Violet saluted Tyrus as she would anyone in a higher position than a Colonel.
"I will get straight to business. There is a powerful alien threat approaching earth, and I believe if our dimensions join forces, we have a much better chance at repelling these invaders. Of course, that requires peace and cooperation from both parties."
Kaliflur folded her arms.
"Still don't know what's going on, Alice, but when you get a Dark Saiyan talking about 'honor', there's something wrong with the rest of the picture. He seemed to be fighting in order to defend the lab. Now, maybe my conclusions are more hasty than they should be, but maybe he attacked the other warriors because they were a bigger threat to this base than whatever they were attacking.
Let's face it, if I've learned anything about the rest of our little team, it's that they're all primitives who are quick to violence before thought. Did all the honor here die out with Vegeta or something?"