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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Master Jamie was looking down on his guild, from the balcony she was sitting on. She was lounging, clearly at ease, but it was also clear he was alert for any sign of trouble. Which in Phoenix Wing, was bound to happen sooner or later. Some members may have only been here a little while, some here since the beginning of Phoenix Wing, or since they learned of their magic. But they were all still members of Phoenix Wing.

He was jolted out of his musings by a sudden small flash by the request board. She leaped down, picking up the request. It seemed like it was an emergency job request, and it was obviously sent via teleportation magic. A good magic,to use to hide and run with, but not so good to fight with, or so Jamie thought. He noticed that it was written messily, which could mean the writer was in a hurry.

"The Raggered Brotherhood, huh?" Master Jamie said to himself, looking over the guild, and who were there.
Sasha was at the bar, a drink in front of her, and her sketch pad in front of drawing, clearly in her own little world. Sasha still hadn't made many friends in the guild since the month had passed, and she was starting to think she'd never make any.

She was drawing her family. Her mother, and father, and her little baby brother, as she remembered them. Before that horrible day. Sometimes, it helped to calm her, to make her feel better to be able to remember them. She sighed though as she was drawing and leaned back, and looking around. She frowned as Master Jamie jumped down, landing smoothly, and picking up a piece of paper by the request board.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Damian couldn't help but look around excitedly as he neared the city of Magnolia where the famed Phoenix Wing guild was said to live, hoping to spot a member of the guild passing him on the road as his swords slapped against his leg and back. He'd spent the last eight years learning and perfecting his magic though he was sure there was a great deal more he could learn about it all in general. He was still haunted by that day and the memories it brought with it, the larger monsters the beings that haunted his nightmares at night. Still, he'd kept his promise thus far, to become stronger with his magic and help to rebuild things before Zeref and the Dragon Slayers attacked and the people of Fiore came to fear the magicians of the land.

He looked up at the sky as he walked and picked out shapes in the clouds, usually some kind of pie even if it wasn't remotely shaped like one. Who didn't enjoy a good pie now and then? However, when he heard the sounds of the town growing nearer, he pushed the thought of pie to the back of his mind and focused on getting to the guild hall quickly. Nodding to the guards at the gate, he navigates the busy streets the best he can, apologizing if the cutlass sheathed on his hip slapped anyone. Emerging from the crowd into the more open main street, he could finally see his goal before him and he could hardly wait.

With hurried steps down the street, he stops outside the door and simply looks up at the hall, taking in the shear size of it all before carefully opening the door and stepping inside. After listening to the general chatter for a moment, he clears his throat. "I'm looking for the Guild's master, Jamie. Where might he be right now?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Master Jamie looked up as someone asked after him. Just for laughs, Master Jamie changed her appearance, into her more favored girls body, in a swimsuit. He gave a laugh, "I am the Master here, dear boy" She said. He was still holding the request in his hand, tight, stretching the scar on the back of her hand, causing it to whiten slightly.

"I would welcome you properly, but I find myself suddenly short on time" Master Jamie said, "If you are here to join, Sasha over there can help you with your guild mark" she said, "although, she doesn't have much time to sit around either" He added, "Still, welcome"

Sasha looked up, seemingly shocked to be picked out, and she looked about as if there was another Sasha, "Oh, Master...I..." Sasha sighed, but packed her things away, finished her drink, and stood.She went over, glancing at Master Jamie, still holding the piece of paper, and she knew something was up. Master Jamie took her place at the bar, and quickly engaged Jarvis in conversation.

Jarvis was a bar keep. He heard rumors, and it was always good to talk with him, if you wanted to know something, especially about a job, Jarvis would know. Yet even Jarvis had his limits, and as Sasha watched, Master Jamie sighed.

Sasha went up to the new comer after a moment. "Hi" She said softly, "I am Sasha Shin. Do you wish to join, or is there something else I can help you with" Master Jamie seemed to think that Sasha could do this, so she would try. Sasha managed to smile cheerfully, "I'm sorry the Master's busy, or she would talk to you himself"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SkrubLord


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Isaac once again found himself on the outskirts of Magnolia.
Though he was on the opposite end, away from the Ragged Brotherhood's territory.
He wasn't doing much, he didn't even know why he was there.
Isaac had been visting Magnolia more than he should've for the past month.
Worse yet, he never informed any of his superiors.
It was dangerous too, Magnolia was home to Phoenix Wing, which is the Ragged Brotherhoods' main threat.
If anybody in Phoenix Wing knew of him and his Brotherhood's intentions, they would surely kill him, or worse, kidnap him.
Isaac knew though, nobody would figure it out, The Ragged Brotherhood is known by so few.

