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Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Name: Jerin Uchiha

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Rank: Jonin

Skills: As a member of the Uchiha clan, Jerin has a natural affinity for combat techniques, including taijutsu and ninjutsu, though he is extremely adept at genjutsu and shurikenjutsu. Is also skilled at Oragami, though that's more of a hobby.

Specialty: Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, Strategy, Ocular Genjutsu, Shurikenjutsu

-Substitution Jutsu (E-Rank)

-Transformation Jutsu (E-Rank)

-Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique (C-Rank)

-Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson (B-Rank)

-Lightning Release: Chidori (A-Rank)

-Lightning Release: Chidori Spear (A-Rank)

-Lightning Release: Chidori Storm- While the opponent is under the effects of Tsukuyomi, Jerin unleashes a barrage of Chidori strikes on them.(B-Rank)

-Fire Release: Flaming Tiger Swipe- Unleashes a flaming tiger that swipes at an opponent, lands, turns and swipes again. (C-Rank)

-Lightning Release: Lightning Illusion Flash of Lightning Pillar

-Uchiha Flame Formation

-Genjutsu: Tsukuyomi

Equipment: Shurikenx30, kunaix30, thin metal wires, senbonx20, windmill shurikenx2,Exploding Notex15

Kekkei Genkai: Jerin is one of the members of the Uchiha clan that can utilize the Sharingan.

Other Clan Traits: As an Uchiha, Jerin holds powerful chakra, with the capability for exceptionally strong techniques, as well as a natural aptitude for anything combat-related, from taijutsu to the Uchiha specilization of shurikenjutsu. He also has a natural affinity for the Fire Release nature transformation.

Personality: Caring and protective, but hidden under a cool and unattached external facade that can be broken if you know how.

History: Jerin is the youngest child of Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha and the only son. Growing up, Sasuke spent a lot of time with him to help them both escape a house full of females and so Sasuke could begin training him to be the best ninja he could and bring pride to the Uchiha name that Jerin's grandparents had managed to destroy when they plotted to attack Konoha. One of the first techniques the young boy mastered was the Great Fireball Technique, a ninjutsu that the Uchiha clan had been using for years. Then came the Uchiha Flame Formation and several others, with the young boy taking to any combat oriented challenge thrown his way, mastering most tai and ninjutsu techniques he saw and was taught very quickly. This resulted in him graduating top of his class from the Academy.

As he grew older, he and his team grew exponentially in skill and both individual and team strength, soon taking A ranked missions on a regular basis. After the Jonin exams, which he passed, he and the team medic, Emiko, formed their own team with only the two of them. This ended in tragedy when Emiko was killed by a rival team from the Village hidden in the Sand, Sunagakure. As she bled out in his arms, an ironic fate for a medic, his sharingan awakened and he finished the mission, returning home with the body of his fallen comrade.

Other: N/A for now
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Azure Sea
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Azure Sea The White Wolf

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Appearance: ![Yukihime Uzumaki](http://i489.photobucket.com/albums/rr255/Saber_Wing/normal_other_01-1.jpg "enter image title here") Name: Yukihime Uzumaki Age: 12 Gender: Female Rank: Genin Skills: Ninjutsu and uzumaki style Fuinjutsu Specialty: Ninjutsu, Chakra control Jutsu: Academy: Transformation {Rank: E} Replacement {Rank: E} Clone {Rank: E} Personal : Ice Style:Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals {Rank:C-B?} Chakra Chains {Rank: E-S?} Shadow Clone {Rank: A} Kekkei Genkai: Ice Style and Chakra Chains Other Clan Traits: Large Chakra supply Personality: TBR History: TBR Other: Daughter of Himawari
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by FVGT


