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it's the unspoken rule of the internet that whenever you got Rick rolled, you must finish the entire video.


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Leon Hyksos

Badland Heist
Interaction: @Inertia @AzureKnight @PaulHaynek @FrogRFlowR

"While Leon here is right, I also wouldn't be too quick to judge your own teammates. Young Evelynn here has made her proofs, after all."

"It's not that I'm not confident with her skill, It's her ability to be subtle is what concerns me..." Leon nonchalantly said in the background, combing his snow-white hair back in its place from the static electricity the witch has caused. He didn't mind Asterope's playful display of her magic. His hair is already a mess as it is.

As far as Leon is concerned, if this higher-up magus is able of leaking a fraction of her lightning magic just by her presence alone. Who knows what she is capable off when she decides to amp up the dial? (Note to self: Human livewire, Do not touch nor startle her.)

Soon the Badland heist team has completely gathered in front of their benefactor. Most of them came from nobility or a prodigy of some kind. Even the kid with the lyre has an air of higher class in him based on its elegant craftsmanship. This should be an interesting bunch, A vigilante rogue that beats up people at night working with the elites.

"I'm good to go. Examining the workers there should be a good start. If we're lucky, maybe one of them has seen these mysterious crafty bandits."
He said with a straight face, determined to answer the 'whos' and the 'hows' of this heist.

"Altho, If it ain't too much Mr.Donovan. I would require a complete detailed blueprint of your building. I just wanna know every possible entry point and every exit there is. I'm still not convinced this is a perfect crime. As an esper, it's always an advantage to perceive things beyond the normalcy of our eyes."

I'm afraid that your sheet will have to be one of the ones that I put on the back-burner. We can PM if you want to know the specifics, but at the moment I don't believe that I can accept Tiny Tim (despite his wonderful name) into the RP.

Oof. aight we'll discuss it there if that's what you prefer. It must be really serious to have it go through a PM XD
Sorry for dropping by unannounced. In any case here's my submission.

Leon Hyksos

Interacting with: Evelyn/Donovan@AzureKnight
Badland Heist

What transpires, bumping into Evelyn and meeting with Donovan himself in the halls was not the whole detailed story. Well, not from Leon's perspective at least.

It was rather much more embarrassing and awkward than it should have been!

Leon did bump into her in the halls. Yes, but not the way it's played out to be. The estranged fae was able to perceive the incoming collision before he made contact with her due to his 'danger sense' kicking in.

Rather than making the witch awkwardly fall on her back and look like a heartless jerk in doing so. Leon catches the troubled girl by her waist with his cape. Saving her, preventing the boisterous young lady from greeting the floor with her spine and tailbone.

The whole sequence played out straight from a cheesy romance novel. A fateful encounter between two people; facing each other with their gazes intertwined and bodies locked together for a mere second.

It's pretty dreamy, right? well not exactly..

The rogue elf wasn't exactly prince charming material.

"...." Leon couldn't care less about her and greeted her with the same deadpan look on his face and helps her get back on her feet as soon as Donovan arrived to hash out their mission. And to make matters worst, He didn't even ask if she was okay!

He then held his hand out to Leon; he’d continue his explanation whether the Fae accepted the shake or not.

Leon did reaches out his hand as a means of formality to the entrepreneur and listened to the details the plant owner has to say.


As soon as Donavon finished their briefing, Leon simply nodded, turning his attention to the witch.

"By the sound of it, the only possible conclusion I have is that they have a rat in their network to aid these master thieves .. an inside job If you will. " Leon spoke out.

"It's true that kind of magitech is kinda scary, sucking up mana and adding it to their own. It can be beneficial to those who upholds the peace, and harmful to those who use it for personal gain." The fae muttered while recollecting the deal he made with Kiff, no wonder the librarian wants this weaponry, this stuff is potent!

"I assumed we'll be working together, My name is Leon, an esper, I stab people physically and mentally." He nonchalantly introduces himself.

