Avatar of SilverPaw


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I am so bad at picking theme songs.

Same, it's basically what I have left to do. Though I might tinker with the bio depending on some things. (That, and the food - but for that, I'll just pick whatever).
Oh,good, I was worried I added too much variety. Because I did notice most powers relied on one ability per category (e.g. wind for incantation, inducing fear for cog. alteration). Anyhow, if you're fine with that, I'm keeping it like this. I'll post the full sheet tomorrow since it's mostly done anyhow.
Mind checking over the abilities? I probably ended up tagging on too much, because there're so many awesome things to do.

My primary idea is actually for Cognitive alteration/Physical augmentation, partially because Spatial manipulation is trickier, but also because the former is my preference - I'm thinking the combination of the two might be even better (compared to using just one or the other) if one wanted to enhance brain-related functions.
Mm, yeah, I figured. Maybe if we ever get to the point that the A rank Daemons are upgraded to S, I'll add that ability. For now, I'd rather have something the Handler could use too.
How'd you feel about warping via spatial manipulation? It's one of the things I'm considering.
I'm interested. But is there any way to access the info on that link without logging in?
Colour me intrigued.
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