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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

> I get the feeling that Kuromine's going to end up becoming friends with Dango. > > And that Nayta's going to harass him with a whole lot of mental warfare. After reading up about Dango, now I get the same feeling too. xP Oh, also, I used the usual Japanese style way of arranging names, let me go change it. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Okay so here are my thoughts. Jonin: Jerin Genin: Genji, Angelo, Nayto (Pending Acceptance until he/she answers my post regarding their character.) --------------------- Jonin: Aburame Genin: Nagato, Ranko, Dango --------------------- Jonin: Mine Genin: Patri, Slendy, Grandz (All pending of course) Are their any problems with this line up?? Becaase I honestly felt it would be the best decision.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Derp. Bump for recruitment. I got a better schedule now compare to last time since school is nearing its end.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I'm sorry Demon, but I demand Nagato. You know it would be so much fun for the two of us XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

> Derp. > Bump for recruitment. > > I got a better schedule now compare to last time since school is nearing its end. then reply to the other rp please, im checking to see who is still their...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FVGT


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Well, I've not a clue who is on Team 3(character-wise), but I'm fine otherwise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Also fine here with my teammates. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

![](https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQrYdLF6_iP5ZHLK14IQV9980HSZ5b2e88CHli-RB5Auiax8sRHrg) Name: Akira Firumu Age: 13 Gender:Male Rank:Genin Skills: Akira is very skilled in hand-to-hand combat and stratigizing. He's very cauitious about his surroundings and has a high sensory level. He can sometimes be carless in battle. Specialty:Taijutsu and a little bit of Genjutsu Jutsu: E-level Taijutsu E-level (Only effective when Akira removes his eye patch)Makuton: Shigusa Eiga[Film Release: Action Movie] is a Genjutsu technique that tricks the victim into seeing him/herself into thinking he/she is a Taijutsu master. The victim will use nothing but Taijutsu for the entire time that the jutsu is in effects, meaning that the break out of the jutsu, the user much inflict a lot of pain on him/herself, or have an outside force use Kai and break the Genjutsu for him/her. This technique really doesn’t affect taijutsu users at all, so it’s mostly used against Ninjutsu specialists. A-level Mitsukai Tsubasa no Jutsu [Angel Wings Skill] Description: The user gathers chakra into their back as a pair of angellic wings spring forth. The wings can be used for flight, and they can be used for blocking taijutsu attacks and attacking. In areas that are filled with light, the wings may use the natural blinding light to form tangible feathers that may be launched off like kunai. Equipment: 20 Shuriken and 15 Kunai Kekkei Genkai: Makuton [Film Release] Description of Jutsu: Makuton is a special secret jutsu release unique to those in the Firumu clan. It allows the clan to use special genjutsu, involving movies and other cinematic productions. Other Clan Traits: The Firumu clan members have keen analytical abilities, making them capable of assessing their opponent's strengths and weaknesses in battle, but only after watching their opponent(s) in battle. It also allows them the scan the area and come up with a more accurate description of their surroundings than normal ninja. Personality: Akira is very energetic and high spirited. He loves the rush of being in danger or nearly fighting to the point of unconsciousness. He is often reckless and clumsy. History: Akira was born with a lack of skill over the control of genjutsu and ninjutsu. This is quite a downfall but he was still born with the Firumu clans eye that allows him to project powerful Genjutsus'. Since he has the lacking chakra needed to control the eye weres an eyepatch to seal its Genjustu abilities until needed. Other: During his free time Akira wears weighted clothing to help increase his physical speed since he relys on Taijutsu.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

*is glad he has mangekyo sharingan and sharingan in general*
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

**Appearance** [Raima Ikazuchi](http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/136/b/4/misaka_mikoto_render_by_fbunta-d6pjv02.png ) **Name:** Raima Ikazuchi **Age:** 13 **Gender:** Female **Rank:** Genin **Skills:* Deep insight in riddles. Dancing. Being fabulous. Cooking. **Specialty:** Taijutsu Espionage **Jutsu:** All the basic ones from the academy. A basic adaptation of lightning release is its lightning chakra infused into punches and kicks by Raima as well as objects. Ikazuchi Technique: Flash Image- B Rank An afterimage projected by the user in fast speeds. The bear like fighting style of the family creates a replica of feint images of themselves and is often mistaken as clone techniques. Its is harmless but deceiving. Ikazuchi Hiden Technique: Kuma Claws- C to A Rank Turning the finger nails into sharp claws that of a bear, capable of clashing with swords but if not refined the nails can easily break. According to Raima, using claws and lightning release at the same time is hard to maintain. She uses lightning release and claws separately. The claws last for five minutes for a beginner. 10-15 minutes for intermediate, 30 minutes for a skilled one, and lastly a master can prolong it and use it as long as he or she desires. Raima is in the beginners category therefore a C Rank. Raima Technique: Lightning Breath - C Rank An equivalent of the great fireball technique, Raima breathes out a roar of lightning that of a fireball. **Equipment:** Smoke Bomb and Wires. According to her it is enough. **Kekkei Genkai: ** None, you call it Hijutsu: Kuma Kuma Claw In other words the bear fighting style, the user is able to turn their hands to that of a bear's claws, wolverine style, finger nails that are sharp. **Other Clan Traits:** Lightning fetish. The Ikazuchi are obsessed with lightning related stuff worshiping it as a deity though the reasons are hard to understand, Raima like her family(not a clan) all have lightning release. They worship a deity named Raijin. They even make puns of lightning related speech and quotes. **Personality:** Raima is initially arrogant, overbearing, selfish, and prone to make fun of his own comrades. Believing herself to be the strongest of her batch, and looked down on those she considered weak, heavily reprimanding their weakness and even resolving to hurt them whenever they stepped in her path. **History:** The Ikazuchi Family are small family of hunters and doctors; business legitimacy