Vessel identification number: 17778-223
Vessel history: This vessel was created for one reason and one reason only; to "Purify" the galaxy of non-believers. There was once a large amount of these religious ships that roamed the galaxy, but The Crucible was, and still is, the most well armed of all the ships that were created for "Religious purposes." The crew members of every one of these ships were crusaders of a currently dead religion (besides the crew of The Crucible) Followers of this religion are called "Solarians." These Solarians were a powerful force until they were noticed by the Knights of Xanthous and promptly wiped out save for the Crucible which has obliterated all encountered Xanthous ships to date. This purge of the Solarians is called "The Supernova" by the remaining followers. Despite the wear and tear, The Crucible is still a formidable frigate class ship and though the Solarians are nearly wiped out, The Crucible continues to convert small groups of non-believers at a time.
Vessel occupation: Religious Frigate
Crew members:
162 meters high
764 meters long
423 tons
(F) = Front of the ship
(B) = Back
(M) = Middle of the ship
(T) = Closer to the top of the ship
(U) = Closer to the underside of the ship
Command center (M) (T)
Solar storage (M) (T)
Weapon command center (M) (U)
SEC (M) (F)
Shield station (B) (U)
Solarian initiate, slave and basic disciple quarters (B) (U)
Solarian Zealot and Transcended quarters (B) (T)
Engine (F) (B)
Catalyst observatory (F) (T)
Solarian Religion:
The Solarians believe that stars are more powerful than any force in the universe. The Longest Day is said to be the home of their Gods, who reside within each sun. The Solarians believe that stars are simply the will of the Gods contained in a spherical shape, suspended in the galaxy. The reason the Solarians continue to crusade is because they believe that if not enough people pray and sacrifice to the Gods, then they will unleash their full power and engulf the galaxy in flame, killing all life. These Gods are called Catalysts.