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Klarion the Witch Boy

Location: Salem woods, the devil's oak.
Interaction: none
Issue #1: The boy who sought chaos
notable mentions: The cult of blood(Massachusetts chapter)

Witching Hour
Definition of the witching hour
1: the time late at night when the powers of a witch, magician, etc., are believed to be strongest

Somewhere in the thick secluded woods of Salem, right beneath the infamous hanging tree; A forgotten and sickening tradition takes place in the shade of the night's fog and darkness.

"Brothers, sisters, we are gathered here today as witnesses and at the same time represent our lord's hammer towards the wicked. What stands before you is a group of people that reeks of foul magic, They have committed a blasphemous act of using witchcraft in our state which is punishable by death and damnation, What says you, brethren? what's god's punishment towards these disgusting heathens!!?" A charismatic prophet exclaimed, facing and demanding an answer from the frantic crowd in front of him. His face was all red, His teeth seething with rage, and His eyes filled with malice, and was ready to deliver these sacrificial lambs as offering to their 'god'.

"Burn them, Burn them, Burn them!" The crowd repeatedly chanted in unison, empowering his cause.

He smirks at the obvious yet inhumane response from his audience; All of them are wearing red cloaks and their faces are concealed by assorted hideous masks. They are the judge, the jury, and the executioner of this ritual and pretty much a cult in every sense of the word.

"The people have spoken! May God strike you dead for your wicked deeds." said the man clad in a red tunic. His torch flickers with cinders, spewing sparks of flames in the wind, matching his venomous words from every accusation he speaks to the so-called 'witches' held captive, gagged, and tied in front of him.

The victims plead their muffled cry of innocence (which they are) only to be drowned by the chant of burning them at the stake.

Right before the hay was lit with fire beneath their feet. A boisterous laugh was heard from the masses, abruptly interrupting the ceremony.

"Man, how cliche can you get? human sacrifices at midnight, with matching cult outfits like a bunch of cosplayers? Ughh.. that's so out of date.." one of the cultists heckled, sounding like a pre-adolescent teen.

Klarion boldly removes his glamor charm and reveals his true self and his cat.

Many have gasped knowing there's an imposter amongst themselves. Their eyes are all set on the witch boy.

"You dare mock us, intruder?" The head of the cult snarled, addressing the slender lad that dare interrupt this sacred ritual.

"As much as I love prolonged this dull cult activity of yours, let us cut to the chase why I'm here, shall we? I'm here for your denononecronomicon"


"Demonomicon, Demonomicon.. I know what I said Teekl" The witch boy throws a hissy fit at his cat correcting him.

"How arrogant of you to come here knowing you're outnumbered, witch. Tie him up and add him to the sacrifices" He commanded his followers.

Without any hesitation, The religious mob did as they were told and closed in on the Witch boy from all sides. Armed with pitchforks and torches, ready to pounce at their cornered prey like a pack of hungry wolves.

"Alright, I'll play.. Te Ipsum Occidere" Klarion smirked and simply spoke these words with a clear voice and conviction so that everyone can hear.

An invocation that alters the mind and perception. It's basically the Latin word for "Kill yourself".

The charm takes effect.

His words become their actions.

Hysteria poisoned their mind and involuntarily started attacking one other. Their weapons were drawn out only to shed blood amongst their ranks.
They become their own worst enemy, redirecting their anger toward themselves, and began murdering and eviscerating each other until nothing was left standing.

"Wow, you guys suck, you don't have protection against the most basic mind control spell, I guess witch-hunters are not built as they use to these days" Klarion laughs his ass off at the mutiny that he has caused.

"You'll pay for this, you brat!" unaffected by the witch boy's charm, The cult leader musters up his courage and draws his musket, pointing it at Klarion.

Before the priest could even pull the trigger, Klarion shoots an eldritch blast that pierces a fatal wound in his chest that brought him down to his knees.

Klarion grins and makes a finger bang gesture, blowing the imaginary smoke out his index finger.

The petulant boy then levitates toward the stage and confronts the fallen cult leader.

"Great party you old geezer, Now give me what I want.." Klarion demanded in his usual bratty tone.

"It's not here, you foul abomination of magic. You think this is a joke? Our god, and his high priest will have your head for soiling the cult of blood. you can't escape what's coming! -- may your rotten c- AGGGHHH"

"Ughh, shut up already with your lectures." Klarion rolls his eye, and snaps his fingers, putting a gagging curse on the dying priest. The cultist's mouth burst out and vomits a chunk ton of various insects that soon crawls and feast on his decaying flesh.

"Well, this has been a waste of time. These losers didn't have the book" Klarion sighed.

