Heidi heard kids murmuring. If she waited any longer, the Professor would have answered, she was sure of that. Or at the very least, he'd know she was waiting. Maybe he already did. Maybe the reason there was murmuring was because of the kind of kids who go looking for problems. Philosophy was taken by many people, Heidi admittedly included, who were just looking to get their class quota filled to the minimum without the trouble of taking (or retaking in Heidi's case) Maths or Science, and most these kinds of people were the type to jerk off in class, get bad grades, and then scoff at the people who do get good grades. That was fine. That was just being a teenager. She understood that somebody has to get their attention. Heidi just feels very self-conscious when it's her. At least Dr. McCoy doesn't encourage the bullying, unlike Kurt.
On that thought, she glanced to Shawn again. He'd just snuffed the flame of the loud voiced boy's lighter, and said boy suddenly sat up straight and glared at the back of Shawn's head. Heidi smiled at Shawn, hoping to catch his eye and give some kind of gesture of thanks. Maybe a thumbs up or maybe even just a smile. A smile's fine. I'm smiling right now. Don't need to change anything.