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Yssil listened to Aerta attentively then nodded. During their conversation, they had both eaten a light meal, but Yssil didn’t want to overdo it in case Adykon decided to put him through some gruelling practice right away. “This is all for now. Thank you for your time, truly. I sincerely appreciate it. I will go to Adykon, now. I will relay to him my wish to train with you both and hopefully we can begin tomorrow with something sorcery-oriented, Aerta,” he gave a respectful nod in her direction, something that was almost a bow, then left out to the back, where Adykon was already waiting. “Aerta and I are done now. I’m ready,” Yssil informed him.
@Aristocles Sorry for the late reply. I honestly wasn't feeling up to writing, before. IC:

Yssil nodded, pleasantly surprised and very pleased at Aerta’s immense hospitality. He had known coming here was a risk and he honestly hadn’t though that such great heroes as the dracons who hosted him could be so gratuitous. But they were, and he was glad for it.

“I’ve practiced with my powers on my own, certainly, and I dare say I’m fairly good at meditation. However, concentrating swiftly and keeping that attention when truly needed is still…a challenge. If my training with Adykon permits it and if you agree, I would also like to practice with you when possible,” he confessed.

Yssil listened to Aerta’s last bits of advice earnestly. “I know,” he said with a sigh, briefly bowing his head. Then he looked at her again “That is very sound and wise advice, thank you. I admit…Accepting that something so innate to me, something so natural will forever be a mystery…It’s hard. But I will do my best. I do realize that there are plenty of secrets in the world that just aren’t meant to be known after all.”

What he left unsaid but what he thought Aerta probably understood was that a secret inside of him, however, was simply more frustrating in a way, and more stressful to leave alone and unknown. At least for him. But Yssil meant what he said – he would instead concentrate fully on polishing his skills, both physical and sorcerous.
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