Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

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She grumbled softly, as she continued to glare at Ena. She was willing to go against everything Ena told her to do, just to spite her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

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Cicile heard Lance's voice and walked to wards it. She was that he had found the boy, who is going to be the demon lord. When she saw the boy a voice in her head said: "My lord." Cicile was a bit confused by hearing those two words and looked at the boy. He didn't look like a demon lord at all to her but the feeling that she had was not a lie, he is the demon lord.

Cicile looked at Lance So this is the boy that you where looking for? he doesn't look like a demon lord at all to me. He seems like a nice and fun guy to be friends with not at all dangerous.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Noel really overreacted to the situation. Well he did just receive some heart stopping information. He relaxed on the bench and calmed down even more as he popped some candy into Hus mouth. "Sorry I knida reacted in a hectic way. But yeah I guess I am this demon lord guy." Noel looked down at the ground. As he looked down his pursuer introduced himself. Noel met his hand and shakes it saying. "Well I guess I'm the demon lord, Noel."

"Yeah I'm okay Ena I just really overreacted to all off this." Noel said shoving some more candy into his mouth. He might as well try to get use to this. His life was hands down gonna be crazy as hell. Noel stood looking at Lance. "Do you really have to fight me. I mean I know I'm the demon lord but does it look like I'd do harm to anyone?" He asked placing both of his hands on Lance's shoulders.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Lance looked up at Noel as he grabbed both his shoulders. "I don't think I can entirely promise that I won't ever fight you." Lance said trying to back out of the grab by ducking a bit. "But if I were you I would start getting stronger, because the moment you start gaining enough reputation as the Demon Lord through your own actions I will be fighting you, and possibly even killing you." Lance said with a suspiciously upbeat smile on his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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"I'm not mean, I'm direct. I'm not here to mess around." She put the offered lollipop away somewhere safe for the time being, before turning back to the taller male and spinning the one she already had in her mouth. "There's no need to eat two at the same time. Pacing is important, too." In truth, she wondered if perhaps that teasing was his way of ensuring that any possible tension no longer remained. She wasn't going to hit anybody or anything, but she supposed he just wanted to avoid any bad beginnings on the first day.

Although, if she did hit anyone, she would be sure that it was justified.

Satisfied for the time being, Pico considered the next question for a moment. "Well, we still need to be called up, so I don't want to miss that. After, though..."

Interrupted by the commotion suddenly starting around them, the girl looked toward Noel as he started to run off. "Again? He just can't stay still, can he?" Giving a sigh, she watched as the other girl, Ena, followed him. "Where's my parasol, anyway? I'm not leaving without it if we're going as well."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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David nods at what she said and looked at the shorter female. "Yes I know how much you pace yourself? Could I have one? I kinda have a sweet foot right now. I guess that's from dating you." He laughed and smiles at Pico. David liked teasing Pico it was cute seeing her embarrassed but he was glad she was calmed down
Besides if anyone did try and fight her he would protect her. "Yea lets stay here. I think your being called after me."he rose a eyebrow as Noel ran off fast. "I wonder what's wrong with him?" He went to their bags and held her parasol. "Don't worry Pico I go it." He smiles at her and heard his name being called. He walked over and heard his future would be you will protect the one you love
David froze at what he heard and blushed from it. He walked out and picked up his and Pico's bags "I will wait for you to come out."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Megan was anxious to find out what her futer would be. She prayed to God that it wouldn't have anything to do with mice or rats. Not even robot ones.
When she was called up and she dragged her feet as she went into the room. When she came out, Megan seemed pretty happy. She was gonna become a robot maker. She's gonna have to hit the books if she's gonna do anything that involves mechanics.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

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Cicile looked at Lance as Noel walked away. She didn't know what to say.

All studends who havn't done the tests jet must come and do them now. Then we are able to say in witch class you are placed. And you all get the keys and routes to your dorm and room.

Well I need to go then. said Cicile. It is for her a little scary. She looked back at Lance and greeded the others and she walked way to take the tests.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Pico fished out another lollipop from one of her sleeves and held it out for David to take as she left to take the test, making another slight pout. He still didn't seem to care much for the time or the place when it came to these odd comments. It was just his way, though. It had to be. Giving a slight sigh, she continued on to take her test.

It wasn't quite what she expected, though the prediction for her future was what got her really hung up.

One in charge of many difficult decisions...some of them affecting you even now...and more than you'll even understand.

The whole scene played through her head once more as she made her way back. What kind of destiny is that? Something so vague...what even was that?

Stepping back out, she took her parasol once more and started walking off towards where she had thought the other two had gone. "If they don't get back here, they're going to miss their rooming assignments. And that's sloppy. I don't really care, but he strikes me as the easily distracted type, and that's a lot of sugar to end up confiscated."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

David smiled when she gave him the sucker. "Strawebery...my favorite." He said. David wasnt a big of a candy eater as Pico was but would eat some with her, and he did like eating it. He silently waited for her to come out. His destiny replaying in his mind. Did it meant pico? It had to. She was the only person he cared about right now. He smiled when she came back and handed her the parasol. "YOu remembered my favorite flavor." David said with a small smile.

