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@Haruharara Oh, I see. The anime led me to believe it was closely related to manipulating the actual elements (since they show water, fire, and lightning), but I suppose that isn't the case.

EDIT: Edited things a bit. Hopefully now it's a bit better.

Edit: v.2

After clambering up onto the mound, Asteria observed the monolithic structure. It was obviously an altar. She found it odd that it was on top of the structure rather than inside, but that was an architectural choice probably chosen by the cultural difference of the humans inhabiting this world. Unfortunately, she couldn’t make sense of the symbols, lines, swirls, and circles etched onto the overlapping plates of the altar. Were they religious, functional or magical in nature? Curiously, she put a single careful claw onto the smallest plate, infused her touch with a minor outflow of Mana, and began tracing the various shapes, following each one to the next pattern and the next plate all the way to the largest plate and the last of its etchings. She was considering memorizing the shapes or perhaps taking the time to trace them onto her piece of leather later on as she did so. They were a curious clue, and may perhaps be useful if she managed to decipher them.

When she was done inspecting the altar, Asteria looked around. To the west, she could still see the village they’d come from, if only barely, though the mountains loomed in the distance in all their ominous glory. To the east, the road spread into another plane, until it finally reached a great lake. As expected, its banks were populated. However, that was something they could deal with in exchange for a steady source of water. Besides, there was also a river flowing south from the lake as well, so there was certainly no need to stick too close to an actual town if they didn’t want to.

Asteria then made her way down by the way of a simple jump, rolling as she landed, and just when she was recovering from the impact, Ed alerted her to danger. “Huh? What do you mean? I didn’t stand on the altar, though I did touch it…Did you see something?” She looked around, but saw no impeding doom nearby. Concerned, she edged her way cautiously towards the entrance of the building, sneaking a peak around and inside of it. She happened to glance at the plaque, and though the writing was a bit strange at first, something shifted, and she was able to read it. Barrow, Lords of Viska, war for Viska, Five Lords…

Having read the message, she quickly scurried back to Ed. “I don’t think we disturbed anything…but just in case, we could perhaps make an offering?” She didn’t suggest that out of a strong religious belief, however, seeing how magic existed in this world, being cursed and attacked by the undead because of a sacrilegious act was no longer within the realm of the fantastical. Though she’d attempted reassuring Ed, remembering his utter terror of the undead, she glanced around, trying to sense anything out of place. She briefly activated her Mana Sense, hoping it might warn her if danger was truly approaching.

Jandar Varan
Cliff staircase, Askavi

Jandar drove the Opal Prince to the staircase, the corners of his lips twitching up in a minor smirk as he sensed opportunity. But of course, the male simply flew off. Jandar cursed under his breath, vanished his sabre and shield, and raced back up the stairs, turned to the flying target, braced his feat, summoned his bow and quiver-full of arrows, positioned his body, and took a shot. He barely hit, not enough to slow down the Eyrien. The only upside was that some unknown archer had taken a shot at the Opal Prince almost simultaneously, and hit them as well – unfortunately, with as much success as Jandar had. Jandar growled, and swiftly readied and released another shot…and his arrow glanced off the Eyrien’s psychic shield. Well. He wasn’t stupid and he’d reacted fairly quickly, but then again, the Warlord supposed getting shot at was very hard to miss. Still…did he shield simply as a precaution or because he didn’t trust his flying skill? Or was it because he didn’t want to split his attention? Regardless, it was pointless for Jandar to attempt to shoot down the Opal Prince again; the Eyrien had flown rather far at this point and was shielded to boot.

With a sigh, Jandar vanished the bow, quiver, and arrows, leaving himself with only the knife that remained sheathed at his back. The rest of the opponents were otherwise occupied, and if need be, he could still summon whichever weapon he needed. He lay his left arm on his side, stemming the bleeding gash just below his ribs. Taking a moment to observe the goings on, the Warlord realized there currently was no enemy he could engage easily, as they were all flying. There were also more unknown allies (except Xandar, who Jandar was glad to see had taken Faeril with him) who had all arrived some time after the three of Faeril’s Eyriens. Jandar squinted in the direction one of the unknown allies had come running from (the male was a Dea Al Mon, if his peripheral gaze hadn’t betrayed him, which was rather curious, but not of immediate import), and saw Fatima accompanied by a woman. Fatima could probably recognize Jassen’s corpse from where she was standing. Oh, Mother Darkness, what do I do in a situation such as this?