working side by side. Hunters for a living that does business trades of selling rare products of animal anatomy while some are doctors who uses their claws for surgery check ups and useful certainties that defines them as doctors, Doctor Bear. They travel everywhere with no village aligned to hence neutral and dislikes to be involved in heavy conflict yet some who are doctors puts themselves on the fray. Raima is a young Ikazuchi, she is born in the leaf and raised in the leaf. Doing whatever she pleases and making use of her talents, and works at the Ramen Shop for her claws are useful in cutting certain ingredients. **Other:** Meaningful name; Rai = Lightning, ma= space. Meaningful surname; Ikazuchi means thunder that relates to the deity, Raijin. The running gag is given for her claws. She makes a good chef. Her family are lightning deity worshipers. They put themselves into worshiping commitment, accustomed to certain practices of such religion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

![Jin](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs38/i/2008/364/9/f/Anime_boy_by_gaarasoneandonly.jpg "Jin") Name: Jin Kazeshin Age: 13 Gender: Male Rank: Genin Skills: Jin was trained in Karate; Jujutsu; and Tae Quan Do simultaneously since the age of four. Specialty: Taijutsu, Strategy Jutsu: All skills and jutsus taught in the Konoha Ninja Academy Wind Palm Jutsu Rank: D Type: Taijutsu Element: Wind Description: This is a basic ninjutsu utilizing the Fuuton element. This jutsu is considered a right of passage because no Kazeshin ninja who cannot perform it is authorized by their clan to take the Genin Exam. This skill allows the user to focus a blast of wind into their fist and launch it at the foe when they swing their arm. Equipment: 20x Shuriken; 3x Kunai; 10ft of Wire Kekkei Genkai: N/A Other Clan Traits: The Kazeshin clan are known for utilizing Wind Style jutsu with taijutsu. Personality: {Will reveal as time goes on} History: The moment Jin Kazeshin first opened his eyes they were covered up by a butterfly. This instance caused the future ninja to grow with a n absolute hatred of the insect. The fear did not stop Jin from growing up loving to play out doors when his parents taught his Karate for his fourth birthday party. It did keep him on his guard because he was always on the look out for his enemy as he began instruction in Judo and Tae Quan Do. Jin was raised the heir to the Kazeshin clan meaning he had his skills beat right into him from the age of four on. This saying was taken literally because his drunken mother tend to beat him with kitchen appliances when his father was not around. This was due to his mother broke her arm off in the mission that forcefully retired her. Jin enrolled at the academy at age 8. He attended classes regularly while hiding the bruises the were given to him from both parent figures. As his academy days went by he became proficient in everything they could tech as well as advance through martial arts skills his father wanted to teach him. He became more of a spoiled brat to the public because he was the top of his group of friends grade wise. At the age of ten he learned how to perform the Wind Palm and by the age of 11 he was able to utilize it in a combat situation against his father. At his twelfth birthday he began to visit his grandfather alone. In this time his grandfather lectured him the use of strategy on the battlefield as he was nearing the end of his time at the academy. His grandfather began testing Jin mentally with mind problems and strategy games to the point where his head started to hurt. When it came time for the final exam Jin was nowhere skilled mentally but enough that he had no problem on the written portion of the test. Other: He has a cat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

> Derp. > Bump for recruitment. > > I got a better schedule now compare to last time since school is nearing its end. Hey... i'm sorry... But... You're kind of not in this one... If you wanna make. Jonin you can? I guess... I mean this is a remake... Cause so many people left (you were also gone...) > I'm sorry Demon, but I demand Nagato. You know it would be so much fun for the two of us XD We'll see >_> > > Derp. > > Bump for recruitment. > > > > I got a better schedule now compare to last time since school is nearing its end. > > then reply to the other rp please, im checking to see who is still their... hoooooh Jangelo is bein a real GM now huh XD > Well, I've not a clue who is on Team 3(character-wise), but I'm fine otherwise. Me either >_> > Also fine here with my teammates. :P Good! > ![](https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQrYdLF6_iP5ZHLK14IQV9980HSZ5b2e88CHli-RB5Auiax8sRHrg) > > > Name: Akira Firumu > > Age: 13 > > Gender:Male > > Rank:Genin > > Skills: Akira is very skilled in hand-to-hand combat and stratigizing. He's very cauitious about his surroundings and has a high sensory level. He can sometimes be carless in battle. > > Specialty:Taijutsu and a little bit of Genjutsu > > Jutsu: > > E-level Taijutsu > > (Only effective when Akira removes his eye patch)Makuton: Shigusa Eiga is a Genjutsu technique that tricks the victim into seeing him/herself into thinking he/she is a Taijutsu master. The victim will use nothing but Taijutsu for the entire time that the jutsu is in effects, meaning that the break out of the jutsu, the user much inflict a lot of pain on him/herself, or have an outside force use Kai and break the Genjutsu for him/her. This technique really doesn’t affect taijutsu users at all, so it’s mostly used against Ninjutsu and Genjutsu specialists. > > Equipment: 20 Shuriken and 15 Kunai > > Kekkei Genkai: The Firumu clan is well none for there use of glass like jutsu's and powerful ninjutsu and genjustu users. Sadly for Akira he inherited the most rarest trait in the Firumu clan, the lack of capatibility with genjutsu and ninjutsu ,but he was still born with the families eye. Which allows him to use certain Genjutsu. > > Other Clan Traits: The Firumu clan members have keen analytical abilities, making them capable of assessing their opponent's strengths and weaknesses in battle, but only after watching their opponent(s) in battle. It also allows them the scan the area and come up with a more accurate description of their surroundings than normal ninja. > > Personality: Akira is very energetic and high spirited. He loves the rush of being in danger or nearly fighting to the point of unconsciousness. He is often reckless and clumsy. > > History: Akira was born with a lack of skill over the control of genjutsu and ninjutsu. This is quite a downfall but he was still born with the Firumu clans eye that allows him to project powerful Genjutsus'. Since he has the lacking chakra needed to control the eye weres an eyepatch to seal its Genjustu abilities until needed. > > Other: During his free time Akira wears weighted clothing to help increase his physical strength since he relys on