Heidi gave a glance at Shawn that suggested that she knew, understood and they they'd talk in a minute. First, she wanted to talk to Johnny. She walked alongside him. "Why did you try to pick a fight with someone older than you? You know we get trained to fight here, so you'd also know that the older any of us are, the better we can fight. You really should just try to talk out problems instead of resorting to violence, speaking of which, I know you have a problem with me, and you're not alone. Super-intelligence is my mutation. I can't help it. I can't turn it off. I've tried just keeping my mouth shut but now I'm socially awkward and almost friendless."
She stopped, and faced him. "I can see it. You have great control over your mutation. You'd make a fantastic X-man if you were just a little more forward-thinking and mindful. Keep that in mind."
And with that, she caught up with Shawn. She wasn't about to lecture him. She didn't think that would help much, but she places her hand on his shoulder for a brief second to get his attention and then muttered; "I'm sorry. I know how unpleasant it is to have another person feel that way about you as if it's your fault. It's even worse when you're a thirteen year old super genius who actually answers all the questions and tries to talk to people about her abilities. That's....not really an excuse for how reclusive I became, I know. I tried to be too careful. But...I'm getting better now," she paused and smiled to herself. "...Thanks to you."