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

![](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/15/5a/b8/155ab8ef6f6d544571766f0dc277abea.jpg) He always wears a visored helmet [much like this.](url=http://www.dot-motorcycle-helmets.com/images/N318_NIKKO_CAFE_RACER_HELMET.jpg) He wears a matching black jump suit, with white stripes running all the way down the sides. He wears durable black boots. Name: Dango Akane Age: 14 Gender: M Rank: Genin Skills: Along with being absurdly durable, his chakra replenishes at a higher rate than normal. Specialty: Evasion, Stalling Jutsu: [Substitution Jutsu](url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Body_Replacement_Technique) [Manipulated Shuriken Technique](url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Manipulated_Shuriken_Technique) [Sly Mind Affect Technique](url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sly_Mind_Affect_Technique) [Mystical Palm Technique](url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Mystical_Palm_Technique) Equipment: Stakes, heavy wire, explosive tags, shurikens, tool scrolls(mostly stakes and wire) Kekkei Genkai: None Other Clan Traits: None Personality: While Dango is the one of clumsiest people in the world, he occasionally has average motor skills. He's quite dumb, speech-wise, and tends to be rather naive. Nonetheless, he's good-intentioned and is actually rather smart, as he's capable at forming somewhat complex strategies. Though there's a rumor floating that his clumsiness and speech impediment is just a facade for attention, he actually has these issues and getting asked about the rumor tends to make him really, really confused. He doesn't take fights seriously, and usually sees them more as just good fun. History: Like his past, Dango's true parents are unknown; he was left abandoned in the streets as a baby, where he was adopted by the local dango shop owner. Though he was taken well care of, Dango still ended up with his current problems, which bullies liked to capitalize on. Unfortunately, due to his clumsiness, his parent had to buy him a helmet so he wouldn't hurt himself whenever he tripped. While more people made fun of him for this, he actually gained the respect several others by repelling his tormentors with blissful ignorance; these people eventually became his friends, and soon people just gave up on trying to offend him simply because it never worked. While he wasn't exactly the greatest at stealth, he managed to pass through the academy to become a genin with his surprising strategic and fighting competence. However, since he wasn't great at offensive ninjutsu, he decided to try his hand at healing; Dango had aptitude for it, and has stuck with it. Other: While he doesn't eat much normally, he can actually eat a ridiculous amount of food if given the opportunity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Appearance http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Anime+Ninja+Boy&view=detail&id=F8975C5D8222A7A4D2443BDD4F98CE0F7B6F2A7E&first=50&count=1&FORM=IDFRIR Except he is also wearing a traditional straw hat, his height is 5'8, he has green eyes but his eyes change to black when using his dark eyes. Name: Angelo Gorou Age: 13 Gender: Male Rank: Genin Skills: Strategy and capturing of enemies and slight medical knowledge Specialty: Ninjutsu, Strategy Jutsu: Knows all e ranked academy justsu c ranked= prepared needle shot b ranked= flying swallow A rank skill: blade of wind Equipment: needles for mid to long range and a kunai blade for short range. Keeps blood increasing pills for a hard fight and carry a bingo book on him to capture criminals. Normally carrys military food ration pills and especially poison to use on his needles Kekkei Genkai: known as the dark eyes, a lesser form of the hyuga byakugan instead of seeing chakra points of the body it allows its user to see the body framework from nerve points to blood and skeletons Other Clan Traits: because of the mix of the hyuga blood in him he has a longer life expectancy Personality: a hard worker and perfectionist. Angelo is also a smart mouthed person not wanting anyone to bad mouth his ability or that his father was a disgrace to the hyuga name by running and marrying his mother. Angelo is very honorable and never backs down from a direct challenge to him and his own skills History: Angelo's dark eyes aren't found by any hyuga history book because its a relatively new visual justsu. His father was a hyuga clan member and as such had byakugan already acquired however when he meet his mother they started to fall in love and unknowingly to him she also had a visual justsu, what neither Angelo or his father knew to this very day and because of it Angelo has had a new mutation form in his eyes that he proclaimed the dark eyes or "eyes of healing" since they allow Angelo to see the inner workings of any human which allowed Angelo the potential to be a great medical ninja if he wished but knowing his father was not a hyuga because of disgrace Angelo decided to go back to the hyuga and be a part of the clan in his own right and if not then he will form his own house from what he has. Other: something that he does out of personal habit is not take off his straw hat, Angelo will bow and kneel as needed but he does not take off his hat unless in the presence of someone he respects
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by G3njii
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### Genji Ryzhao ![enter image description here](http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp322/Eden1855/ninja_boy_by_kuronekokoubou-d4o939l_zps811628d7.jpg "enter image title here") Age: 13 Gender: Male Rank: Genin Skills: Close Range Combat, Improvisation Specialty: Kenjutsu, Taijutsu Jutsu: - Basic E Rank Jutsu's - Body Flicker Technique - Leaf Great Whirlwind (AKA Severe Leaf Hurricane) - Chakra Blades --By channeling ones chakra they can form blades made of chakra that float around the users arm, they are directed by swinging around the arm is slashing or thrusting motions with the blade following suit. The chakra blades are used as weapons for the primary fighting technique. This technique requires a deep chakra pool and proficient chakra control to use, because without the control the blade would lose its durability and its shape, as well as without the deep pool it wouldn't last long at all. Equipment: - Family Sword(Seen in Picture) - Shuriken - Sharpening Stones - Blank Scrolls - Paper Bombs Kekkei Genkai: Chakra Materialization; Being able to physically manifest chakra into any solid form. (First of his Clan/Unaware he has this specific ability(only knows he can make a blade right now)) Other Clan Traits: High Chakra Reserves, Naturally Good Chakra Control Personality: Hot-Headed, Energetic, Kind History: Genji's immediate family is the only one of their clan in Kohonagakure, not because any sob story of his clan being slaughtered, just because they weren't happy where they lived before and decided to up and move. They chose Kohonagakure when Genji was 6 because of its history and it's like-minded ideals. When they arrived they were openly welcomed but shinobi are naturally wary and thus distrust had been cast their way, but they didnt mind they understood how the others felt and just strived to do all they could to contribute to booming city. His father and mother were hard working shinobi taking any job they could with enthusiasm, his older sister kept the house and looked after him while their parents were away. Ever since Genji could remember he had wanted to be a shinobi like his parents were. He would pretend Ninja when he was a child nearly all the time, they kid had no natural talent though, he was fairly clumsy as a child and often make a mess by crashing into everything. As he grew older he began to beg his parents to allow him into the academy, and as he grew of age they allowed it. Genji was more than enthusiastic at school and it pushed alot of kids away, he would be called teachers pet or just in general avoiding do to being obnoxious about being a ninja. Upon graduating he had determined his affinity for the more physical aspect of being a ninja, the once highly clumsy child was now very coordinated and in tune with his body. Other:
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by G3njii
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### Netsu Aburame ![enter image description here](http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp322/Eden1855/20100529040608Naruto_OC_Heizou_Otobi_by_rikurep_zpsbef61af7.jpg "enter image title here") Age: 22 Gender: Male Rank: Jonin Skills: Reading people, Cooking(loves food) Specialty: (Aburame style)Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Fuinjutsu, (Desires more practice with Genjutsu) Jutsu: - All Academy Jutsu - Aburame Clan Hidden Jutsu's - Parasitic Insect Technique: Hypo(er)thermic Shock - After planting beetles on the opponent the slowly begin to feed on the chakra of the host. As they feed they can either raise or drop the body temperature of said host. The more beetles, the faster and more severe the effects. - Symbiotic Insect Technique: Temperature Armor - Allowing the beetles to feed on a bit of extra chakra he can at will fluxuate the temperature of his body and the immediate area around it (About 3 inches from the skin). Most commonly the skin would be frozen solid to provide extreme durabilty, this also works in a opposite fashion allowing heat to add an extra kick to taijutsu techiniques. - Beetle Nest Technique: By covering the battlefield with numerous summoning seals, he activates them all at once and summons his beetles and box the opponent in. There are two stem abilities to this to this, -Venus Beetle Trap; if the opponent is close enough to a seal the beetles will latch on to him and inhibit his movement as best they can while the other beetles form up into what looks like a venus fly trap mouth and closes in on him. Here they will drain his chakra dry. -Insect Radar; With the beetles spread out they provide a sort of information web to act as a radar of the surrounding area - Searing Bug Cloud: Release a cloud of bugs that raise their temperature to scalding levels. Coming in contact slowly burns your flesh. Breathing in the air while surrounded will burn your lungs. - Frozen Insect Barricade: By forming the beetles into a wall shape he can surge extra chakra to them and they will freeze themselves and the immediate air around them creating a wall of thick ice. Kekkei Genkai: Beetles of the Aburame Clan Other Clan Traits: N/A Personality: Looks for the wonderment in things, he believes one should enjoy their life. He has been deemed fairly wise by those who work with him. He likes to look out for people too. History: Revealed As We Go Other:
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

