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@TheMerlin So, the first dragons the Dragonier used were also Elder Dragons? And the dragons existing in the present time all are descendants of those tamed ones? Or am I missing something with this?
Jacqueline Leroux

She was being driven to the precinct in what was basically a giant metal cage, and it was utterly silent. Jacqueline didn’t show it, but she was bored. The only silver lining was that her esper outfit didn’t make her all the more uncomfortable, despite logic dictating that wearing full plate should.

Jay was glad to arrive at the location, because at least it got her out of the awkward, suffocating enclosed space. She surveyed the surroundings, hoping to catch signs of trouble – but there was nothing on the outside.

She stood guard while she waited, gaze perfunctorily wandering here and there, just in case someone or something dangerous showed up. Jacqueline noted one of her co-workers, Valkyrie was as serious as ever. Not that she herself was lax, but Jay had recognized from working alongside her that the other woman took their duty very personally. She couldn’t help but wonder if she could keep up being so stiff and inflexible even several years down the line. Should just worry about myself.

Jacqueline let out a slightly longer exhale, then moved closer to where conversation between Breacher and Blinky ensued. “A few freelancers, huh. Don’t have nothing against them, but it’s annoying how we’ve no clue how many’ll show up till they do. Oh, well.”

She ignored the part about Breacher’s daughter, as she wasn’t really interested. But she did pitch in at the end. “To a good one,” she said simply. She shifted her war pick to her left, and offered her right to Blinky and Breacher. She didn’t bother with Valkyrie, since she either wasn’t interested or that weapon really was too cumbersome.

A moment passed, and all was quiet again. “So, chance of monster involvement?” she asked idly. However, her tone indicated she didn’t expect anything non-human this time.

It wasn’t long till their first Freelancer helper arrived. They were a giant suited-up soldier, and drew attention from far away. “Evenin’. Just call me Leroux. Pleasure to meet you,” Jay introduced herself with a nod.
Caelum Harrington

Caelum scoffed incredulously at the priest’s speech. “We may be lost, but we don’t belong here,” he stated derisively. The whole place was a hellhole, regardless of how grandly gilded the cathedral and courthouse happened to be.

Barney was also infuriated with his lookalike – rightfully so. As he challenged the dream double, the latter always had some twisted answer ready. When Barney sought support from his companions, Caelum obliged. “He’s clearly deranged,” he said with a shake of his head and a frown.

However, there was one point during the conversation where Barney – the real one – exhibited an eerie resemblance to the evil copy. They both believed the thing about others needing help more than either of them did. Is it a coincidence? Why is the double even trying to convince him? Maybe he’s just trying to drive us all crazy…

Caelum didn’t get to find out. The double seemed to give in with suspicious ease, and then – transformed. Fuck, not again! He dashed behind one of the shrines as soon as the monster emerged. Its attention was not on him, though, but rather on Barney. It slashed at him with a huge claw, sending him flying straight into an offering wagon.

Caelum stared at the fallen student, frozen. He wasn’t dead…right? No, there was definitely some small movement there. But if it goes after him again…

Too afraid of being responsible for another’s death, Caelum acted. He ran towards Barney, weaving between shrines and offerings as he could. There was no way the monster wouldn’t notice, but at least it wouldn’t have a clear path towards him.

When he made it to the crash site, Caelum began clearing off the debris. “Shit, get up, you can’t stay down,” he muttered.
Among the collapsed trinkets, there were several that caught his eye. Desperation drove him to make a smile pile of what could be useful – candle holders, dishes, small sculptures. Even the broken off wood could do in a pinch. “This isn’t enough,” he sighed despondently. “What else?” Skewer it with wood? Not if I can help it...

His gaze stopped at a nearby statue. Most of them stood next to a wall but not all. “Think we could get it to crash into one of those? The Atlas one maybe,” he whispered to Barney. The only other idea he had was to use fire, but that was surely inadvisable.

Whatever they decided, the monster wouldn’t just stand around waiting. In case it decided to come close, Caelum searched the remains of the wagon. Several pieces looked promising, but he took one of the wooden boards. One end was whole, but the other jagged, serrated, and kind of pitiful if he was being honest. The thing was unwieldy, but Caelum hoped it could both deflect the insect-man or maybe get in a hit or two. He was crouched next to the small pile of semi-useful stuff, ready to start chucking them at the mantis as soon as it came within throwing distance.
Shei Vivem

“Hm?” Shei turned to the person who’d spoken, a white-haired girl in a maid uniform. “Oh, nice to know. Thanks! And yeah, I got the letter, sure. Would be a pretty funny coincidence otherwise.” Well, if funny was another word for inadvisable or dangerous. But since she was supposed to be there, it didn’t matter.

She watched as the barkeep berated a boy, amused. “So, Mr. Gana, d’you want to see my license too?” a brow quirked in inquiry.
However, the second earthquake distracted her, and she glanced at the newly formed door intrigued. A nen ability including transportation, maybe even forming the other location? Pretty neat.

“Hey, hey, did you do that?” she glanced at Gana askance. Not so much because she guessed it was him, but because he – besides the presumed White Tiger – had been the only person so far who’d spoken or paid attention to them at all. “Can you get another door or whatever for me too?”

Shei waited till a reply – or the formation of another portal. When the latter eventually happened, whether it was a door or a hole, Shei went in without hesitation. Soon, she found herself in an underground dungeon, noticing another boy standing around there.

“Hi! Were you the first guest hunter at the bar? I didn’t see you when you came in, but I did feel that weird earthquake from the outside…So, were you just chucked in?” she spoke excitedly, not giving the boy a chance to answer the questions one by one.

“Oh, and did you see that White Tiger dude? Do you know what the deal with this is? A test, huh?” she asked, looking around a second time. Now, she took in the several doors, brick wall, torches – and not much else beside the corridor they were in, to be honest.
Yeah, I can put up something. I figure you'll be the once who describes what's in those nen-locked rooms, yea?
@SilverPaw Pry is a pretty interesting feature, but it's too strong at B rank. We'd like to see it scaled back to D rank. That will make it work on virtually every mundane target you find, and bars easy disarms on other espers, tough monsters, etc. Aside from that small correction, this agent can report to the character tab!

Thought it might be, yeah. Does it work like this: "the user can pry that object free of wherever it’s stuck or from whomever holds it as long as that thing’s or person’s sentinel rank isn’t higher than D."

To clarify, that means that Pry doesn't scale with any pre-existing stat.

As in, it's separate from the damage, speed, or sentinel stats?
And done.

WIP - Only trivia remaining.

WIP - Only trivia remaining.

I've been playing around with a few notes, and I've noticed piercing isn't viable if it's used on its own with a cast note. I assume that is on purpose, and means you can't give something a piercing property if it doesn't also, say, cause damage to an enemy.
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