@SanaChan@Scyntell@Lawful NewtralAmber immediately took a disliking to the new girl. For one, she also smelled of Beast, specifically wolf. Secondly she immediately accused Amber of being here for mischievous reasons. She actually came here for safety, and stayed because children were frightened. If this wold girl wanted to see mischief, she'd see mischief. Amber just had to think something up...
After the exchange of words that Amber wasn't really paying attention to, the nice guy was escorted out by the mean old guy. Amber felt a pang of sadness, but that was the law of the forest. The strong prey on the weak, and the weak try to outsmart the strong, but there's always a winner and loser. She turned her attention back to the she-wolf, when she noticed her giving coins to the children. Amber knew that coins could get you food, and that this was basically feeding them. Her opinion on the wolf softened, and she decided not to be mischievous to her.
"That was nice, what you just did. I'm Amber. What's your name?"
As she talked, she turned, as as she turned, she felt the crystal in her dress. She took it out and looked at it, then back out the door, appearing deep in thought. Amber had no concept of favours or manners, but she knew that she owed Lark, and she didn't want to let him die after receiving a gift in this beautiful stone. Disregarding Nyx entirely, she ran out the door, keeping her head down, and following the scent of the wolf. As it got stronger, she took a left turn and headed down an alley, now running parallel to where the trail would lead her, which was back to the nice part of town, the way she came.
She was quickly cut off by a gang of boys in their early to mid teens, not one of them much taller than her, but they all still looked tough and lean, and their eyes were cruel.
"We'll be taking that crystal now, if you don't mind." said the largest one.
Amber smiled, then chuckled a little, then kept walking, quite close to the edge of the lawless zone now. The boys, furious, followed her at a run but she continues to ignore them, or occasionally provoke them with laughter, or a playful thwap with her light wings, constantly leading them towards the markets. She was goading them, sometimes even dancing out the way of their grabs at her, but not running away yet. Not quite. That would suggest she was fleeing. That she was afraid, but it was her confident mockery that was throwing the young thugs off so much. They weren't used to people smaller than them being so fearless.
Eventually, the large one lost his patience, grabbed her dress, and pinned her against the wall, seething with rage. "You're going to pay for mocking us," he near-whispered with a shaky voice. "First you're going to give us the crystal, then we might not beat you up as bad as we want to."
Amber smirked right at his large, ugly face. He's just sprung her trap. Before he could register what she was doing, she grabbed his hand, and pushed it away from her, tearing her dress in the process, and then immediately screamed as loud as she could, adding the evergreen "Stop! You pervert!"
The teens, flustered and red-faced at this display, quickly backed away and looked around. A few people were starting to turn in their direction. The boys bolted back towards the lawless zone, and Amber proudly skipped into the market, quickly picking the trail back up.