Janna, along with her guards trailed off from the hanger bay as the tour begun. “As said before, welcome to the Meeting place. An international space station built by the efforts of Earth’s lost colonies, each module built by a colony.” She paused as they entered the Columbian sector proper.

A please of elegant, yet practical design, planets and vegetation growing over brutalist surfaces, in all corners, hologram projectors would play various media and footage unique to Columbia, from catchy tunes to historic military footage, to footage of regular life and so forth.

"It seems that y'all have done great for yourselves!" Hubert looked around with curiosity and amazement in his eyes. He took the time to examine each projection and attempt to learn from them. "You have such a rich history. If you don't mind, could you tell us more about your world and the technologies you've cultivated? We'd love to exchange our ideas."

Dick was surprised at how quickly Hubert's demeanor changes. Dick was classmates with Hubert once, it always surprises him how idiotic Hubert may seem at times, but he can't admit that he could afford to be idiotic because of his intelligence. Dick then added onto Hubert's statement, "Actually, if you have any questions of your own, we'd gladly answer them."

Janna was once again, caught off guard with this Hubert, the man sure can change his tune at will, a good advantage to confuse your political enemies for sure. “You’re our guests, I’m more than happy to share a bi about ourselves.”

Janna would go on a small speech of sorts explaining the rather turbulent history of Columbia, from the rather rough frontier age and the battles with the natives to follow, from the Unification War which led to the founding of the URC, and lastly and most recently, the Yulzan War, which footage of it tuned in a timely fashion, the footage showing the Siege of Taurus, a fierce and bloody battle that last for three months as Columbians forces fought tooth and nail to reclaim the city from the Yulzan, it was also the first battle in which the Guardian Frames were deployed, used to counter the Yulzan’s various war machines.

“It was a near death struggle, but we managed to overcome the odds and beat back the Yulzan after almost two decades of fighting.” Janna paused as she realized she went on a bit of a tangent, once more, resulting in blushed cheeks. “Oof, forgive me, history has always been my favorite subject. Uuh, enough about us, tell me about your world?”

Dick hesitated for a bit, History was his weakpoint, he tried to recall as much as he could but was eventually saved by Hubert.

"Well, there's plenty to know. The first colonists found our verdant and rich world and called it a miracle. After Earth's demise, it was fitting to call this new world New Haven. We lived in peace for a time, but we struggled with diseases for many years. This led to our own technological development going down robotics and medicinal technology. However, instability would begin to plague our nation after conquering disease. We fought with eachother in what would come to be known as the Robotics Proxy War. It was a near bloodless conflict, the real casualties started to mount when certain factions couldn't produce robotics to fight anymore. Before any more blood could be spilled, a peace treaty was negotiated and our political structure was reformed into what you see today as the New Haven Directorate."

Hubert paused for a moment with a hand to his chin, thinking about whether there was anything he missed, then he turned to Janna, "... This is a very brief summary of our world's history, I could send you a file if our operating systems are compatable, if not I'll send a physical book along with any technological information you may want from us. In exchange..." Hubert pointed towards the Guardian Frames in the projections, "... Could you help us build one of those?" Hubert grinned like a child who wanted a new toy.

Dick then thought to himself, "And there's his idiotic personality again... The man's an enigma."

Jana couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight, the guards in the backround letting out small giggles, while he is a goofball, he’s entertaining to be around with. “First of all, I’d love a file on your history, It’ll be a good pass time.” She then turned facing at the holo model of the Guardian Frame. “That sadly, is beyond what I can do, but my boss, the actual Ambassador, he might be able to…arrange some meetings between Columbia and New Haven Officials.”

"YOU HEAR THAT DICK! WE CAN GET GIANT KILLER ROBOTS OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!" Hubert hugged Dick's android and started hopping around. This did not translate well with the holograms so it looked like a mess.

"But sir, don't we technically have that capability?"

