Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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9 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

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:P Dragon Vs. Golem. If that's how its gonna be then all I have to say is self defense if Fang ends up losing.
![](https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQrYdLF6_iP5ZHLK14IQV9980HSZ5b2e88CHli-RB5Auiax8sRHrg) Name: Akira Firumu Age: 13 Gender:Male Rank:Genin Skills: Akira is very skilled in hand-to-hand combat and stratigizing. He's very cauitious about his surroundings and has a high sensory level. He can sometimes be carless in battle. Specialty:Taijutsu and a little bit of Genjutsu Jutsu: E-level Taijutsu E-level (Only effective when Akira removes his eye patch)Makuton: Shigusa Eiga[Film Release: Action Movie] is a Genjutsu technique that tricks the victim into seeing him/herself into thinking he/she is a Taijutsu master. The victim will use nothing but Taijutsu for the entire time that the jutsu is in effects, meaning that the break out of the jutsu, the user much inflict a lot of pain on him/herself, or have an outside force use Kai and break the Genjutsu for him/her. This technique really doesn’t affect taijutsu users at all, so it’s mostly used against Ninjutsu specialists. A-level Mitsukai Tsubasa no Jutsu [Angel Wings Skill] Description: The user gathers chakra into their back as a pair of angellic wings spring forth. The wings can be used for flight, and they can be used for blocking taijutsu attacks and attacking. In areas that are filled with light, the wings may use the natural blinding light to form tangible feathers that may be launched off like kunai. Equipment: 20 Shuriken and 15 Kunai Kekkei Genkai: Makuton [Film Release] Description of Jutsu: Makuton is a special secret jutsu release unique to those in the Firumu clan. It allows the clan to use special genjutsu, involving movies and other cinematic productions. Other Clan Traits: The Firumu clan members have keen analytical abilities, making them capable of assessing their opponent's strengths and weaknesses in battle, but only after watching their opponent(s) in battle. It also allows them the scan the area and come up with a more accurate description of their surroundings than normal ninja. Personality: Akira is very energetic and high spirited. He loves the rush of being in danger or nearly fighting to the point of unconsciousness. He is often reckless and clumsy. History: Akira was born with a lack of skill over the control of genjutsu and ninjutsu. This is quite a downfall but he was still born with the Firumu clans eye that allows him to project powerful Genjutsus'. Since he has the lacking chakra needed to control the eye weres an eyepatch to seal its Genjustu abilities until needed. Other: During his free time Akira wears weighted clothing to help increase his physical speed since he relys on Taijutsu.
No he does not have magic and Polaris is friendly to every race unless they seem to be a threat towards humans. He is also unaware that the armor is made from the bones of a dragon. His creators simply chose dragon bones because they were tough and seem to be a good source for armor.
![](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcToUS1Gs1EiOsn9eactzwEY_thrrWjeSPT42c4h-YmNNB1m4NW1tg) He stands at 7'3 Name: Polaris Age: 300+ ,but appears to be 27 Race:Golem Personality: Since he's a golem he rarely shows any signs of emotion ,but due to his human similarly he often bounces out of character from time to time.(Like being ticklish , showing signs of love and laughter) Bio: Polaris was created 300 or so years ago to help protect mankind from threats that's beyond human capabilities. Before he was created normal golems roamed the earth. It was recored that a golems life span limit is around 800 years and has weaknesses based on its created element. Around the age of 800 the older golems would evaporate, erode or simply disappear. Then one day someone said "Hey what if a golem had human characteristics." This lead to the creation of Polaris. Extra Stuff: Polaris is unaware of this but his armor is made from dragons bones. His arms are normal like a human ,but when he is in combat his arms extend and become coated in his dragon armor bones.
Hi. I'd like to join ,but is it possible for my character to be a golem sealed into a humans body. :P
![](https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQrYdLF6_iP5ZHLK14IQV9980HSZ5b2e88CHli-RB5Auiax8sRHrg) Name: Akira Firumu Age: 13 Gender:Male Rank:Genin Skills: Akira is very skilled in hand-to-hand combat and stratigizing. He's very cauitious about his surroundings and has a high sensory level. He can sometimes be carless in battle. Specialty:Taijutsu and a little bit of Genjutsu Jutsu: E-level Taijutsu E-level (Only effective when Akira removes his eye patch)Makuton: Shigusa Eiga[Film Release: Action Movie] is a Genjutsu technique that tricks the victim into seeing him/herself into thinking he/she is a Taijutsu master. The victim will use nothing but Taijutsu for the entire time that the jutsu is in effects, meaning that the break out of the jutsu, the user much inflict a lot of pain on him/herself, or have an outside force use Kai and break the Genjutsu for him/her. This technique really doesn’t affect taijutsu users at all, so it’s mostly used against Ninjutsu specialists. A-level Mitsukai Tsubasa no Jutsu [Angel Wings Skill] Description: The user gathers chakra into their back as a pair of angellic wings spring forth. The wings can be used for flight, and they can be used for blocking taijutsu attacks and attacking. In areas that are filled with light, the wings may use the natural blinding light to form tangible feathers that may be launched off like kunai. Equipment: 20 Shuriken and 15 Kunai Kekkei Genkai: Makuton [Film Release] Description of Jutsu: Makuton is a special secret jutsu release unique to those in the Firumu clan. It allows the clan to use special genjutsu, involving movies and other cinematic productions. Other Clan Traits: The Firumu clan members have keen analytical abilities, making them capable of assessing their opponent's strengths and weaknesses in battle, but only after watching their opponent(s) in battle. It also allows them the scan the area and come up with a more accurate description of their surroundings than normal ninja. Personality: Akira is very energetic and high spirited. He loves the rush of being in danger or nearly fighting to the point of unconsciousness. He is often reckless and clumsy. History: Akira was born with a lack of skill over the control of genjutsu and ninjutsu. This is quite a downfall but he was still born with the Firumu clans eye that allows him to project powerful Genjutsus'. Since he has the lacking chakra needed to control the eye weres an eyepatch to seal its Genjustu abilities until needed. Other: During his free time Akira wears weighted clothing to help increase his physical speed since he relys on Taijutsu.
Is it to late to join.
In Warlords 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I was gonna try to meet up with arowne97 so are nations could establish a treaty a soon as possible but I must post first.
Hey I'd like to join aswell.
I added the new skill to my character under the CS tab. I'll also be joining in the IC soon.
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