"Come now, Teekl.. I've got school early in the morning"


The boy and his cat left and dissipate into the night's fog; Leaving the mess and entrails of countless bodies they made in this area.

The victims were left there stranded and tied up and has to witness the entire massacre of this cult.

They were petrified and confused by the mysterious pale boy's senseless killings and at the same time relieved that they didn't get burned alive by their captors.

This has been one crazy night for them, and that's one hell of an understatement.


"Darn It, You're no fun"
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

A powerful occultist, A scoundrel, and a brat. This is my redesigning of the witch boy's lore.

Klarion the witch boy was born from another dimension known as limbo town. A magical place beneath the earth where everyone is able to do sorcery, necromancy, and other form of ancient and dark magics.

Klarion along with his familiar Teekl escapes from Limbo town and makes his way through the outside world.

He now lives a normal(?) teenage life and resides in Salem, Massachusetts. Being infamous for its history of witchhunt and the epicenter of most things paranormal, Klarion learns that there's more to this city than meets the eye. Turns out, This rural suburban town is inhabited by secret society cultists, things that go bump in the night, and foreign entities beyond human comprehension.

Hijinks ensue as Klarion tries to balance his life; butting heads with eldritch horrors, paranormal creatures, and Salem's cultist, while trying to hide his true identity as a descendant of witch people. To do so, Klarion guise himself as a human student - A teenager with a coming of age story while dealing with heroes and villains alike, Sound like an 80's sitcom innit? now if only Teekl can talk and crack some jokes.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I really like supernatural characters, characters that use magic and the sorts. I grew fond of the DC's magic system and was quite fascinated by it. Constantine was my introduction and gateway magic-user for DC but Klarion grew on me over the time.

I tend to play the witch boy as a playful sadistic trickster rather than a pure chaotic evil character, ditching the whole Chaos lord shindig while keeping his dorky and bratty personality and putting him in a slice of life/dark fantasy setting, going back to his origin and his rivalry with the demon Etrigan.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Teekl - Klarion's familiar and his source of power. Being born in Limbo town, it is required for its denizens to have their very own familiar. And for Klarion, a marmalade cat is the perfect match for him.

Etrigan/Jason Blood - Serving as his overseer and his archnemesis, this rhyming demon keeps his tab on the witch boy's new life from time to time, Giving him a frequently good spanking when Klarion goes out misbehaving.

Limbo Patrol - The witch people are ruthless. Nobody escapes their realm and lives to tell a tale about it. They send their Twin enforcers along with their earworm familiar on earth to track down Klarion and bring him back to their world for some good old' witch-burning trial. These twins are emotionless and ruthless and very adept in dark magic. Luckily for Klarion, his hunters aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

S.H.A.D.E - is a top-secret U.S government organization. Their acronym stands for Super-Human Advanced Defense Executive. They attempt to neutralize metahuman disasters before they can become a threat to the American people.

Ned Amish - Klarion's self-proclaimed "friend" in Salem - Seriously, who is this again?

The church of Salem - something about this place seems eerie.

W.A.N.D - a branch of the S.H.I.E.L.D that deals with supernatural threats.

A R C S:

S A M P L E P O S T:


@Silverstein You're approved for Klarion.


Also I have this crazy idea but If possible, I would like to stake my claim on Doctor Fate as one of Klarion's legacy character @Lord Wraith@Master Bruce

Basically, My version of the lord of order is one of the greatest host that has ever taken the mantle of Nabu's helm: Steel Maxum

and yes, this is a serious proposal.

I did the sample post for Klarion :>


Hi, i've been lurking around and was hoping to join this RP. Here's my submission and my version of Klarion. :>

Shogun of Shadow's Garden

The Demon faintly smiles at the sight.

The scenery. The Japanese theme garden straight out of the Feudal Japan period. The platoon of Samurai soldiers from every corner. The temple they're trying to protect by the order of its unknown leader, watching and sitting on its throne, wary of this intruder.

It was all an elaborate trap, A guise designed to lure its prey in. I find it amusing and yet I hate it so much. The thought of even deceiving and trapping me is of utmost laughable. Flauros's frown grew even wider.

Flauros clutches his face with the biggest shit-eating grin he can muster. His ring of power glistens. He trembles with excitement at how many humans dare to oppose him.

"Since I'm in a good mood, I'll let you live since none of you is even worth my time. Flee now or be turned into burnt corpses." Flauros extends his arm, manifesting an ample amount of black flame at the end of his index finger. He fires and incinerates the field behind them, setting ablaze the once peaceful garden.

