Avatar of Silver Carrot


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Taleste's response to this was to chuckle. "Other whun's threats aren't usually as creative as that. I like that one. Don't worry. I never steals from crew. Crew are family, even if A'm still an outsider. Besides, can you think of a stupider thing to do thun to be be trapped in a flying bit of metal with no escape, with a bunch of mercenaries, murderers, cutthroats and a skeleton guy who can 'kill me slowly, bring me back and kill me again', and to steal from them?!"

She was silent for a little longer, before looking over his shoulder again, the only thing she hated more than sitting still for two seconds was being a waste of space. She wanted to help somehow. "Can you explain any part of whut yer doin'?"
I'm working on a collab now. If anybody wants Oscar in the meantime, let me know.

"Here I thuught I'd seen er'rythin'. So yer a fengus? Anyway, I'm Taleste. I'm not shure yet whut my role on this ship's gunna be but I'm a thief by profession," Taleste answered as they walked. When she was sat down, she breathed a loud, masculine sigh of relief, and started wiggling her hurt leg as she looked over at the console.

After a few seconds, her curiosity got the better of her, and she stood up for a better look, over Tibulus' shoulder. After a few seconds, she sat back down. "Nope. That made no sense to me whutsoever," she remarked, put out. Why had she been told to come here? Or did the captain just want her out of the way? She took a little offence at that, despite knowing that she was no a skilled pilot, or technician, and she was terrible with computers, and not very physically strong. Plus a thief isn't exactly the easiest new crew member to trust. Taleste had learned that lesson many times from many different crews. They all became family after a while, though.

"Yeah," Heidi answered Jean, "I do have a problem with overthinking things and getting psyched out. That's why I have session with Dr. Blake to help with my social anxiety. Thoughtless leaps have actually helped there, so I suppose I could try to be more assertive on the field too. And yeas, Shawn is our team leader but the responsibility's making him anxious too. That's why I want to be a better strategist and alleviate some of that pressure. Because...without this brain, I'm an ordinary, unremarkable person compared to people who are super strong or can shoot fire. If I can't even use my brain to help, the team, what good am I in another fight with a mutant? I was just a liability last time."

Heidi opened the doors of her mind before she answered this, so that Jean would be able to see as well as hear it from her mouth. "Our first mission could have gone a lot worse. There were no casualties, although there was major property damage, mass injury and radiation sickness, the culprit managed to escape...I had no idea that missions were like that. All the mental preparation and planning in the world couldn't have made me ready for that"

She sighed. "My role on the team should have been the planer and strategist, but I couldn't handle the responsibility. I don't even know how I can improve this flaw. Do you have any ideas, Jean?"

i'll try and get a post up today. been busy

Taleste was startled at Tibulus' appearance, though not actually scared. "By 'ek, yer a strange whun!" she exclaimed in her thick alien accent, despite being a human. A rather ordinary young woman, on further inspection. Average size, average height, not heavily armed. If she kept her mouth closed, she could have passed for any other civilian. Really made you wonder why she was here.

"So, horrorshow," she quipped, her tone suggesting that nickname might escape her lips again in the future, "Whut's yer deal? Are you a robotic suit with a skele inside ye? Oh, thanks for helping me, by the way. Prob'bly shoulda opened with that. Thanks! I don't think anythin's broken. It jes hurts.

She pauses as there's another anouncement on the comms, and looks puzzled. "Why's he asked me to do that? I don't know nofin about systems. Guess I'll jes be following yer lead."

Location: Locker Room > Catering Tables
Interacting with: Drayden
Collab with: @Universorum

Drayden looked up from his spot in the locker room, at one of his storied rivals, and close friends. He and Oscar had a history that was forever etched into the walls of AWE. He listened to Oscar talk, before looking up and shaking his head. Deciding to be honest, William responded to Oscar bluntly. “I’m not okay. This is going to be the longest time I’ve ever been away from the ring. I’m not ready for that.” He let out a deep sigh, before scoffing at Oscar’s second question. “Yeah, actually. She is. That’s why she mostly gets her way. Man, I don’t even want to get up, but sure. I might as well head to the screening room, I wanna catch the matches tonight, after all.”