The place where Isaac rested was smelly, but good smelly.
He seemed to be close to a bar, he didn't really know.
Isaac never drank, he only eats and drinks when he needs to because without a tongue, eating and drinking was not pleasurable.
He decided to sit outside the bar and listen to the ruckus inside, completely bored.
Isaac would take jobs from his guild, but any jobs that require more than one person are difficult because it's hard for Isaac to communicate with his Guildmates.
So he walked around Magnolia town, bored most of the time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Damian returns the smile and begins to reply when the gender reference change in one sentence caught him up. Did...she just say she'd talk to me himself otherwise? Dismissing it for the time, he gathers his wits and continues on. "I'm here to join actually. I've been wandering around the country for eight years practicing with my magic and decided if I was going to get any better with it or truly understand it, a guild is where I'd need to be." He offers his hand for a hand shake. "My name is Damian Gerald. I use what I call Blades magic."

To emphasize on his magic, he summons a single ethereal blade next to himself and spins it before sending it sailing through the air straight up towards the roof, where it seemed to shatter into a hundred more. They hung there but an instance before all vanishing and the single blade appearing back at his side. "A small sample of what I can do with it, just to prove I'm not lying.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Silence, Ensign." Aedius said, putting emphasis on the fact that Cordelia was lower in rank, and thus had less authority. To him, such suggestions were both disrupting and hindering the progress which could be made. He continued, "The First wishes to have these people live under our banner, not have them traumatized beyond repair." this was partially true, as The First also desired the surplus of Lacrima on the island, something which could be used to create both weapons such as bombs, and fuel for vehicles which the Ragged Brotherhood owned.

Aedius then silently waited for the villagers who had not yet stepped on the corpse of their fallen leader. By murdering the old man, Aedius' presence was essentially a constant reminder of what could happen if they were to disobey the orders of the Brotherhood. Although not many were witnesses of the deed, the villagers also had a large and credible reason to fear the other, more agressive Enforcer, and the childish yet cruel Ensign for their ability to gather the remainder of the town, and slaughter those who attempted to resist.

Time had passed, and the remaining villagers had finished displaying their disrespects to the fallen leader, even though it was clear that they did not want to. It mattered not to Aedius, however, as he had tried to have a simplistic conversation with the village leader, which eventually turned to violence anyway.

At that moment, the cultist which Aedius had sent on a mission to find where the Lacrima was kept had returned. He bowed, and then spoke.

"Sir, they keep their Lacrima within a cave on the other side of the island." He said, loud enough for everyone to hear. Aedius smiled, and addressed the four, regular cultists.

"Stay with the villagers. Make sure they don't leave." The cultists nodded. Aedius then gave orders to the rest of the members in the operation. "Ensign, come with me. We're going to retrieve the Lacrima." He purposefully left out Arkya again, as she could still essentially do as she pleased - being the same rank as him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TBKrunk
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TBKrunk Poke

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"You're such a spoil sport. You halted them all just to get them to step on his corpse, contaminating their water would be long-term and an ultimate show of devotion. Plus, it'd be funny as heck." Cordelia chuckled at the idea, she was bothered that he was a higher rank, but yet again she wouldn't listen to his orders, only The First's. "We're making this all so blatantly obvious... I wouldn't be surprised if someone was on our tail already. Also, I'm not going with you. I'm taking my own way and we're going to see who gets to the cave first!" Grinning her usual grin, she quickly ran off into the forest, immediately she noticed how different the bugs were as compared to back at base - she stilled adored these ones too, though. The sight of them made her feel slightly more adventurous yet slightly more at home.

Cordelia recalled her experiences with the Ragged Brotherhood so far; being inducted after destroying her boarding school, displaying her powers that could even still be worked on, becoming an ensign and finally reaching this job where laughter would await her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Wes Gusto, Phoenix Wing

"A month already huh, time sure flies." Wes said to himself. For about a month, Wes has been reading a lot Justin the Magic Library, specifically about sleep magic which he found quite entertaining yet could prove to be very helpful in certain situations. From what he could do with it so far, he could simply make people fall asleep when he balled up his magic in his hand to a fist, raise it directed somewhere, and open his pinky, ring and middle fingers up, causing a short wave to knock anyone in the general direction to fall asleep. However, he realized that people only become more resistant or drowsy to it when they're aware of the magic occurring only, or if they're some how have insomnia. The place though that he thought of practice would be at Akane Resort since there are an abundance of people there who wouldn't think they would get hit by sleep spell there.

