Avatar of Sir Lurksalot


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I am going to smuggle wholesomeness into your RPs and there's not a damned thing any of you can do to stop me.
2 yrs ago
"Bud, you're like a pizza cutter; All edge and no point!"
2 yrs ago
Habanero ain't the spiciest pepper but it's pretty tasty on things, ya gotta admit.
2 yrs ago
And in addition to boneless wings being overrated; Anybody who looks at sauced and tossed wings, lovingly spiced and perfectly crispy and says; 'I'mma dunk that in blue cheese' has missed the point.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Boneless wings are overrated.


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Most Recent Posts

Hey. I have been meaning to mention this. But everyone is referring to Superman as being Supergirl father. I think it's suppose to be a secret very few people know. Now, it means nothing to me, but perhaps @Member 00492 (who told me about it) prefer we do a few edits.
Dunno, just wanted to mention it, y'all ;)

Whoops. Sorry about that. Edits have been made.
@Member 00492

I am laughing and crying all at once.

@Sir Lurksalot
Wrong tab, bud.


I dun goofed.

@Member 00492@rocketrobie2@Blue Demon@ineffable@Unknown100@Roman@Lord Wraith@Afro Samurai@Archmage MC@The Angry Goat@NecroKnight@Weird Tales

Hey, not to sound like a broken record or anything, but we're gonna try and cap this thing off and get things moving again.

If ya want in on this collab nonsense, head on over to the pad.
@Member 00492
Woot woot!

And you continue to brighten my day. =P
@Sir Lurksalot Finally worked something up for your boy. I figured he can get some form of battlesuit later on a bit more superheroic. Was meaning to ask what colors you might want me to use...


HA, Nice!

Makes me picture him just lazing on the couch, watching the idiot-box only half-interested while the rest of the League is having extremely serious hero-discussions and drama all around him. Few things however; if he actually ever goes out and fights crime before he gets a battlesuit, it'll be pretty much this plus his dad's old denim jacket, an old baseball cap and a black rag tied over his face. Also, he's one of those weirdos who actually likes having a buzz cut, so if he's ever got hair that long, eyebrows should start being raised among those teammates who know him well enough. XD

As for what his ACTUAL uniform will eventually be, well- I've had plenty of time to mull that one over, and I'll pick your brain about it when I get back from work.

Bit late, buuuut...

E P I S O D E V:

D E L A W A R E :

July 20th, 2017 - 15:46 | Metro Tower - Metropolis

Just as Duncan had planned, Toon Girl's dynamite did a real number on the Big Brown Menace that was Clayface, blowing what passed for his upper torso across the whole damned room and making a big goddamned mess.

...And just as he probably should've thought about, the blast also knocked him ass-over-head and across the room, bouncing hard enough to leave a series of small divots in the floor as he went until he finally crashed ass-first into the far wall, making a neat person-shaped indent as he stuck into it for a few seconds before falling flat on his face.

"Well... that kinda sucked..." Grumbled Duncan as he stood up after a brief moment on the ground, seemingly unharmed but very clearly starting to get a little mad at the ridiculous turn his day had taken. Which was only exhasperated when he looked down and realized that although he was extraordinarily durable, his clothes were... less so.

Which is, all in all, a very roundabout way of saying he was now basically just standing there in his boxers and (most of his) undershirt with the tattered remains of his tracksuit hanging haphazardly off his body. He didn't have long to get too mad about it, however, because that was about when Monny finally finished putting itself back together and locked his solitary eye on the Rookie with a look that just seemed to scream 'TARGET ACQUIRED'.

He looked to his left and across the room and saw the Warden bearing down on Lizard like something out of a Ridley Scott movie. A glance to his right revealed that Captain Marvel had taken to punching Toon Girl in the face and whipping miscellaneous items at his other warped teammates. And if the sudden shaking of the walls were indicative of anything, it was that there was something else wrecking shit in this tower he hadn't seen yet.

All things considered, things were looking pretty grim and stupid in Metro Tower that day.

"Welp, no way 'round it..." The Rookie flatly stated, shaking his head and cracking his knuckles. "'Deep End' it is, then."

And so, with an audible inhale and a calming exhale, the 'Literally Who?' of the team took one step forward and abruptly sank slightly into the crater that formed around him as his foot hit the floor, before kicking off and rocketing straight through the sound-barrier and closing in on Clayface with a thunderous BANG! and a fist cocked back for the mother of all haymakers.

Was it a good idea? Almost assuredly not. But at least it was doing something.
Oi, oi.

If ya'll wanna collab, get in here.

EDIT: Eh, screw it, I'll just throw up a quick solo-post to keep active.
I have not forgotten this!, tuesdays through to thursday is my busiest time of the week for work, in the mean time i just found a bunch of my hero characters and its like what to use. I have a Tamaranean alien, two Meta-humans, one with weather manipulation and the other fire and a human gadgeteer. xD

Also i am loving the posts, been managing to keep up with them.

A Tamaranean would be funny as all hell; Duncan has a poster in his room that'd be very awkward to explain... XD
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