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So, I can hardly believe I discovered this only yesterday evening, but I'm super interested. I'll do my best to make a CS soon enough (this sunday is the first deadline, right?). I'll see how it goes, I guess. Btw, what exactly are the severed limbs used for - transplantation, food, other things? (I'm guessing it's mostly a cheaper alternative to robotic limbs)
Ineraz Evrenarth

The business meeting finally over, Ineraz let his guest be escorted back out of the estate, while he strode in the opposite direction, feeling vaguely satisfied. As well as the meeting had gone, his mind was now on entirely different matters already. Fulfilling the promise he had made to himself, he went to check up on his hounds. They were settled well in a stable; there was no other suitable place for them at the estate, but they seemed content with the lodgings.

“Nor!” he called the leader of the pack that had been following him earlier – the other two groups of Drakken and their accompanying packs were not back just yet – and all of them came running. Based on the hints of blood around their muzzles, they had eaten recently. Good. The alpha male was large enough that when Ineraz crouched down to give him a friendly scratch behind the ears, they were almost shoulder to shoulder. He had plenty of smaller hounds as well, but most were left back home. With a playful glint in his eyes, Nor tackled him, and they tussled, Ineraz besting him easily. Ineraz patted him and some others, then left them to their activities and dusting himself off, went to attend his other occupations. From the backyard, he returned inside to find Kasycra.

“An invitation for the upcoming tournament, Ineraz,” his older brother handed over the letter to him as soon as Ineraz entered his study. Even though it was not for him, specifically, but rather a general invitation for them both (and for their father, if he fancied to show up), a pleased smile spread across Ineraz’s face, his mood made even lighter. Noticing his expression, Kasycra stated “I take it you will join,” his matter-of-fact tone revealing his neutrality on the matter.

“As much as I dislike being put on as part of a show,” Ineraz’s derision for the concept was clear, but as he also had a spark of interest in his eyes, the reason for it made clear by the following, “I do not want to give up on this fine opportunity for the sake of a minor aversion of mine.”

“Do you intend to curry favour with some other nobles, hmm?” His older brother was obviously teasing him now, though knowing him, he was probably at least partly serious, even if it was a minor part.

Ineraz rolled his eyes “The only care I have as far as the tournament is concerned is a good fight. Hopefully several good ones,” he said wistfully. Before his mind could wander too far, his brother interrupted him.

“I do hope I need not lecture you on the other possible merits,” and demerits went unsaid but was very obviously implied in Kasycra’s dry statement.

Ineraz gave him a very flat stare. “No,” he replied curtly and tonelessly.

Kasycra made a noncommittal noise, then proceeded after inspecting Ineraz rather thoroughly, especially his apparel. “You are obviously still travel-worn. Go take care of yourself,” his dismissive yet subtly fussy attitude left Ineraz torn between loathing and exasperation. Prudently, he chose to focus on the latter. As he was already heading out, his brother added off-handedly “Do your best to represent our house tomorrow.” Ineraz left the room without offering any kind of a reply.

He went to the room designated as his, and took off his armour to give it some maintenance; polishing, checking for wear, tears, rust or dents. His armour consisted mostly of dark beige and dark grey leather, with a few metal additions. Overall, his gear was made to maximize maneuverability and offered light but still vital protection. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, now only in a tunic, he also had his weapons spread out before him, considering them.

A crossbow and a bow, useful for long range and very handy for hunting. But pit-fighting might not be the most suitable for either. His sword; one-handed and somewhat curved with an accompanying scabbard of a faded red and light grey colour, a small version of their coat-of-arms depicted on one side. His hunting knife, definitely not something that he would bother taking for the fights as its purpose was mainly skinning and cutting up animal meat. And his trusted side-arm, a dagger. He took his time sharpening and cleaning both bladed weapons he would use. He took the opportunity to check his long-ranged weapons as well as his arrows and bolts, though it was unlikely he would take either for the tournament. After all, those fights were usually close-quarters and in the event that he required to attack from a longer range, he had his elements.

It was well into the night when he finally finished taking care of his apparel and weapons. Now, there was only his own body left, and he took a long bath, luxuriating in in the warm water, both its temperature and form something he could easily control. After that, he went to bed, stuck his dagger between the mattress and headboard, his sword leaning close-by on a dresser and in one of its drawers, his knife. He trusted his family more than he would a stranger and not quite as much as his Drakken, but there always was a reasonable limit to trust. Even taking in account the command he had over his elements, being unarmed and not even close to a weapon would be a folly, anywhere. Soon, he relaxed into sleep.

