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I've checked the schedule. It seems fine to me!

In case anybody's interested for their own timetabling needs;

Shawn's Timetable: Free, Philosophy, Math, Science, P.E., Lunch, Am. History, Language, Free

Heidi's Timetable: Free, Philosophy, Free, F. Lang., P.E., Lunch, Am. History, Free, Music

Bonny's Timetable: Free, History, Math, Business, Free, Lunch, Science, Language, Music

In fact, the only time all three have something different is fourth period. There's a lot of continuity here!
"Just because there are people in greater need of medical attention than you doesn't mean you're not in need. You should check back in at the end of the day once all your classes are finished, unless you get any serious headaches. Then go right away. In fact, I want you to promise me you'll do that."

Heidi didn't even notice that she was acting like a concerned mother towards Shawn. She was just giving practical advice that she strongly wanted to give. To her mind, a careful, analytical approach was natural, so in a way, she was too short sighted and socially inept to see anything unusual about this worrisome doting of her classmate.

She saw him look at the clock and deduced that he was thinking about second period, which was coming up soon. None of the first period classes would benefit Heidi. In fact, she'd stand out in them and people would think she was showing off just by doing her best. The prospect of toning down an important field skill just to fit in didn't exactly enthral Heidi either. Bringing forth from her memory the timetables for her class, she compared hers with Shawns. "We're in the same class next. I have Philosophy, then a break, then Foreign Languages, then P.E., then American History, then a break, then Music." Heidi didn't take mathematics or science at this school, but instead used one of her breaks a day working on her online Bachelor's Degree in Bio-Engineering.
I still didn't feel like posting at all, but I was holding the thread up, so there's...something.
Heidi cracked a shy little smile hearing Shawn talk about the group, and her role in it. "Yes, next time, we'll hopefully know more about what we're going into, and we'll also try and prepare ourselves for another visit from the radioactive man. That shouldn't be for a while, though. We all need to recover."

There was a small silence that lasted an eternity to Heidi's mind, before she spoke up again, quite quickly, as if the words couldn't heave her moth fast enough. "So how are you feeling?"
I'm also still here
Ech. Writer's block

Heidi stood unmoving for a while, then folded her arms. "Honestly," she started, "We weren't ready to deal with anything like that. You tried to get everyone rallied together even though they weren't the best listeners, and if you were able to handle all that power, I calculated that your plan would have worked. I put trust in you that it would work, but...I was afraid of taking any kind of responsibility. If people got hurt because they followed one of my plans thinking they must be flawless because I'm a genius...most plans I make on the field have so many variables that they have a 25% chance of actually working at best, and that's just good enough. Shawn, I think they put yo in charge of the team when they have a human supercomputer in the same team for a very simple reason; You step up. You make an effort to unify us and you're not afraid to do so. Honestly, you're a far better leader than I ever could be. I'm not even sure how I could help besides number crunch for you or something."

It suddenly occurred to her that she'd said quite a lot of words. She was usually very bad at conversations, but this time it was easy. The words she wanted needed forming into sentences and polishing before they left her mouth but they were all already there; exactly what she wanted to say from the heart.

Heidi was surprised to see Shawn, but quickly composed herself. "Shawn, I'm not really sure you should be out of bed!" she exclaimed, before looking at him up and down, and looking right into his eyes without having to open them and shine a light in. "Severe bruising, muscle fatigue, minor concussion. That's not surprising given what happened. It could have been a lot worse." After she finished speaking, her memory caught up with the rest of her. "...Wait, why was I the person you wanted to see?"
It was 7:45. Heidi had just finished running her laps around the school, precise to the exact second. Her morning routine was very strict. She would now return to her room, change, shower and then go down for breakfast. As she headed back to her room she began to ponder Tatiana. It might be worth looking into solutions to her blood problem, be it experimenting with alternatives, or offering herself as a donor. There were other solutions too, all with their own obstacles in actually going through with.


After breakfast, Heidi had a free period, so decided to check on Shawn. He should have recovered from his injuries enough to talk right now, though he shouldn't be out of bed just yet, so she headed towards the medical wing.
Hearing the admittedly well-justified negativity towards the prospect of being X-men, this sobered Natalie up to the less idealistic real world. Not everyone wanted to go off saving the world. A few of them didn't even want to learn to hone their powers, instead wanting to learn to suppress them. To Natalie, however, control is control, that the more you're taught to control your powers, the better you can both utilise and suppress them. Even Nat wanted to live a life where if she was going round shopping, and got surprised, stressed or excited, she didn't accidentally break something, or bend metal, or anything else she's done before.

"I have a few questions about this." She suddenly asked. "Let's get the big one out of the way; Are you trying to make us X-men? Second question; isn't graduation based on how much we learn and how well we do on tests in math, science, english, and stuff? How do you fast-track that with just training? I mean nobody likes school but it is important!"
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