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I'm not sure how well I'd fit in all your preferences, but I'd like to try Dragon shifters, if you are willing.
Syv expected they would all calmly introduce themselves to each other and figure out to do, but the Halion continued her aggressions. She accused Navi lying about her past or memory, which just showed the Halion’s lack of reasoning as far as Syviis was concerned. The man that Syv thought of as their leader stepped in before anyone else had the chance to do so and ordered them to be rational. Syv nodded in agreement, but was doubtful about the Halion – if there was one thing that he knew about them, it was that they loved conflict.

With the AI having been repaired by the human technician, they were able to get some data on the planets. Syv liked both the mining and the tropical planets, but the former would probably be easier to get off of. However, he didn’t have much time to think about their options, because the Halion female continued to threaten Navi, accusing her of being behind this and pointing out that Quari hated everyone – which he thought was ironic and hypocritical for her to say – and she even drew out her sword to threaten the other with. Before Navi could do anything on the matter, their leader stopped the fight.

What a magnificent Azaali, Syv thought with wonder, as he admired the other’s antlers. He felt like he should know the male – he had a remarkable mask – but then again, he regretfully didn’t yet know his name. Syv was sure he would recognize the other's name when he heard it.

Then, a quiet female voice spoke up. Syv almost smiled in fondness. If only such adorable shyness was enough to break this tension! Seeing as they needed the majority’s assent at least, he said “I agree with landing on Icarus I as well.” He decided to keep most of his attention on the Halion female, just in case she decided to actually engage in combat – though Syv was positive the other Azaali could handle her, backup might come in handy.
Syv had just been nearing the still unconscious female to try wake her up when she suddenly, and rather violently, did so on her own. Based on the way she woke up made Syviis almost positive that they hadn’t only been sleeping. But if someone had caused this on purpose, why did they do it? Well, it seems unlikely, but this might have been an accident, he thought, but it wasn’t reassuring – he didn’t even know what system they were in.

A soft thud interrupted his reverie and he saw that the female had fallen on the ground. Syv was a bit flustered that he hadn’t even seen her stumble although he was fairly close – apparently, he hadn’t yet recovered from his own oblivion as well as he had thought – but thankfully she seemed well enough and was able to take a seat on her own. He listened to her introduction, then said “I hope you feel better now, Navi.”

Then, he introduced himself to all of them “I’m Syviis Athimmi. I don’t remember an attack but I know I was on the way to Faren V from a hunting expedition to sell some things and sign up for a race.” Then he answered Navi’s question as best he could “Yes, we are still in space. I don’t know about an emergency signal, but we’ll try to land the pod somewhere,” Syv nodded to the male who had taken up the leadership role and given them the information.

The first thing Syviis registered was a faint buzzing, but his consciousness was unusually slow to return to him. As he became more aware he thought he heard someone…Was that someone trying to wake him up? There was some more speech but suddenly the former calm tones were replaced by some rather aggressive questions.

Syv finally awoke with a deep but quiet breath and assessed the situation. There was what he assumed to be a Halion facing the person who had tried to wake them up. Since Syv had no idea what the former wanted, he decided not to interfere for now. He saw a human female make a similar judgement as she unobtrusively left to operate the escape pod’s console. Syv hoped she would find helpful information and share it. He didn’t know about the others but the last thing he remember was travelling to Faren V. He wasn’t even sure if he had arrived on that planet or not. Either way, he was now in an escape pod with some other beings. What a curious situation.

Finally, he undid his safety restraints and checked himself over. He was in his EVA suit, but its his helmet was next to him. His hunter rifle was in its usual sling, though he had to adjust it a bit to place it from next to his shoulder to its customary position on his back. His multi-tool was on his hip. As he saw the last item, Syv realized that his hoverbike was most likely not here. He felt a pang of sadness at this fact, but the current unknown situation took priority. Seeing as they would have to land eventually – hurtling through space in an escape pod was not a long-term solution – he put the helmet of his EVA on and quietly made his way to the remaining two unconscious beings to attempt to wake them up.
@ManoftheNorth Alright. I'm just glad you feel my character is in line with what you've written about the Azaali (and I really like them conceptually too). Sorry if I took too many liberties with the Cat Caste thing but I thought you'd probably tell me if I were out of line. And I think whatever you message me will be helpful.
I have to add in some pictures and relationships but otherwise this is it for my CS. I have a question about the memory loss: Do the characters only not remember the events surrounding how they've found themselves on an escape pod or is the memory loss more extensive?

@Normie One of us can post whenever we finish, no need to wait after that. And I don't think there's any need to worry that we'll take too long.
@vFear I'm personally not interested in a Discord. I think a direct communication is useful only if we can be on at the same time and seeing how unlikely that is, collabs can also just be done via the PM here. Of course if the majority prefers a Discord I'll see about getting in on that. In related news, @Normie and I have started a collab.
Let me just say that it's kinda hard challenging to find a pic for an Azaali, especially one that hasn't already been used in the OP. I have a vague idea for a hunter/racer...But I'll have to think about to see if I can make it work and then join. So consider this tentative interest.
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