Jandar hadn’t liked the drunk. He had been impressed the old male had attempted help rescue Faeril, but with how easily he had gone down, he certainly couldn’t truthfully say he had fought the good fight. He had gone down fighting, though whether that would reassure Fatima or not was questionable. Jandar did not know the Queen well enough to guess how she might react. However, he felt that he needed to be there for her. Bracing himself for the inevitability of having to offer comfort, Jandar made his way to his Lady.
Amisaki Kyou

WTL: 16
SAN: 91

Kyou had just barely calmed down from the unexpected earthquake onset, when the Chuunibyou that the whole school at least knew of dove and rolled right next to him. She put a palm over his left hand, and smiled up at him. Kyou jerked his whole body away from her, completely bewildered by her familiarity to a stranger. “W-What?” he stuttered out, but she just giggled at him and said something about how he ought to thank her later. Kyou would have said more, but then the world stopped making sense, the whole reality as they knew it shifting into something incomprehensible.

One moment, they were comfortably on the floor, the next, everything tilted, and they were collectively sliding down to what had been a wall before. Kyou shrieked, scrabbling at the floor-now-wall, attempting to slow his descent as he best could, but his fall was inevitable. He managed to land in a roll that thankfully didn’t dislocate, sprain, or break anything, though it did leave him heavily bruised. The fingers on his left hand were all bloody and scraped up from having clawed at the wooden floor/wall. He’d disentangled his right hand from his pocket only just before he landed, so even though it'd helped him roll safely to the floor, it wasn't as damaged as his left one. His bag fell close to him, and Kyou carefully put it over a shoulder, gaze darting left and right fearfully, mind racing to catch up to the events. He was panting too fast, and as a reminder to himself to restrict and regulate his breathing, Kyou put his face-mask on with trembling fingers.

There was another shift, and Kyou stumbled, though he jumped over the door on Masahiro’s cue, avoiding squishing the two first years and falling out into who-knows-what. He could only tremble wide-eyed, however, as he saw a speaker crashing against a female student. A male student attempted rescuing her, but they were just both sent careening into towards the door – and the first years. The door opened, and the first two years fell through. Kyou screamed. When he next opened his eyes – his lids now sticky from tears, his cheeks wet, and his nose running – he saw the janitor had managed to hold onto the male student and the boy was still holding onto the girl. Kyou shivered, averted his gaze, and hugged himself tightly, clutching the school bag to him. How could something like this have happened?!

Kyou was unable to contemplate anything else, his mounting panic ending in a flash of white, his mind going blank. He was knocked unconscious.


The next time his eyes opened, all Kyou saw were…cars? One blink later, everything went black, and he just stared into the darkness for a moment, not yet quite grasping what was going on. He wiped at his face, removing the dry tear-tracks, but left the face-mask on for the moment, despite the insides being slightly icky from his snot. Kyou shivered in remembrance of the cause of his previous crying. Then Osaki, the student council president, blinded him with her phone light, and revealed that he was no there alone. Oh, thank God. Even if I’m crazy or something, at least I’m not by myself…and the President! So reliable… Reassured by her presence, Kyou first patted his right pocket, finding his stress-ball undisturbed, which loosened the tight knot of anxiety gripping him just a tad more. He was able to breathe calmly now, so removed the face-mask and stored it back in his bag, then rifled through it for his phone. Kyou found it, and was able to turn it on, however besides the blinding light, there was nothing on the screen. He fiddled with the device some more, but all Kyou figured out was that it couldn’t be turned back off, and its single remaining use was as a flashlight, all its other functions inaccessible. There was even no battery display.

With his visibility restored, Kyou looked from face to face, trying to place the students he was with as he best could. There was, of course, the President; there was no one in the school that could claim to not know of her. There was a first year he was unfamiliar with, though he felt like he’d at least seen him around…And the remaining two were third years. First was Amano Ayane, whom he knew of because she was the one rumored to have stopped the transfer student Minamoto’s win streak in the kendo club. The second one was Tsuchihana Ren, one of the many people that hung around Hase Saki, his only friend – who unfortunately was not there. Kyou could only hope she was still alive, elsewhere. As for their own location, the surroundings indicated they were in some sort of an underground parking lot, apparently abandoned.

