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@Zinita If we wanna mess with the teachers, can we have them react in small ways or should we leave all that to you? I forgot if that was asked already or not, but I have ideas for my 1st post that I need this info for.
Missing door or present guinea pig, which is better? Too bad there wasn't anyone with some sort of time (or duplication) magic or something in between, then we could have had both.
Fun fact: I used the posh name generator for Ray's middle and last name. (I also considered giving him multiple names like Helena has, except his parents would have done it unironically for "prestige". I didn't feel like generating more though, lol.)

“I usually ask the locals too…but what if they intentionally point us to some ambush location?” Ifrari expressed his worry, biting his lower lip as he considered whether his paranoia was warranted or not. “Know what, we probably will have to ask around, let’s just be extra cautious of traps, then,” he decided.

The dark elf then watched in wonder as Rex threw the ginormous sword and swung it around with ease – with only one arm. “Whoa,” he couldn’t help but murmur. Obviously, the youth was large and muscular, but he hadn’t really imagined the sheer power he had. “Yeah, that works. You knock them away, and I’ll pick them off with my spear.” Ifrari nodded, grinning. He certainly was more confident about the mission after that demonstration.

The Hundi expressed a concern about morality and Ifrari cocked his head to the side. “Rex, if at any point during the mission you think we’re doing something immoral or questionable, just notify me. I can get too focused on the job, sometimes, so I might not notice,” he confessed. The dark elf wasn’t entirely sure what specific concerns the Hundi had; maybe he was just wary of not helping strangers unrelated to the mission? It could have been something else too though, given how uncomfortable he appeared, which is why Ifrari said what he had.

“Let’s go then,” he confirmed, and the two made their way out of Venne.
You bet they do.

Edit: Phew, name all parent-approved, and hated-by-son.
It's not like he named himself XD
Haha, yeah. Btw, still deciding if I should spell it as Reagan (which I started as) or Raegan (which I kinda switched to in the middle).

Hmm~ One's easier, one's more acceptable for his parents...I'll probably switch it to that
Yeah, it really is all thanks to that 1st admission that we've developed this fun trend and added onto it. I enjoyed reading every app so far.
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