"You should be more careful next time, and collect your thoughts.. you seemed troubled a moment ago. As an esper, my advice is to strengthen your resolve, or else you'll drown in other people's thoughts if you don't focus on your own." Leon said, almost showing empathy to his fellow reaver, Evelyn.

"I don't want this delicate covert mission to go south due to the people I work with aren't 100% emotionally stable." He added. And just like that, the rogue fae ruined a piece of encouraging advice turning it into something mission-oriented. What a strange way to boost one's morale.

"Shall we go and plan this out?"
Leon Hyksos

Mission Accepted:
Badland Heist (with a totally not shady request from Kiff Luther)


Leon remains unfazed upon seeing the long-haired man reveal himself. He continues to flip the pages of his book, tracking the words with his eyes unbothered by the librarian's presence sharing a seat in front of him. To Leon, he was just a friendly worker at the Eon tower unintentionally invading his personal space with a little casual chat. It happens right?

His tired half-awake eyes shifted back and forth behind the book in his hand and the man who introduced himself as Kiff, listening to his tangents along with a peculiar proposition that caught his interest.

The Fae notices the more Kiff delves into that request the more he got utterly tense based on his tone as if someone is about to get him. Strange.


The librarian left in such a hurry leaving the hooded fae with so many baffling questions.

A covert retrieval mission huh? That sounds up to my pay grade.

Also, Did he just play the 'i scratch your back, you scratch mine' card on me? That's just low.. now I have to donate something for using his library!

The amount of shadiness that man exudes is alarming, He speaks like a respectable scholar, and yet He has the street smarts of a trader.I'm sure this isn't the first time he offered a deal to someone in bringing something to him in exchange.

Either way, His intent is still an enigma to me, I supposed we'll cross that bridge once the mission is complete. Best not to overthink it and focus on the task ahead.

By the scion gods, why do I always end up with a dirty job?

The hooded fae sighed and preps his things. Leon decided to contact this Donovan guy at the site for more info. Maybe he'll meet the other reavers there.

As for that little talk about the spoils of this mission, Well.. He decided to keep it between them for now. call it Client/Contractor confidentiality.
Hello, @Mintz. I would like to join this RP. Here's my character submission.

I'm down to throw hands with these alien invaders with cool giant robots. I'm interested.
Leon Hyksos

Interaction: @AzureKnight

Leon's whetstone grazes his dagger for the last time as soon as the giant skeletal bird made from pure energy picks up Scarlett from the sky like a piece of lost baggage, and drops off from where she started on the ground. It was an impressive sight, so much so that it made Leon's sluggish eyes widen for a moment.

The esteemed representatives of the reavers made their entrance. Two of them were present. One seems like a witch named Roze. A mature woman clad in a black dress almost made for a funeral setting, the one who summons the monstrous green bird. And the other, a Stern handsome young man with snake scales for skin.

Upon his inspection of the two veterans, Leon's head suddenly started to split. like a migraine out of nowhere, His Mind's eye began acting up. A sensory alarm that triggers the Fae rogue whenever he's in danger, no matter how small or big the circumstances of the peril are. Whether warning him about eating a slice of spoiled meat or a life-threatening event is near him. It will inform him moments before.

A deafening pulse drummed in his skull. The sight of danger is staring right at him. It was the combat trainor: Ruecian Valeniquen.

I dunno why my danger senses registered him as a threat, but it's best not to disregard it; Even if it's a false positive. I bet he's the type of instructor that won't take subpar results, the kind when he asks you to jump; you only answer 'how high?' Hmm, The thought of it alone makes me exhausted already.

'Is it too late to go back to being an independent contractor?'

Leon deeply sighed, keeping his thought to himself, and pushes through to becoming more than just a mercenary.

Just as instructed, He followed the group inside the tower.


The Eon Tower was huge from the inside! It's like a museum filled with relics and the latest magitech all around. The designs were overwhelming and one might be entranced by its structure alone. Better not get lost in this wonderland!

The interiors inside the building are great.. the first person they met inside.. not so much.

The group encountered an aggrieved ponytail-haired reaver heading their way, who vocally belittle their appearance the moment he looks at them.