_Character Sheet_ ![](http://i.imgur.com/ByCcS58.jpg?1) **Name:** Nayta Zellk **Age:** 12 **Gender:** Male **Rank:** Genin **Skills:** Profound at reading other's movements and controlling a battle, Nayta is without a doubt considered dangerous and prodigious for his age. This toppled on to his Kekkai Genkai creates a very dangerous predator. His ability to intimidate and utter dislike for most people also gives him an advantage in the realm of mental warfare. Where he toys with there obvious weaknesses. He's very efficient at hiding his presence from others and is quicker than most his age. **Specialty: ** Ninjutsu and Chakra Control **Jutsu:** [E-Rank Jutsu](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Special:BrowseData/Jutsu?Jutsu_rank=E), [C-Rank: Scattering Thousand Crows](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Scattering_One_Thousand_Crows_Technique), [C-Rank: Crow Clone](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Crow_Clone_Technique), [C-Rank: Summoning (Human Size Crow)](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Summoning_Technique) **Equipment:** 10 Kunai, 20 Shuriken, 40 feet of Wire, 10 feet of linked metal **Kekkei Genkai:** The Zellk clan is famous for their chakra immune appendages, both malleable and mystically beautiful in shade and texture, these limbs are usually weak and only useful for combat against one or two opponents. But occasionally a powerful descendant is born resembling the first, having large ones. Nayta is the first to resemble the original head in six generations. These Zellk Limbs are capable of taking on chakra without having to worry about much damage and most of them are hard enough to withstand the strength of the average ninja. Nayta's looks to be reddish-gold iridescent arms, large and flat-fingered in appearance, that spawn from the back of his shoulders. They'll evolve and become stronger over time. **Other Clan Traits:** Over-expressive eyes and black blood. Most are born with pale-green hair and gold eyes, the first head was born with orange hair and orange eyes. The Pact of Zellk is a documented quote from a renegade member that says the Zellk clan worships the Bijuus as Gods. **Personality:** A bit wacky or screwy, Nayto is admittedly and knowingly creepy. He has small habits that would lead others to believe that he should be locked up and looked afterwards. One said quirk is his signature clap against his own ears, although he only does one at a time. Another is the slow and deliberate tone he uses when speaking casually with others. He actively searches for worth opponents, even at his young age he enjoys the thrill and bloodlust of a massive battle. He loves taking down those that spouts about their own strength more than anything else and enjoys playing with the weak. **History:** Not much is known about Nayta, only that he came from the Zellk clan and the clan itself is shrouded in a void-like darkness. The youth was abandoned at the doors of the Leaf Village two years ago, covered in blood and wrapped only in a brown cloak. After careful and meticulous investigation, the boy was taken to high-ranking ninja where his mind was scoured for further treachery. They only found a beast living inside his mind, a small portion of something long thought dead. They were apt on kicking the kid out but when a Anbu female agreed to look after him instead, to keep an eye on him, he was taken in. Enrolled in the academy, Nayta lived a rather suspicious life under the watchful eye of his guardian. When the wandering clan found themselves at the village for the boy, they instead asked to join the village. Nayta was not released to them and instead the clan's housing has been placed outside the village until they can be sure nothing is up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

