Avatar of Sir Lurksalot


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2 yrs ago
Current I am going to smuggle wholesomeness into your RPs and there's not a damned thing any of you can do to stop me.
2 yrs ago
"Bud, you're like a pizza cutter; All edge and no point!"
2 yrs ago
Habanero ain't the spiciest pepper but it's pretty tasty on things, ya gotta admit.
2 yrs ago
And in addition to boneless wings being overrated; Anybody who looks at sauced and tossed wings, lovingly spiced and perfectly crispy and says; 'I'mma dunk that in blue cheese' has missed the point.
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2 yrs ago
Boneless wings are overrated.


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The morning exercise had been little more than pure boredom for Lara. Ted claimed there were things to gain from running other than muscle mass. Things like balance and patience and other words she thought belonged in fortune cookies.
Breakfast, however, there was a real mean challenge, and the phase “Could I maybe get a slice of bacon on the side?” got no response.

Now Lara was staring into the twisted mouth of something from a nightmare.
Wau, high school must have been tough for this guy, Lara thought looking at Parasite. With slight nausea, she turned to her team and cleared her throat. “Alright, guys, let’s start by… SURPRISE SUCKER-PUNCH!” she yelled out and blasted away with her laser vision, hitting floors, walls, ceiling and just about anything in front except her opponents.

All of those spread out instantly and approached with both calmness and haste, while Lara turned her head up and down, left and right in hopes of getting lucky.

In an adrenaline pumping second, she almost looked to her team for guidance, before she managed to turn off the laser shortly thereafter. “Ideas, anyone?” Lara asked and had she known her voice would be shaking, she would have kept her mouth closed.

Rookie, for his part, just stood there in muted silence as the young half-alien unleashed a devastating torrent of laser fire every which way (including, briefly his own, having been the closest to her what with being her sparring partner until a minute ago) and hit... absolutely nothing.

Perhaps he was starting to go numb to the insane turns his life had taken these past weeks, perhaps all this training to get him used to the rigours of superheroing was starting to acclimate him to things like this... or perhaps all those super-powered fists to the head he'd taken recently had broken something important. Whatever the cause, it wasn't fear, excitement or even anger that showed on the young man's face at that moment; but a comically blank and profoundly tired expression.


In retrospect, he probably should've been paying more attention to the giant, zombie-looking robot lumbering towards him reciting old-timey nursery rhymes, buuuuut the Grundy-bot saw to that anyway. Manually. For not even a second after the word had left Duncan's mouth, did the damned thing snatch him up by the ankles and begin whipping him into the hard floor like some kind of demented children's toy, digging divots into the concrete tiles and sending dust and debris flying every which way.

"Christened on a Tuesday... Married on a Wednesday!" It half-sang, half-screamed as it finally slammed the lad directly into the floor and delivered a thunderous haymaker that dug him even further into it for posterity's sake "Took ill on a Thursday! Grew worse on Friday!"

Simulated saliva foaming freely off it's simulated jaw, the machine then abruptly began stomping on the Canadian boy like a tantruming toddler, shaking the whole room as he did so.


"OH, WOULD YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!?" Came Duncan's bellowing reply as, suddenly, a fist shot forth from the crater and intercepted the robot's foot, knocking the machine back and sending it tumbling backwards haphazardly away from the hole and the now very, very angry man inside.

Very clearly, absolutely one-hundred percent done with this shit, the Rookie shot upright to a sitting position before climbing to his feet and storming over to the bot that had offended him so, eyes glinting with seething anger and a vein bulging dangerously in his temple as he snatched a hold of the still-prone Grundy-bot's leg.

"FUCK YOU. FUCK YOUR RHYMES..." The t-shirt-clad Canuck roared as his grip tightened on the holographic appendage and he turned towards the Pseudo-Parasite with a near-deranged gleam in his eyes, before chucking the his opponent straight into it with a titanic swing "...AND FUCK! YOUR UGLY! FACE!"

Standing there, sucking in as much oxygen as he could and trying to calm himself as he stared down the two droids that were now awkwardly piled on top of eachother and trying to get back on their feet, Duncan's head slowly turned towards the resident half-alien as he let out a long exhale. Finally getting his anger (somewhat) in check.

"Supergirl..." He began with a tone and expression that was trying to be friendly, but came out just a teensy bit menacing "Would ya mind firing more lasers at them, please?"

