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Awareness drifted barely within her senses, manifesting as the occasional roll on the bed, hitting the wall with a leg, burrowing a hand underneath the pillow, a vague feeling of drool-caused-dampness beneath her cheek. The mechanical ringing of her phone startled her awake and Kathryn met consciousness with a dizzying crash, though she soon came to her senses with the brief thought of “Oh, this again,” accompanying a wide, hand-covered yawn. She staggered to her tiny bathroom, which had a sink, toilet, shower, and washing machine all crammed into it.

The first order of business was brushing her teeth, because that faint cloying, metallic feeling of old blood in her mouth was just as annoyingly disgusting as the bad morning breath had been when she was still human. When the last swish of water finally left her mouth after the three or so minutes of dental care, Kathryn was much more refreshed. Of course, the face staring back at her from the sink mirror could be mistaken for that of a corpse depressingly easily. With a sigh, Kat shucked off her sleeping clothes – leggings, T-shirt, panties – into the laundry basket, and tied her hair into a messy bun with one of many hair ties she kept there.

After a quick shower, Kathryn finally felt like she rejoined the living, and threw on the clothes she’d already prepared yesterday. It was a semi-casual sort of attire; jeans, gray dress shirt, and a black leather jacket – good enough to go to work with, where she’d change into her uniform in any case. Her living-cum-bedroom was as cluttered as ever, though she strived to tidy it up a bit on a weekly to bi-weekly basis. Well, that was just how it was when she used every spare bit of surface for depositing her various items, whether that be books, notebooks, pens, magazines, loose documents, her electronics, that one yoga mat, hand weights, cleaned blood bags, or the occasional cigarette pack.

Speaking of blood bags, she opened her fridge, took out the snack, popped its cap open, and sucked the blood out as swiftly a child might do with one of those small packets of orange juice, crumpling the plastic to get every last drop out of it. It was simple chicken blood; if she went for the human variety, she preferred an actual restaurant or a bar. She washed the empty container with efficient, practiced movements, then left it out to dry. Kathryn checked the time, then – just to make sure – padded to the small, closed off balcony, and gingerly pulled the curtains aside, and peeked through the shutters which served as another layer of protection from the sunlight. Yep, the sun had indeed set in its entirety, and the sky had darkened enough for her to be able to go out safely. Time for work then. Kathryn briefly put on some make-up, grabbed her handbag, descended the three floors from her flat to the ground floor of the apartment building, and headed outside.

At the back of the building, next to the apartment’s designated parking lot, there were a couple of bicycle racks as well, and that is where her transportation device awaited her as well. Though she had a car license, she frankly wasn’t willing to invest into owning a car, not quite yet. If she really needed to, she could always visit her parents and borrow her mother’s Toyota, not that it was usually worth the hassle to do so. But for commuting to her workplace and back, a bike was just fine. She could have even jogged there – or pretty much wherever she pleased, without getting tired – but people could easily get too freaked out by supernatural behavior like that.

Bitter thoughts aside, Kathryn was at the station within 20 minutes, and after securing her bike, headed inside, waved at the guards she passed (though not all deigned to acknowledge her beyond a bored stare), and changed into her uniform as soon as she arrived at the locker room. As she was fastening on her duty rig, a friendly face showed up, causing Kathryn to break out in a grin.

“Hey, El! Think we’ll be paired up for patrol anytime soon?” the vampire greeted cheerfully.

“What, with Meadows assigning the rotations? Fat chance. Would really help when I have to cover for Victor though,” the female lycan commented. Ellen was a tanned brunette of 5’7 and looked deceptively light, her hair barely long enough to put into a ponytail, rather shapely as well as packing some decent muscles. They’d known each other for almost a decade now, and had hit it off almost immediately upon their first meeting, and their relationship naturally progressed to being very good friends.

“Yeah, she really can be unbelievably petty,” Kathryn retorted with a scoff. That their superior was kind of a bitch went unsaid, but was understood nonetheless. Ellen mock-shushed her, and they shared a smirk. “I’m going ahead,” she departed with a smile, though the short trip to the office part of the building was enough to remind her of the usual drudgery of her work. It wasn’t quite enough to get her to wish for an incident, but, well…she couldn’t say she’d be averse to something to spice her day (or rather, night) with either.