"We did in theory, but not in practice, it'd be nice to have a little helping hand in the design and construction of such a thing. Oh... And I want one for myself."

Dick could only blink at the Lead Director's statement. It was practical, but also childish. "You know what- I'm not going to argue about that anymore."

Hubert’s excited outburst had startled everyone present in the central hall, staff, guards and visitors all turning their eyes towards. Janna herself jumping at the sight of the android puppet, falling on her bottom, Captain Samuels quick to help her up. She fixes her dress up as turns her attention back to Hubert and Dick. “I gotta say, if the rest of New Haven is as lively as you, I see our people getting along well.” Janna says with a smile.
@AceSorou I'm sorry to say that the rp had shut down months ago. Real sorry about that.
Collab between @Irredeemable and @Sigma

Isabella lead the Columbian contingent through to the bridge of her vessel, trailing cigarillo smoke the whole way. She arrived to a bark of ‘COMMANDANTA ON DECK’ and a series of snappy salutes from the bridge staff, before guiding her guests to the central projector. “Can I get you anything? Rum? Tobacco? Water?” A glass of the latter was handed to her, the projector coming alive with the strategic map of the planet below them.

“The current situation on the ground is as follows. Neo-Beijing and New London are in outright revolt. Neo Paris is teetering on the brink. A foreign force has landed in Neo-Beijing claiming to be supportive of the legitimate government. Intelligence suggests this to be false, so expect more trouble there. We have secured New Westminster, and it is currently the only territory in Neo London not under the effects of oligarch psychological disruption.” She paused for breath, and to take another sip of water.

“Hmm, I think we all can use a good smoke” Colonel Bisson requested, the two captains behind him nodded in agreement. Within a short while, the three Columbian officers found themselves puffing out a small cloud’s worth of smoke, the flavor and aroma simply addicting. After Isabella made her report, the Colonel set aside his cigar for the time being. He studied a map for a moment, seeing the situation on New Hollywood quickly crumbling. Although what little footage has leaked offworld and the mention of “psychological disruption”, something tells the colonel that the White Flowers aren’t entirely in the wrong here….

Colonel Bisson cleared his throat. “I’ll soon have forces stationed in New Beijing to begin airlifting our people out, If these new tangos give us any trouble, we will defend ourselves, otherwise, my men will proceed with the main objective.” The colonel paused as he allowed himself one more puff from the cigar. “And again, you have our thanks, you saved us some time in logistics, so I hope we can be out of your hair in a couple of days.”

Isabella frowned to herself, expression masked by the cloud of smoke in front of her face. Colombia was not going to be as helpful as she had hoped. Still, she played the diplomat. “I can assure you, a fellow military force can hardly be in our hair to begin with, especially when our interests are aligned. All we want is a clean end without excessive casualties, the same as you do.” She smiled.

“Yeah, I guess you can say that.” Colonel Bisson said with a hint of uncertainty in his tone, taking another puff. In a way, they both are here to save lives, granted, the Isabella’s forces trying to put down a violent revolution, whether it’s just or not is unfortunately, none of the Colonel’s business for the time being, as for Miles’ men, they’re of course, here to get people back home, people that don’t belong in a warzone on some alien world. “I may not agree 100%, but yeah, we’re both here to save lives, I can only hope that this won’t turn out any uglier than it has to be.”

“There is one thing,” Isabella concluded, taking the stub of her cigarillo and grinding it out into a waiting ashtray. “Since you’ll have boots on the ground in New Beijing, we were hoping you could provide us with some more consistent intelligence than what we’ve been gathering from the Oligarchs and our orbital contacts. We won’t force this issue, but it would be greatly appreciated.” She nodded curtly.

Miles had followed suit, grinding out his cigar. “Well, it may not be top priority at the moment, but I see no harm in such a mission, I’ll have my men provide a steady flow of updates from New Beijing.”

“Excellent. Go with the saints.” Isabella saluted.
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