Taijutsu. I don't see much of a reason not to accept. However, there are a few points you should consider. Those skilled in genjutsu could likely easily use the kai themselves to free themselves of the Genjutsu. Weighted clothing helps with strength, but usually more with speed as far as I know in the Naruto world. If I'm forgetting or missing something someone let me know. I'm a little tired... > *is glad he has mangekyo sharingan and sharingan in general* Shaddap! :P > **Appearance** > [Raima Ikazuchi](http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/136/b/4/misaka_mikoto_render_by_fbunta-d6pjv02.png ) > **Name:** Raima Ikazuchi > > **Age:** 13 > > **Gender:** Female > > **Rank:** Genin > > **Skills:* > Deep insight in riddles. > Dancing. > Being fabulous. > Cooking. > > **Specialty:** > Taijutsu > Espionage > > **Jutsu:** > All the basic ones from the academy. > A basic adaptation of lightning release is its lightning chakra infused into punches and kicks by Raima as well as objects. > > Ikazuchi Technique: Flash Image- B Rank > An afterimage projected by the user in fast speeds. The bear like fighting style of the family creates a replica of feint images of themselves and is often mistaken as clone techniques. Its is harmless but deceiving. > > Ikazuchi Hiden Technique: Kuma Claws- C to A Rank > Turning the finger nails into sharp claws that of a bear, capable of clashing with swords but if not refined the nails can easily break. According to Raima, using claws and lightning release at the same time is hard to maintain. She uses lightning release and claws separately. The claws last for five minutes for a beginner. 10-15 minutes for intermediate, 30 minutes for a skilled one, and lastly a master can prolong it and use it as long as he or she desires. Raima is in the beginners category therefore a C Rank. > > Raima Technique: Lightning Breath - C Rank > An equivalent of the great fireball technique, Raima breathes out a roar of lightning that of a fireball. > > > **Equipment:** > Smoke Bomb and Wires. According to her it is enough. > > **Kekkei Genkai: ** > None, you call it Hijutsu: Kuma Kuma Claw > In other words the bear fighting style, the user is able to turn their hands to that of a bear's claws, wolverine style, finger nails that are sharp. > > **Other Clan Traits:** > Lightning fetish. The Ikazuchi are obsessed with lightning related stuff worshiping it as a deity though the reasons are hard to understand, Raima like her family(not a clan) all have lightning release. They worship a deity named Raijin. They even make puns of lightning related speech and quotes. > > > **Personality:** > Raima is initially arrogant, overbearing, selfish, and prone to make fun of his own comrades. Believing herself to be the strongest of her batch, and looked down on those she considered weak, heavily reprimanding their weakness and even resolving to hurt them whenever they stepped in her path. > > **History:** > The Ikazuchi Family are small family of hunters and doctors; business legitimacy working side by side. Hunters for a living that does business trades of selling rare products of animal anatomy while some are doctors who uses their claws for surgery check ups and useful certainties that defines them as doctors, Doctor Bear. They travel everywhere with no village aligned to hence neutral and dislikes to be involved in heavy conflict yet some who are doctors puts themselves on the fray. Raima is a young Ikazuchi, she is born in the leaf and raised in the leaf. Doing whatever she pleases and making use of her talents, and works at the Ramen Shop for her claws are useful in cutting certain ingredients. > > > **Other:** > Meaningful name; Rai = Lightning, ma= space. > Meaningful surname; Ikazuchi means thunder that relates to the deity, Raijin. > > The running gag is given for her claws. She makes a good chef. > Her family are lightning deity worshipers. They put themselves into worshiping commitment, accustomed to certain practices of such religion. > > Idk Masaki... I like you and all, and anyone could see we could use another female, but your character does make things a bit uneven. Even though I have no changes that should be made. Patri, Slendy, and Grandz were here first. Unless one drops. I haven't heard ANYTHING from Patri since... Also Idk how well I can trust you right now. Can I trust you? Can I really? XD > ![Jin](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs38/i/2008/364/9/f/Anime_boy_by_gaarasoneandonly.jpg "Jin") > > > Name: Jin Kazeshin > > Age: 10 > > Gender: Male > > Rank: Genin > > Skills: Jin was trained in Karate; Jujutsu; and Tae Quan Do simultaneously since the age of four. > > Specialty: Taijutsu, Strategy > > Jutsu: All skills and jutsus taught in the Konoha Ninja Academy > > Wind Palm Jutsu > Rank: D > Type: Taijutsu > Element: Wind > Description: This is a basic ninjutsu utilizing the Fuuton element. This jutsu is considered a right of passage because no Kazeshin ninja who cannot perform it is authorized by their clan to take the Genin Exam. This skill allows the user to focus a blast of wind into their fist and launch it at the foe when they swing their arm. > > Equipment: 20x Shuriken; 3x Kunai; 10ft of Wire > Kekkei Genkai: N/A > > Other Clan Traits: The Kazeshin clan are known for utilizing Wind Style jutsu with taijutsu. > > Personality: {Will reveal as time goes on} > > History: The moment Jin Kazeshin first opened his eyes they were covered up by a butterfly. This instance caused the future ninja to grow with a n absolute hatred of the insect. The fear did not stop Jin from growing up loving to play out doors when his parents taught his Karate for his fourth birthday party. It did keep him on his guard because he was always on the look out for his enemy as he began instruction in Judo and Tae Quan Do. Jin was raised the heir to the Kazeshin clan meaning he had his skills beat right into him from the age of four on. This saying was taken literally because his drunken mother tend to beat him with kitchen appliances when his father was not around. This was due to his mother broke her arm off in the mission that forcefully retired her. > > Jin enrolled at the academy at age 8. He attended classes regularly while hiding the bruises the were given to him from both parent figures. As his academy days went by he became proficient in everything they could tech as well as advance through martial arts skills his father wanted to teach him. He became more of a spoiled brat to the public because he was the top of his group of friends grade wise. At the age of ten he learned how to perform the Wind Palm and by the age of 11 he was able to utilize it in a combat situation against his father. At his twelfth birthday he began to visit his grandfather alone. In this time his grandfather lectured him the use of strategy on the battlefield as he was nearing the end of his time at the academy. His grandfather began testing Jin mentally with mind problems and strategy games to the point where his head started to hurt. When it came time for the final exam Jin was nowhere skilled mentally but enough that he had no problem on the written portion of the test. > > Other: He has a cat. You should edit his age. It contradicts the history. But other than that I see no problems. So yeah... There's that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