Tonight, Kathryn was assigned to patrol with Jennings, a human male in his late twenties, early thirties, who often took the night shift for the bonus it gave him. Kat found him at his cubicle sipping at a coffee while looking over some documents. He turned to her with a sulky grunt, and the vampire quirked her lips in a half-smile, half-grimace. “Let me drive today,” she said, though it wasn't a request, and Jennings shrugged, obviously not caring either way - either that, or he was just unwilling to bother arguing against something so minor. They both did some perfunctory administrative work until it was finally time to go out. Driving in general was pretty fun, but there was that special thrill of being in a police car and just getting to see how very careful people usually were when aware of their presence. It could be kind of amusing, even. And whenever someone stupid enough to try and hassle – or even attack – a police officer showed up, she got to let loose a bit – but really, just a bit. Only against extremely violent supernatural beings could Kathryn ever employ all of her power, and admittedly, it was rather an addictive feeling that she had to keep tight control over.

Two or so hours of driving around Duncaster later, Moreno and Jennings parked in the center, and took to patrolling on foot. It was a fairly decent preventive, though there were plenty of corners they rarely – if ever – covered, not to mention the myriad of shady locations that took on legitimate covers or were just that unassuming. Oh, and there was also corruption, of course. But Kathryn chose not to concern herself overly much with things that were outside of her sphere of influence. Instead, she enjoyed the night-time stroll and the never-ending thrum of the city’s life, despite the fact that being on the job meant she couldn’t quite relax.
So, how exploitable are the Invisibility and Flight racial skills? Does using them require a resource (mana, stamina) or is there a fixed amount for the duration and cool-down of them? Or is it literally the case that it's possible to stay invisible during the whole night-time cycle of the game and that one can use flight all the time, any time?
Jandar Varan
Bellinar Saroth
In front of Ashkevron Residence, Askavi

Jandar quirked an amused eyebrow at Fatima’s reaction to Xandar stripping, and returned her smile with a faint uplift of his lips’ corners. He then followed the Queen, helping gather nearby branches, picking the larger ones from the ground and occasionally tearing one off straight from a tree. He deposited the material to the same spot Fatima did, and assisted in uprooting the stones. Fingers strained with the earth from the handiwork, he turned from where he was crouched over the disturbed ground, facing Bellinar. Jandar chuckled at the Eyrien’s complaint. “We are sure to leave here, so the mess should not matter as much, should it? Besides, it may even lead the enemies to believe the place was actually ransacked.” His smirk stretched into an evil smile as a mischievous idea occurred to him. “Perhaps we should strive to cause an even greater chaos, both without and within Faeril’s house.” By that point, Jandar’s shoulders were shaking lightly in mirth as he held back a full-blown laugh, though the desire soon passed by, and he sighed, shaking his head left and right twice. “That was, of course, a joke,” he added, dryly.

Bellinar gave a wane-but-game smile at Jandar's joke. "If they did think that, all the better for Faeril. Though I doubt if we leave that we will ever return. The Widow's path is now entwined with your Lady." The Warlord Prince nodded towards Fatima before continuing. "Faeril is just fussy about her home and it's a family home. Been so for generations."

Jandar brushed the earth off his palms and stood up, briefly glancing at the platform Fatima an he had set. It was as good as it was going to get until Markov returned with proper logs. He then turned to Bellinar. “I agree that it is very well possible she may never be able to return, even if we all survive whatever we will have to go through yet. The kind of mission we are undertaking…I myself have doubts as to when and if I may be able to even visit Kaeleer," he confessed. “I can only pray that the hardship we are to go through will be worth it in the end.”

"Kaeleer... I've never been. Faeril wished to go there one day, but after the business with her mother and aunt and hunting our father down... The taint of the twisted Queens was strong and we couldn't risk leaving." Bellinar almost looks wistful, as he sighs in resignation. "We need somewhere safe to gather our power and recruit a Court for Fatima without stepping on another, reigning, Queen's toes."

“Indeed. I do not know much about the state of Terreille, except that it is rather awful, if you don’t mind my saying so, but such a safe spot may very well reside within Kaeleer. Returning there, however, might be a challenge, what with the strict border control in this Realm,” Jandar made a complicated expression, somewhere between a smile and a grimace, and which was coloured partly by nostalgia, partly by bitterness at the things he had seen and learned in Terreille, and partly by worry for Fatima and the precarious situation they were in.

Jun ambled along the streets, glancing casually around as she sought hidden corners and secluded alleyways and run-down shops, though she certainly didn’t ignore the more resplendent of the establishments as she passed by various locations. She was thinking of stopping somewhere for a drink, to try and gather information more directly, but just then, two young women ran by her, both covered in cuts and bruises. One was a slender, dark-haired beauty, taller than herself, and the other was an even thinner though somewhat shorter blonde – though that foreign looking hair was most likely a wig. Both wore make-up and were dressed somewhat revealingly, never-mind that whatever or whoever had harmed them had shredded their clothing, so it was barely holding onto them. At a glance, Jun guessed that the damage was most likely caused by a human, perhaps by one of those debt collectors or the like. Nonetheless, there was a possibility that they were harmed by a demon, and even if that wasn’t the case, Jun supposed she could offer them temporary protection in exchange for information.

