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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


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The plot thickened as Azrael realizes he truly was eavesdropping on a private conversation. He grew flustered and felt rather guilty for breaking the privacy of people he'd thought to make friends of. The boy looked to and fro for an organic way of escape, but he could see none now that the group had thickened. More and more students had begun to talk and gather in the more open areas of the hall such as this one. Azrael would have to bull his way through the crowd and that would bring attention to himself. These two seemed very sensitive to moods and his would be like being caught red-handed stealing an egg from the nest. Azrael would have to calm himself before making his exit, but that meant possibly over hearing something he shouldn't be privy to. "I wonder who is Ephilates and what Aura Manipulation is? It seems both are secrets that Apollo wants kept. And just like Agatha, I intend to keep it that way." Azrael promised silently. He'd have to come clean about his discovery, but now was not the best of times.

Taking a few steadying breaths, he felt as if he was finally ready to make his way towards one of the walls perhaps. The collecting body heat was starting to wear on Azrael's nerves and he saw two students engaged in conversation, both with sword hilts on their waists. Perhaps they heard lore of the Metal Spirit's blade and they could help Az? With such flimsy logic, he decided it was good enough and politely pushed and excused himself through the crowd until he came abreast of the two and slumped against the wall. One was Sol, the other Kieran, if the boy remembered correctly. He sighed in relief as the air was notably cooler here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin barely flinched when the gunshot rang out; it could be said that she was hardly paying attention to what was goin on around her. So far, none of the students had caught her interest with their introductions. They were either people like her, or otherwise relatively normal kids, despite their abilities.

And that was when Arcadius stepped on stage.

The man himself was nothing special in Meruin's eyes - just another mage in an academy of mages, albeit he certainly felt more potent than the rest.

His family was also of little interest. Coming from a long line of Mages meant nothing to her - Master Reina and Lady Chase had already conditioned her against the thought that bloodlines mean everything. She did note however, that she did indeed know the name of his father. Master Reina mentioned him among a list of prominent new bloods.

Whatever the case, none of that held her interest. What did catch her attention, was the mention of a Grimoire. His Grimoire.

His family's Grimoire.

Grimoire's were the souls of their wielders. The repository for all their knowledge and power. Following that logic, a Family Grimoire was more than the sum of a single person. It was the combined total of their history. No, it was their history.

Meruin was practically salivating by this point. Just think of the knowledge she could gain if she could get even a small look at that book. It would help immensely with the development of her own Grimoire.

Unfortunately, she knew just how private a thing a Grimoire was. It would probably be next to impossible to convince him to let her see anything.

Still, it wouldn't hurt to be his aquaintance; even passing knowledge is knowledge gained, when all is said and done.

With that in mind, the drowzy little mage walked towards Arcadius. Once in front of hin, she paused, realizing she didn't really know what to say to him.

Deciding to not overthink it, Meruin gave a lazy wave.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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"Yeah, Sol, good to meet you." Sol said plainly as he shook Kieran's hand. Interesting person, Sol thought somewhat abstractly, he seemed... a little detached, like he wasn't quite sure what he was doing. He was about to say more when he noticed another student come over, Azrael? Yeah that sounded right, and he slumped against the wall and made an audible sound of relief. Sol tapped the sword at his belt making a barely noticible clink sound. "Hey, Azrael right? You're one of the... what four sword users so far? Guess we gotta stick together right? My name Sol by the way in case you didn't catch that and this is Keriran." Sol said in a friendly manner.

At least he wasn't all alone in his practice of the sword, though he did feel somewhat foolish bringing his sword to what was supposed to be a magic academy. Oh well, at this point it would be even more foolish to not use his sword, after all what happened if you found something magic didn't work on? Or you had your magic taken away. Now that he thought about it if his magic was taken away that could be extremely problematic. Sol would have to see about getting an inhaler from the office, he hadn't thought to bring one of his own as he hadn't needed it for quite some time.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


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@Eklispe @Zetsuko

"Oh, hello! I did actually know that and the swords were the reason I came over." Azrael gave him a small wave, not wanting to shake with a sweaty palm. "It's good to meet you, Sol. And you too Kieran! I noticed that as well, but my teachers were a bit... archaic and insisted. It seems we are a dying breed." His hand rested comfortably on his sword, which didn't seem to hamper his movements but be a part of them, as if it were a part of Azrael himself. He'd spent many years honing his skill and strengthening his body in order to house the Spirits' gifts of power. "I'm told that it is a relic of another Ma- I mean teacher, that I must find and learn under. Under whom did you learn the sword, Sol?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

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@TheHangedMan Arcadius looked up from his book ever so often, noting the personalities of those around him and taking guesses at their powers. A few seemed to use swords...interesting. There was also that one lizard like fellow, he intrigued him the most as he couldn't really feel anything magical about him..