![](https://41.media.tumblr.com/f34349bae7248ca46f2636eed6a04b88/tumblr_n57syfiQJv1shc534o1_500.jpg "enter image title here") **Name:** Ranko Kuromine  **Age:** 13 **Gender:** Female **Rank:** Genin **Skills:** Besides common ninja techniques, Ranko knows really well how to cook, specially sweet things, so she also knows how to prepare food for expeditions and whatnot. Her forte in Ninjutsus is the creation of barriers and sealing ninjutsus. Close ranged fighting. **Specialty:** Ninjutsu and, surprisingly, taijutsu. **Jutsu:** All basic Leaf E ones. Water Prison Technique Water Release: Water Blade; This technique consists in surrounding the user's hand in water that is in constant, rapid movement, making it extremely dangerous and able to cut through things, making it almost as sharp as a real blade. Kuromine Family Barrier Technique; Different from other barrier techniques, these technique is not made to imprison someone or protect against big attacks, but rather, to protect the user from physical attacks, covering the user in a thin, yet durable, cape of chakra that is not visible to the naked eye. This technique allows for the user to enter battle without having to worry about their defense. While this technique is really functional when fighting close range, the battle must not drag on for a lot of time. This technique consumes chakra really quickly and becomes brittle when the user's chakra reserves are almost gone. **Equipment:** Kunais, shurikens, the usual drill of ninja tools. **Kekkei Genkai:** The Kuromine clan's Kekkei Genkai allows for their users to shut down one or several of their body senses in order to enhance the others. This way, they can hear things several meters away, smell things also several meters away, see things that, with all the other senses shut down, not even the Byakugan would be able to reach, shut down all pain, swallow down food that would be otherwise inedible. The shutdown of the senses shouldn't be held for a long time, or otherwise they'll become unusable until one of the elders of the Kuromine clan deactivates it. **Other Clan Traits:** Quick replenish of Chakra. **Personality:** A bubbly, quirky and naive girl who loves sweets. She always makes light of situations and goofs around a bit too much. She is someone who applies the law of the minimum effort, giving a situation just enough for it to be acceptable, hence why she passed the Academy with borderline catastrophic marks. Even so, and while her usual personality may interfere with her work as a ninja, she has a kind of weird switch that flips on during a battle. Having grown up among a family of show off ninjas who often came home with trophies they got from their enemies (usually gory things), this time of peace was almost suffocating for the Kuromines. Ranko absolutely loved hearing stories from his grandfather about wars and whatnot and thus, she has also grown to love the battlefield, even though she has little to none actual experience in it. As a result of all this, she has developed a sadistic, creepy, almost psychotic side to her personality that only shows up in battle. **History:** The Kuromine clan, while rather little in size and renown, was still a proud clan full of assassins and torturers. The clan especializes in killing and torture techniques, taijutsu and barrier ninjutsus, to be more accurate. However, the long era of peace that Naruto and his being Hokage brought about went in total contrary to what the Kuromine clan stood for. With nothing but their war stories to entertain themselves, Ranko's family was bored to no end. However, they still passed down all of their war stories to the young ones so they would never be forgotten. Not everyone found it pleasant, though. With only one generation of peace, the clan had grown weary of gore and blood, and this only infuriated the most elderly ones. However, Ranko's family, the main branch of the relatively small clan, conserved the brutality that was so characteristic of their clan, and Ranko was when it reached its peak. Since young, Ranko demonstrated exceptional aptitudes for an assassin, being coldhearted and swift with what was assigned to her. The elders think of her as the one who will uplift their clan and bring them to glory once again. **Other:** She loves gory stuff. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