With the agreement that they wouldn’t stray too far from each other, and could use their mobile phones' lights to seek out each other, Kyou joined the search for…something; anything. If they could only find a clue! He stood up on shaky legs, and made his way to the nearest car. He was focusing intently on his task, because the alternative was thinking about…everything else. His breath quickened as his traitorous mind strayed to the first two years’ fall, the whole unusual situation he found himself in, the possibility that he’d been driven insane…He shoved a hand into the pocket, squeezing the stress-ball as if his life depended on it. Oh, give it a rest Kyou, if you can think…you can act. Besides, as long as I’m not by myself… He shuddered, and began inspecting the car. It was wrecked, and none of the doors could be opened. Nor could be its trunk or hood. Kyou glanced around to check that at least one phone light besides his own could be seen before moving to the next one. The door of this one could be opened, but the insides contained nothing of use.

His fruitless search was finally over when the first year called out to them, and Kyou gladly made his way over. There was an ambulance, in much better shape than most of the cars Kyou had seen. While the front doors were locked, the back one was ajar. Kyou stood at a distance, gazing at the ominous opening suspiciously. No other car he’d seen had its doors simply opened. So what was the deal with this one? The only way to find out would be to open it, but…he was rather reluctant to do so. What if there was a corpse? It was an old, abandoned ambulance, so it was possible…right? But wouldn’t that smell badly enough that they could tell? That was it what they said in all those movies after all…Shaking off the paranoia and reminding himself that their search had gone alright so far, Kyou took a single step closer, then stopped. “Let’s just be careful,” he suggested, his voice trembling lightly. While urging caution was a half-decent advice, Kyou certainly wasn't helping the situation much given how he just stood there and watched, the phone held in his left hand hanging uselessly by his side.

Two successive levels in the middle of traveling? How odd…usually this kind of a thing happened almost as soon as the fighting was over, right? Oh, well…For now…2 points to Smash, 1 point to First Aid, and…7 points to Minor Heal. Having only one healing herb left and with and unknown supply of the materials for the medicinal and/or antivenin salve – especially given they were traveling towards a forest – investing in a way of mending injuries swiftly was something Asteria couldn’t pass up on any longer. She sighed in discontent, frustrated that they were more-or-less on the run, without water or shelter, and food being sketchy as well.

Nonetheless, she trudged on with her companions without verbal complain, taking note of the surroundings. They were approaching hilly areas – actually, as Asteria realized at one point, they’d been gradually ascending for a while as well – and a high rocky slope near the forest had smoke rising from behind it. However, the humans who must have travelled the same path a few days ago, had apparently avoided that particular hill. Perhaps it was a group of goblins had gathered around that particular campfire? If so, they were better not approaching carelessly – or at all.

After passing the human travelers’ little camping spot, they began descending once again. The distinctive damp scent of a nearby water source grew stronger, which along with no enemy encounters since their departure were just one of the rare things making this whole situation barely tolerable, was encouraging. “Yes, there must be water nearby. Somewhere,” she stated with surprisingly emboldening determination.

Soon, they reached an obviously artificial structure, though it blended rather well into the natural surroundings what with its earthen, grassy covering. It had a structure up its top, constructed from several large stones. Was this thing some sort of primitive mausoleum? However, its open entryway faced the road, which was strange indeed…Worse off, the sun was beginning to set. Would this ominous structure have to serve as their temporary resting spot? Asteria did not like the idea, and Ed seemed to share her reluctance.

“With all that we’ve faced, there very well may be skeletons and zombies and who knows what else in there,” she growled, though a part of her questioned whether they were truly correct that this thing might represent such a danger. It was relatively close to a man-made road, after all, so perhaps it was safe for humans? But not necessarily safe for ‘monsters’, I suppose… Asteria unshouldered her items, carefully setting them to the ground. “I’m climbing up to check the surroundings. You two, stay on the lookout.”

With that said, Asteria approached the rectangular structure, appraising it. She’d managed to climb a tree, so something like this that looked to have more footholds shouldn’t be as difficult. So, she crouched down, bunched up her muscles, and sprung up, aiming to attach her clawed paws to either the top of the mound or as close to it as she could get. If she managed to scramble up the rectangular structure, she would survey the odd monolith construct arranged on top of it. After looking around and scenting the air for the hints of water, she’d attempt scaling the monoliths as well.

