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@Shard Glad to hear it ^^

Asteria noted the cluckels were domesticated monstrous beast, which was a good sign for being able to tame or teach Mother rat, though it did arise the question of whether any non-monstrous beasts mundane beasts existed (she was sure she’d seen some regular small sized insects that wouldn’t be out of place on Earth but perhaps they’d had something unique to them as well). No, if the system mentioned Mundane creatures, they surely existed. Were they simply rarer? Or better at hiding? Or was it simply difficult to distinguish them from the Monstrous beasts seeing as this wasn’t Earth? But then again, the humans looked and acted just like the humans back home, even if these were primitive examples of her former species. Could Monster analysis work on them as well? She’d test it on the way back on as many of them as she was able.

For now, she had her finds to account for, the small hatchet being the most precious one, though the jar filled of what seemed like it might be monster parts was certainly intriguing, and the leather could be something she could try and fashion into clothing later on. As she heard the approaching footsteps, she stuffed the leather scroll into the jar alongside the antlers and eyeball already within, though it took a moment until she was able to fasten the lid back on. She then wrapped her tail tightly but carefully around the jar, and gently laid it partly on her back, so carrying it would be easier. She picked up the hatched by the handle with her mouth, slotting it carefully in between her teeth. Asteria finally followed Ed as swiftly and quietly as she could to the nearest hiding spot. On the way back to their temporary base, she would take the time to observe the humans, using Monster Analysis on any of them, but also trying to get a closer look at their ritual – it was possible they were using actual magic, after all.

I hope this guy is okay despite being kiiind of related to dragons (he's not an actual dragon, I promise). If there are any mistakes remaining, I apologize in advance, I'll probably have to give this a final look-over to check for typos, grammar issues, and such.


Asteria snuck into the village alongside Ed, observing the humans. They all wore primitive clothing, the most advanced items they possessed being their weapons, in some cases leather items, and one male that might be the leader with a fancier tunic. The outlay of the village was simple, laid out in a rough circle, huts and pens littering the place. One of the pens was broken open, scraps of cloth and several tools laying around. Asteria sharpened her gaze, on the lookout for anything sharp; a knife would be preferable but in the end any tool they could make an use of would be something she’d want to steal. One the way to the shed, she used Monster analysis II on one chickens. And once they were under the triangular-shaped construction, she carefully examined all the items. To answer Ed, she put a paw on him, and communicated mentally. “Basket. Lidded jar. Scroll. Tools from the pen. Hide.” She helped him collect the items she’d requested, stashing the jar and possibly leather-scroll into it, then she nudged him, indicating they should sneak quickly to the pen to take one or two tools with them. The humans would soon approach the shed, so they’d need to hide behind something or move away, though carrying the items they did was a detriment for both stealth and speed. However, the last thing they needed was for the people to discover them.

Jandar Varan
Winged Boar Inn, Askavi

Not even in his paranoia did Jandar contemplate that something like this would have happened. An Eyrien Warlord Prince entered, and he reeked of power, ranking Gray at the very least. The strongest male in the bar ignored them, sitting down next to the female Eyrien who’d arrived shortly beforehand. Though the Prince seemed completely at ease, the rest of the patrons were vacating the premises, and if that was not a foreboding of potential disastrous happenings, Jandar might as well proclaim himself mad. And then Fatima just went and strolled to the male! Instead of groaning out loud, the Kaeleeran Warlord chanted a litany of fuck, fuck, fuck in his mind, while observing the goings on, with what felt like pounds of dread accumulating in his gut. And Fatima had told them to behave! Why must she stroll in danger like so! Mother night, what has desperation done to us all?!

Jandar simply watched grimly as the female rather than the male Eyrien responded to Fatima, the lower-ranking woman challenging the Queen nonetheless. The female Eyrien, likely a leader of this place given her demeanor – or someone very close to such a position – had enclosed their remaining group within the inn with the power of her Jewel, and was probing Fatima with her power as well. Jandar recognized the probe as something only a Black Widow could do, and momentarily just stood there, slightly stunned. He quickly reclaimed his wits, knowing not to interfere, despite knowing the Black Widow could harm Fatima if whatever she discovered in her mind wasn't to her liking. However Fatima had told them to behave, and he trusted that the Queen's intentions were good, so she was likely to pass the Black Widow's inspection. He did wish the people here would be more forthcoming with their motives, not that he could truly blame them if they were rebels – a hypothesis that the recent events spoke strongly in favour of.

While he simply watched in tense silence, Jassen stood up with a snarl, and lunged himself at the Black Widow with a knife. Alarmed, Jandar followed, his chair knocked over carelessly, grabbing for Jassen’s wrist to intercept the foolishly reckless male’s attack. “Do not,” he growled, yanking Jassen’s arm backwards, squeezing the wrist so tightly the male would be tempted to let his knife drop. “Not yet. I know you want to protect her, but just take a moment to consider this situation,” he hissed, irritated. “If the Eyrien lady had wanted us dead, we would be dead already. Is that notion simple enough to penetrate your thick skull?” he mocked, sneering at the other male. If he were honest, he was somewhat worried as well, but for Hell’s sake, how could this drunk think resorting to violence while such a forceful approach would put them at an obvious disadvantage was smart? Oh, right, he’s drunk and not exactly bestowed with smarts, he thought sarcastically. Jandar shook his head; he could just bet this idiot didn't realize the Eyrien female was a Black Widow and interrupting one such as her would have dire consequences.