**Appearance** [Raima Ikazuchi](http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/136/b/4/misaka_mikoto_render_by_fbunta-d6pjv02.png ) **Name:** Raima Ikazuchi **Age:** 13 **Gender:** Female **Rank:** Genin **Skills:* Deep insight in riddles. Dancing. Being fabulous. Cooking. **Specialty:** Taijutsu Espionage **Jutsu:** All the basic ones from the academy. A basic adaptation of lightning release is its lightning chakra infused into punches and kicks by Raima as well as objects. Ikazuchi Technique: Flash Image- B Rank An afterimage projected by the user in fast speeds. The bear like fighting style of the family creates a replica of feint images of themselves and is often mistaken as clone techniques. Its is harmless but deceiving. Ikazuchi Hiden Technique: Kuma Claws- C to A Rank Turning the finger nails into sharp claws that of a bear, capable of clashing with swords but if not refined the nails can easily break. According to Raima, using claws and lightning release at the same time is hard to maintain. She uses lightning release and claws separately. The claws last for five minutes for a beginner. 10-15 minutes for intermediate, 30 minutes for a skilled one, and lastly a master can prolong it and use it as long as he or she desires. Raima is in the beginners category therefore a C Rank. Raima Technique: Lightning Breath - C Rank An equivalent of the great fireball technique, Raima breathes out a roar of lightning that of a fireball. **Equipment:** Smoke Bomb and Wires. According to her it is enough. **Kekkei Genkai: ** None, you call it Hijutsu: Kuma Kuma Claw In other words the bear fighting style, the user is able to turn their hands to that of a bear's claws, wolverine style, finger nails that are sharp. **Other Clan Traits:** Lightning fetish. The Ikazuchi are obsessed with lightning related stuff worshiping it as a deity though the reasons are hard to understand, Raima like her family(not a clan) all have lightning release. They worship a deity named Raijin. They even make puns of lightning related speech and quotes. **Personality:** Raima is initially arrogant, overbearing, selfish, and prone to make fun of his own comrades. Believing herself to be the strongest of her batch, and looked down on those she considered weak, heavily reprimanding their weakness and even resolving to hurt them whenever they stepped in her path. **History:** The Ikazuchi Family are small family of hunters and doctors; business legitimacy working side by side. Hunters for a living that does business trades of selling rare products of animal anatomy while some are doctors who uses their claws for surgery check ups and useful certainties that defines them as doctors, Doctor Bear. They travel everywhere with no village aligned to hence neutral and dislikes to be involved in heavy conflict yet some who are doctors puts themselves on the fray. Raima is a young Ikazuchi, she is born in the leaf and raised in the leaf. Doing whatever she pleases and making use of her talents, and works at the Ramen Shop for her claws are useful in cutting certain ingredients. **Other:** Meaningful name; Rai = Lightning, ma= space. Meaningful surname; Ikazuchi means thunder that relates to the deity, Raijin. The running gag is given for her claws. She makes a good chef. Her family are lightning deity worshipers. They put themselves into worshiping commitment, accustomed to certain practices of such religion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

