Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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9 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

:P My english is shitty....and its my main language.....welp better luck next time.
A black limo that was moving unnaturally fast for a limo zipped pass a countless number of cars. The window of the drivers seat was tinted to it was hard to see who was driving the vehicle. The limo whipped around a sharp turn and continued to drive towards its destination. A passenger was in the back. He slid side to side and slammed into the doors of the back of the limo. The driver wore shades, a grey hoodie, dark blue jeans and gym shoes.

"Uhhh...master Miller I believe we're going to fast!" The man in the back of the limo shouted as he slid and slammed into one of the limo's doors again. Matt ignored the shofer and applied more force on to the gas peddle. Usually the shofer would be driving but Matt was in a hurry and he didn't have time for laws. The limo came to a screeching halt and Matt jumped out the car. The shofer shakingly got out of the limo and held onto the roof of the vehicle to keep his balance.

"Yes! I made it just in time!" Matt shouted exiting a store. He was nibbling on a red velvet donut. That's right, Matt drove like a maniac for a beautiful majestical donut of deliciousness. The shofer had a speechless look on his face. He anxiously thought Matt was driving like he did to arrive at the cabin him and his friends were suppose to meet up. "M-master Miller....aren't you gonna go meet up with your friends?" He asked fixing his clothing. Matt nearly dropped his donut when he heard the shofer's statement.

"FUCK! Get into the car!" Matt shouted stuffing the rest of his donut in his mouth. The shofer did as he was told and hurried into the back of the limo. Matt hopped back into the drivers seat and drove away from the store. He was gonna be late but better late then never.....right? Hopefully he makes it to the cabin in one piece.

ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ He is somewhat rich after all!
Hmmmm. I'm gonna arrive in a limo. Its not gonna stay though so.....I hope we stay at the cabin.
Emmett stepped a few feet back as Kita took control of the giant rampaging bull like doggie. He was astonished on how Kita was able to take on the over grown k9. Its been awhile since he seen her fight and completely forgot she wasn't human. He smiled as he felt the adrenalin of the soon to come battle that would be dished out between him, Kita & the wendigo. As Kita put the dog into its place Emmett laughed saying. "Well..if your not a dog you sure got handled like one." He shaped his hands into guns again. Kita was strong and tough but I'm sure a beast of this stature wouldn't be defeated so easily. Emmett eyed the wendigo down and prepared to fire at it if it even attempts to move. " Surrender! Or be prepared to be turned into sweesh cheese." I hope Dimitri is bullet proof because the next couple of shots are gonna hurt like hell.

Matt Miller

Double M

Name Character goes by


๑Brief Personality๑
Matt is like the go to guy if you needed something. Legally or illegally he'd always turn up with the requested item. He has a layback attitude and cracks pretty quickly under pressure. Through highschool he'd be titled as an outcast or that creepy kid that everyone happens to know. He's actually very nice and doesn't like to see anyone in a depressed or sad mood. Matt is often found drinking alcohol. His tolerance is ludicrous so sometimes he could be drunk off his first glass, while other times he could burn through two drinks and still be somewhat sober. Matt is childish and plays minor pranks from time to time,but isn't a hard core prankster.

๑Brief History๑
Matt family was a high middle clas type of family. He lived in a respectable size house and had a bulter. His parents weren't rich douche bags so Matt had a somewhat regular childhood. As Matt got older he stopped relying on his parents help and decided to do things his own way. Like using his money for small illegal reasons. He was just going through a small rebellious faze and broke out of it quickly when he got caught and was arrested. His parents could of bailed him out the following day but they decided that he needed to learn a lesson and left him in juive. When he got out a week later, he was done with whole rebillious thing and began to live his life more laid back and peaceful. By that time Matt had met his friends and made sure that they wouldn't figure out he went to juvie.

Once you know Matt's secret he'll do anything so you wouldn't tell no one else. No matter how dumb or how uncomfortable it is.

I'd like to reserve a boy character.
In God School 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
A small portal ripped through the air. On the other side stood a lanky teenager that had the physical appearance of a demon. The demon like teen was eyeing the human world side of the portal. This'll be his first legal step into the earth realm. Also hopefully his first time going into the earth realm without being attacked. The demon walked slowly through the portal, his appearance alternating as is body entered into the human realm. His hair became a pink, purplish black color and clothes that respectively matched his hair color now dressed him. He finally mastered his ability to somewhat fully turn into a human. The fall back was him still having his demonic tail. Nathan smiled placing his hands on his hips letting out a powerful laugh. It seems he also mastered how to travel through the portals of his realm and Earth's. But he was truly wrong when earths gravity took hold of his humanoid body. Nathan fell 10 feet out of plain air and landed smack dab on his head. Its was a funny site to see a god screw up something that probably comes natural to other gods. "OUCH! Damn it! This happens every single fucking time!!!" The young god pouted like a five year old. This time he at least landed in front of were he wanted to go. The passing gods and goddesses laughed or just ignored Nathan's stupidity. He stood dusting himself. Nathan made his way to his locker and used his tail to unlock the lock. The teens tail reached into the locker and retrived two books. Nathan closed his locker, locked it and went on his way to his next class. As he walked his tail waged swinging the books back and forth.
Emmett let out a chuckle saying. "My shoe laces." This dog, wolf thingy was funny and Emmett liked that. The beast was pretty tall but height advantage is not all ways a great feature when it came to battle. Before the wendigo could reach Emmett, he teleported behind the giant wolf and stood in the exact spot Dimitri was in previously. " Well....that was exciting...how about warning me next time okay bud?" Emmett was staring to like the ability to teleport. It saved his ass countless of times. Emmett shaped his finger into a gun and shot at Dimirti's back. The pulses of energy weren't powerful enough to kill him though. They were strong to hurt like hell. Emmett's plan wasn't to kill the beast but to capture it. A doggie of this magnitude would help the Agency complete a lot of investigations. " Hey, doggie!? Does your noes work?" He asked. Although it did sound dumb but Emmett had a good reason for asking the dumb question. After his hopefully successful attempt to capture Dimitri he'd use him to find the creature behind these randoms puddles of blood that has been appearing around the park. I know I know, process of elimination, but Emmett wasn't in his logical thinking mood. He wanted to fight a good fight and achieve a new bad ass pet as a reward.
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