ironic how in the last minutes before we would start we get people to fill in the missing spots.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sorry I was considering drafting 12 different possibilities. In all the changing and combining I am surprised all I messed up on was the age.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by G3njii
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

I have to much to talk about now...... For 1, you are welcome for the influx of new members :D > _Character Sheet_ > > ![](http://i.imgur.com/ByCcS58.jpg?1) > > **Name:** Nayta Zellk > > **Age:** 12 > > **Gender:** Male > > **Rank:** Genin > > **Skills:** Profound at reading other's movements and controlling a battle, Nayta is without a doubt considered dangerous and prodigious for his age. This toppled on to his Kekkai Genkai creates a very dangerous predator. His ability to intimidate and utter dislike for most people also gives him an advantage in the realm of mental warfare. Where he toys with there obvious weaknesses. He's very efficient at hiding his presence from others and is quicker than most his age. > > **Specialty: ** Ninjutsu and Chakra Control > > **Jutsu:** [E-Rank Jutsu](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Special:BrowseData/Jutsu?Jutsu_rank=E), [C-Rank: Scattering Thousand Crows](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Scattering_One_Thousand_Crows_Technique), [C-Rank: Crow Clone](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Crow_Clone_Technique), [C-Rank: Summoning (Human Size Crow)](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Summoning_Technique) > > **Equipment:** 10 Kunai, 20 Shuriken, 40 feet of Wire, 10 feet of linked metal > > **Kekkei Genkai:** The Zellk clan is famous for their chakra immune appendages, both malleable and mystically beautiful in shade and texture, these limbs are usually weak and only useful for combat against one or two opponents. But occasionally a powerful descendant is born resembling the first, having large ones. Nayta is the first to resemble the original head in six generations. These Zellk Limbs are capable of taking on chakra without having to worry about much damage and most of them are hard enough to withstand the strength of the average ninja. Nayta's looks to be reddish-gold iridescent arms, large and flat-fingered in appearance, that spawn from the back of his shoulders. They'll evolve and become stronger over time. > > **Other Clan Traits:** Over-expressive eyes and black blood. Most are born with pale-green hair and gold eyes, the first head was born with orange hair and orange eyes. The Pact of Zellk is a documented quote from a renegade member that says the Zellk clan worships the Bijuus as Gods and has diluted Bijuu chakra inherently flowing through their veins. > > **Personality:** A bit wacky or screwy, Nayto is admittedly and knowingly creepy. He has small habits that would lead others to believe that he should be locked up and looked afterwards. One said quirk is his signature clap against his own ears, although he only does one at a time. Another is the slow and deliberate tone he uses when speaking casually with others. He actively searches for worth opponents, even at his young age he enjoys the thrill and bloodlust of a massive battle. He loves taking down those that spouts about their own strength more than anything else and enjoys playing with the weak. > > **History:** Not much is known about Nayta, only that he came from the Zellk clan and the clan itself is shrouded in a void-like darkness. The youth was abandoned at the doors of the Leaf Village two years ago, covered in blood and wrapped only in a brown cloak. After careful and meticulous investigation, the boy was taken to high-ranking ninja where his mind was scoured for further treachery. They only found a beast living inside his mind, a small portion of something long thought dead. They were apt on kicking the kid out but when a Anbu female agreed to look after him instead, to keep an eye on him, he was taken in. Enrolled in the academy, Nayta lived a rather suspicious life under the watchful eye of his guardian. When the wandering clan found themselves at the village for the boy, they instead asked to join the village. Nayta was not released to them and instead the clan's housing has been placed outside the village until they can be sure nothing is up. > > **Gasps** > > Hinata! Shouyou Hinata! I probably spelled that wrong... Point is... I know that guys. The personality is so different from the character though XD > > Anyway, What do you mean Chakra immune appendages? Like extra limbs or something that he can generate at will? Would it be like materializing chakra or is it just his arms and legs. > > Also change E-Rank Jutsu to Leaf Village E-rank jutsu or something. It's a little more specific. Not a big thing, but it is somewhat important as far as phrasing goes ^^" To me this looks like chakra materialized arms. Although similar to my kekkai genkai I have no problem with this seeing as they will be different enough. It could be interesting to later find out that his and Genjii's bloodlines are connected distantly. Further on this character I'd be curious to understand the uses of the bijuu blood in him. Will this have any effects later in the rp? Do we need to worry about it becoming op too early, he makes the kid out to be quite a high level genin. But as you are GM I'll stand by most any of your decisions. > Okay so here are my thoughts. > > Jonin: Jerin > > Genin: Genji, Angelo, Nayto (Pending Acceptance until he/she answers my post regarding their character.) > > Jonin: Aburame > > Genin: Nagato, Ranko, Dango > > Jonin: Mine > > Genin: Patri, Slendy, Grandz (All pending of course) > > Are their any problems with this line up?? Becaase I honestly felt it would be the best decision I like how it looks so far. Definitely see some fun stuff going between Nayto and Genjii if they stay on a team. Also if you do decide to change it for Zarkun. I would not be adverse to the swapping of Nayto and Nagato. Just so you are Still hope to build that friendship with Genjii and Nagato. (Maybe make them friends from academy or something) And on a final note... IM SO EXCITED, I JUST CANT HIDE IT
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