”Yeah, I was injured for a few months about two years ago. It fucking sucked. You’ve just got to keep up the recovery and exercises, and hold out until you’re fit enough to start working out and practising again. After that, the rest of the time until you’re cleared just flies by. It takes some getting used to, but then again, I suppose you’re not used to it. I don’t think you’ve ever had a serious injury before. It was bound to happen some time with how hard you work.”

Oscar stood up, and held out his hand to Will. He considered bringing up the fact that Drayden never had holidays and this could be a blessing in disguise, but he knew better. He knew what it was like to have this business be your life and have that taken away. If anybody had said that to Oscar when he was injured, they’d have been hit. One other thing Oscar did remember, though, was the hunger and thirst he brought on himself from a lack of appetite. ”Also,” He then spoke, concerned. “I know from memory that eating’s the last thing you want to do right now but you probably should eat something.”

“Yeah, it’s the first time I’ve been injured. Hopefully the last, but who knows? There’s a lot of stress on the body out there, I guess. I never had to think about it before…” He stared off into space for a few moments, as Oscar continued to talk, bring up food or something. Did Drayden want to eat? No, not really; but he supposed that Oscar was correct. Eating would do him some degree of good, after all he needed to keep himself healthy. “Sure, let’s walk over to catering — well, you can walk. I’ll limp. Since I’m a cripple now. What a joke.” He stood up on his one good leg, and rested on the crutches that he readjusted under knee, accepting Oscar’s help up to his feet.

“Hey, don’t think you little shits are gonna get rid of me, neither. I’m gonna be at as many shows as I can be, gotta watch the competition while I’m gone. Don’t want anyone sneaking up and taking my position at the top of the mountain, after all.” He said, with a hint of biting sarcasm as he gestured with one of his hands. “Lead the way, if you don’t mind. Make sure everyone minds the cripple.”

Oscar chuckled, and shook his head. ”Well, you definitely don’t have to worry about me taking that position. The brackets of the tournament were posted today and I make it to the semi-finals, beating Savaka in the quarters, so I might be having an IC title feud soon and that’s if I’m lucky. Also, Gethin Rhys is booked to win the whole thing, so I think you’re safe. If they were trying to replace you, they wouldn’t have booked a heel to win.”

Oscar escorted his friend to the catering tables. Due to the nature of this business, people had their meals where they could make time, so the tables were always occupied but never busy. ”What are you hungry for?” He asked Drayden.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that, I’ve been talking with Kevin, and you know that everything happens for a reason. I won’t spoil anything, but don’t be so surprised if they do end up crowning a new face of the company after all of this.” Drayden said bluntly with a shrug of his shoulders. It was true, ever since Kevin had come in, everything had a place in the booking. “Maybe Roddy will change his mind, though. He used to do that a lot, remember? Sometimes, on the day of a big match, he’d change his decision. Old man slipping,” Drayden said, looking around at the different foods.

“Pizza. It’s the only way to truly de-stress after all this.”

The two friends ate pizza in silence, both thinking to themselves as they ate, contemplating wrestling, the company, the future and the present. Oscar was standing, Will was sitting down. When Oscar was finished, he wiped his hands on his jeans then turned to Will. “So, feel any better now you’ve got some food inside you?”

“A little bit. Pizza always helps, man. What time is it now? Probably…” William looked down at the watch on his rest and was slightly taken aback by the time it showed. How long had they been eating pizza?! Drayden looked up at the now empty stack of pizza boxes… A while. They’d been eating pizza for a while. “Shit, brother. It’s time for the main event already.”

Oscar looked at his watch, stood up, and started briskly walking to the screening room, making sure that Will was right behind him and if he wasn’t, slowing down. They finally reached the room, and sat down. They’d missed the first couple of seconds of action , but otherwise had made it on time. Several other wrestlers were there now. Anybody who wasn’t in the main event or otherwise busy would often watch just the main event.

The match was indeed a good one. Oscar was surprised that Caiden lost in the first round even though he had read the brackets, though, he’d only glanced at it to see what the plans for him were, and who would be the winner. Caiden was exceptionally talented wrestler, and very over with the fans. It seemed strange to Oscar that such a draw would lose in round one, but knowing the current writing team, there was a reason for this.

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