That decided, the flame breath user dashed in the direction of the injured females, and though they’ve advanced several meters ahead of her since Jun last saw them, catching up was no chore. To the people around her, she would most likely appear as a simple strong gust of air displacement, a mirage that most would dismiss as mistake, figment of the imagination, or the result of having drunk to much. Of course, if a fellow demon slayer or perhaps a demon was watching, they could identify her as a member of the Corps at a glance. Jun caught up to the women just as they entered one of the small, grungy side-streets, though they did not notice, as her steps were light enough for untrained people to remain largely unaware. The demon slayer slowed down, slinking behind her target in what from an outsider’s perspective would seem like an incredibly suspicious action. Hit with the sudden realization that she was putting off the inevitable, she tsk-ed, the slight sound alerting the females. They turned around, obviously panicked. “Hey,” she called out, though not quite loudly.

“D-did they send you?” the blonde one asked bravely. The black-haired one drew a sharp looking hairpin somewhere, clutching it in trembling face.

“And who might they be?” Jun asked in a drawl, cocking her head slightly to the side and jutting her chin out, an expression conveying both curiosity and a sense of superiority.

“Hey, let’s dash, she’s not involved,” the hairpin-holding one whispered to the other.

Before the blonde could reply, Jun tsked. “Oh, but I am involved now,” she rebuffed the pitifully armed female. “Listen, I just want to talk. I could even solve your problem for you if you give me valuable enough information,” she declared with supreme confidence. However, what she was genuinely considering at the moment was that she could offer the females temporary protection at best, though if the situation was dire enough she could send them in the direction of the Itoshi estate…

“Haah? What could a girl like you do?” the blonde asked rudely in disbelief.

Jun smirked. “You didn’t notice that I was following you ever since you ran past me, did you? Besides, there is this…” she nonchalantly pushed the coat covering her to the side a bit, revealing the hilt of her sword hidden beneath it for but a moment. The females both looked startled, and backed half-a-step away from her. “If I had wanted to kill you, I already would have,” Jun sighed. “Don’t worry, I use this only to cut down monsters,” she said, somewhat sarcastically, because she knew the pair would believe her phrase to be metaphorical. “So, do you two have some place we could discuss this? Or do you seriously want to stand here and wait until whoever harmed you to find this shitty back street?! Not like it’s the most secluded spot ever,” she grumbled.

“So you wait and head them off,” the blonde challenged.

Jun smiled nastily. “I won’t do a thing for you until I know what’s going on. And I just stalled your escape long enough that if we don’t relocate right now..." she paused for the dramatic effect. "Well, it wouldn’t be good for you, would it?” She scoffed, as if she truly didn’t care what might happen to the women. Honestly, if some ruffian showed up just then, she’d probably beat them up and protect the women even if the opponent wasn’t a demon and she technically shouldn't be getting herself involved in events not at all related to demonic activity.

“You bitch,” hissed the blonde. The taller one, however, took a hold of her companion’s sleeve, and whispered to her urgently. The blonde grimaced furiously. Fine. Let’s go,” they both turned, proceeding down the alleyway, though they both kept a firm eye on her as they walked. Jun affected her most bored expression, and followed.

As soon as her sacrifice-esque action was done, Asteria felt a sudden presence. The closest reference to it was that water spirit in the sword she’d met way back in the dungeon. Narrowing her eyes, she dropped the coin from her mouth to her left palm, clutching it closely while looking around warily. “Hello?” she murmured the question. She used Mana Sense to try and get a feel for the disturbance. “Are you a spirit? Were you that being who was pleased by me offering part of the bug meat? Any connection to the coin?” she wondered aloud, whispering. She was mostly attempting to communicate with whatever was there, just to see if what she felt was some sort of a sentient spiritual being or not. She cocked her head to the side, focusing intently on her sense of touch.