> I have to much to talk about now...... > For 1, you are welcome for the influx of new members :D > > > _Character Sheet_ > > > > ![](http://i.imgur.com/ByCcS58.jpg?1) > > > > **Name:** Nayta Zellk > > > > **Age:** 12 > > > > **Gender:** Male > > > > **Rank:** Genin > > > > **Skills:** Profound at reading other's movements and controlling a battle, Nayta is without a doubt considered dangerous and prodigious for his age. This toppled on to his Kekkai Genkai creates a very dangerous predator. His ability to intimidate and utter dislike for most people also gives him an advantage in the realm of mental warfare. Where he toys with there obvious weaknesses. He's very efficient at hiding his presence from others and is quicker than most his age. > > > > **Specialty: ** Ninjutsu and Chakra Control > > > > **Jutsu:** [E-Rank Jutsu](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Special:BrowseData/Jutsu?Jutsu_rank=E), [C-Rank: Scattering Thousand Crows](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Scattering_One_Thousand_Crows_Technique), [C-Rank: Crow Clone](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Crow_Clone_Technique), [C-Rank: Summoning (Human Size Crow)](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Summoning_Technique) > > > > **Equipment:** 10 Kunai, 20 Shuriken, 40 feet of Wire, 10 feet of linked metal > > > > **Kekkei Genkai:** The Zellk clan is famous for their chakra immune appendages, both malleable and mystically beautiful in shade and texture, these limbs are usually weak and only useful for combat against one or two opponents. But occasionally a powerful descendant is born resembling the first, having large ones. Nayta is the first to resemble the original head in six generations. These Zellk Limbs are capable of taking on chakra without having to worry about much damage and most of them are hard enough to withstand the strength of the average ninja. Nayta's looks to be reddish-gold iridescent arms, large and flat-fingered in appearance, that spawn from the back of his shoulders. They'll evolve and become stronger over time. > > > > **Other Clan Traits:** Over-expressive eyes and black blood. Most are born with pale-green hair and gold eyes, the first head was born with orange hair and orange eyes. The Pact of Zellk is a documented quote from a renegade member that says the Zellk clan worships the Bijuus as Gods and has diluted Bijuu chakra inherently flowing through their veins. > > > > **Personality:** A bit wacky or screwy, Nayto is admittedly and knowingly creepy. He has small habits that would lead others to believe that he should be locked up and looked afterwards. One said quirk is his signature clap against his own ears, although he only does one at a time. Another is the slow and deliberate tone he uses when speaking casually with others. He actively searches for worth opponents, even at his young age he enjoys the thrill and bloodlust of a massive battle. He loves taking down those that spouts about their own strength more than anything else and enjoys playing with the weak. > > > > **History:** Not much is known about Nayta, only that he came from the Zellk clan and the clan itself is shrouded in a void-like darkness. The youth was abandoned at the doors of the Leaf Village two years ago, covered in blood and wrapped only in a brown cloak. After careful and meticulous investigation, the boy was taken to high-ranking ninja where his mind was scoured for further treachery. They only found a beast living inside his mind, a small portion of something long thought dead. They were apt on kicking the kid out but when a Anbu female agreed to look after him instead, to keep an eye on him, he was taken in. Enrolled in the academy, Nayta lived a rather suspicious life under the watchful eye of his guardian. When the wandering clan found themselves at the village for the boy, they instead asked to join the village. Nayta was not released to them and instead the clan's housing has been placed outside the village until they can be sure nothing is up. > > > > > > > **Gasps** > > > > Hinata! Shouyou Hinata! I probably spelled that wrong... Point is... I know that guys. The personality is so different from the character though XD > > > > Anyway, What do you mean Chakra immune appendages? Like extra limbs or something that he can generate at will? Would it be like materializing chakra or is it just his arms and legs. > > > > Also change E-Rank Jutsu to Leaf Village E-rank jutsu or something. It's a little more specific. Not a big thing, but it is somewhat important as far as phrasing goes ^^" > > To me this looks like chakra materialized arms. Although similar to my kekkai genkai I have no problem with this seeing as they will be different enough. It could be interesting to later find out that his and Genjii's bloodlines are connected distantly. **Further on this character I'd be curious to understand the uses of the bijuu blood in him. Will this have any effects later in the rp? Do we need to worry about it becoming op too early, he makes the kid out to be quite a high level genin. But as you are GM I'll stand by most any of your decisions.** > > > > > > > > Okay so here are my thoughts. > > > > Jonin: Jerin > > > > Genin: Genji, Angelo, Nayto (Pending Acceptance until he/she answers my post regarding their character.) > > > > Jonin: Aburame > > > > Genin: Nagato, Ranko, Dango > > > > Jonin: Mine > > > > Genin: Patri, Slendy, Grandz (All pending of course) > > > > Are their any problems with this line up?? Becaase I honestly felt it would be the best decision > > > I like how it looks so far. Definitely see some fun stuff going between Nayto and Genjii if they stay on a team. > > Also if you do decide to change it for Zarkun. I would not be adverse to the swapping of Nayto and Nagato. Just so you are > > Still hope to build that friendship with Genjii and Nagato. (Maybe make them friends from academy or something) > > > > And on a final note... IM SO EXCITED, I JUST CANT HIDE IT Holy fuck... Dude... I completely overlooked the Biju thing... I need more info on it! Mostly because I'm not sure since the biju will be playing a role later and I was hoping to keep anything related to them out until later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Appearance ![enter image description here](http://narutomushrivalry.wdfiles.com/local--files/files/Char-Daisuke "enter image title here") Name: Morggo Razuki Age: 13 Gender: male Rank: Genin Skills: fighting and weaponry Specialty: taijutsu and ninjutsu Jutsu: He has learned all of the academy jutsu Ghost Release: Ghost Palm effect: Morggo summons large spectral hands that hits his opponents with incredible force. Rank: C Ghost Release: Spirit Clone effect: Morggo creates a spiritual clone of himself that is intangible but can act upon chakra, which means that hitting an object with chakra will have the same effect as tangible object. He uses this technique for deception as well as surprise attacks, but the technique can cost a good amount of chakra. rank: C Ghost Release: Spirit Bond effect: This technique allows Morggo to summon a spirit and bond with it thus allowing him to share its mind and knowledge with his. When he bonded with the spirit, he can draw upon its chakra and use its abilities and skills, but he cannot