![](https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQrYdLF6_iP5ZHLK14IQV9980HSZ5b2e88CHli-RB5Auiax8sRHrg) Name: Akira Firumu Age: 13 Gender:Male Rank:Genin Skills: Akira is very skilled in hand-to-hand combat and stratigizing. He's very cauitious about his surroundings and has a high sensory level. He can sometimes be carless in battle. Specialty:Taijutsu and a little bit of Genjutsu Jutsu: E-level Taijutsu E-level (Only effective when Akira removes his eye patch)Makuton: Shigusa Eiga[Film Release: Action Movie] is a Genjutsu technique that tricks the victim into seeing him/herself into thinking he/she is a Taijutsu master. The victim will use nothing but Taijutsu for the entire time that the jutsu is in effects, meaning that the break out of the jutsu, the user much inflict a lot of pain on him/herself, or have an outside force use Kai and break the Genjutsu for him/her. This technique really doesn’t affect taijutsu users at all, so it’s mostly used against Ninjutsu specialists. A-level Mitsukai Tsubasa no Jutsu [Angel Wings Skill] Description: The user gathers chakra into their back as a pair of angellic wings spring forth. The wings can be used for flight, and they can be used for blocking taijutsu attacks and attacking. In areas that are filled with light, the wings may use the natural blinding light to form tangible feathers that may be launched off like kunai. Equipment: 20 Shuriken and 15 Kunai Kekkei Genkai: Makuton [Film Release] Description of Jutsu: Makuton is a special secret jutsu release unique to those in the Firumu clan. It allows the clan to use special genjutsu, involving movies and other cinematic productions. Other Clan Traits: The Firumu clan members have keen analytical abilities, making them capable of assessing their opponent's strengths and weaknesses in battle, but only after watching their opponent(s) in battle. It also allows them the scan the area and come up with a more accurate description of their surroundings than normal ninja. Personality: Akira is very energetic and high spirited. He loves the rush of being in danger or nearly fighting to the point of unconsciousness. He is often reckless and clumsy. History: Akira was born with a lack of skill over the control of genjutsu and ninjutsu. This is quite a downfall but he was still born with the Firumu clans eye that allows him to project powerful Genjutsus'. Since he has the lacking chakra needed to control the eye weres an eyepatch to seal its Genjustu abilities until needed. Other: During his free time Akira wears weighted clothing to help increase his physical speed since he relys on Taijutsu.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Appearance ![enter image description here](http://narutomushrivalry.wdfiles.com/local--files/files/Char-Daisuke "enter image title here") Name: Morggo Razuki Age: 13 Gender: male Rank: Genin Skills: fighting and weaponry Specialty: taijutsu and ninjutsu Jutsu: He has learned all of the academy jutsu Ghost Release: Ghost Palm effect: Morggo summons large spectral hands that hits his opponents with incredible force. Rank: C Ghost Release: Spirit Clone effect: Morggo creates a spiritual clone of himself that is intangible but can act upon chakra, which means that hitting an object with chakra will have the same effect as tangible object. He uses this technique for deception as well as surprise attacks, but the technique can cost a good amount of chakra. rank: C Ghost Release: Spirit Bond effect: This technique allows Morggo to summon a spirit and bond with it thus allowing him to share its mind and knowledge with his. When he bonded with the spirit, he can draw upon its chakra and use its abilities and skills, but he cannot use the spirit's chakra nature and use the spirit's elemental techniques. This technique takes up a lot of chakra and requires almost perfect unity between the host and spirit to work properly. Even though he can have the spirit's will and use its techniques, his body is still the same and if it is not trained to handle the moves then it will put a strain on his body. Because Morggo is drawing from an outside source of chakra it is very hard to control and can be taxing on the body. Rank: A Equipment: he uses [boomerangs](http://www.crystalinks.com/boomerangset.jpg) as his main weapon and the standard ninja tools as his secondary weapons. Using boomerangs is something that is unique to the Razuki clan and by charging the weapon with his chakra he can make it fly farther and faster as well make it sharper. He keeps his boomerangs on a sash. Kekkei Genkai: Ghost Release: This is the bloodline technique of the Razuki which allows them to manipulate the spiritual aspect of chakra and see on the spiritual planes through the use of their dōjutsu known as The Ghost Eyes which makes their eyes an eerie yellow. Ghost Release allows the Razuki to summon the spirits of their ancestors as well as inhuman spirits to aid them in battle in several different ways, but this technique can very costly on chakra. One of the most common abilities that Ghost release grants to users is the ability known as Ghost Hands which allows the user to move objects with spiritual chakra. Other Clan Traits: all members of the Razuki clan are mediums that can see and communicate with all kinds of spirits. The clan has a very strong affinity for spiritual types of chakra and very good at letting chakra flow through their bodies. The Razuki are very wise and can be very tenacious. **ancestors that Morggo can summon** Name: Somuko Razuki Skills: taijutsu specialists and master chakra manipulator abilities: Somuko has a variety of techiques that are based upon hitting his opponents with chakra powered physical attacks as well as create chakra arms. bio: Somuko Razuki lived over a hundred years ago and was renowned for his incredible prowess as a ninja. He was also known for his extreme dislike of the Uchiha and the Hyuga clan. After his death his spirit was summoned up from the afterlife by Morggo Razuki using his spirit bond technique to aid him in battle. Somuko was reluctant and still argues with Morggo when they are bonded which makes the technique not as effective as it could, but so far Morggo can only summon Somuko. Personality: Morggo is strange in many ways, he can be very serious at one point and then funny at another. He has very strange senses of humor and sometimes has a knack for talking about dead things and will randomly talk to a ghost out loud while people are watching, which makes him looks even more stranger. H likes to make jokes and is very tenacious which is fitting for his clan, and he is also wise. He and his clan follow a code that their ancestors made centuries ago, it is known as the Wisdom of The Ancestors. The code encourages the clan to pair their power with wisdom to help them make the proper choices and to not blindly charge into things. For the most part Morggo has learned this code, but he can be a hothead especially when someone is threatening his friends. He is incredible loyal and will never abandon his comrades and he always sticks up for his friends. He dreams of becoming a great ninja so that all can see how great the Razuki clan truly is. Like most members of his clan, Razuki has a dislike for the Uchiha and Hyuga clan History: The Razuki clan has had a long history of having strong ties to the world of the supernatural and many thought of their infinity for the dead to be a dark and trait. The Razuki merely shook off those fears and bonded with the spirit world and their ancestors. Their skills in meduimship has helped many people find solace in knowing their deceased loved-ones are at peace, and have helped those who have not reconciled with the dead. They never really took much part in the politics of the ninja world and were never really fond of the Uchiha and the Hyuga. The Razuki were more interested in the wisdom of the spirit world and they spent many hours meditating on the mysteries of the soul. It wasn't until the ninja wars that the clan realized that they would have to focus more the ninja world in order to avoid becoming destroyed by their enemies. The clan produced many great shinobi and that is where Morggo story begins. He was born an orphan, his father had been killed in battle weeks before his birth and his mother stricken with grief died in childbirth. Morggo's life had started with tragedy and he was taken care of by his grand parents. Even though he had lost his parents, Morggo was able to communicate with them and find comfort. But he still wished they could have been in his life alive and not dead. Eventually he enrolled at the shinobi academy and was among the better students at the time of graduation. He dreams of becoming a great shinobi and will do whatever it takes to achieve his dreams. Other: he loves chocolate milk and if anyone causes his milk to spill then he will go into an intense rage and will try to beat up whoever was responsible for spilling his chocolate milk. His favorite food is chicken fried rice.
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Demon Shinobi