“You know…If you like blood so much…there are some bandits outside this place, up to no good for sure,” actually, from what Ed had told her, she wasn’t sure if they were about to ransack the barrow if they had some other purpose. The fact that they were a danger was indisputable, so the details probably didn’t matter that much. “They’re bothering us too, but they outnumber us, some have armour, and they may be more skilled too…But I think at least one of them is a human,” she confided in a hushed, somewhat sweetly beseeching tone. Ed had referred to them as ‘armoured dudes’ so that last bit was likely true. “And if we had your help dealing with them…well, in exchange we can bring the corpses inside and you could have all that tasty fresh blood, hmm?”

Asteria didn’t honestly think something like what she was doing could get any sort of reaction, but then again, back when she had been speaking with the water spirit, that being had spoken to her and had wanted her mana…Though, as she still clearly remembered, dealing with it hadn’t been possible. Maybe this would be different. Or maybe nothing would happen. She was fine with either outcome. If mother rat, Ed, and herself had to deal with the situation themselves, they would. If there was actually some mysterious protective force in the barrow that had interest in keeping potentially disturbing presences aside, then perhaps it would offer a helpful push for them to deal with the bandits.


Asteria felt a profound sense of relief when Ed returned unharmed, and even without alerting the people outside. Since the gold coin did not seem dangerous, she picked it up with her mouth, leaving it under her tongue for the moment. She then set a paw on Ed and communicated with him telepathically. “Not mad. Glad you’re back. Hiding is fine. If bandits…attack…someone else…we could help?” Her Telepathy skill wasn’t high enough yet to get whole sentences through, but stringing words one by one and pausing longer between each sentence was possible. “I’m going into that second chamber,” she added. With the help of her newly upgraded Muffle skill, Asteria sneaked to where she’d laid the hatchet next to her sleeping spot, grabbed it between her teeth – and being careful not to accidentally swallow the coin still in her mouth – carried it to the second chamber, and laid the tool on a shelf closest to the open door which connected the first and second chamber. Next, she concentrated on the Muffle skill actively, figuring out how to actively invest a part of her ‘stamina’ into it. When it felt like it worked, she slowly, carefully, and almost-silently dragged all their remaining items to the second chamber as well, and put them in the vicinity of the shiver-inducing padlocked wood-and-iron door.

Since she had the time, Asteria investigated the second chamber more closely. A very eye-catching part of the table had a drain with a basin underneath it. It was fairly obvious from the metallic scent and the colouration of the stains that the set-up served for some sort of sacrifice rituals or the like. Whoever and whatever they were doing, they’d both seemed to mix herbs directly into what she was sure was blood – either human blood or monster blood – as well as hung plants from the ceiling. Asteria craned her head up and used her Plant analysis skill on each of the plant matter part she was able to discern in the bunch. Just to try and see if her assumption was correct, she used Monster analysis on the blood stains and the remains of the mixture in the basin. Asteria approached the basin underneath the table, observing it from up close. Hmm, just in case this is another custom one is supposed to do to appease the spirits or the dead or who knows what else… Asteria went and rifled through their belonging, dug out one Nullven cone, and brought it with her as she approached the basin. Crouching next to it, she pressed her left forearm to her teeth, pushing and pushing until a small but bleeding gash appeared. Then, she dangled her arm above the basin, and used her right paw to squeeze her left arm and get the fresh blood to drip in. As a small rivulet of blood formed, Asteria concentrated on that inner energy, calling forth the mana, and invested a small part of it into the blood offering. After that, she crushed the Nullven cone, scattering it in as well. She didn’t say anything, because she wasn’t aware of any chants, but kept her mind focused on a peaceful, non-aggressive feeling. Hey, if burning the bug meat last night truly had somehow caused the gold coin to appear, then maybe doing something like this wasn’t a half-bad idea either.

Jandar Varan
In front of Ashkevron Residence, Askavi

Gennar, Bellinar, Denvar… Jandar memorized the names he was given promptly, matching the appearance of each brother with each name as he gazed at one by one in turn for a few seconds. He turned, almost startled, when the Dea Al Mon introduced himself, and nodded cautiously in confirmation of the Prince’s introduction. Given that only minutes before, the man had ranted and raved how he would be only Faeril’s ally and not Fatima’s or her court’s, this practically placid introduction of his was slightly odd, but perhaps Mikahil truly was so professional that he could act as if nothing had happened. Jandar supposed he could reciprocate, but he’d still keep a cautious eye on this somewhat questionably ally of theirs.

In the mean-time, he observed peacefully with a slightly quirked eyebrow as Mikhail and Gennar carried the still living but unconscious assailants into Faeril’s house with what in Jandar’s mind was a very obvious goal in mind – information extraction. He didn’t mind, though he did wonder if Fatima caught on. However, if the Queen said nothing about it, Jandar certainly didn’t intend to alert her to the goings-on. “My horse, Teo, is still stabled by the inn downstairs,” the Warlord commented when Fatima mentioned that the two of them were all packed to go. He kept a sharp gaze trained on the Queen as she faltered lightly at the sight of her companion’s corpse, but as she was able to recollect herself swiftly, he did not intervene.