“Two laser beams coming right up, good sir.” Lara blinked at Rookie and pointed that same look at Parasite and Grundy. She didn’t care that they were robots, to her they were Parasite and Grundy and needed to be brought down. With all the strength of will, she could muster, Lara concentrated, yet all she could charge up were a pair of sparkly eyes.
Shit, not now! she thought, desperate to prove herself, while two powerhouses were getting back up.

Any second now retaliation would come her way. Grundy was almost already at an upright position.

That fact alone was enough to get the fire stared, at least on the inside of Lara. It burned to get out and before she intentionally let it, two concentrated beams fired. At first, they drew a flaming canyon in the floor, until she directed the devastating ray of destruction forward.

Parasite lit up like a Christmas tree, as he was hit and then proceeded to hurl backwards, illumination everything in a purple light.
Grundy, however, just stood there, tall and broad, when the punishment blasted away at his face. “Solomon Grundy. Born on a – Rahhhouuuuu!!!” The crude leather-like surface, that was his face, started dissolving and changing into a chilling skull-like appearance.

“What day was that? Didn’t catch the last part!” Lara cheered, and watched the giant fall backwards and shake the ground as he landed. Feeling a bit out of juice, she wobbled for a second and then felt an enormous force blow her across the room in a flash of light.

The shot originated from Parasite, who seemed more intimidating than ever.

“He absorbs energy, including your laser vision. Had that been the real Parasite, his blast would have been twice the intensity,” Ted explained from the sideline.

“Not helping,” Lara mumbled through her teeth. Almost on instinct she flew sideways and saw a purple hand burry itself into the wall where her head had been a second ago. Now in the air, she kept the momentum and flew over to the side of Rookie, who had proven without a doubt, he could take a punch. A real punch.
Holy shit, we're alive.

Was wonderin' where ya got to. Can't wait! 8D
Still alive.


@Roman and @Blue Demon, ya still in this? @Unknown100 and I got a Collab going on in the pad if you want in.
@The Angry Goat

Preeeetty sure that an NPC being used by KL.
@Member 00492@Lord Wraith

Under the advisement of the good Mr. Wraith, I've gone ahead and posted up the collab in a flagrantly obnoxious triple-posting bonanza.

...Please don't be mad. <.<;
E P I S O D E V:

D E L A W A R E :

July 20th, 2017 - 15:46 | Metro Tower - Metropolis

Huge stone boulders and other debris fell like meteors towards the heroes, before a blinding light turned it all into sand.

At the end of the beam stood Supergirl, who struggled to turn off her laser sight once again, by covering her eyes. No easy task, but after a moment the bright glow in her pupils burned out and it felt safe to open her eyes. Standing in the middle of pure chaos, Supergirl used a moment to adjust to the ever-changing battle going on around her. Her palms felt like they were on fire, and her heart refused to slow down. And for a 19-year-old with limited training, it was more than a little confusing trying to keep up with the violent encounters. Yet she managed to single out the one guy, she had been asked to distract. She paused, breathed in a bit of courage and then launched herself forward.

The enemy, it seemed, readied himself to strike back after getting bombarded with shots. With tremendous force Supergirl collided with Extant, reached around and grabbed him from behind, holding his arm and body still, so Jim could unload his entire arsenal into the sick piece of shit.

“Surprise, douchebag. You’re about to have a real bad day!” she yelled into Extant's ear and grinned her teeth because of the few shots had also happened to grace her.

As the other heroes subdued Extant, the unnarmed Polarity Man finally decided to make his move. Dropping from the ceiling in his ethereal form, he would land behind Extant and Supergirl, protecting him from the firing range of Mister Clutch. "Took a while to navigate the air ducts. Also, you can stop now Clutch." The lieutenant would then raise his hand towards Extant's face. "Isolation of foreign bacteria is quite simple when you're eighty percent radiation and when it's composed of Doctor Fate's magic. In this case, I've concentrated it all on my palm." he would state before plunging his ghostlike fist into Extant's skull.

Lizard didn't notice much of what was wrong, namely her head was ringing rather loudly and she was quite certain that something was broken. Namely it had gone so quickly, suddenly she some young female Superman-like figure.

Then the next thing she felt was that same figure impacting Extant with the force of a freight-train. Or more like a jet. The physical force easily transferred over to her, since Lizard wasn't some dimensional world-changer.

Lizard was also certain, she shouldn't have been travelling that fast into a wall. As the sudden sound of somebody impacting the concrete wall was heard.