Like, what's his deal? Was it his disappointment in their fashion sense or was it the quality of the group? Either way, it doesn't make any difference, The rogue fae responded with a shrug and the same apathetic face he always has, indifference to the people around him.

Ignoring the rude remark of the disgruntled side character, Leon tailed the group and makes his way toward Lord Irvin's fancy headquarters. The head honcho of this whole gathering. They were assembled; briefly discussing the issue of why they are summoned and the functionality of the Eon tower.

'He seems pleasant enough, kinda chill yet deliberate in handling his biz, I've never met the man at the top before.. until now. Normally, I would work with the reavers but as a third-party contractor. More on the human side of the law.. hunting notable criminals in the city. The reavers get the credit, I get the gold.. no attachment whatsoever. As for handling monsters well, that's a different story..'

Leon lets his thoughts drift by as he remained mute, listening to the others talk to the Sage of Eon. Some of them are acquainted with him, like the Belua warrior woman named Shavis. Who had no shame in expressing herself. God, I wish to have that kind of confidence in socializing.

"Call me when the job is ready," Leon spoke, almost in a whisper to anyone, dismissing himself from the meeting. Without waiting for a reply, He scooted out of the room quietly as a mouse. He wasn't being rude or disrespectful, He just didn't have the energy to deal with a crowded crew.

If anyone needs the rogue fae (which i highly doubt) He's in the library, doing some last minute research on the variety of monsters found inside these books, taking a quick power nap, or both! If I'm being honest.

Leon Hyksos

A glimpse.

A glimpse of a tragedy befalls the land.

It was vague, It was dark. It was unclear. And yet it feels like i'm standing in someone's presence; being choked and held captive as its audience.

A monstrous shadow towers over me, and yet i can't move an inch no matter how i tried.

I was a reluctant observer at a horror show.

I can hear its purr, and feel its gaze. It's murderous intent. It's like an artist sculpting their artwork of carnage, splattering its victims' blood everywhere on the canvas of the battlefield.Commanding the shadow made from its enemy's corpses.

The last thing I heard was its bloodcurdling roar, a warcry for destruction...

Leon abruptly wakes up and bolted off his bed. The fae was soaked in his sweat, realizing it was all a bad dream.

I can't remember the last time i have a dream like that. Was that a premonition? or just a nightmare. I hope it's the latter.

It seems this city truly is the hometown of the magus(s), the leylines here are more potent of magecraft and mostly equivalent to the ones back at Ithaca.

"Gods, why did i ever take this job." Leon mutter, briefly caressing the broken part of his pointy ears.

Leon gets off his bed, grabs his invitation, and heads toward the Eon tower.

Present time, Eon tower.

Unknown to anyone that notices his presence. Leon was already at the tower when the other reavers arrived. The hooded fae was sharpening his knives while quietly eavesdropping on the other's exchange of introductions nearby.

He was like this wallflower archetype at a party, that silent kid that watches from a distance that never interacts unless spoken to. Playing off the mysterious and silent trope which is kinda borderline creepy if you really think about it.

From the two greenhorn witches that flew over, the shehulk with the feral familiar, the peculiar riffraff human, the two fae lovers, and the caped alchemist that appeared out of a fancy carriage. He was there. Listening, gathering little information he can get, remembering their names and briefly taking a glance at them with his deadpan eyes.

Being a student of espermancy and a master of espionage, deciphering people based on his observation is like second nature to the rogue fae.

Everything was up to par with these colorful people. Some are more eccentric than others. Some are more dignified. which is tolerable..

Well except for his fellow fae kind that was oogling and stealing glances over the opposite sex in front of him the moment he got here. Leon was right on the money every time his eyes wanders off. As if he was peeping along with him! I can almost hear his impure thoughts the longer I observe him. And I don't even have telepathy!

What a terrible day of having the gift of predicting one's movements
. The psionic fae's face darken and regretted ever examining Lanus's perving out.

The hooded fae remained silent and continue to sharpen his tools like nothing happened.

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