use the spirit's chakra nature and use the spirit's elemental techniques. This technique takes up a lot of chakra and requires almost perfect unity between the host and spirit to work properly. Even though he can have the spirit's will and use its techniques, his body is still the same and if it is not trained to handle the moves then it will put a strain on his body. Because Morggo is drawing from an outside source of chakra it is very hard to control and can be taxing on the body. Rank: A Equipment: he uses [boomerangs](http://www.crystalinks.com/boomerangset.jpg) as his main weapon and the standard ninja tools as his secondary weapons. Using boomerangs is something that is unique to the Razuki clan and by charging the weapon with his chakra he can make it fly farther and faster as well make it sharper. He keeps his boomerangs on sash. Kekkei Genkai: Ghost Release: This is the bloodline technique of the Razuki which allows them to manipulate the spiritual aspect of chakra and see on the spiritual planes through the use of their dōjutsu known as The Ghost Eyes which makes their eyes an eerie yellow. Ghost Release allows the Razuki to summon the spirits of their ancestors as well as inhuman spirits to aid them in battle in several different ways, but this technique can very costly on chakra. One of the most common abilities that Ghost release grants to users is the ability known as Ghost Hands which allows the user to move objects with spiritual chakra. Other Clan Traits: all members of the Razuki clan are mediums that can see and communicate with all kinds of spirits. The clan has a very strong affinity for spiritual types of chakra and very good at letting chakra flow through their bodies. The Razuki are very wise and can be very tenacious. **ancestors that Morggo can summon** Name: Somuko Razuki Skills: taijutsu specialists and master chakra manipulator abilities: Somuko has a variety of techiques that are based upon hitting his opponents with chakra powered physical attacks as well as create chakra arms. bio: Somuko Razuki lived over a hundred years ago and was renowned for his incredible prowess as a ninja. He was also known for his extreme dislike of the Uchiha and the Hyuga clan. After his death his spirit was summoned up from the afterlife by Morggo Razuki using his spirit bond technique to aid him in battle. Somuko was reluctant and still argues with Morggo when they are bonded which makes the technique not as effective as it could, but so far Morggo can only summon Somuko. Personality: Morggo is strange in many ways, he can be very serious at one point and then funny at another. He has very strange senses of humor and sometimes has a knack for talking about dead things and will randomly talk to a ghost out loud while people are watching, which makes him looks even more stranger. H likes to make jokes and is very tenacious which is fitting for his clan, and he is also wise. He and his clan follow a code that their ancestors made centuries ago, it is known as the Wisdom of The Ancestors. The code encourages the clan to pair their power with wisdom to help them make the proper choices and to not blindly charge into things. For the most part Morggo has learned this code, but he can be a hothead especially when someone is threatening his friends. He is incredible loyal and will never abandon his comrades and he always sticks up for his friends. He dreams of becoming a great ninja so that all can see how great the Razuki clan truly is. History: The Razuki clan has had a long history of having strong ties to the world of the supernatural and many thought of their infinity for the dead to be a dark and trait. The Razuki merely shook off those fears and bonded with the spirit world and their ancestors. Their skills in meduimship has helped many people find solace in knowing their deceased loved-ones are at peace, and have helped those who have not reconciled with the dead. They never really took much part in the politics of the ninja world and were never really fond of the Uchiha and the Hyuga. The Razuki were more interested in the wisdom of the spirit world and they spent many hours meditating on the mysteries of the soul. It wasn't until the ninja wars that the clan realized that they would have to focus more the ninja world in order to avoid becoming destroyed by their enemies. The clan produced many great shinobi and that is where Morggo story begins. He was born an orphan, his father had been killed in battle weeks before his birth and his mother stricken with grief died in childbirth. Morggo's life had started with tragedy and he was taken care of by his grand parents. Even though he had lost his parents, Morggo was able to communicate with them and find comfort. But he still wished they could have been in his life alive and not dead. Eventually he enrolled at the shinobi academy and was among the better students at the time of graduation. He dreams of becoming a great shinobi and will do whatever it takes to achieve his dreams. Other: he loves chocolate milk and if anyone causes his milk to spill then he will go into an intense rage and will try to beat up whoever was responsible for spilling his chocolate milk. His favorite food is chicken fried rice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

> > I have to much to talk about now...... > > For 1, you are welcome for the influx of new members :D > > > > > _Character Sheet_ > > > > > > ![](http://i.imgur.com/ByCcS58.jpg?1) > > > > > > **Name:** Nayta Zellk > > > > > > **Age:** 12 > > > > > > **Gender:** Male > > > > > > **Rank:** Genin > > > > > > **Skills:** Profound at reading other's movements and controlling a battle, Nayta is without a doubt considered dangerous and prodigious for his age. This toppled on to his Kekkai Genkai creates a very dangerous predator. His ability to intimidate and utter dislike for most people also gives him an advantage in the realm of mental warfare. Where he toys with there obvious weaknesses. He's very efficient at hiding his presence from others and is quicker than most his age. > > > > > > **Specialty: ** Ninjutsu and Chakra Control > > > > > > **Jutsu:** [E-Rank Jutsu](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Special:BrowseData/Jutsu?Jutsu_rank=E), [C-Rank: Scattering Thousand Crows](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Scattering_One_Thousand_Crows_Technique), [C-Rank: Crow Clone](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Crow_Clone_Technique), [C-Rank: Summoning (Human Size Crow)](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Summoning_Technique) > > > > > > **Equipment:** 10 Kunai, 20 Shuriken, 40 feet of Wire, 10 feet of linked metal > > > > > > **Kekkei Genkai:** The Zellk clan is famous for their chakra immune appendages, both malleable and mystically beautiful in shade and texture, these limbs are usually weak and only useful for combat against one or two opponents. But occasionally a powerful descendant is born resembling the