Avatar of Silver Carrot


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My Nephilm human that I stopped making was legit doing to be a "Sheriff of Nottingham" style bastard.

Question, how are room pairings decided?
The sounds of galloping hooves attracted the attention of some of the students. Was there somebody coming in on horseback? Maybe it was somebody important, or rich, or dramatic. Turning the corner, however, was a centaur girl in a plaid shirt and a beanie, sweat dripping from her face. She pulled her iphone from a saddle-like bag around her horse half and checked the time.

"Made it! Belter!"

Eilidh started to trot past the other students, who looks a bit disappointed that she was so ordinary. This was an unusual sensation for her. She'd been told since the day she was born that she mustn't reveal herself in public, yet here she was, exposed and surrounded by kids her age, and she had basically been accepted as a kid just like everyone else!

She joined the queue for everyone's room numbers, and stuck her headphones in, looking around. Everybody else seemed to hate waiting in line. They should have brought music or a book to read. What exactly were they expecting? A first come first serve free-for-all? Another student had tried to push in front of her. Eilidh merely snorted, and muttered "Wait your turn like everybody else" but got a nasty shock to the flank for her troubles, and the girl pushed in front anyway. After the sneaky fox girl got her assignment, she even waved at her!

Eilidh responded by muttering under her breath a few words that she was lucky the teachers didn't overhear, and turning her music up. Her patience paid off in the long run, as she received her room assignment. It was the first floor, which was fortunate as she didn't cope well with stairs, and was too big for elevators.

She got to her room, which had one standard bed for her roommate, and one mat on the floor for her, with a large pillow included. Her suitcase was also here. She sat down and inspected her horseshoes. She'd worn them down on the way here. Hopefully there was somebody who knew how to shoe a horse at this school. If not, she'd have to catch the headmistress one day this month and ask if it could be possible. She lay down on her 'bed', took out a circular comb from her suitcase, and started to push her coat and tail, before getting up and trotting to the bathroom mirror to comb her human hair. Wearing this beanie gave her really bad hat hair. Maybe she shouldn't wear it while she was here. Eilidh chuckled to herself. She had only been in a real school for less than a day and was already starting to actually care about her appearance. Give her a week and she'll be trying out for cheer-leading. Although, with her clumsy, cumbersome form, maybe not.
Yeah, where is everyone?
I'm not sure what my character will be doing. I was going to wait for somebody else to post first and then have my character meet them.
Posted, anyway. The Lark/Gellert/Amber storyline may continue.

I love how we have multiple stories going on now.
Amber watched as the onion was crushed, wincing a little. "Aw, you didn't have to destroy it! I could have tried at on somebody else!" she whined, before kicking her feet, and starting to walk away, when she heard him growl. She pieced it together, and knew why this man seemed familiar, where she'd sensed him before. With fear and curiosity, she got closer.

"Are you a wolf?" she whispered. "I'm positive I watched you kill a man in the woods, but you were but a beast!" She sniffed at him, but he was definitely a man, albeit one who had spilled blood recently.. How strange! Was this magic? No, it couldn't be! Her magic wasn't working so why should his be? "How do you do it?" She asked. "It can't be magic, so how is that possible?"

As she did this, her hands were running up and down her pan pipes, almost as if she was getting ready to play it, but there was also a nervous security about the movements, reminiscent of a man's hand on hos sword hilt. Were these pan pipes her weapon? She looked down and noticed what her idle hands were doing, and stopped, slipping the pipes back into her dress.
Yeah, but Lawful's kinda been locked out of the good stuff now because it all moved on so fast after I'd gone to bed.
Why are you guys so active when I'm asleep?
It'd be funny if he had a wolf's canine hatred of onions and accepted the 'apple' Amber just offered him.
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