She did know, that her breathing shouldn't have been this difficult, or tasting blood or having it drip down from her skin. Or having those iron rods sticking out of her leg, shoulder or arm. 'Yeah...that is not normal,' she thought, before her brain caught up to the pain and broke the red light in her brain.

"AHHHHHGHH!" she screamed out, the pain much worse than she expected it to be. Loud enough to even match Black Canary in volume.

That got the Rookie's attention, who'd been standing there in stunned silence as the Lieutenant stuck his hand directly into Extant's body like some kind of Indiana Jones villain, causing his head to snap up and spin towards the source of that racket, face paling slightly at what he saw.

'Oooooh, Christ, that's a lot of blood...' Was the sole thought pounding through the man's head as he rushed towards the Lizard, appearing as a blur before before he stopped in front of her. Looking over the damage.

'Oh yeah, that's... wow. Shit.' His internal dialogue continued as he exhaled loudly to get over the sight, before he stepped forward and wrapped one arm around her mid-section to brace her on his shoulder as his other hand reached behind her 'Well... first things first, gotta do something about that rebar...'

"Not to sound like a smartass, but try not to move. This... probably won't be fun."

And without further ado, the Haligonian began snapping the bars between his fingers to free her from the wall as gently as he could. Though, unfortunately for Jess, that was still enough to send vibrations through the steel that would be the exact opposite of soothing, even if it only took a few seconds for Duncan to snap all three bars. Gently (well, as gently as possible given the circumstances) catching the reptilian as she fell slightly onto his shoulder, the half-naked, now blood-soaked lad carefully turned and started towards the monitor room. Heading away from Extant and his two remaining tranformed comrades at a brisk walk, being somewhat weary of running at his normal pace while carrying someone full of holes, big pieces of steel and alnost certainly a few broken bones.

Extant's powers continued to fade. More of the Justice League began reverting back to normal and the second Doctor Fate began regaining his youth his eyes crackled with energy and the helmet flew to his hands. Upon placing the helmet on his head the headquarters boomed with mystical energy and power. The gold and blue clad hero from WWII rose into the air and in a flash EVERYTHING began shifting back to as it was.

"Your hatred for the Superman legacy ends here!" Fate screamed picking the depowered Extant up with his raw magical energies.

The two teleported to parts unknown, possibly even another dimensional plane. Nevertheless, the League was back to normal with many of the heroes not realizing what had just went down. The walls were no longer wrecked, Vibe was alive and attempting to breakdance for some reason. And Bulleteer stood with his helmet off in the monitor room wondering why on Earth he had pissed himself.

"What in the hell just happened?!" he asked out loud.

"Extant learned you don't mess with the Justice League..." Superman said looking off into the high ceilings of the lobby in the Tower.


Sector 2813, Krypton

June, 1938...

The female Kryptonian and member of the Justice League blipped into existence just as the villain had said she would. Her planet exploded in front of her eyes and the planet wide boom and shock sent her and much debris flying back further away from the sector. Landing somewhere near sector 1984, Solara finally got herself together in the tattered remains of her alien attire.

"None of this would have ever happened... if I'd never joined the Justice League! Which way is Earth?!?" she screamed in the vacuume of space where nobody could hear her bitching.

"You'll watch your adopted planet die just as I witnessed ours Kal-El. This I swear!" she continued flying towards the closest planet around.


E P I S O D E V:

D E L A W A R E :

July 20th, 2017 - 15:46 | Metro Tower - Metropolis

Back in the dim lit monitor room Supergirl seemed to get the exact push she had asked for. Just about every screen started flashing the same information and map. Some even with visual aid, much to her appreciation.

“YES!” Supergirl sprouted in relief. Turning to the others in the room, she did her best to inherit the virtues and voice of a real-life hero.

“Alright, you, eh… fine elderly people, someone will totally come and escort you out, when all this is over, I’m sure of it. Take it easy, chill and please don’t touch anything. The real Question wouldn’t want that. He’ll probably connect it to alligators in the sewers or somethin’. Superman says he’s kind of obsessed. Bye, bye”

With those words, she raised up from the nagging of cold floor, hovered for a second and then shot strait up like a bullet.

"Superskirt!" Rose yelled after the half-Krptonian hero. "You ever use a fuckin' door, we're trying to save the base dear, not destroy it any damn further!"

Wait, should I maybe have used the same hole I entered through instead?... Crap! Anyway, focus. The hall is… here!