Fatima asked for help with gathering wood, but Jandar did not have a hatchet or ax on him, so he left that work to Bellinar and Xandar. The latter had stripped completely, and Jandar noticed the Eyrien’s recently healed wound. He frowned mildly, thinking that the added strain of woodcutting in addition to the fierce combat they’ve just been through might not serve the Eyrien well, but the Warlord held his tongue. For one, he was not a Healer, and for another, the Warlord Prince was likely quite aware of his own capabilities and limitations; insinuation otherwise would be an insult. The two Eyriens would have to be manpower enough for the wood. As for the house work, all the others had gone there, so it was bound to be crowded already. Moreover, Fatima would probably stay right there, by the old man’s corpse. The Warlord did not believe there would be any danger so soon again, but he certainly wasn’t going to risk anything and leave the Queen by herself. “I shall stay by your side,” he asserted, giving Fatima a calm and sure gaze, not with the intent to patronize or pity her, but simply matter-of-factly.

Jun nodded at Itoshi-sama and while her superior made her rounds, spent her time loitering around the estate, pestering a few students into short physical training sessions. As the time of daylight gradually passed, however, Jun was left mostly to her own devises, so she gave into performing some light stretches and cool-down exercise, before she made her way to the Pillar’s personal quarters. She was led into a guest room, and sat politely in a kneeling position, sipping at the offered green tea as she listened.

So, the matter of the traitor Pillar was left to someone else. Fine. At least she was given a mission of destroying a demon gathering hot spot. “Sounds good to me. I’ll destroy and torture them or whatever, but I wonder if they will want to share information…Well, in any case, just leave it to me. Until later, then, master,” Jun bowed, stood, and left. Packing was a swift matter, and before long, she was ready to leave.

Jun arranged for the same carriage Itoshi had used to convey her to the nearest train station, though before departing, she did wait long enough to give that foreigner the opportunity to go along with her if he wanted to. Regardless of whether he chose to do that or not, however, she let the vehicle carry her to her destination, and took the opportunity to nap a bit. She was lucky enough to catch one of the last trains departing to a town in Ōita Prefecture, and drowsed during the ride. Jun had had to travel with her sword and uniform concealed underneath regular clothing, of course, but if it meant she could get a drop on any demons, she’d do more than that.

Seeing as it was still night-time when she arrived at her destination, Jun chose to go on a leisurely night-time stroll – all for the sake of attempting to find any demonic activity, of course. She took care that her posture reflected confidence and posture, despite this being an unknown location to her. Perhaps she should attempt finding a red-light district; those were well-known for operating during the night, and might even attract a demon or two amid the humans. Besides, people with lowered inhibition were more prone to sharing information – or rather, what in the eyes of others might be seen as drunken ramblings. But if multiple people alluded to a demon, even drunks’ opinions could be taken into account. And so, Jun went on her way, traversing the town, low-key keeping an eye on things.
Jandar Varan
In front of Ashkevron Residence, Askavi

When their conversation was done, Jandar let Fatima heal him, then summoned his traveling backpack, stashed his dirtied shirt, and pulled out a fresh one. After redressing and vanishing the backpack, he stood gracefully and offered Fatima a hand to pick her up, perhaps even escort her to the house if she still needed a bit of support.

Then, the Eyrien Warlord Prince ambled towards him, looking somewhat worn out from the battle. “Mm, with how convenient that attack was, a traitor was to be expected. There were three enemies waiting on top of the stairs we’ve just ascended, and from the looks of it, there had been a simultaneous attack on the house that the rest of you fended off. If there had been less of us…” Jandar trailed off. There was no need to complete the sentence; the well-prepared attackers had been routed only because the circumstances hadn’t been quite as they’d expected. “I certainly agree that we should leave as soon as is possible. Perhaps the Black Widow will have a suggestion as to the where,” he commented.

The Warlord nodded politely in the direction of the Eyrien brother who had spoken. “Perhaps a simple exchange of names would not go amiss,” he noted in an amused tone. After all, he still did not know the names of all of those whom he had fought alongside. “My name is Jandar Varan. And yourself? And, if I am not mistaken, those two are your brothers?” he gestured at the two remaining Eyriens, who were already on their way to Faeril’s residence.
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