Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

Noel really overreacted to the situation. Well he did just receive some heart stopping information. He relaxed on the bench and calmed down even more as he popped some candy into Hus mouth. "Sorry I knida reacted in a hectic way. But yeah I guess I am this demon lord guy." Noel looked down at the ground. As he looked down his pursuer introduced himself. Noel met his hand and shakes it saying. "Well I guess I'm the demon lord, Noel."

"Yeah I'm okay Ena I just really overreacted to all off this." Noel said shoving some more candy into his mouth. He might as well try to get use to this. His life was hands down gonna be crazy as hell. Noel stood looking at Lance. "Do you really have to fight me. I mean I know I'm the demon lord but does it look like I'd do harm to anyone?" He asked placing both of his hands on Lance's shoulders.
Noel stopped to take a breather. He still couldn't believe that he was this Demon Lord. A title like that would really screw up his future plans of running his father's business not to mention his family's rep. What was he gonna do about this. He surely couldn't tell his father. He'd of flip if his father heard about this matter fact his father would of probably had a heart attack. Noel was to deep in thought to notice Lance.

Well he didn't notice him at first. By the time he did though Lance was already armed and creeping towards him. "W-what do you want!? G-get away from me!!!" Noel shouted falling backwards onto a near by bench. His heart was beating faster every second Lance got closer. Noel grip on the bench tightened and the wood he clentched shattered a bit. If Lance was planning on getting hostile Noel planed to meet his assault with a bench to the face.
Now that he had enough time to get a look a the girl she was also cute. It then he quickly remembered that guy being with her earlier so he decided not to take his chances and just bask in the females glow. He was seriously taken by surprise when she took the candy and wrapped it for him. She didn't have to do that. For a stranger none the less. "Thank you." Noel said retrieving the candy wrapped in the ribbon from Pico.

Not to long after finishing his convo with the candy loving girl he got to witness a even more cutter side of her. Man whoever that guy was from before must be a really lucky dude. To no start any drama he he chuckled at Pico accepting the candy from Ena. Judging from Ena's to the whole situation was pretty positive so this hopefully means he still had a shot with her. Noel happily accepted the offered piece of candy and watched as Ena left them to take her test and figure out her destiny.

Noel was quite amazed at the transformation Ena went through when discovering her destiny. He decided to give it a go and find out his future plans. The facial expression on the persons face was dead, horrified, petrified he might as well have been dead for a few seconds. Noel looked worried the mans reaction wasn't pleasing and his next words were even more unpleasing. "W-what do you mean demon lord!" Noel uncontrollably shouted. Which he should of kept to himself. "T-that can't be right! .....me... a demon that's just impossible to believe!" Noel didn't want to believe the mans words but it had to be true it couldn't of just automatically get his fate messed up. Noel quickly grabbed his bag and ran towards the door. Him announcing his fate would hands down draw a great amount of attention. He had to be by himself for awhile and running was the only way he could fulfill that desire.

Oh that'd be nice. ^-^ Thanks I'm gonna post when I have more me time.
o3o So my next post will be the revealing of Demon Lord Noel. Peeps should get their posts in now if you can. >~< If you can't that's otay you don't have to rush I am a patient guy and is kinda too soft to enforce stuff.
"The names Noel nice to meet you too." He said shaking her hand. Well this is going better than he thought it would. Noel hopes to have future classes with this girl. He had to in order to get more acquainted with her. It seemed like nothing could ruin this unbelievably awesome moment for him. He was incredibly wrong when Pico approached him and rushed him with questions. "I wasn't trying to ignore you I promise its just you kinda scared me walking in my direction with an angered expression and I can't help dropping it." Noel reached into his pockets and pulled out hand fulls of candy. "It was too stuffy in my pockets so they fell out on mistake and I appreciate candy more than anybody you'll ever know and or meet." Noel stated answering some of her questions. He took a breathe after saying so much. Hopefully this strange girl walking up to him demanding things didn't ruin his chances with Ena.
Safe that's one word Noel will never get tired of saying or hearing. As he reached his bag he started transferring the candy from his pockets to his bag. While he did that he slipped a couple of them into his mouth. When he fi ished he finished he stood a female voice greeting his presences as he did so. "What the hell...." If he knew bringing candy to school would attract women in his direction he would of done it long ago.

He turned towards her smiling. Noel didn't know this girl so why did she even approach him. He had to admit though she was quite a looker. Someone so pretty wouldn't just walk up to someone like Noel so what was her deal. "Uh....yeah I don't know what I did though....." He said leaning back on his bag a bit. This could be his first shot at a friend.....hell! Why stop there this might even be his first shot at a girlfriend. "Um if you wouldn't mind me asking who are you......?"
*terrible Italian accent* \o3o/ Its a me the Demon lord!
:3 Hell! As demon lord my first rule of order is to deliver a life supply of candy to Noel or people will start dying.
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