Currently, Wes was still at Akane Resort waiting for a boat that he rented to arrive. The rental practically cost most of the jewels he had on him, but felt it was worth it. After overhearing some people talk about Aroway Island having plenty of lacrima there, it could would prove helpful for Wes to study them more than just from a book from the Magic Library. "Hopefully the owner arrives soon from the shipyard to the dock here. The sooner I'm there, the more time I can stay on the island." Again, he thought to himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sasha Shin, Phoenix Wing

Sasha smiled, genuinely this time, as Damian showed what he could do, shaking his hand. "Well then. I have no idea what Master Jamie's protocols are, but he seems to have trusted my judgement, so I'm sure she would be happy to let me accept you" Sasha said, "Hold on" she turned to the bar, grabbing a guild Marker, looking up, she saw Angelo in his typical place on the beams, "Angelo, one day you will fall, you know" She called up, turning back to Damien.

She smiled, "So. Where do you want your Guild Mark?" She asked, holding the marker up. "I've never done this before" She said truthfully, "Um. What colour too?" She asked, releasing that they all had different colour marks as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

birds don't fall from their perches!" Angelo called down to sasha as he held the letter in his hand, from his mother. he hasn't heard from or gotten any news about back home and it was worrying the hell out of him. was she okay? was she sick? was dad doing worse things to her? all these questions raced in Angelo's head but he wouldn't know till he went because the letter was sealed. he didn't want to open it cause Angelo thought it would be bad news, Angelo has been counting his money and he thinks he has enough to give his mother a nice house in the city so Angelo could look out for her but his dad....the thought of his father still sent shivers down his spine and nobody or anything else in the world gave him the feeling of pure terror that his father put into him all those years he spent in his house before leaving to come here
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aedius sighed.

"The biggest fool in the Brotherhood." He said. Aedius was somewhat nice to the members of the Ragged Brotherhood, but Cordelia was the exception. She didn't listen, which resulted in unwanted repercussions. The rank of Ensign was technically just a decorated cultist, and thus held no authority over anything, and was an indicator of power, to think that she could simply disobey Aedius' orders was idiotic, and would come with punishment later.

The cultist had told Aedius that the Lacrima was on the other side of the island, and he had come from the village. The village directly lead to the cave, and was as such the faster option. Aedius questioned the cultist who went to find the Lacrima, who confirmed this to be true, and Aedius then made his way to the cave.

Halfway there, he realized that there would likely be a surplus of Lacrima, and it would be difficult to carry it all. Luckily, Aedius' magic would circumvent the problem. It was at that point he realized that the two skeletons he had summoned had not been around for a while. They had lost their usefulness, and Aedius decided to purge them of their magical energy. He clenched his fist, which released the skeletons from his hold, destroying them.

"Useless." He said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TriNyte


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alais de Royeaux finished her song, her voice leaving a ringing musical note hanging in the air, and the crowd clapped, murmuring amongst themselves. The marionettes that she had been directing finished their little dance along with the song and she made them bow to the applauding audience and was rewarded by a few more coins dropping into the bowl that she had left on the ground in front of her. She stood and bowed herself as the crowd began to move along, and stooped to count her earnings.

A measly few hundred jewel, she sighed in disappointment, sitting back on the upturned box that she'd been using as a stage. She thought about her time in Fiore, so far, as she stowed her little marionettes away in her pack and collected the small amount of change. Street performing hadn't been as lucrative as she'd hoped it would be and, with the reemergence of Wizard's Guilds, there wasn't much call for freelance Mage's anymore. People seemed to prefer to trust a guild rather than a random Mage such as her.

Guilds... As Alais thought of them, she looked up at the building at stood over the others of Magnolia, Phoenix Wing. She remembered when she'd first seen the building from a distance, two days ago, as she'd rode into town on the back of a wagon. To her the building looked resplendent, one of the most beautiful buildings she'd ever seen. She looked down at the paltry sum of coins in her hand and came to a decision. She gathered up her belongings and headed off towards the Guild hall.