“That would be perfect, thank you,” Yssil told Aerta. As soon as she brought him the fare, he dug in, finishing the meal in minutes. “Just what I needed,” he exhaled in satisfaction. “I have no experience with farming, but do you think Adykon might want my help?” he asked her. Now that he had eaten, he felt much better. Rest would improve his condition even more so, but he didn’t want to spoil the sleep he would eventually get when night settled. And now that he was training more intensely again, he would just have to get used to a certain level of constant strain, until his body got used to it and strengthened through it. Who would have thought that his time of travel, during which he only had few occasions to practice (and even that on his own) would affect him so? Then again, even back home he had no tutors on the level of Adykon. Here, he would learn; so much more. Yssil was certain of that.
A couple
Ineraz Evrenarth
Interacting with: Kaivor Igvrius @Nevix

Ineraz and his brother Kasycra walked side by side in silence, leisurely strolling through the streets made narrower by the various stalls and the crowds that had gathered because of the Choosing and its numerous related events. The volume was much greater than what one would expect from any other large gathering of Drakken, and Ineraz could only imagine the kind of rowdiness that was surely taking place in some of the bars – the occasional loud crash or yell was certainly telling enough.

Soon enough they arrived at their manor house, a cosy yet beautiful three-story high building, constructed from stonework ranging from light greys to soft yellows, and even though the material was rough, the overall look of the building was surprisingly elegant. The various windows were all framed in white.

Above the massive wooden main gate was the Evrenarth coat-of-arms worked into the stone; a breath-taking wall mosaic piece. Its appearance was that of a light red shield bordered with silver, in its centre depicted an ivory white drakkan horn turned upside down and hollowed. The curled tip of the horn stretched to the left side and to the front, and its base, which was filled to the brim with was most likely blood, was on top. A dark red tear-shaped blood drop spilled from the horn and into the black cup standing in front of the horn (and obstructing part of it from view). The crimson drop was also outlined in a thin silver line.

Surrounding the estate was some greenery, mostly a grassy field with some bushes and trees here and there. There was also a small central fountain making the stone pathway to the main gates more impressive. A tall and thick iron fence surrounded the estate, somewhat of a mar to the otherwise refined manor.

Ineraz knew there to be a back-yard with its stables and side exit on the other side of the building. That was where Ineraz sent the his two Drakken subordinates with their wagon, and the small pack of hounds which had loyally been serving as an additional set of guards to the vehicle followed. Ineraz trusted his Drakken to take care of all the animals, but even so intended to go to his treasured beasts later to check upon them himself.

The two brothers entered the estate, then traversed the manor house’s hallways. The inside was about averagely lavish – no less grand and not much more luxurious than one would expect from a warlord. The hallways (and some rooms) were a mix of rustic brown, a range of colours from golden yellow to sunset orange present to break the monotony. There were some sections of mainly greys, and the drabness in these was spiced up with soft rugs, furs, wall mountings, a painting here or there, and various trophies and trinkets either on the walls or on display cases. Some of the furniture was wooden, some made from stone, and any sitting pieces were thoroughly cushioned with soft leather.

Before Ineraz could proceed to have a light luncheon or perhaps a discussion with his brother in one of the family rooms, their comfortable silence during the serene walk through the manor was interrupted by one of the guards jogging up to them. “Heir Ineraz Evrenarth,” he began “you have a guest. I believe he is interested in making a purchase or placing an order for some of your beasts.”

“Oh?” Ineraz’s interest was definitely piqued. He turned briefly to Kasycra “Excuse me, brother. I will join you later.” His older brother dismissed him with a wave of his hand and an indulgent smile, soon proceeding on his own.

Ineraz eagerly went back to the main gate, the guard following him. Yes, he, as an heir, would meet a customer at the entrance himself. He could have simply waited in an office and had the guard escort his guest there. But surely someone who would go so far as to make an unannounced visit at their estate would be an interesting (hopefully valuable) customer! Perhaps he was even one of the few acquaintances Ineraz had.

“Welcome,” Ineraz greeted him earnestly as soon as he saw the other Drakkan. “I believe a meeting inside should be much pleasanter,” he said, waving the other male in. As he led the other to an office, Ineraz made his sales pitch. “Unfortunately, the only beasts I have right now are those I use personally. However, you may place an order. I would recommend a pack of hounds. There are several breeds, some more suited to hunting, others to war and some in-between. There are, of course, other creatures I can provide. At the fort where I usually stay, for example, we even have a dedicated snake breeder!” Soon they arrived to a small cozy office, intended for meetings with guests.

“But I’ve spoken enough, so do tell me what kind of a beast might suit you, so the specifics can be decided on.”

"Alright. Thank you. I really am saying that a lot, aren’t I? I will just show you my gratitude by continuing to do so well in training. And I know I can get much better with you as my teacher.” After their conversation, Yssil went back inside. As Adykon advised to him, he took a seat on a couch and just relaxed. He felt that that would be enough.

Thankfully, his body wasn’t in as much pain as he had initially thought. To Yssil’s embarrassment, he was kind of…intimidated by Adykon and had honestly believed the older dracon would have insisted on more training and more physical force. But he hadn’t. And he had praised Yssil again. That was unexpected. But delightful.

Yssil locked eyes on Aerta’s form and asked her “Excuse me, may I have a drink? My throat feels rather parched. Also, I wouldn’t mind a light snack, if you have something.”
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