“Have you not seen her bodyguard? Have you not managed to notice that we are the intruders here? Fatima is willing to take the risk of trusting these people. Let the ladies settle whatever they have to on their own, because if the two of us get involved, so will he, he gestured at the Eyrien Warlord Prince, the unknown warrior who'd acted only as an observer so far. “Not to mention that you interfering in a delicate matter such as this could not only kill Fatima, but ruin her beyond recognition. So do not do anything to tip the scales for us. For her, Jandar berated Jassen in a menacing growl, his emphasis indicating that Fatima might come out for the worse because of his drunken assault. While he’d taken the time to lecture the man, he had also remained vigilant to the developments, because the situation was going downhill by the second, and Jassen’s idiocy – despite his own intervention – could very well cost them their lives. If Fatima hadn’t been endangered before, and Jandar wasn’t as confident in his conclusions as his reproach of Jassen might have indicated, she could be now, so he stood there, keeping a physical hold on Jassen while he blatantly watched the goings on.
Curious to see more.
Jandar Varan
Winged Boar Inn, Askavi

Jandar did not expect Fatima to insist to try and prevent any bloodshed. Worse, she looked genuinely disappointed, perhaps even embarrassed or ashamed of him. He grimaced as she stepped into his personal space, endangering not only him, but herself as well. Nonetheless, he vanished his sword and shield reluctantly, though his hunting knife remained sheathed and in view on his back. “Very well, but if they–” his pointed warning against the rowdy bar patrons was cut off by a confident female’s entrance. The Eyrien warriors retreated before the female, not out of fear, but respect. Jandar couldn’t help but wonder who the blackhead was. Besides though she wore the Blood Opal (as did he), he felt that her Jewel of Rank was darker, perhaps even a Red just as he had?

Despite his concern, the Warlord sat down at a table his Queen chose, and accepted whatever the innkeeper – Randalvar, the mysterious Eyrien female had greeted him as – brought to the table. Unlike Jassen, he did not believe the bar owner would try poisoning them, not when he simply had to wait for the Eyrien lady to leave. Surely, whenever she did, the hotblooded Eyriens surrounding them would decide to have their fun again. If and when they did, he would be ready. He mentioned his concerns to his Queen. “Fatima, the warriors here…they might not be amenable to peaceful discussions,” he was frowning as he scanned the bar, trying to get a read on the Eyriens still there. Would they, after all, still want to test the mettle of who they saw as a pesky intruder? Or would they head that unknown female's warning and not bother them for the rest of their stay here? Jandar did not know, and this discomfited him to the point of tenseness, a restless state wherein he was rather over-vigilant and ready to react to the slightest disturbance.

Though she'd done her best to gouge out the rock, she'd made a very shallow indentation at best, destroying her rudimentary knife in the process. Creating a proper bowl/mortar would take hours. What she’d done so far would have to suffice. Fetching the Bugward. Kilm and Nullven plants, she set to work. First, she examined the Healing herb Ed had given her, so she’d see its full properties. She found a decent sized oval-shaped rock, and first ground the whole Bugward flower into paste. Next, she added the Kilm’s sap and roots, mixing it with the previous paste thoroughly. Before proceeding with the last plant, she tested the mixture of the two she’d combined so far. Asteria nicked her own tail slightly with a tooth corner, then put the paste on it, observing the effects. Finally, she added half of the Nullven to the paste, made another cut on her tail, and tested the final product on it again, noting whether the Nullven had changed the paste’s properties in any way despite in not quite having been an extract. The remaining half of the Nullven, she ate, though she’d have preferred to make a tea out of it.

When her medical dabbling was done, she settled in front of the hole and spent the remaining of her time on guard meditating. She closed her eyes, choosing to focus on the nature’s sounds, breathing deeply. Thinking it might speed up getting the meditation skill, she activated mana sense, letting the natural mana surrounding her permeate her being, actively draining a part of it. If at any point she got the feeling of having too much mana, she would also attempt to reverse the effect and return some of what she’d gained back into the earth, air, and to whatever metaphysical presence the energy-mana might have taken shape as. When Ed tapped her to trade turns, she gratefully joined mother rat in their temporary hide-out and fell asleep.

Early morning dawned sooner than she’d preferred, but nonetheless, she heeded Ed’s call and woke up, stretching all muscles a bit. “Will do, let me just try and get mother rat to stay here. Or at least make sure she won’t be concerned about our whereabouts…” saying so, she went to the still sleeping dire rat, touching a paw to her gently. She closed her eyes and concentrated on what she wanted to convey. Over the telepathic link, she sent feelings of reassurance and safe, but laced with her desire and expectation for her mother to be patient, calm, cautious, and to wait for them at home until they returned. Then, she followed Ed in the direction of the shack, muffling her sounds as she did so.

@UndeadSpartan Aww, too bad. Yeah, sure, shoot me a mention if a spot becomes available.
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