Alais arrived at the guild's door to find them open and welcoming. A good sign, she thought. There were two people standing just inside the doorway, a young man with platinum blond hair and a dark haired woman. Alais arrived at the threshold of the doorway and glanced around at the interior of the hall, a little smile appearing on her face. She then returned her attention to to two people standing just inside, waiting expectantly for them to notice her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Damian takes a moment to think about the questions, having not even considered this before now. "Hmmmm...that's a good question..." I could get it on my hand. It's quick, easy, and I can flash it more easily in the right situations...Nah, that's too easy. "Let's put it on my shoulder and go with red." I remove my jacket after setting my pack down and expose my rightshoulder after fighting with the sleeve of my leather armor briefly. "This OK?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SkrubLord


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Isaac sat outside the bar near the outskirts of Magnolia still. He stroked the blade of his swords. Dull. He never used them, he never had to really. So they dulled and dulled. He pulled them from his belt and pulled his mask off. Bringing Avarice up to his neck he slid it across his throat, a man near him ran up to grab his arm and stop him. Isaac wrenched his arm from the man's grip and continued. The blade slid across his Adam's Apple, making an extremely loud metallic screech as the man watched, half terrified half confused. The fear of killing himself fueled Isaac's power, making his neck harder than steel. He used this method often to sharpen Avarice and Malice. Isaac stared at the man, a slight amount of anger in his eyes, the rest was pure horror. The combined screech of metal on metal and the mortifying stare Isaac gave the man forced him to back up and walk away at a quick pace.

The sound he produced could most likely be heard from a long way away, but Isaac didn't care, he was bored. As he sharpened Avarice he checked the edge of the blade by running his finger across it gently. As soon as he ran his hand across the blade and it cut him, he moved on to Malice, once again creating that annoying sound repetitively.

Soon people began to leave the bar to see what was creating the ruckus, including the bartender who promptly asked Isaac to leave. Isaac shook his head and continued without looking at the bartender. The bartender began to shout, "You'd better leave or I'll get someone who can make you!" To which Isaac responded in a way that the bartender did not expect. He stood and approached the bartender who was nearly as tall as Isaac. Pulling a small knife from his belt, he held it up to his own chest, right over his heart and pressed, immediately hardening the area over his heart. This fueled Isaac's power. Quickly after stabbing himself he grabbed the bartender by the jaw and hardened his hand. The Bartender grabbed Isaac by his elbow and tried to break his arm. Isaac hardened his whole arm and then began to crush the man's jaw slowly, mouthing to the man slowly, "Hurt?" The Bartender began to claw at Isaacs hand. Though Isaac was normally passive, the group of annoyed Bar rats, the threat from the bartender, and the knife he held over his own chest influenced his choices. Thus Isaac over did it. Yanking down quickly, Isaac broke the man's jaw. A gurgled screech escaped from the Bartender's gaping mouth and blood leaked from the top left and right sides of his mouth. The drunkards backed off and Isaac let go, but as the people began to back away Isaac stopped them with a gesture. Producing a paper and pencil from his bag, he wrote, "Tell anybody and I'll kill you all." It was a hollow threat, Isaac couldn't do that unless he really had to. Luckily the bar was near the outskirts and there were no witnesses other than the few people in the bar. The Bartender ran off after seeing the paper. This was Isaac's cue to leave the city.

Isaac grabbed his things and began to make a beeline for the other side of the city.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sasha Shin, Phoenix Wing

Sasha nodded and smiled, working with the Marker, she placed it on his shoulder, and smply let the magic do its work, creating the red Guild Mark of Phoenix Wing there. "Congratulations. Welcome to Phoenix Wing" Sasha said, "So, this is the common area, other there is the request board, you can get food and drink at the bar, Jarvis will be more then happy to help you there. There's a library at the back of the building, and dorm room to rent as well"

Sasha looked up, frowning up at Angelo, "if you have any questions, anyone will help you. Sorry, Angelo seems a bit upset, and he won't talk to anyone but me about it, generally when he's upset. I'd show you around myself, but despite his convictions that he won't fall, if he's upset, he'd be distracted"

Sasha sighed, because she knew she'd have to make the long climb up to the beams, and therefore Angelo. She gave Damien a smile, apologetic, and began to climb up to the higher levels of Phoenix Wing. Eventually, she had to try and reach for a beam, and she did so by simply holding her breath, cloing her eyes, and jumping. Her arms came around the beam, her breath coming out in a "oof". She swung herself onto the beam so she was straddling it, and caught her breath. Before sighing again, and rising. She balanced on the beam, mainly because she refused to look down. And because for most of her life, almost, she had walked on ice.

She continued making her way to Angelo, settling down, straddling the beam he was on. "Okay. What's up?" She asked, brushing back her hair calmly, as if she hadn't just climbed all the way up there. Sasha had good stamina, but her short stature sometimes made things like climbing beams hard, and she was breathing slightly heavy, and her arms felt hot and tired. But anything but calm would force her to look down, and she didn't want that.
Master Jamie, Phoenix Wing

Master Jamie had a Lacrima in his hand, and was talking into it softly, meaning it was a communication Lacrima. She was trying to get confirmation that the Raggared Brotherhood were on Aroway, and that they were indeed a guild. He needed the confirmation, because if it was ust a bunch of missionaries, then she wouldn't have to round up such a large number for this job, however, if it was a guild, then he would need all the members possible. Especially since there were murders going on here. Master Jamie hadn't heard of the Raggared Brotherhood, but that didn't mean much.

