@Sir Lurksalot Finally worked something up for your boy. I figured he can get some form of battlesuit later on a bit more superheroic. Was meaning to ask what colors you might want me to use...

HA, Nice!
Makes me picture him just lazing on the couch, watching the idiot-box only half-interested while the rest of the League is having extremely serious hero-discussions and drama all around him. Few things however; if he actually ever goes out and fights crime before he gets a battlesuit, it'll be pretty much this plus his dad's old denim jacket, an old baseball cap and a black rag tied over his face. Also, he's one of those weirdos who actually likes having a buzz cut, so if he's ever got hair that long, eyebrows should start being raised among those teammates who know him well enough. XD
As for what his ACTUAL uniform will eventually be, well- I've had plenty of time to mull that one over, and I'll pick your brain about it when I get back from work.