More absorbed in his thoughts than his reading, he didn't Meruin until she spoke. He looked her over, not really paying attention to her when she introduced herself. She was rather short, at-least compared to the rest in the room. He could sense she had strong potential, this was good, she wouldn't be a waste of time talking to.

"Hello...Meruin, was it?" He replied, closing his Grimoire almost by reflex, fully intent on a conversation if only brief. He paused..not quite sure what to say next or what her intentions were.

He decided to continue with a more generic respone. "So, what do you think of the academy so far? What classes did you sign up for?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin tilted her head. He seemed a bit tense. It was probably because of the book he was reading. It must have been a good one to hold his attention as it did. It must have also been due to then fact that the book was leaking magic - only slightly so, but enough that Meruin felt it.

"Hello Arcadius, it's nice to meet you. As for my classes, I signed up for most them."

"Oh wait, that's your Grimoire."

Meruin paused. The things she thinking and the thing she was supposed to say reversed in her head. That was embarrassing, not to mention not very good for conversation. Naturally, Meruin decided to ignire it happened.

"Sorry, I meant it's good to see you. I'm indeed Meruin, and you are Arcadius, right?"

The small mage pulled a seat in front of Arcadius, and leaned back into it with a stifled yawn.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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Charles notice one person, Aleksandra also mostly alone he thought for a few seconds then slowly made his way in a not exactly unseen stealthy way, over to her, when he got to her he looked lift and right, his tail flicking some "um.. he..hello" he says nerviously.. he wasn't use to talking to others, so he was surprising himself being first one to talk some.

@the ghost in black
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Kieran was waking up a bit thanks to the interaction, his posture straightened and his eyes were now staying open. Thankfully Sol took care of introducing him to Azrael. He looked from Azrael to sol and the former asked the latter where he learned to wield a sword. He was curious himself but it also gave him a moment to come up with something in case Azrael asked him next.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Arcadius arched a brow slightly at her and sighed inwardly, he relaxed a bit, slightly amused at the obviously confused girl. So, she was another person interested in his Grimoire..well at-least by displaying interest openly, if only mistakenly, the chances of her attempting to steal it weren't that high. Nor did he suspect she would be able to easily lift it, at-least without a strenghtening spell.

"I am, yes. It's good to meet someone that doesn't appear to be as common as the rest as well." He spoke. While she seemed fully intent on trying to forget the fact she asked about his Grimoire, he decided he'd reply to her statement "And yes, this is the Innocenti family Grimoire. Interesting for reading and surprisingly good for exercise due to its weight..."

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the boy who he had previously classified as a lizard like fellow walking over to someone else and speaking, upon further investigation he looked more like a demon-esque creature. All the more interesting.

Regaining his train and thought and remembering he was currently talking to someone he continued speaking. "As for my questions earlier, I signed up for the majority of the magic based classes again this year. Never hurts to learn more, especially while dechipering old text and such."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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Aleksandra aura fluxed when the boy with horns and a tail walked up to her and started talking, "Pryvet, you are Charles McCloud yse?" she said eyeing him up and down with eyes that seemed to take in everything. "Aleksandra Galino, it is a pleasure to meet you" she said as she held out her hand to the boy after retracting her aura from it. "He's different than the others" Aleksa thought as she felt familiar energy coming off him, "Have I seen you somewhere before?" she asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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@The ghost in black
he would hesitantly nod then shake her hand when she held it out "p...p..please to meet you to" he says with bit of a stutter, "um.. i don't know..." he says "f..ffar as i know.. i .d.don't think so.." he says
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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"Hmmmm, Ok" she said dropping the subject and changing to another, "Sooooo.... oh what classes are you taking, also how do you like the school?" Aleksa asked and let go of Charle's hand. "He's nervous" she thought after her aura began to calm down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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@The ghost in black