What he needed to know about them was if they were a dark guild or not. All he got from the communication was confirmation that there was some nasties running around Aroway causing trouble. So, She thought, better to be over prepared then under prepared. He began making plans, and still trying to find information on the Brotherhood. Beyond their guild Mark, and a slogan they seemed to enjoy saying "unite all magic users under a common banner" There wasn't much Master Jamie could find out about them. No one knew where their base was, except for their members it would seem.

This guild was sorely lacking in the knowledge that all magic users had freewill to decide where they wanted to align themselves, where they wanted to practice their magic. It sound like, to Master Jamie, that this Raggared Brotherhood was trying to build an army of magic users. Then what, Jamie mused, was the opposing army to them?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Damian smiles and nods, admiring the guild mark before letting his sleeve fall back down and putting his jacket back on. "No, I understand. I'll probably stick to the common area for now and browse the job board." Watching Sasha climb her way up on to the beam with something akin to a small smile on his face, he decides to head for the bar and look over the guild members that were present from there. As he approaches it, he notices the guild master was speaking quietly into a communication's lacrima and frowns to himself. Why would she/he be so concerned with that job in his hand? It looked like the kind most people leave.

Deciding not to think on it too much, Damian takes a seat at the bar and orders a drink, still debating on how soon he wanted to start doing jobs. Perhaps he should wait and see if that job the guild master had would be up for grabs when he was done conversing with who ever it was. Deciding it best to wait, he creates a small knife blade sized ethereal blade and spins it on his fingertip, listening to the chatter thoughtfully.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Angelo looked up trying not laugh seeing she was tired from climbing up to the beam he was on but he frowned a little and showed her the letter he was holding at first glance it seemed like a normal letter but looking at the address Angelo mother name Lucy Ortega. "I can't open it, I'm to afraid to open it. My mother hasn't sent me a letter since I left so it can't be good. But I can't go see her cause of him"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sasha took the letter, taking to slowly try and read the name. Sasha had been, over the last month or so, trying to help herself read. She'd buy books, and slowly struggle through them, but she didn't seem to be making much progress at reading, or becoming a faster reader. So it took her a few moments to read the name properly, frowning when he said it was from his mother.

Sasha did the only thing a friend could do in such a situation. She opened the letter for him, and handed it back. "Read" She said softly, "Don't worry. Don't fear. I'm here" She said, knowing it would be better for him to read it, then for her to struggle through it herself. She gave him a reassuring smile. "Right now, you're fearing reading it, but you don't even know if there's anything in there to fear. You're making it worse, so just read"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Angelo sighed loudly slowly opening the letter and reading it "dear Angelo I miss you very much I wish I can see you again. Please don't worry about me I'll be fine, even angels cry" Angelo read and his heart felt like it was going to ripped from his chest. That is what his mother always said before she would get beaten by his father to make sure Angelo got away "I- I need to go see her" he says sadly
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kelthar walked down his apartment as he played a soothing son on his ukulele. The instrument echoed as he left the apartment and he headed toward the guild he had had a wonderful night sleep and had actually just finished paying his rent to the landlord. The landlord always had to bring up how Kelthar couldn't seem to be quite whenever he came home. So last night during the complaint Kelthar used his magic to silence the Land Lords voice who started freaking out more and fainted because he didn't realize what was going on. Luckily he was able to tell the Landlord it was all just a dream. Kelthar grinned to himself, "That was a close one last night." he said quietly.

He finally made it to guild hall when he opened it was as busy as ever. Of course though he came strolling in playing a happy drinking tune on his ukulele.
Kelthar walked up to Damian and sat down next to him as he ordered a drink for himself as well. "Well hello there!" he said with a grin, "I've never seen you here, brother!" he continued as he saw the Phoenix Guild symbol and realized he must be new. "We are all family here, at least to me so I hope you don't mind me calling you brother!" He added. "I'm Kelthar!" he stuck out his hand to shake Damian's, "So who are you and.. what do you do?" he asked curiously. The look in his eyes were nothing but kind as he wanted to actually get to know this new person. He knew how hard it could be making friends here, heck, even keeping friends was difficult at times. But Kelthar didn't want to see a new family member go through that.
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