first, having large ones. Nayta is the first to resemble the original head in six generations. These Zellk Limbs are capable of taking on chakra without having to worry about much damage and most of them are hard enough to withstand the strength of the average ninja. Nayta's looks to be reddish-gold iridescent arms, large and flat-fingered in appearance, that spawn from the back of his shoulders. They'll evolve and become stronger over time. > > > > > > **Other Clan Traits:** Over-expressive eyes and black blood. Most are born with pale-green hair and gold eyes, the first head was born with orange hair and orange eyes. The Pact of Zellk is a documented quote from a renegade member that says the Zellk clan worships the Bijuus as Gods and has diluted Bijuu chakra inherently flowing through their veins. > > > > > > **Personality:** A bit wacky or screwy, Nayto is admittedly and knowingly creepy. He has small habits that would lead others to believe that he should be locked up and looked afterwards. One said quirk is his signature clap against his own ears, although he only does one at a time. Another is the slow and deliberate tone he uses when speaking casually with others. He actively searches for worth opponents, even at his young age he enjoys the thrill and bloodlust of a massive battle. He loves taking down those that spouts about their own strength more than anything else and enjoys playing with the weak. > > > > > > **History:** Not much is known about Nayta, only that he came from the Zellk clan and the clan itself is shrouded in a void-like darkness. The youth was abandoned at the doors of the Leaf Village two years ago, covered in blood and wrapped only in a brown cloak. After careful and meticulous investigation, the boy was taken to high-ranking ninja where his mind was scoured for further treachery. They only found a beast living inside his mind, a small portion of something long thought dead. They were apt on kicking the kid out but when a Anbu female agreed to look after him instead, to keep an eye on him, he was taken in. Enrolled in the academy, Nayta lived a rather suspicious life under the watchful eye of his guardian. When the wandering clan found themselves at the village for the boy, they instead asked to join the village. Nayta was not released to them and instead the clan's housing has been placed outside the village until they can be sure nothing is up. > > > > > > > > > > > > **Gasps** > > > > > > Hinata! Shouyou Hinata! I probably spelled that wrong... Point is... I know that guys. The personality is so different from the character though XD > > > > > > Anyway, What do you mean Chakra immune appendages? Like extra limbs or something that he can generate at will? Would it be like materializing chakra or is it just his arms and legs. > > > > > > Also change E-Rank Jutsu to Leaf Village E-rank jutsu or something. It's a little more specific. Not a big thing, but it is somewhat important as far as phrasing goes ^^" > > > > To me this looks like chakra materialized arms. Although similar to my kekkai genkai I have no problem with this seeing as they will be different enough. It could be interesting to later find out that his and Genjii's bloodlines are connected distantly. **Further on this character I'd be curious to understand the uses of the bijuu blood in him. Will this have any effects later in the rp? Do we need to worry about it becoming op too early, he makes the kid out to be quite a high level genin. But as you are GM I'll stand by most any of your decisions.** > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Okay so here are my thoughts. > > > > > > Jonin: Jerin > > > > > > Genin: Genji, Angelo, Nayto (Pending Acceptance until he/she answers my post regarding their character.) > > > > > > Jonin: Aburame > > > > > > Genin: Nagato, Ranko, Dango > > > > > > Jonin: Mine > > > > > > Genin: Patri, Slendy, Grandz (All pending of course) > > > > > > Are their any problems with this line up?? Becaase I honestly felt it would be the best decision > > > > > > I like how it looks so far. Definitely see some fun stuff going between Nayto and Genjii if they stay on a team. > > > > Also if you do decide to change it for Zarkun. I would not be adverse to the swapping of Nayto and Nagato. Just so you are > > > > Still hope to build that friendship with Genjii and Nagato. (Maybe make them friends from academy or something) > > > > > > > > And on a final note... IM SO EXCITED, I JUST CANT HIDE IT > > Holy fuck... Dude... I completely overlooked the Biju thing... I need more info on it! Mostly because I'm not sure since the biju will be playing a role later and I was hoping to keep anything related to them out until later. No worries about him being OP too early, he may be a bit strong for a Genin, might be capable of taking on a Chunin or three average Genin alone but that's just about it. As for the Bijuu thing, when I thought about it, I was thinking the First of the clan was a Jinchuriki in the feudal past, his kids may have had a some portion sealed off in them and so on and so on, but eventually the Jinchuriki was released or stolen or whatever. Anyway, after so long of it being in their bloodline, it was just inherently natural for members to create these unnatural limbs; they evolved to be more compatible with the ability. Of course, I can change, tweak, or all together swipe the concept if it seems too much. EDIT: And the Bijuu blood... well, I'm not too sure of the specifics yet. Right now, I can see a feral, wild side coming out when overwhelmed but no boosts or anything will be add. Just a more unpredictable fighting style.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by G3njii
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sounds acceptable to me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
Avatar of Demon Shinobi

Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

> > > I have to much to talk about now...... > > > For 1, you are welcome for the influx of new members :D > > > > > > > _Character Sheet_ > > > > > > > > ![](http://i.imgur.com/ByCcS58.jpg?1) > > > > > > > > **Name:** Nayta Zellk > > > > > > > > **Age:** 12 > > > > > > > > **Gender:** Male > > > > > > > > **Rank:** Genin > > > > > > > > **Skills:** Profound at reading other's movements and controlling a battle, Nayta is without a doubt considered dangerous and prodigious for his age. This toppled on to his Kekkai Genkai creates a very dangerous predator. His ability to intimidate and utter dislike for most people also gives him an advantage in the realm of mental warfare. Where he toys with there obvious weaknesses. He's very efficient at hiding his presence from others and is quicker than most his age. > > > > > > > > **Specialty: ** Ninjutsu and Chakra Control > > > > > > > > **Jutsu:** [E-Rank Jutsu](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Special:BrowseData/Jutsu?Jutsu_rank=E), [C-Rank: Scattering Thousand Crows](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Scattering_One_Thousand_Crows_Technique), [C-Rank: Crow Clone](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Crow_Clone_Technique), [C-Rank: Summoning (Human Size Crow)](http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Summoning_Technique) > > > > > > > > **Equipment:** 10 Kunai, 20 Shuriken, 40 feet of Wire, 10 feet of linked metal > > > > > > > > **Kekkei Genkai:** The Zellk clan is famous for their chakra immune appendages, both malleable and mystically beautiful in shade and texture, these limbs are usually weak and only useful for combat against one or two opponents. But occasionally a powerful descendant is born resembling the first, having large ones. Nayta is the first to resemble the original head in six generations. These Zellk Limbs are capable of taking on chakra without having to worry about much damage and most of them are hard enough to withstand the strength of the average ninja. Nayta's looks to be reddish-gold iridescent arms, large and flat-fingered in appearance, that spawn from the back of his shoulders. They'll evolve and become stronger over time. > > > > > > > > **Other Clan Traits:** Over-expressive eyes and black blood. Most are born with pale-green hair and gold eyes, the first head was born with orange hair and orange eyes. The Pact of Zellk is a documented quote from a renegade member that says the Zellk clan worships the Bijuus as Gods and has diluted Bijuu chakra inherently flowing through their veins. > > > > > > > > **Personality:** A bit wacky or screwy, Nayto is admittedly and knowingly creepy. He has small habits that would lead others to believe that he should be locked up and looked afterwards. One said quirk is his signature clap against his own ears, although he only does one at a time. Another is the slow and deliberate tone he uses when speaking casually with others. He actively searches for worth opponents, even at his young age he enjoys the thrill and bloodlust of a massive battle. He loves taking down those that spouts about their own strength more than anything else and enjoys playing with the weak. > > > > > > > > **History:** Not much is known about Nayta, only that he came from the Zellk clan and the clan itself is shrouded in a void-like darkness. The youth was abandoned at the doors of the Leaf Village two years ago, covered in blood and wrapped only in a brown cloak. After careful and meticulous investigation, the boy was taken to high-ranking ninja where his mind was scoured for further treachery. They only found a beast living inside his mind, a small portion of something long thought dead. They were apt on kicking the kid out but when a Anbu female agreed to look after him instead, to keep an eye on him, he was taken in. Enrolled in the academy, Nayta lived a rather suspicious life under the watchful eye of his guardian. When the wandering clan found themselves at the village for the boy, they instead asked to join the village. Nayta was not released to them and instead the clan's housing has been placed outside the village until they can be sure nothing is up. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > **Gasps** > > > > > > > > Hinata! Shouyou Hinata! I probably spelled that wrong... Point is... I know that guys. The personality is so different from the character though XD > > > > > > > > Anyway, What do you mean Chakra immune appendages? Like extra limbs or something that he can generate at will? Would it be like materializing chakra or is it just his arms and legs. > > > > > > > > Also change E-Rank Jutsu to Leaf Village E-rank jutsu or something. It's a little more specific. Not a big thing, but it is somewhat important as far as phrasing goes ^^" > > > > > > To me this looks like chakra materialized arms. Although similar to my kekkai genkai I have no problem with this seeing as they will be different enough. It could be interesting to later find out that his and Genjii's bloodlines are connected distantly. **Further on this character I'd be curious to understand the uses of the bijuu blood in him. Will this have any effects later in the rp? Do we need to worry about it becoming op too early, he makes the kid out to be quite a high level genin. But as you are GM I'll stand by most any of your decisions.** > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Okay so here are my thoughts. > > > > > > > > Jonin: Jerin > > > > > > > > Genin: Genji, Angelo, Nayto (Pending Acceptance until he/she answers my post regarding their character.) > > > > > > > > Jonin: Aburame > > > > > > > > Genin: Nagato, Ranko, Dango > > > > > > > > Jonin: Mine > > > > > > > > Genin: Patri, Slendy, Grandz (All pending of course) > > > > > > > > Are their any problems with this line up?? Becaase I honestly felt it would be the best decision > > > > > > > > > I like how it looks so far. Definitely see some fun stuff going between Nayto and Genjii if they stay on a team. > > > > > > Also if you do decide to change it for Zarkun. I would not be adverse to the swapping of Nayto and Nagato. Just so you are > > > > > > Still hope to build that friendship with Genjii and Nagato. (Maybe make them friends from academy or something) > > > > > > > > > > > > And on a final note... IM SO EXCITED, I JUST CANT HIDE IT > > > > Holy fuck... Dude... I completely overlooked the Biju thing... I need more info on it! Mostly because I'm not sure since the biju will be playing a role later and I was hoping to keep anything related to them out until later. > > > No worries about him being OP too early, he may be a bit strong for a Genin, might be capable of taking on a Chunin or three average Genin alone but that's just about it. As for the Bijuu thing, when I thought about it, I was thinking the First of the clan was a Jinchuriki in the feudal past, his kids may have had a some portion sealed off in them and so on and so on, but eventually the Jinchuriki was released or stolen or whatever. Anyway, after so long of it being in their bloodline, it was just inherently natural for members to create these unnatural limbs; they evolved to be more compatible with the ability. > > Of course, I can change, tweak, or all together swipe the concept if it seems too much. > > EDIT: And the Bijuu blood... well, I'm not too sure of the specifics yet. Right now, I can see a feral, wild side coming out when overwhelmed but no boosts or anything will be add. Just a more unpredictable fighting style. Well here's the thing. The family having developed a unique ability due to lineage involving a jinchuriki is fine. It isn't uncommon for the tailed beast to effect the blood line, though it is usually some sort of alteration in appearance. However, that can be overlooked. The problem is, even as a jinchuriki, the biju's blood would not play a role. Thus, while the CS overall, isn't bad in anyway (In fact I think it's kind of cool and great), I think maybe just swiping the biju blood part would be for the best. If you don't mind.
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