As if the Demon summoner's act of aggression wasn't enough to break the morale of the troops of the opposing side.

A rift tore asunder. A portal opens behind Flauros. Demons of all shapes and sizes come pouring from this doorway. Bipedal fiends, Winged fiends, Animal shape fiends, lesser imps come forth to aid him, evening the odds against the enemies' numbers.

This should be a massacre.

Most of the Shogun's henchmen are quivering in fear, losing their footing as creatures beyond their comprehension manifest before their very eyes and started attacking them like ravenous beasts.

Their swords clink through their feral attack, struggling to fend them off, Doing the best they could not to get ripped to shreds by the creature's sharp fangs and claws but to no avail.

Others began to flee while the others reluctantly advanced to fight in service of their Shogun.

"Shit I didn't sign up for this, this is above my paygrade!"

"I should have stayed in art school!"

"Stay in formation and fight you fools, We must protect the shogu--arrggghh!!"

Everything burns as Flauros continues to ransack the bad guy's garden.

Greg watches the incident unfold from his monitor and winced at the horrendous act of the demon arsonist decimating their precious garden that he worked hard on during the weekend.

"Maaan i'm so getting fired for this, I should've done more background checks on this guy. I'm sure Mr. S.S. (Shogun of Shadows) can handle this. After all he is the second strongest and the most scariest member of the sinister gang" The intern sighed and continues to observe.

Shogun of Shadow's Throne Room

Flauros' trail of destruction ends as he reaches the throne room. A room made entirely out of high grade wood, imperial Japanese weapons hanging from each side of the walls as displays, and an abandoned chair fit for an emperor at the center.

Strangely enough, this room is suspiciously empty and quiet - That is until the shadows began to shift and move in his direction.

"Kill, War, Conquer " A hazy figure emerges from the floor and lunges a quick surprise attack.

Flauros's backline of disposable demons put their body on the line and easily got eviscerated trying to protect its master.

Its shadowy tentacles each wielding a sword strike true; Slicing them into two with one clean cleave before phasing out and blending in with the shadows once again.

The Demonic intruder stood his ground as he prepares to defend himself, anticipating the shade's attack.

"Kill, War, Conquer,.." The shade repeatedly chanted. It seems that's the only thing this creature knows. A shell of man that lost its sanity and reasoning. A deranged warlord that descended further into madness, fixated on living his life in these three simple words.

"My, you're nothing more than a mad dog. Consider yourself fortunate, Fiend. Today is the day that i'll put you out of your misery."

Flauros little adventure of torturing evil-doers and the perverse glee of doing so was over by the daylight.

It's back to the ole' mundane operation as the cafe manager as responsibility kicks in to start the day. Yay fun!

"Spam, spam, bills, yikes.. definitely spam.. huh? my, what do we have here?" Flauros raised a brow and leans back in his chair, curious about this particular letter of a rent advertisement that tickles his fancy. A mysterious letter that was specifically made as if to lure the demon general into a trap.

A conveniently placed ad that just opened around the corner of the shadiest part of the city. It seems to be the perfect location for his cafe expansion franchise with all of its suited specifics, agreeable conditions, and the low rental fee the ad is offering. It's almost too good to be true!

This letter reeks of malice, false promises, and ill intent attempt to scam those who are gullible enough to take the bait. Just like any normal ads. But alas curiosity got the best of him and decided to check what kind of fiend would have the audacity to fake such a note.

Flauros rolls out with two of his best demon henchmen and checks the place for himself. These demonic henchmen are the embodiment of strength and speed. One is a towering brute built like a brick and the other a slender being; both wearing business suits, guising themselves as normal humans.

Upon arriving at the designated venue, He saw an insurance company specifically made for volcano victims. A Weird choice for social security services but nothing out of the norm, right?

Within its spacious lobby, Flauros entered the site and can't help but notice the lonesome receptionist sprinting all over the place, preparing last-minute traps by the orders of his bosses. He seems panicked and running on a deadline as he bounces all over the place.

"Hope I'm not interrupting," Flauros clears his throat, hoping to get the intern's attention.

"Stupid kunai dispenser..." Greg muttered.

"Oh I'm sorry you have to see me like this, talk about bad timing huh? one of our deadly traps come to a bust.. I'll be there in a minute," The earnest young intern said, focusing on the task at hand, not even bother looking at Flauros and his two goons.

Being the gentleman that he is, Flauros decided to wait for the young intern to fix his struggles.

With a few smacks of the wrench trying to fix the machine, it starts whirling rapidly and instantly hurls a knife in the demon general's direction. Luckily, the gargantuan demon blocks it out of instinct, putting its massive body on the line for its master, absorbing it within its chest. Unfazed, The giant just grunted in response to being stabbed by a small knife like it was just your normal Tuesday.