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![Mitsuki](http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/281/a/f/naruto_oc_commission__hoshino_chinatsu_by_black_pantheress-d5h5jpy.png "Sensei :3") Mitsuki stands at about 5'9" weighing "a perfect none of your damn business". The rest about her can be ascertained by her image. Just ignore the headband... It should be a leaf symbol. Name: Mitsuki Nara Age: "Don't ask." Gender: Female Rank: Jonin Skills: - Fighting: Mitsuki is skilled in close quarters combat. Not very powerful, but she also has her mind. - Intelligence: Mitsuki relies on her mind far more than brute force, like most if not all the Nara. She comes up with plans, thinking multiple steps ahead. As long as nobody makes her angry. - Facial Reading: By reading a person's face it is possible to tell whether they are lying. Some are trained to go against this, but most are not. Mitsuki can essentially tell when people are and aren't lying without the use of Jutsu. - Lying: Because she knows how the lying works she can do it pretty well herself. - Stealth: While capable in head on battles and more straightforward situations, Mitsuki is very skilled and much more suited for stealthy operations. Specialty: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Chakra Control, Chakra Manipulation, other minor skills. - Medical knowledge: Mitsuki has adept knowledge of medical ninjutsu, among other areas of the field. Though it is not her specialty, she felt it necessary to learn. Jutsu: - Essential Academy Jutsu - [Earth Release: Practice Brick Technique](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Practice_Brick_Technique) - [Shadow Clutch Technique](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Clutch_Technique) - [Shadow Gathering Technique](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Gathering_Technique) - [Shadow Imitation Shuriken Technique](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Imitation_Shuriken_Technique) - [Shadow Imitation Technique](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Imitation_Technique) - [Shadow Sewing Technique](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Sewing_Technique) - [Shadow Neck Binding Technique](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow%E2%80%93Neck_Binding_Technique) - [Mystical Palm Technique](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Mystical_Palm_Technique) - [Chakra Scalpel](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Chakra_scalpel) - Shadow Defense: A technique created by Mitsuki after studying the Shadowing sewing technique. By concentrating and molding her chakra she is able to use her shadow to create a wall either in front, behind or completely around her for defense. I is not the strongest shield, but it works fairly well. - Shadow Senbon Acupuncture: Another technique created by Mitsuki, she is able to focus and mold her chakra and shadow into senbon and use them to effectively strike an opponent's pressure points. The amount of chakra and focus is high making it a last resort and the effects only last about 180 seconds (3 minutes, but she counts the seconds) thus she must move quick to dispatch enemies or get away. Equipment: - 25 Shuriken - 18 Kunai - 4 [Chakra Blades](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Chakra_Blades) - 8 Paper Bombs Kekkei Genkai: Shadow Release Other Clan Traits: The Nara Clan generally seem to hold great intelligence and a knack for strategy. Personality: Mitsuki is not perfect, though she likes to think she is pretty damn close to it. She holds pride in her looks and figure and it shows occasionally. She generally hates to go out of her way and do more than necessary though she isn't as lazy as many of her predecessors. She has a bit of an anger problem depending on the subject, though generally tries to keep her cool. She's intelligent, though somewhat useless when it comes to household chores like cooking, cleaning, etc. History: A child of the Nara clan, Mitsuki had a bit less pressure as her older brother handled most things. Still there were expectations of her and she reached them. Shikamaru did well in raising his children. Though it is obvious which one took after him more and it was certainly not Mitsuki. She went through the academy, and jumped through the ranks completing missions fairly efficiently. She had a few outbursts, but most were normal and as she put it "The bastards had it coming to them." Other: I don't think so...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Team 3 **Jonin**: Jerin Uchiha (Jerin) **Genin**: Nagato (Demon Shinobi), Ranko (Hebigami), Dango (FVGT) Team 8 **Jonin**: Netsu Aburame (G3njii) **Genin**: Morggo (Patri), Angelo (Jangel13), Nayto (Renny) Team 2 **Jonin**: Mitsuki Nara (Demon Shinobi) **Genin**: Genji (G3njii), Akira (Slendy), Raima (Masaki) ----------------------------- Nagato was born with looks very much akin to his great grandfather Minato namikaze. Blonde hair, and blue eyes, though without the whisker marks sported by his father and Grandfather. He stands at about 5 ft. tall weighing in at about 100lbs. Generally his usual outfit is as shown, though he does, when going on missions pack a few extra ninja tools than those mentioned in the equipment section, and a few other minor things, mostly for hygiene and money and the like. All that is packed is held in a simple back pack with his money held in a small green toad themed pouch he affectionately refers to as "Gama", a habit picked up from his father. Though he tends to do this when other's aren't around to ridicule him. Name: Nagato Uzumaki Age: 12 Gender: Male Rank: Genin Skills: - Learning: Yes Nagato finds it somewhat easy to grasp most concepts whether combat related, academic or strategic. Because of his talent many seem to believe he relies solely on this. That's a mistake. He actually works very hard to become well verse in what he learns. - Cooking: When Nagato's mother is away he often cooks for himself or even his aging grandmother. It's leaps and bounds better than simply eating out or having instant ramen all the time. Specialty: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu Jutsu: Academy Techniques (Each of which are E-Rank) - Substitution Jutsu - Clone Jutsu - Transformation