Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

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Gin followed the girl clenching onto his things like someone was gonna sneak up on him and steal them right from his arms. After she introduced herself she lead the way and he quietly followed her reframing from having anytime of eye contact with her. Gin was so busy with the thought of walking with such a pretty girl that he didn't notice how long they actually walked. Suddenly the next thing he heard was Sakura complimenting his hair. Which instantly caused his face to turn red and a bit of steam to radiate from his face. "T-thanks....my name...is Gin....by...the...way." He responded almost in a whisper. When she reached into her bag he did get a bit worried. For all he knew she could be reaching for some scissors to get some of his hair. Luckily his jump to a conclusion was wrong and he was met by a lollipop. He starred at the candy for a bit and nodded reaching for it slowly like a scares wild animal.
In Zodiacs 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Jinx starred blankly as the door wasn't the source of the melody. He starred at the door and barely notice the girl leave the room. "Hm the voice from above did request our presents so I shall follow." Jinx spoke to himself following the the most likely destination of the auditorium. Which was not that difficult thanks to the default noise made by the number students already there. Jinx entered the auditorium and frowned. "Oh...this is bad...I have no seat." He stated looking around. Instead of searching for a seat Jinx simply sat where he stood and awaited for the meeting to commence.
Gin rock a bit back and forth as one of his favorite songs finished playing. He opened his eyes and looked up his eyes coming across something he didn't believe he'd be this close to until college, a chick. His face quickly turned as red as a tomato and he struggled to quickly remove his headphones. The only thing he heard her say was something about class. "I'm..t-terribly....s-so-orry." Gin fumbled through his words as he looked at the girl and back at his items that he was dropping. "L-lead....t-t-the....wa-way." He said not looking at the girl his face still as red as ever.

(。・ω・。) No prob!
In Zodiacs 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Jinx entered the building following the aged man and walked off as soon as he heard the man mention their rooms. Its not like he was ignoring him or didn't care its just Jinx has a weird way of acting in situations were he has a choice. On his way to his room he passed a door giving a soft melody of music. This caught Jinx's attention but didn't stop him from heading to his room. Once he finished unpacking he planned on visiting the said door. Not to long of a walk later Jinx came across a room that wasn't occupied and decided to take it. He entered the room and unpacked putting everything he had in a designated area. When he finished his room looked exactly the same besides the once large backpack that was now on his bed. Satisfied with how well his unpacking went Jinx exited his room and decided to go visit the door that song to him. Jinx approached it and knocked a couple of times. "Do you know any other songs?" He asked the door. Jinx...wasn't the smartest when it came to obviousness and that won't change anytime soon. "Are you gonna join us....in the meeting room?" Jinx asked knocked on the door again. He tilted his head to the right wondering why the door wasn't being cooperative with him.

After the brief Ceremony that Gin manage to squeeze a good nap into ended he instantly woke up. As if the ending of the ceremony was his alarm clock. Noticing the number of students disappearing quickly Gin quickly jumped to his feet slaking.....I mean following other students to surprisingly the gymnasium. The world record holding place for accidents waiting to happen. Entering the gymnasium Gin instantly got chills down his spine. He looked around the usual groups of students reuniting and causing trouble while other groups break off to go do what ever they could get away with. After awhile of starring at the pretty girls that decorated the gym and avoiding eye contact with their possible boyfriends Gin came up with a flawless idea. He marched to the loneliest corner possible in the gum and curled up into a little ball sitting in the corner. "And I'm the weirdo..." He chuckled and whispered to himself seriously not supporting his statement. Gin reached into his pockets and put on his headphones. Soon he was listening to his playlist of metal and rock music on full blast. He starred blanky in a random direction as he hugged his knees closer to his chest.
"Its a conspiracy!!!" Kenny shouted falling out of his bed and hitting the floor. He rubbed his bum and got up slowly looking around noticing the empty bed. "Darn Chen didn't even bother to wake up a room mate." He pouted getting ready for the school day that awaited him. When dressed he decided to do a few push ups before teleporting to his first class. He made sure to not build up a huge sweat, he had to make a good first impression after all. Satisfied with the number of push ups he managed without breaking a sweat Kenny exited the room appearing in his first class, Artifacts.
In Zodiacs 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

"The Weirdest ones are the most dangerous."

Jinx Bellatrix


Manipulation of metal


Jinx is a boy though he gives of a very soft feminine charm. Unlike the usual person Jinx could be found doing the most odd and unusual things while he's awake. He also sleeps and often levitates while sleeping. Its been a short amount of time since his discovery of him being the zodiac Capricorn but he already had a somewhat grip on his abilities that came along with the title. Jinx finds other odd beings special and loves to question them and even go as far as stalking them.
In Zodiacs 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Jinx arrived in front of the building that the letter he received described. He rode there on his metallic bike that he made from two bike tires and his metal manipulative abilities. Getting off of the bike the metal present vanished and the so called bike reverted into two bike wheels. Grabbing his backpack that looked way too large for someone with Jinx's fragile body structure to be carrying headed to the door. He looked around admiring the odd structure that he'll be presiding in for an unpredictable amount of time. Jinx walked wearing an uncomfortable smile on his face reaching the door. He stood smiling at the closed door like a lifeless object that could smie. Knowing he would possibly get in the way of others he attempted to stay out of the way and continue to stare blankly at the door.
In Zodiacs 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

XD I got mixed up with zodiac abilities some how but I changed it now its just metal.
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