Heidi was finding it strange that there was another mission so quickly after the other one. Just when she was about to comment on this, her sensitive hearing picked up a faint explosion coming from the grounds. She quickly glanced at Charles, who must have noticed it too, and thought the words 'I'm going to go and check that out. It could be Rose Mary.'
At least getting there will give her a chance to test out her suit prototype. As she left the room, she switched it on and started running. After the exoskeleton kicked in, she actually had to slow down in case there was somebody in the halls. She was running at least 13 miles an hour! It was working! Her speed was increased. It stood to reason that her strength and durability would be enhanced with this too.
As soon as she was out of the mansion, Heidi sprinted to where she had heard the explosion, and quickly surveyed the ground. there were scorch marks. And blood. From the pattern, a small animal had died. The picture of what happened was becoming clear to Heidi. Oh, poor Rose...
She found faint tracks, and followed them, running at full pelt. Heidi was already quite fit and athletic and the exoskeleton was increasing her efficiency even more. She eventually reached the scene of Rose, standing in the middle of the road, with a wrecked Tractor Trailer strewn around her.
"Rose!" Heidi shouted to her, before placing her gauntlet-clad hand on the girl's shoulder. "We have to go back to the mansion! There's a mission....Are you okay?"