Jandar Varan
Cliff staircase, Askavi

The Sapphire Warlord Prince took the opening Jandar had presented him with. The Kaeleeran Warlord grunted at the relatively shallow slice into his side but counter attacked without hesitation, cleaving the Eyrien’s shoulder to the bone. Jandar was frustrated it hadn’t been a killing blow, but at least he’d forced his opponent to retreat. The Opal Prince soon took the previous Eyrien’s spot, advancing on Jandar and swinging at him. Jean evaded, and was forced to focus his attention on the Opal Prince.

Just as they began their fight, reinforcement arrived. Three Eyrien warriors arrived to protect Faeril, and Jandar silently thanked Mother Darkness for the timely intervention. “I’m with Faeril,” he shouted in an answer, keeping his eyes on the Opal Prince, circling him, attacking, defending, and evading mostly in response to whatever the other male did for now. “And have one of your men take a look at her! One of these bastards cut into her wing!” he added, providing his allies with information that wouldn’t be beneficial to the enemy – because the enemies caused the Black Widow’s injury in the first place.

Then, he drew on his Red jewel, added another protective layer of around his shield as well as did the same as when he’d broken Sapphire’s barrier in the first place – he wrapped his sabre with a cutting craft-based coat, which sparked red, and added a bit of length to the blade that might be difficult to grasp visually for his opponent. Moving onto the Opal Prince aggressively, Jandar attacked, moving into the Eyrien’s space. He was aiming to catch the opponent’s warblade either on his shield or the sabre, at which point he’d be free to swing with whatever tool remained free at the man’s head. If he succeeded, he could at very least knock the Opal Prince out.

Finally, the damp scent of water. Asteria ignored the dust from the south beyond noting there might be a desert there, and focused on the refreshing scent from the east. There were still several miles away from it, but Asteria was determined to get there without any pauses or interruptions. They had a heavy load to carry, but she was certain they could manage. They’d even found a well-traveled dirt road heading to north east, but they could inspect wherever it led later. For now, staying in the foliage which helped cover them and not tray from their goal was a priority. “We can head east while staying far enough from the road not to be seen by any humans on it. Though if any of them have decided to take a rest by the road or something, we’ll have to be careful,” Asteria replied.

That said, she focused on balancing their loot without it compromising their stealth. Having to accommodate for the additional weight and the bulkiness of their stuff definitely wasn’t easy. At first, they had to walk fairly slowly to adapt, but dragging their feat would mean a longer journey. Asteria sharpened her hearing, this time not listening only to the surroundings and the potential dangers around them, but themselves. While the plants might provide some cover, rustling would still be a dead giveaway to a careful observer. Well, someone like that would still spot them easily, but there was only that much they could do. Thankfully, Ed’s mad was a fairly decent cover that blended with their surroundings.

Asteria flexed her muscles, doing the best she could to prevent any cramps while on the move. She’d have to stretch after they were done hauling their things to whatever water-side awaited them. She was aware that fresh water likely equaled a settlement, especially given the dirt road weaving in loosely the same direction they were going. They’d have to be on the lookout for that. Asteria huffed as her tail began to feel kind of numb. She just had to keep it pressed around and against their baggage or else risk it getting dropped – which would not only delay them, but may cause an unfortunately loud noise. She kept a careful eye on Mother rat, because the non-human-souled rodent couldn’t communicate with Ed and Asteria with as much clarity as the humans could between themselves. Mostly though, she kept her gaze trained eastwards, her paws working diligently to carry her and their items closer to their goal.

Amisaki Kyou

It was the time of the Cultural festival again. Kyou helped out on the sides; he’d helped paint several props for the play his class has decided to do and was dragged to the Archery Club’s exhibition by the president, Kimura Toru. Kyou suspected he was there half because of his skill and half so Kimura was able to handle the horde of fangirls that showed up just to fawn over him. Kyou didn’t consider himself much of a distraction, but he supposed the archery club’s president had more experience with that sort of a thing. Kyou wasn’t even too bothered by it; all he had to do was concentrate on shooting the target. If people wanted to look and be impressed by that, that was on them. He didn’t notice when he was in his element in any case. It was then that he was informed by Toru that some of the students were volunteering to clean up the gym afterwards. When asked whether he would participate, Kyou agreed. Before that, however, he had time to enjoy the activities the students had prepared. He had some food, saw his class’s play, went to a café or two, and visited the Music club’s performance.