"Yikes, that looks painful I'm sorry" Greg winced at the sight.

"Not to worry.. Uhm.. Greg" Flauros squints his eyes, reading the intern's name tag. "My good fellow over here is prepared for anything and understands the occupational hazard working for me" Flauros continued and steps forward.

"I think we got that out of the way, let's discuss why I'm here. may I ask who send me this obvious death trap of a letter?" He asked.

"Oh, you're one of those guys... Sorry to keep you waiting. My employer said to guide you to your doom. Just take the elevator on your left and somebody will accompany you to your inevitable defeat"

Just like the accommodating intern receptionist instructed, Flauros and his two bodyguards descend into the subterranean lair, patiently waiting inside the elevator cube while listening to its mellow music.

The lift suddenly comes to a halt.

The elevator doors open.

The sight of an underground paradise filled with droplets of falling sakura petals coming from a single sakura tree welcomes the demonic advocate.

It appears that this underground base is bigger than it appears.

This must be the garden room.

"Abandon all hope, Despair is imminent, for the shogun of the shadows consumes all. Descendant of the dark side of the sun" engraved on a stone wall lies an ominous warning.Upon this sign lies a small bridge that is connected to a lavish Japanese theme miniature mansion where the Shogun resides.

Despite the pleasant scenery, Flauros' evil eyes can't help but react to his surroundings. Beneath the facade of this artificial paradise. dangers are lurking about in the shadows.

Location: Mr. Blue's location

Interaction with: @Lurking Shadow@Silver Carrot

"As you wish.." Flauros returned to his usual decorum after hearing the young boy plead his case. He loosens his grip and drops the seemingly unconscious blue guy to the ground.

"For the record, I would never kill without a reason; that would simply be barbaric. Without these scums, I would cease to exist in this world.. their sense of dread and their ability to do vile things, It simply sustains me.. This is why I absolutely love this city." Flauros said with a wicked grin, briefly looking down at the indisposed man clad in blue at his feet with his cold yellow gaze. A subtle hint of what kind of creature or fiend he is.

"As for you, my little troublemaker, it seems you DID get what you want. though I expected it would be a little more bloody and more dismembering. Nevertheless, as long as you're satisfied then I too as well." Flauros said turning his attention to the draconic young girl who is now in the possession of that crate.

"although, you should tread lightly with that greedy trait of yours. you'll never know what kind of oddities you'll attract with it." He smirked, crossing his arms.

"It appears we're done here. it's getting late and I do hate publicity. I don't do the whole hero shindig so would you mind cleaning up the mess?"

"My card" Flauros offered his business card to the two, showing his name and his cafe's address written on it.

Location: Mr. Blue's location

"Well done, heroes.. I expect nothing less from the valiant protectors of Grailham. Alas, this little display no longer intrigues me.." Flauros scoffs and waves his hand, dismissing the visions made from his scrying projected around him.

"Something else caught my attention," Flauros's eyes flare up, seeing visions of an event happening not far from the heist.A draconic creature generating an ample amount of malice.

Unlike the bloodlusted velociraptor he saw way before, this young girl bares the sin of greed; and along with her is an agile young boy; who appears to be an innocent soul that seems to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

"This should be worth my time.." Flauros smiled and snapped his fingers, Curious to see what's so damn important about that crate as well.

A Demonic circle appeared beneath his feet.

He muttered a short otherworldly incantation.

A ritual takes place between him and his hellhound.

He cast a spell that lets him swap places with his summon, sacrificing one of his hellhounds in the process.

One hell hound bursts into flames, sacrificing its own life as Flauros takes its place.

The demon manager from hell arrived just in time to make his entrance and intervened.

"Greetings, gentlemen. I think you should listen and hand over whatever she is asking.. I'm sure whatever inside of that thing isn't worth your insignificant lives." A man dressed in a black suit and a mutated dog appeared from the distance.

Flauros gains speed as he begins to levitate; tackling and slamming one of the guys surrounding Tobias into a wall. Grabbing the poor sap by the throat with his one arm, lifting him up and choking him in the process.

"My, you're a bit green working in the superhero biz, allow me to aid you," He said to the agile young boy, not letting his grip loose on one of the blue guy's neck. Flauros can tell that this youngling is very cautious with his actions and has no intent to take one's life out. An admirable, noble and laughable act, Flauros thought to himself.

"Go on, dear. take whatever is in that create, let your avarice drive you to get what you want." Flauros said to the draconic girl with a mischievous grin.
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