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Online_Δ Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground_

Marill sprawled on the pew she was sitting on while waiting for the rest to come, enjoying the view of the cathedral’s inside while she could. Soon, KISU arrived together with another unknown player – apparently someone else who would be willing to help with the case, as it were.

The blonde female listened as their English professor’s son in the guise of KISU spoke. She frowned when he provided no explanation whatsoever for his belief for the connection between playing The World and going into a coma. I understand that he’s devastated – this is his mother we’re speaking about. However…This desperate search for a connection, for a reason – will it really help? Then again, if the game’s the cause we have to inform others, at least. She shifted in her seat, straightening her spine and shoulder, ready to find out more.

As KISU proceeded, proposing hacking as a means of research, however, Marill offered him a cool glare, which went unnoticed by the heavyblade. Are you insane? She could only be glad she hadn’t hissed that outright. Because apparently, some of her friends were completely nonchalant about breaking the law. Saya’s reaction in particular was surprising. Marill, or rather Yasuhiro, knew that she was itching to solve real cases, but to use criminal means to track down what could potentially be a crime? Marill frowned. Thankfully, Allegory seemed to have doubts, and Grim actually offered a compromise that even Yasuhiro found acceptable. He could go along in his role as Marill to explore the in-game venues, but illegal measures were simply a no-go. He could not afford to be implicated in something like that, no matter how unlikely KISU made discovery seem.

Still, as a purely academic interest of course, Marill was curious about how the hacking would work, and a single presentation should be harmless enough. And so, both eager and wary, she leaned slightly forward as KISU slashed through the air with her blade and produced some kind of a misty orb. This thing looks almost deceptively harmless. Her suspicion was proven correct as suddenly a two-headed dragon monster appeared and it was only a rudimentary reflex that made her successfully avoid an AOE stream of fire by ducking behind the pew she had been sitting on, rolling to the floor not-exactly-gracefully.

Using the rows of pews as a cover, she took the advantage of her hidden position to approach the monster from a blind side while KISU distracted it with head-on damage. Marill attacked from the side of one of the heads, the sharp-toothed one, hoping that her position would prevent her being harmed by the other one. Well. As long as the risk is reduced! she thought during a string of furious swings with her blade, staying watchful of the monster’s movements and upcoming attacks.
I've been a bit busy, yes. I also didn't feel posting just to make a small-ish reaction with my character regarding the most recent development. Feel free to get on with the action.(Never mind, you already did.) I'll try posting during the next week, I think, hopefully next weekend at the very latest. Also, I know it would take time, but getting more collabs going on might help things.

The door opened and before him stood Adykon. Yssil was awed to actually meet him and in disbelief that he had finally made it here. Hoping not to appear foolish, he cleared his throat and said “Well met. Yes, thank you,” his voice rather stiff with formality, a faint scratchiness present due to his arduous journey.

Following Adykon’s invitation, Yssil entered the house. Near the entrance he saw a draconess meditating, and recognized her as Adykon’s wife. Whether it was due to her own prowess or due to being a hero’s mate, Aerta was practically as well known as Adykon himself. Yssil inclined his head in a silent greeting to her, but decided to speak to Adykon first, although he hoped that if the latter agreed to train him, Aerta would be willing to share some of her knowledge and experiences as a sorceress too.

Turning to Adykon, Yssil began speaking “You guessed correctly. My name is Yssil and I have come seeking for an opportunity. I wish to be an adventurer, and I would like to be trained by you,” he finished his brief introduction and request by straightening his back, expecting to be questioned, perhaps even tested.
OOC: Sorry if this is kind of long, I just had to get this introductory phase done. And if there are any mistakes (inconsistencies with the lore and such), I'll fix them. IC:

Yssil was now the only male offspring in his family still living at his parent’s house. Gyveos, his oldest brother, had left Hekaga years ago, while Jaidra, his other older brother, was making a respectable (or at least lucrative) business in the city. As the youngest brother, Yssil felt that it was time he advanced and became independent as well.

For the past few years, he had been working various odd jobs; from patrolling the city as a guard during the nights to assisting Jaidra in his business to offering (mostly magical) training and sparring opportunities to any interested. He had a stable enough income, but Yssil felt he was stagnating. He could now afford to buy and keep a small place for himself if he wanted to, but there just were no opportunities of the kind he was looking for around here.

He’d also been studying magic ever since he learned to read and write competently from his mother, but there was not much else to do here as a sorcerer. What he needed the most right now was practice, he thought. So, Yssil decided to become an adventurer – he knew there would be challenges, travelling, new sights and people, and most importantly, plenty of opportunities.

Today was the day to leave. He already had a medium sized leather bag packed with various necessities, now he just had to clothe himself a bit more appropriately. He picked light brown trousers, a beige tunic and a leather belt. He had two weapons, kept in good shape, though rarely used (except for practice), and sheathed and belted both the short sword and the dagger.

He only had to say goodbye to his mother and sister now – everyone knew he was leaving of course, but those two would surely want hugs. He shuddered at the thought. Females could be so weirdly emotional, sometimes.

He picked his bag, adjusted his weapons, and left his bedroom. As he thought, Imra in Lyria were both waiting for him in the room closest to the exit of the house. As soon as they saw him, Lyria stood up from where she had been sitting and rushed to him, hugging him tightly. His mother stayed sitting, watching the two of them with a small amused smiled, somewhat wistful. Meanwhile, his sister was still clinging to him. As gently as he could, he pried her away.

“W-why do you have to leave?” she asked, her voice wavering with sadness.

“I want to do something similar to what Gyveos does,” he tried explaining simply.

“But he’s almost never home,” Lyria added with a slight whine.

Yssil sighed. “I know. I promise I’ll write whenever I can, but you know paper isn’t cheap.”

His sister looked at the floor briefly, fidgeting nervously. “I’ll miss you,” then she looked him fiercely in the eye and exclaimed “And don’t die!”

Yssil offered her a quick hug, grimacing lightly over her shoulder at the requisite show of affection. Thankfully, she let him go soon. He walked the few steps to his mother and knelt in order to hug her, too. Knowing his reticence, she released him quickly and smiled at him fondly.

“Be well, Yssil,” she said softly. “Have you prayed for a safe journey?”

“Of course,” he said, knowing she was worried.

“Good. I will leave you in the capable hands of the gods, then,” she stood up, leaving him kneeling. Yssil bowed his head, letting Imra offer him a blessing. Then he stood up, inclining his head in thanks. No more needed to be said between them.

And so, the youngest brother left his birth-home as well. He had a long journey ahead of him, having to travel all the way to the Fertile Valley. He travelled by ship, first via the Iron river, then the White river and finishing at Hewaniar river. The ship fare was rather dismal compared to what he was used to, but something he accepted. He had to stop at least for a day in each of the three cities that were on the way, prolonging his journey as necessity dictated.

Eventually, however, he arrived at his destination: The home of a great legend, the well-known hero and adventurer, Adykon. Yssil took a deep breath and steeled his nerves. Looking worse for wear than at the beginning of his journey, the young dracon male strode confidently to the farm-house and knocked politely.
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