In the afternoon came the time for cleanup and there was a surprising number of people gathered in the gym to help out Tachibana. Kyou shrugged, deposited his school bag to the side, and went to help with carrying the chairs, boxes, trash, mopping the floor, and whatever other miscellaneous tasks presented themselves. He didn’t pay attention to other people except to move out of their way (he avoided Kou in particular) or go help if someone (except Kou) shouted that they needed an extra hand or two. Soon it was time to leave, and Kyou had just grabbed his bag to sneak out in front of the crowd when the idea of food was brought up. Well…he supposed he could stay for a while more. When two first years attempted to go outside to fetch the food, however, they found the room to be locked. That…That was odd. It had been opened when they came in, and there was no reason for Tachibana to lock it. At least he had a spare set of keys, but really, why were they locked in in the first place?

And then, as if to exponentially rise the misfortune they were in, an earthquake begun. Kyou paled, planting his legs on the ground as his eyes nervously darted around. He, he had to get to safety. They all did. However, trying to fit through the doorway in their situation would be unadvisable. Kyou swayed on his feet, noticing he was panting harshly. Rather than waiting to fall over, he simply crouched down, using a simple breathing technique while clenching and unclenching the stress ball in the pocket. In a few seconds, his mind was clear enough to assess the situation. People were already shouting advice, moving to safety, or helping others move. Kyou knew very well he had to stay away from anything that could fall on him, so he crawled carefully toward the centre of the gym – he also checked the ceiling so that he was as far away from any light fixtures that might detach from the shaking as he could.

He couldn’t help the fear that the whole damn building would just collapse on them, however. All Kyou could do, however, was wait, breath in, hold, breathe out through the mouth, breathe in…out…squeeze the stress ball…release it…breathe…He stayed where he was, gaze fixed at a spot until he was stabilized. He then checked around to see how others were doing, but as far as he could see, everyone was with someone. Besides, he honestly couldn’t afford the energy to worry about others when he himself was barely holding together and not panicking. He told himself that earthquakes were fairly common, and that they simply had to wait it out. He would leave the saving of others…to others. All Kyou could do was sit there, wait, and watch the situation unfold as he clutched onto his bag with one hand and the stress-ball with the other.

“Oh, no, no, sorry for the confusion, I meant for you to carry the plants, because my jar is full,” Asteria commented, waddling to the Healing Herb and Nullven Cone and stashing it into the mat he’d created. “Also, Nullven is this purple plant that is the key component to creating an anti-venom,” she added, clarifying. She went back to teaching Mother rat to balance and carry her part, and then, they were finally ready to depart. The humans in the village were all gathered together, and their leader (or leaders, if the old woman counted) was present. “Wonder what they’re chatting about,” she muttered out loud. She was almost certain they hadn’t gathered simply to accomplish a ritual, despite them being around the shrine. They just seemed a tad too agitated – perhaps they were simply discussing the mountain explosion. Or perhaps they were as concerned about more Myrmidors arriving as Asteria herself was? Well, if they stayed near enough, she could probably gather enough data by observing them and the goings on to confirm or deny that. The question was if she wanted to. On the one hand, it was technically their fault if the ants attacked, but on the other…the rat trio would be endangered as well, and not just by the insects.

“Yes, water is certainly a priority. The humans, if nothing else, must surely have a source of it. Remember seeing any sort of well? If not, there may be a stream or river nearby. As for the mountains…If nothing more happens to them in a day, I suppose we could assume it was a one-off thing for now and head there if we get fed up with these plains too much.” After that discussion, the conversation died down, and Ed seemed to concentrate on something. They had to go somewhere, but in their situation, both staying too near the humans and straying too far away from the only settlement they’ve encountered so far could present a risk. Most of all, they needed to scout for water. For now, Asteria lead them vaguely toward the east, on the lookout for signs that the villagers might have left of travelling in their direction. If the humans did have to go elsewhere for their water (or whatever other resource), they would have left tracks, perhaps even a visible road if they walked a certain direction often. Though time was not their ally in the search for water (and shelter), splitting up would be just asking for death with how often they were attacked by things. So, they could only rely on their senses to try to smell or hear or see some hints of water. Asteria, however, chose to also use Mana Sense every now and then, because if it had been able to detect wind mana before, then surely there was such a thing as water mana.

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