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“Excuse me, I did not mean to imply that either of you orders the other around, I was simply concerned that your schedules might overlap. I have seen a bit of Aerta’s motherly tendencies, yes. I don’t mind overly much. And we’ve already discussed the nature of sorcery, so I know. Actually, we both are sorcerers so there are bound to be some things she can help me with.”

Yssil made some minor changes in his grip on the sword based on Adykon’s instruction and he could feel his balance was better this way. He wondered if he really would be taught the basics of using all the weapons Adykon had put on display. If so, that would be a bit surprising, but might also come in handy eventually. Yssil blinked when Adykon reassured him, bewildered by the action. He swallowed, a brief flash of a memory of past training involving his father, brothers and some others passing by his mind. With a single expulsion of breath, however, he dispelled the past and focused on the present. He was here with Adykon and if the legendary dracon told him mistakes were a natural, permissible and acceptable part of training then that was how it was. A few breaths later, Yssil felt some excessive tension dissipate, but he couldn’t help being eager. “I understand,” the young dracon said as calmly as he could. “What should I do next?”
Ian A. Graham

As soon as he ripped the letter Ian felt the magic enveloping him and had to shut his eyes against the blinding white light. After that, there was a moment of weightlessness, bizarrely feeling like flight even though there was no specific sensation of movement – in fact, the impression was also akin to standing still, not just in space but in time. Ian wondered whether zero gravity was like that. Before he could contemplate if there was also temporal magic involved, not only special, he appeared in front of a castle-wall, which was lightly crumbled here and there and its once-bright-red brick walls were faded. Unknown old – no, could be ancient – castle. The surroundings are pretty well taken care of though. I wonder where we are…

And it was a we, because apart from the two adults standing in front of the castle and waiting, there were various other people besides him, who were teleported here just like he was. They all look to be close in age to me…But we’re still obviously gathered from different locations. Interesting that we appeared at mostly the same time…How did those guys perform a magical transportation like that? Ian could feel a low buzz of excitement and as if to reflect that, Raven tightened the hold he had on Ian’s shoulder and uttered an almost-silent “Caaaw.” Thankfully, the transportation didn’t seem to have affected him poorly, and a cursory glance confirmed to Ian that his other belongings arrived safely as well. A more thorough observation of the others revealed that some of them seemed to have come more hastily, though whether this was because they hadn’t the time, will or luxury to prepare or because of some other circumstances, Ian couldn’t say.

Then the pair of adults stopped in front of them after the short but luxury stroll they had made towards the arrivals. The blonde male performed some spectacular magic and Ian couldn’t help but be impressed. So…whoa…I want that…Pretty magic…Which of them made the teleportation spell? Or was it someone else? Still…That man is such a show off! But deservingly so. And now he’s leaving. A fitting dramatic exit for the dramatic entrance he made. And he didn’t even introduce himself yet! So enviable… Ian sighed. Then the female who accompanied the man greeted them. Such an ambiguous statement. Glad we all made it?

“Did she expect people not to respond or was there a danger that could have prevented us from ‘making it’?” the pale grey-eyed teen whispered softly to himself, without expectation of being either heard or answered. He was simply curious, and – not that he would admit it – just a bit unsettled. Besides, he considered, stretching an arm to pet Raven on the head, no one can blame me for making the habit to talk quietly to my pet, can they? The black raven fondly tugged on a strand of Ian’s hair, and Ian dropped his hand back to his side. Now what? he wondered if someone was supposed to make a move or if the woman was just waiting for them all to get their bearings. Perhaps somewhat impolitely, he continued staring at their dark-haired host, and waited. There were others who seemed more than eager to get information he was interested in too, so Ian saw no reason to make a move until necessary. Besides, getting all of his things however far it was to the inside would surely take energy, so a bit of a rest beforehand couldn’t hurt.
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