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I say random too

Name: Natalie Ellis

Nicknames/Aliases: Nat, Nellis, Nelliphant

X-Men Code Name: Atlas

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Physical Description: Nat is slightly above average height and bang on average weight. She's a fan of vests and scarves, no matter how hot or cold it is, and is usually wearing jeans unless it's a very nice day where she switches to shorts. Her figure's nothing to write home about, and her face is more handsome than pretty, but she has legs to be proud of, and she's also very personally proud of her arms (hence the vests)

Mutations: Super Strength, superhuman durability

Personality: Natalie is incredibly social, loves to laugh and loves parties and social gatherings of any kind. She values friendship incredibly highly and puts a lot of trust in her friends, expecting them to do the same. She's highly competitive, even though in feats of strength she's unmatched, She's not particularly good at much else, be it sports, or games, or tests of the mind. All her grades are average to below average due to her seeing school and even classrooms in the middle of class as social areas, and doesn't much care for education. It's just something she has to put up with.

Background: Natalie was born in Dudley, England but moved houses multiple times throughout her childhood. Wherever she went, she made friends. She was the life and soul of every party. Once her powers awakened when she was 14, she changed drastically. She was scared to leave the house and would skip school for days on end. Her parents, not knowing about her powers, and not letting her open up, began to home school her, all the while looking for tutors or schools that she would agree to go to. It was through her own research that Natalie found out about the Ashford Institute for the Gifted. She expressed interest to her parents, and glad that she had found a school she wanted to attend, sent her there. For the past three years, she has been attending, and her old personality of the kooky, fun-loving life and soul of the party quickly reared itself again.

Recap of your mutations awakening: It was at a friend's birthday party, and they were playing swingball in the back garden. Natalie, her competitive nature drawn out, was hitting the ball harder and faster with every swing, until one of her swings sent the ball zooming out of the garden, snapped off the string, straight through part of a brick wall, through the metal body of a car across the road and embedding itself in another wall, slightly smoking. The trail of the ball through all these objects was a perfect circle, with no cracks. From that day on, Natalie never talked to any of the girls present at that party since, so she never learned if any of them were scared of her.
We have someone who's power is having an awesome brain already, I see, so Heidi's out. I'll just adapt this character who in a previous rp was a supervillian.

I love me an X-men rp. Only question for me is whether to use the character I've used in two other X-men rps so far, one still ongoing, or use my centaur, or make a brand new character.
Dawn stared at Jarl open mouthed for a few seconds before scoffing. "Are you real?" she asked, aghast, "Or are you just a robot with a tape recorder playing 'The most stupid things ever said my misogynists volume 3' inside you? Though if you want to discipline me so badly, why don't we make a show out of it? I'm going to find Managantamos right now and ask him for a match between us for the next show taping. I don't want to beat you in a house show. I want the world to see me teach you just how much of a wrestler I am, and how much I belong here!"

She heads for the door, but before she leaves the room, she turns back to Jarl, rips off the single collar tie, and drops it to the floor, walking on it as she leaves. Once she's out of the room, she heads straight for Managantamos' office and knocks on his door, and waits. Then she knocks again, and waits. Then she remembered that he mentioned he was going to watch a ladder match between some new talent. She didn't want to interrupt him, nor did she want to return to the room and ruin the dramatic exit she nailed. She decided, for now, to slowly amble down to the training room, practice a few moves and sells, maybe hit the weights. The next PPV was coming up. If she could persuade Managantamos to let her have a feud with Jarl, she'd try her absolute best to win this fight, just focus on trying to learn how he fights in the PPV match, and lose to him around the 20 minute mark, and then try to beat him once and for all in the following PPV. Now that would be a good feud story! The One And Only Dawn Ellis fells a man who tells her she has no place here.
Lark did not post >.>

But welcome back!
Heidi slowly got to her feet. Emma was right. There were no casualties despite this group of ill-experienced, volatile mutants going up against somebody with such a dangerous power. Even so, Heidi knew she needed to be prepared next time. She was already starting to think of scenarios and plans that would have had a strong chance of working. She just didn't think of them back then. She didn't want to think of them back then. She was scared. She didn't want to handle the responsibility, because if she ordered everyone to follow one of her plans and it didn't work due to the millions of margins for error that not even she could take into account, and somebody got seriously hurt as a result of that, the guilt would cripple her for life and she knew it.

She had known she'd taken a tumble through the window, but she'd pushed that to the back of her mind while she was focused. Now she no longer was, and the adrenaline was wearing off. Her body was aching, and every single small cut she received from the glass started to sting. It didn't help that her brain is twice as sensitive to pain as everybody else's. Without another word, she slowly walked towards the transport.


Heidi entered the transport with a red face, puffy, glistening bloodshot eyes, and slightly wet lines down her cheeks from each eye. She sniffed, and sat down. With a voice that started off wavering, but steeled itself into a clear, calm and concise pace and volume, she recounted all the events of this mission from her perspective to the listening Sage, from her noticing the floor, to getting sick, to being blasted through the window, to watching the fight with the mysterious mutant, to charging up Shawn, to the mutant's escape. All of it very well explained and detailed though still to the point, with a very lean and conservative choice of words to convey the most meaning in the least amount of time. Heidi didn't even know she was doing this. Running through every possible way to word a sentence and choosing the best one just came naturally to her. At least, it did for reports and factual descriptions. When it came to actually conversing normally with people, that was a completely different matter.
Are we all still here?
Or you could stay, and have Chris meet the new character.

Oh, and I'm still here
I could post, but I'm not sure what to post, whether to simply reply to Emma, or try and address some other characters, depending on who'd reply back in a timely fashion.
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