Just as she touched down by the entrance two familiar people approached with great speed. Their movement was like something out of a painting of the Greek gods. The intensity in their eyes, the strength of their expression. Larger than life.

A feeling of being ridiculously under-dressed for the occasion crept into Supergirl's mind. Wearing pretty much the same as your average girl who wanted a workout, minus actual shoes.

“Oh, thank god. Rookie and Polarbear-man! Real honor and all that. Anyway, real quick here: W-what the shit is happening?”

"Polarbear Man...?" Duncan repeated with a raised brow as he climbed off the Lieutenant's shoulder, quickly glancing at him with a silent, barely visible grin that advertised quite clearly that he wasn't going to let that one go anytime soon as his feet hit the ground.

"Hmm. What I would give for the powers of a polar bear." Lawrence would say with a slight headshake."Supergirl, I presume. Our allies in the monitoring room sent a distress signal hailing for you which I had intercepted, and I see you got my followup signal as well. Anyway, a dimensional corrupter known as Extant is erroding the League from within and we need to stop him." Polarity Man would state before setting down his mech. "Alright. Your presence actually makes my plan realizable. I need both of you to distract that wizard and keep him in place as I perform a... let's say, surgical strike. Sound good?" Before any of them could get a word out, the lieutenant himself would phase out of the mech and below the floor. What he had in mind apparently did not require heavy firepower.

"Hey, wai-!" And before Duncan could get a word in, the Lieutenant phased through the damned floor like a b-movie serial-killing monster. "...Well, shit."

Exhaling audibly, the Rookie straightened himself up and tiredly rolled his shoulder a bit, eliciting a few pops from the sore appendage before casually turning to Supergirl and offering out his hand out for a shake...

"Good ta meet'cha. And 'Rookie's just a nickname, you can call me Dun-"

...Before he abruptly froze in place as he looked down and realized that, after all the mayhem of the past half-hour or so had systematically destroyed his clothes, the only thing he had left covering his body was a pair of Canadian Flag boxer shorts. The Canuck's head shot up to meet her eyes again... then back down to his underoos, then back to the Half-Kryptonian again with a blank expression but eyes that very clearly articulated just how loudly he was screaming internally.

"-Can..." he managed to finish, very obviously avoiding her eyes now "Welp, I uhh... I'm just... gonna go beat on the Big Bad Evil Guy now... Okaygoodtalkbye."

And before she could get a word in, the Rookie did just that; slamming his foot into the ground and launching himself towards the fight. Landing hard on the training room floor the Lad wasted no time with speeches or other heroic fuckery, instead taking a second step that fired him towards the ceiling, which he then kicked off even harder to launch himself straight down upon the time-warping douchebag with a spinning, dive-bombing axe-kick that would turn normal people into paste.

Extant laughed at the attempt to shoot him by Clutch. Rookie's strikes landed pretty solid however, taking the red and black clad cosmic being by surprise. He used his power to throw debris at the unaffected heroes. His power however was still weak. Ambush Bug and Amazing Man began to age back to normal. Ice soon followed...

"NO!" Extant exclaimed as the monster made of clay was also shifted back to his original state, "I'm not done with Superman yet! His grandson has to be wiped from existance! His daughter must NEVER join the League..." he continued screaming as another hero landed a shot from out of nowhere.

Lizard took the opportunity to throw Warden away from the Monitor Room. Bum-rushing him inside the kitchen's fridge and closing the door with a loud bang.

Before she picked up speed and went for an alligator rush at Extant. "Oy! Magical Zap! Age this!" she said, cannonballing ontop of Extant. As she soon also kicked him in the knee.

Jim was both shocked and annoyed that his shots had no effect. He cursed to himself as he stopped firing and proceeded to turn up the power setting on his ray gun. He then fired off several more shots and was hoping that this would take down the villain.

"Go down!" he shouted angrily as he kept firing off more shots. He wasn't going to back down from his fight, not when the league needed him most.

E P I S O D E V:

D E L A W A R E :

July 20th, 2017 - 15:46 | Metro Tower - Metropolis

As the elevator containing the trio of Polarity Man, Apollex and Blue Beetle finally reached the lobby, the lieutenant was the first to get out of the lift. "Alright. I guess I'll just leave you guys here?

"I'll... be fine... I... think..." Ted replied in his exasperated state. The pain in his chest was beginning to get stronger but he was sure it would pass in no time, just some old man aches.

"Yeah, I'll stick with Blue here" Lexi smiled at Polarity man "Thanks by the way." She flutters her eyelashes ever so slightly at Polarity man before linking an arm with Ted.

