Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

If I where to join could I be a Samurai? o3o Please?
Hakai left one of his families theaters yawning a bit from how boring the show he watched was. It was breathe taking and amazing for some but sometimes making them and watching the same ones you had a hand in making seemed to bore him a bit. Thankfully the boring part of his day has concluded and he could resume his regular schedule as a ninja. Right now sparring sounded so nice and calming to Hakai. Even better sparring with a friend is even more breathe taking than any movie. He walked a few feet thinking about the jutsu's he'd use in sparring. Over taking by the countless outcomes that played in his head he dashed off running on the roofs of the village. He surely didn't know which friend to visit first. Hakai was thinking about sparring with Hokuto it then again it was starting to smell of booze. He knew that wasn't her fault but IRS seriously are to train when something like that is flowing through the air. Hakai increased his speed doing a back or front flip now and then as he reached Seika's house. Seika or his little sister Miyuki had to be there. Honestly he'd spar with either one of them do his chances of going to his house and having a sparring partner was greater. When he arrived his eyes came across Hokuto tossing rocks at Seika's window. "Perfect....." Hakai whispered under his breathe he was surely gonna catch her off guard. A harmless prank wouldn't hurt anyone right? He'd have to do it fast though so she wouldn't sense his chakra in time. "Ranpu Shuriken no Jutsu." Hakai whispered doing the hand signs and opening his palm. A shuriken made of light spawned in his hand. The shuriken was completely harmless and made of light that would vanish when it came in contact with its target but Hokuto hopefully wouldn't process that in time. Hakai threw the shuriken at Hokuto shouting. "What out!" As late as he could.
Noel exhaled heavily hearing Lance's response. What did he even do to earn the automatic right to be killed. He just became aware of his future and it was already going to shit. "Well if a fight between us is impossible to avoid can we at least become friends or at least have some sort of friend like relationship?" Noel asked. He seriously didn't want to fight someone to the death. But if this is what he has to look forward too when becoming this Demon Lord then he'll just have to get use to it. If being the Demon Lord turns out to be more dangerous Ena might not be able to hang around him anymore and that'll such a huge pain. Noel decided to go recruit some protection after he had enough time to settle in for now Ena was gonna have to stay close and sadly he was gonna have to keep an eye on Lance.
"What the hell was that!" Jeb shouted ducking a bit. A random ass gun fire roared through the air. He was thinking of just ignoring it but not to short after the gun fire a woman shouting was heard. She was going on about a duel and if anyone wanting to challenge her was to head over to the forest area. Since his concentration was completely thrown off he might as well go and check out who would actually go and fight the chick.

He took to the sky flapping his wings. Jeb was actually getting the hang of the wings. What he didn't expect was the mask automatically covering his face as he began to pick up speed. He didn't want to admit it but it caught him by surprise. Frightened by the sudden change in sight Jeb uncontrollably crashed into a tree and tumbled through the forest trying to regain his posture. He was failing hard at that by the way.
Nah it's okay. I edited my post. I guess now all I have to do is bump into someone.
:c What the heck I fall asleep and 15+ post happens. Plus I have to edit my first post. Shit man I'm behind -_-.
Oh shit! :'c damn this means I gotta edit that.......FUUUHHUUUUUUCCCCCCK!
Starting City || Plaza

Jerome finally decided logged into Identity.exe after a long debate with himself. This could be a good way to waist time on weekends and cured his boredom of coming home to nothing to do. Best of all to starts a new life. Jerome's life wasn't total shit its just it wasn't as great as he expected. People still treated him oddly even when he tried his best to fit in. Escaping to the virtual world was something Jerome should of done long ago.

Inside the game Jerome went through the regular start up process of character creation. Although there were a couple of things a bit different from your average game. How he felt like the game was reality for a few minutes is what tripped him. After getting use to the game play Jerome finished up his character and spawned in the Starting city. He looked down examing what was visible with his virtual eyes. He didn't feel much of a difference....well until he stepped forward jolting a couple a feet.

He feel to the ground after a few seconds of spontaneous gliding. Jeb layers on the ground and stayed that way wondering what was causing him to have such trouble walking. While he thought of reasons he seen something move out the corner of his eye. It looked like a Crow's wing. Jeb did choose the Crow as a species but he didn't think he'd get wings. Now that he paid more attention to it his back did feel a bit weird like his bones were more outward. Jeb stood slowly focus in hard on not trying to flap his wings.

After awhile of doing chaotic barrel rolls Jeb proudly stood to his feet taking his first steps like a proud baby chick would. "I DID IT!!!" He uncontrollably shouted flinging his arms into the air. Jeb quickly calmed himself. The last thing he wanted to do was to draw attention his way. Well at least jot this early into the game. Jeb sat by a fountain and double checked all everything that he might need to keep a tab on later. The odd thing was he didn't have a weaponry slot. It's probably because he was a priest class and you don't see them using weapons so he just ignored it and continued his check.
^-^ We should form Guilds and probably have some characters have a pass with others to draw more suspense. Just saying we don't have to though. :P You don't have to listen to the crazy fan boy *smiles insanely rocking back and forth*
I gotta vote for my guy if it comes to a robot fight.

Have you seen the guy he's based on in action? Especially that meta-chainsaw. Brutal. I can't find a video right now but in the game it's in, against every single enemy in the game it's a OHK. Even the final boss, IIRC! And the final boss is THIS:

Hmmmmm it does seem he'd win hands down with his robotic steroids. \o3o/ But I like Young Neil and this will be his moment to become more than just Young Neil. *cuddles a chibi Neil teddy bear* TEAM NEIL!!!!!
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