He picked up their bags and asked "So what did it say for you? I;ll tell you mine iuf you tell me yours." David listened to her and nods but then said "Want to go look for them? That way they can listen to where their rooms are? Or we can just explore the school and be noisy. Curiosity killed the cat."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Noel exhaled heavily hearing Lance's response. What did he even do to earn the automatic right to be killed. He just became aware of his future and it was already going to shit. "Well if a fight between us is impossible to avoid can we at least become friends or at least have some sort of friend like relationship?" Noel asked. He seriously didn't want to fight someone to the death. But if this is what he has to look forward too when becoming this Demon Lord then he'll just have to get use to it. If being the Demon Lord turns out to be more dangerous Ena might not be able to hang around him anymore and that'll such a huge pain. Noel decided to go recruit some protection after he had enough time to settle in for now Ena was gonna have to stay close and sadly he was gonna have to keep an eye on Lance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Lance smiled up at him. "Sure we can be friends! But we are still going to Rivals!" Lance said with a smile. "Anyways I need to get going! I'll see you later Noel!" Lance said. He really was a cheerful kid. He didn't care what the situation was or how weird it was, so long as he could have fun. He ran off to where the dorms were being assigned. Many people were standing in a circle though staring at something. This one thing happened to be a Velociraptor. Lance had named it Bob, he was terrible at naming things so often whenever he named something it was given a stupid name. Bob had been gaurding Lance's luggage this whole time, and not one person had gone near it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

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It was almost Cicile's turn to take the tests. She was really getting nervous now. To kill some time she looked around and saw everyone talking to each other and making friends. The door went open and a girl came out smiling. Cicile's stood up and walked inside. The tests didn't took long. The outcome for what her magic was surprised her. Her magic is to make thing's the opposite. Like if someone if happy she can turn the one angry or a cat in to a dog. You get the idea. The only thing that Cicile's had to do was discover what her future was going to be. She hoped that it is something good. Cicile walked to the boll. Her future had two sides just like her. It was Destroyer of an existence and Nurturer of an existence. Cicile walked out and to where she had left her suitcase and sat down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Megan watched everyone go into the room and come out. She watched their expressions and body language. She didn't really have anything better to do since the only bag she brought was a backpack with basically the bear essentials.

Once all the students had got their futures told to them, Megan wandered over to where the dorms were being assigned. She didn't actually care if she got the worst dorm in history of dorms. As long as it was a quiet dorm where she would be able to work in solitude.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

There are two dorms. The boys dorm, in the forest left from the school near the mountains and the girls dorm right from the school next to the lake and the flouwer garden.

"To all new year students, plz leave your belongings in the main hall. It will be brought to your room's. You don't have to worry about it they will be save. The most of you have already found the list's with the classes and room's. If you know what class you are in, plz go to the teather to get your room key, students hand book and school pas. If you have all that plz take a seat.

Noel and Lance
David and Denny and Lagos
Magen and Ena
Pico and Cicile

Everyone is in class 1HA.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

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Ena smiled when Noel and Lance temporarily fixed their fates, but she was still slightly concerned. She told herself to stay away from the Demon Lord, but Noel wasn't what she thought he would be. He wasn't rude or condescending, nor perverted or violent… so how was he to be the all powerful Demon Lord? She shook her head and said "well, maybe we can all be friends now! I mean, I might be able to become friends with my roomma-" Ena, interupted by the announcement, realized her roommate hated her. She sighed and groaned "great! This'll be awkward" before walking over to Noel and saying "mind if I come with you to get our stuff? I kind of ran out of there and left everything."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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"Hmm? Aren't I supposed to? That's likely to be the flavor I run out of first." It was an automatic excuse. Of course she remembered something like that, regardless of exactly why, but that was easier to say. She didn't know exactly why. Perhaps it had just been drilled into her. Like a bad habit.

"You're awfully excited. Did you get a particularly good one or something?" She wasn't sure what to tell the boy about her destiny, what with how weird it was and all. It wasn't a big deal, anyway. How did they even know that these things were accurate? As far as she could see, there were still no guarantees that she didn't make. There seemed to be no need to decide, however, as the next set of instructions were announced.

Pico sighed as she listened; it seemed that there would be no opportunity to settle in before they got started. Ah, well. That just meant that they were serious, didn't it? This was likely to be an orientation period, anyway. Or if not, then they probably just had a lot to cover. It wasn't the best explanation, but it made some sense, at least. "Well, we know where they're supposed to be, so that's something either way. We don't seem to have much time, though, so we might as well get what we need and report. It's not advisable to ignore the instructions on the first day."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Megan groaned. "I am so gonna hate this." She grumbled to herself rather loudly. She walked to the class, immediately heading towards the corner seat. She glared at anyone who tried to sit next to or in front of her.
Megan especially glared at Ena.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

David nods as he popped the sucker in his mouth savoring the sweet strawberry flavor. "Its good I got one before they were gone." David said to her with a small smile. He wondered what she was thinking. Hard to tell. He never could tell what she was gonna do next. David shrugged and continued tastng the strawberry sucker.

"Huh? Uhhh yea, I liked mine. It was pretty good I guess. Why do you want to know mine?" David asked her with a looking back at her. He wondered if he should tell her about his destiny. The thought of it was still in his mind. He wondered if it was gonna happen. How were they able to predict these things? David knew it was probably soem magic thing. He stood their listening to the instructions. David looked athis key and wondered about the people he would be sharing a room with.

David put his room key in his pocket and nods at her. "Well might as well put our stuff at our dorms." David said shifting their bags a little. "Want me to walk with you to your dorm?" He asked. david smiles and kissed her forehead gently. "Youre so adorable somnetimes Pico." David said hoping he didnt embarrass her
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Lance had listened to the announcement. He quickly went off to the teacher he was assigned and obtains his key and other such things that he needed. He then went to go and sit down. "This year is gonna be fun." Lance said to himself smiling as he leaned back in his chair. The thought of being able to fight and defeat the Demon King when he was the actual Demon King made him smile. Of course now fighting the Demon king would just be silly and he wouldn't get any recognition from it. After hearing the room assignments he was surprised that he would be rooming with Noel, he figured this was their best option to have the two togeather so they could keep tabs on each other. Though it was the Demon King who needed to have the most tabs kept. Lance had already unsummoned the Velociraptor near his bags hearing that the would be safe.
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