Laura Paul
”Get the hell out of there! You're getting flanked up the arse!”Laura stands at around 5'6" and has stocky build that makes her look heavier than she really is. In truth she keeps herself very fit with a PureGym membership and daily runs around Glasgow Green, as well as the occasional getaway. She very often wears the bare minimum when it comes to makeup, and very rarely does anything with her hair, because if there's wind or rain, what's the point? She's most comfortable in a skirt, leggings, and a black t-shirt under a denim jacket. If it's baltic outside she'll wear a yellow scarf.
Agency Codename:Cyclops
Birthday:May 2nd
Blood Type;AB
Where You Are From:Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Position In the Agency:Recruit
Weapon of Choice:Unknown
Vehicle of ChoiceWhite Van
Position In the Field:Observer
PersonalityLaura is loud, friendly and always up for a laugh if she's with friends, but when she's on a job she becomes deadly serious and will only talk if she has to. Facing an enemy, she becomes a prickly, relentless foe. Even if a close friend does wrong by her, she will not let them get away with it lightly.
Laura is honest to a fault and has a cruel sense of humor, so don't expect a whole lot of civility, though she has enough tact to know when to keep her mouth shut, most of the time. Still, if you're the type of person who takes pity on a guy if their toupee blows off in he wind, Laura may get on your nerves, as her reaction to that scenario would be to point and laugh very loudly, maybe even throwing in a few barbs and insults to the mix.
HistoryLaura was a high school dropout, who lived in the East End of Glasgow. Her downward spiral started easily enough; Keeping a lookout when some of her seventeen year old mates tried to sneak into nightclubs via the toilet window. It escalated from their. She kept a lookout while they broke into shops and warehouses. She kept lookout while they collected money from debtors. She kept lookout one night when they robbed a corner store, and that was the time she was arrested. Rather than run, she went out of her way to raise the alarm to her partners in crime, allowing them to escape. She was put on six months community service, but even when that was over, she couldn't get a job due to her criminal record.
She fell back into her old ways very fast. it wasn't very long before she was working for people who knocked on doors in Easterhouse holding meat cleavers, or was asked to tail gangsters even worse than the people she worked for. Her name got passed around a lot as "The lass you want keeping an eye on you." She garnered a lot of respect and fondness from the people she worked with, and she had a similar fondness for them.
It was on her 21st birthday 'party' that the police kicked down the door of their den and busted the whole lot of them. The last memory Laura has is getting out the police van and starting to walk to the station.
Character RelationsN/A
Other:She is a large fan of Grime music, but will settle for Hip-Hop.