"What... she said..." Ted added. He knew if he hadn't been taken out of there when he was it was defiantly possible that he wouldn't have gotten out of there at all.

"I promise I'll be back soon. Hopefully with a way to change all of you back to normal. And with that, the Polarity Man raced for his mech suit. As he started it up, he could only wonder what the rest of his fellow unaffected Leaguers had found themselves in, specially against the mutated versions of the elemental members. Speaking of which...

Monny couldn't help but shuffle forwards as it's body continued to act out. The idea that it was going to hurt Rookie even more wasn't sitting well with the Clay Monster. It liked it even less as the man laid in a crater next to the wall he had crashed into.

The hero was made of sterner stuff then most humans. For even as Monny lumbered onwards Rookie picked himself up. Rookie glanced around the room and Monny felt his non-existant heart lift. Oh good! Rookie wasn't going to stay and try to fight it. Rookie was going to run. If Monny was an autonomous monster he would had sat down and the wave of relief crashed over him.

Then the worst occured. Rookie locked eyes with Monny. It was too loud in the room to hear what he said. Instead Monny watched his lips move before Rookie put his foot down, hard. Then the hero was gone. Just like that.

Before Monny even could figure out what had happened it felt it. Monny couldn't feel pain in the normal human sense. But it did feel something akin to acute discomfort when getting a hole punched through it's mud. Especially when a fist goes through the monster's face followed by a male, human body.

It was pretty much as soon as Rookie planted his foot into the ground that he realized a particularly glaring flaw in his choice of tactics; well, two really. One, Monny seemed like kinda of a nice guy and this was... pretty mean... and two; he was now travelling at mach-speeds and, unlike, say a Kryptonian who could bend the laws of gravity to fly around as they saw fit, he didn't actually have a means of stopping. Save for Newton's Laws of Inertia, specifically that bit about 'Objects in motion staying in motion unless acted upon by an opposite and equal force'.

Like, say... the fortified walls of the Metro Tower, specifically built to stand up to assault by superpowered lunatics.

Like the one he was careening towards at this very second.

"Oh God..." The half-naked hero panicked, slamming his feet into the ground and wearing out what was left of his shoes and socks as his heels dug fruitlessly in the floor for some traction to stop his forward momentum "Oh no, oh shit! Oh fuckFUCKFUCKFUCKFU-!"


He hit the wall. And unfortunately for his pride, the wall didn't win. Instead, he kept on going, through the steel door behind that wall. Then through the big window in the nice comfy sunroom behind that door, and straight towards the turd-riddled public dog park behind the tower.

Before the Rookie could do any damage to public property however, Polarity Man had managed to intercept his flight path to the ground. In order to stop him though, the Patroller mech had to crash into him head-on.

"...Mmph! Gonna wizz red..." The Rookie responded quite thankfully to the mother of all kidney-shots, but made no further complaints about being saved from landing half-naked in a field of puppy-patties "...Thanks."

"Think not much about it." Lieutenant Lawrence would respond, though the Patroller's on-board computers would have said otherwise. While The Rookie's collision managed to somehow inflict more damage to his hardware than Lobo, Polarity Man was still determined to end this conflict sooner than later. "I suggest taking the tunnel you created back into the room where Extant and his creations lay. Are you still able to fly?"

"Heh, uhh... funny thing that." Responded with a slight wheeze, still clearly nursing his side, but otherwise alert and ambiable "I can't actually fly. That was jumping."

"Hmm. Then I suggest holding on." With a flick of a switch, the remaining energy cells of the suit powered the mech's jet boosters, allowing the duo to safely re-enter the Metro Tower. Along the way back to their target though, an encrypted message would make its way to Polarity Man's console screen. A plight to one Supergirl, daughter of The Man of Steel. While it was definitely a surprise, it was a welcomed one and Lawrence decided to capitalize on the situation. Connecting to the Tower's Monitoring room, he would send out a distress signal that showed his exact location as he and the Rookie raced towards Extant.

"You've got a plan, right?" Rookie asked, seemingly starting to get his bearings back

"Go for the wizard. Hit him hard and hope for the best." Polarity Man would state. While this was seemingly simple, it was all he could ask The Rookie to do.

Duncan just stared at the Mecha-Clad Man for a few seconds before breaking into a shit-eating grin.

"Yeah... I think I can do that."
@Lord Wraith

Dammit, Wraith...
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