Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

:D let's head to the castle for the knights first then search for the princess so if backup is needed while rescuing her we'll have the knights. Although if they're like the banana gaurds then XD we find the princess first either way lest head to the castle.

Kenny laid pinned on the table unaffected by her threat or the knife pressed against his throat. "Man your fast!" He laughed even in the situation he was in. Kenny smiled as he pressed his dessert eagle against Ava's stomach. "I already cocked it so one pull of the trigger and boom one unconscious foreginer." Kenny could of easily escaped the girls sloppy grip of a pin but he decided to play the person in destress. "Why so hostile anyways!? Its not like I fired my gun at you, don't tell me I scared you and you went through all this trouble to stop me." He laughed unequiping his pistol and just laying there not even bothered by the knife.
XD He lost two of his Knut knights!!!! That's fricking hilarious!!!! I'm in! Count me in I want that mission please! *ROFL*

Kenny kept a close eye on Chen guy. Not just because he just met the guy but simply because he was quite strange. Although he'd definitely make for a good opponent in the future. Kenny held out his hand. "Same, I look forward to metting on the battle field as well." He responded shaking his hand. Kenny didn't know much about illusion magic but he wasn't a complete full. He could tell what is real verses something that is completely unnatural. "There's a variety of people here." Kenny said after listening to possible foreign girl introduce herself. He turned his attention back to Chen. "I wonder what magical ability she has?" He asked Chen pulling out his pistol and aiming it in her direction. "Wanna interrogate her and find out?" He asked again cocking his pistol. Where he was from interrogating someone was normal especially with a weapon. He wore a unconscious evil grin for some odd unexplainable reason.
:D Let's Go! I just know one of the quest is gonna have to deal with saving a princess.
Ken shook his head when the winner was declared to be the namekian. Everyone and their ancestors know that namekians can regenerate. Before Ken could continue on with his rant Gor was back to his old tactics. Ken walked forward instantly standing behind the announcer. Well actually floating next to the announcer since Gor was lifting him off the ground. "Announcer! After me and Gor's match it'd be in your favor to have the last two contesters have a rematch. Ken looked at Gor. "I can only hold him off but if he intends to kill someone I can't fully prevent him from doing so." With that he didn't wait for a respond he instantly vanished from the scene to avoid any upfront conflicts with Gor. Ken appeared behind Mizune floating a bit to be on a similar level with her. "You two rest and regain your strengths." He looked at Doru. "Yes what Doru did was unfair but I believe 'Gor' has rewarded you two with a rematch." Ken said placing his hand on Mizune's shoulder fixing her Gi. He hovered away from them but stopped and turned back. "If I was both of you I'd listen to what I just stated....you could possibly die if you don't...." And with that he left the building searching for his android friend.
Kenny headed to the back of the crowd and leaned against the back door readying to leave. He opened his palm and a dessert eagle instantly appeared in his hand. "I knew this was gonna happen." He said to himself polishing his pistol looking back at his fellow students that sat and stood before him. "I'll just have to prove myself in battle." Kenny happily stated spinning his pistol and sheathing it within a pocket holster. Lucky his favorite hand gun didn't drain his energy when summoned but only when used. He examined the various students in the crowd to see what weapon he'd use against them in battle. As he did so he held his finger out like a gun and cocked it back when he came to a conclusion on what weapon to use on what student.
"Oh your up..." Ken replied to Soi smiling. He reverted his eyes back to the match and took notes on both the sayians and namekians faults when it came to combat. "I'm the one who saved you." Ken responded after a few seconds of silence. He just realized who his opponent will be in the next round. "Damn..." He whispered to himself under his breath. Lucky his deep thought was interrupted by Soi. "Oh! Yes how...inhumanly strong they are!!!" Ken stated trying to sound normal as possible which he was doing terribly at.
Ken finally let go of the female champion and was on his way back to his android pal until he notice the certain spike in ki in the near by area. He followed the ki and came across a namekian and the sayian woman having a shoe off competition. Ken sat floating in the air spectating there little match he wore a smile the whole time as the two provided him with entertainment. As he spectated he thought about searching for Gor but confronting him now could end badly for most of the humans in this vicinity. He decided to wait when the time was right to confront him and just enjoy the display of who's stronger than who continue between the namekian and sayian.
Kenney walked to the podium and stood there for a good minute or so to let everyone enjoy there little ice breakers amongst them self's. He quitely opened his palm and a pistol appeared in his hand. Continuing to keep a calm posture he pointed the gun into the air and fired it once. Hopefully that got some of the students attention.

"Hi everyone the names Kenneth Belle but you can call me Kenney!" He shouted unequiping his gun and then equipping a M24 Remington sniper. "To continue with your attention I'll be calibrating my sniper." Kenney pointed his rifle into the crowd looking through the scope in some the students direction. Once he believe it was adjusted enough he cocked it back and continue to motion back it forth toward the crowd.

"Now this sniper is my prize weapon at the moment besides my favorite pistol but that is for another day." He said releasing his grip on the rifle. It quicly vanished when he let go of it. "I hope we all get to know each other better!" He shouted walking off the podium quickly shoving his hands into his pocket.
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