Jutsu Personal Techniques (Ranks May Vary) - Beast Wave Palm: Assumed C-Rank and Wind Release technique - Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu: Confirmed C-Rank and Fire Release Technique - Shadow Clone Jutsu: Confirmed B-Rank and no Nature Release Equiptment: The following are equipment that Nagato often carries, though when going on missions he may pack more. So the amounts may vary depending on missions. - Ryo (Amount may vary) - 18 Shuriken - 10 Kunai - 30 feet of Wire Kekkei Genkai: Though he is an Uchiha by blood, Nagato has so far shown no signs of holding the Sharigan. Other Clan Traits: Being of both Uzumaki and Uchiha descent, Nagato has been blessed with traits of both clans. As an Uzumaki, he holds an incredibly strong life force which can both endure and survive most grievous injuries plus incredible longevity, as well as great recuperative powers. He is able to quickly recover from extreme exhaustion and mend most injuries in shorter periods of time than the natural human. This is nothing like the recuperative ability of say Naruto or Karin. As an Uchiha, he holds powerful chakra, with a capability for exceptionally strong techniques, and a natural aptitude for anything combat-related. He also has a natural affinity for the Fire Release nature transformation. Though he has yet to show any skill greater than that of the Great Fireball Jutsu. Personality: Nagato is, among many things, hardworking. Being who he is, he always feels he has something to prove. And yet somehow feels that he is a disappointment when compared to his lineage. Still he always puts in 1000%. He gives until he can't give anymore and then... he gives more. Not many things get to him. But the things that do... Well... You can probably figure it out. So long as he sees you as an ally and companion he'll treat you as such. Among his hardworking and kind nature he can also be described as intelligent, creative, cunning, and when it comes to battle a bit more serious. Though this usually doesn't apply to simple sparring and training unless the stake are high. History: Naruto’s time as Hokage was truly a god given era. Times were god, prosperous even. Most problem generally did not range higher than bandits, or some kind of small organized crime. Most, if not all, missions were fairly simple to deal with. Needless to say for various ninja, Naruto included, things were rather boring. However, with work like this his official duties had the tendency to decrease and become easier on occasion. Like any father and husband he spent his extra time with his family. He watched his children grow into fine adults along with the children of his friends. He watched his son fall in love and marry the daughter of his best friend and former Teammates Sakura and Sasuke. He was present for the birth of his first grandchild. Bolt and Sarada, together had a request that day. Naruto gladly listened to it and was amazed when they asked him to name the child. Some many names flooded his mind. So many people had come and gone from his life. So many had impacted it in so many ways. In the end he decided on Nagato. Nagato Uzumaki. Nagato would was a child of many talents. By the age of four he'd begun to train after watching his mother and father. He would visit his grandfather and listen to stories about the good old days. Though some things may have been tones down. Such as events involving his other grandfather. He loved hearing the stories. And afterwards he would be ready to attempt more training and learning with his father. At least when he was home anyway. He was a shinobi after all who occasionally would go off on missions. However, one time he went away. And never returned. Nagato was 7 at that time. Even after a year passed and he turned 8 he refused to give up hope that his father was somewhere out there, even if the village had assumed him dead. Nagato had already begun the academy shortly before he left. His father had actually seen him off on his first day of school. Time passed once more and he was soon 10. This was the year his grandfather past away. Naruto left his him a key. Well he left his mother key and him a note. When his mother gave him the key he would be given access to a room that he'd not been allowed to enter for some time. He still has that letter. He keeps it safe along with a picture of his grandfather and his father in his room. He prays for them each night. For his grandfather to rest in peace and for his father to remain safe, as he has yet to give up. For now though, he focuses on his goal to become a powerful ninja. He wishes to not only live up to his lineage, but to surpass it. He'll be greater than all who came before him. Other: I feel I may be forgetting something...
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Demon Shinobi

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Name: Nayta Hyuga Age: 12 Gender: Male Rank: Genin Skills: Profound at reading other's movements and controlling a battle, Nayta is without a doubt considered dangerous and prodigious for his age. This toppled on to his Kekkai Genkai creates a very dangerous predator. His abilities and utter dislike for most people also gives him an advantage in the realm of warfare. He is quicker than most his age and is quite skilled at precise movements. Specialty: Ninjutsu and Chakra Control Jutsu: All Leaf village academy e-rank jutsu, Gentle Fist, Eight Trigrams: Thirty-Two Palms, Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation Equipment: 10 Kunai, 20 Shuriken, money, food pills. Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan Other Clan Traits: Guy's he's a Hyuga, the eyes, the fighting style, etc. Personality: Kind of a dick and full of himself. He's cocky, but you know. He thinks being a Hyuga makes him better and it shows. He will piss you off and think that he hasn't done anything wrong. Problem is he really isn't as strong as he thinks he is. He can even fully utilize the 64 palms technique. He can only go up to 32. History: Guys... He's a Hyuga. The next heir officially Pretty much related to Nagato, but he's like a distant cousin. You know the deal. Really, they aren't... They aren't close family and he doesn't acknowledge it.
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