"oh um.. well some of the regular classes... like alchemy, Physical Education, Artifacts, Arts and Craft, and Practical applications" he says "a..a.along with s..sshapeshifting" he says rubbing back of his head, "t..t.this place... se.eems nice.. w..w.what about you?" he asks just as his tail comes around and flicks at his face which he would shake his head bit surprised.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Flare could pretty much see all the scenes that were ongoing on the place. Meruin was talking with Arcadius, the confrontation between Chen and Azrael, the waird talk between Agatha and Apollo (including the shift)... he was happy of seeing everyone getting along so soon. Of course, he wanted to start a conversation, but he didn't even knew how to start one. Plus, he had to keep a really important secret from the rest, so he decided to calm down and keep playing with his cards. I wonder how Cruz and the others are doing back the Realm... and I wonder what he intends to do with our past selves..., he thought.

Then, Flare decided to leave Cruz a voicemail. It wasn't that much of a futuristic communication but it could serve well. "Hey, Cruz. It's me, Flare. Is everything OK with everyone? And with our past selves? Send me a mail, or I'll get really worried.", he spoke to the cellphone he had. After that, Flare send the message and put his device back in his pocket. And kept playing with the cards, just to pass time...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Kenny headed to the back of the crowd and leaned against the back door readying to leave. He opened his palm and a dessert eagle instantly appeared in his hand. "I knew this was gonna happen." He said to himself polishing his pistol looking back at his fellow students that sat and stood before him. "I'll just have to prove myself in battle." Kenny happily stated spinning his pistol and sheathing it within a pocket holster. Lucky his favorite hand gun didn't drain his energy when summoned but only when used. He examined the various students in the crowd to see what weapon he'd use against them in battle. As he did so he held his finger out like a gun and cocked it back when he came to a conclusion on what weapon to use on what student.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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With a nod, Meruin agreed. It never did hurt to learn more. All knowledge gained was knowledge worth knowing. Reina had taught her that knowledge for the sake of knowledge was extreme and dangerous path, but similarly had also taught her than the danger can be curbed so long as one had a goal in mind. It was because of this that Meruin aimed to learn all she possibly could, but always reminded herself that there were things that she needed to learn and things she didn't.

"Yes, similarly, I took all of the magic classes. It's not as though I would be doing much else, in any case."

Meruin looked at his Grimoire. "By deciphering old texts, do you mean your Grimoire?"

The small mage raised a brow as her curiosity took hold. The fact that he had incomplete access to a family Grimoire meant that he could be lacking a core aspect of himself to do so. Of course, Grimoire's were fickle and complex creations, so Meruin was simply working on a conjucture.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@TheHangedMan "I do, yes. Much of it is in a old language or encrypted, at-least the more complex and devastating spell portions..it's my hope to be the first in my family to have read and mastered the entirety of its contents." He replied with a sigh, thinking about how little he had read and how badly he wanted to understand the rest.

"Of course, not all of it is complex to read, what I have learned is immensely useful. But until I meet my goals it simply won't be enough."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"My classes are similar to yours except for the Shapeshifting." Aleksandra said and looked around the room gaugeing the others with only her eyes since she didn't have a way of sending people's magic ability other that those which are similar to her own. "I enjoy this school very much, and that is why I had joined the disciplinary committee," Aleksandra stated with a look of fire in her eyes "I want to protect people". From what she could see everyone 'noteworthy' had grouped up save a few select students who stayed to themselves doing.... something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@The ghost in black he'd look at her sideways "Disciplinary committee?" he says, "...I've never really been in a school before.." he says looking down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 21 days ago


So that was it. Not even other family members could completely read the Grimoire. If that was the case, theneruin guessed it was the doing of one of its previous owners, or that it had been made like that since the beginning. In any casr, all that meant was that there were mechanisms in place to ensure that the book was not completely open to anyone.

Meruin shivered in delight. Her eyes werr spinning as her attention was fully on the Grimoire. With mechanism like that, it was impossible to imagine just what kind of mysteries were held within. The small mage could only dream of the results should the day come that all the pages could be unlocked.

"Would you like me to help you with it?" With an earnest look, Meruin's emerald green eyes stared intensely back at Arcadius's own. "I want to help you unlock more pages of the Grimoire, if you'll allow me."

Meruin didn't even care if she was unable to learn a spell from the book. So long as Arcadius was able to and showed her the results. In the end, so long as she discovered something new, it will have been worth it.
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