Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

@Ace of flames01

XD He's gonna be more calm and destructive! >:3 He'll never have to use a stap ladder or stool every again!
@Ace of flames01
O: U ruined the secret!!!! *Throws marshmallows at Ace* >~< yes he's gonna get taller and dye his hair...
Banana-san! Is it okay if my charater appearance changed over the month!? ^-^ His hair and eyes will change because of reasons I'd explain in the post I was planning to make. Just need a green light from a Gm-Senpai!
(。・ω・。) I've been summoned!!!! I'd like to join as well!!!!
XD I finally have free time so I should get my first post up.

Reese was dissatisfied with how Zel was able to despell his attack. He never expected Yato to attack him but lucky due to the space between them Reese was able to know that he was Yato's target. His reaction time on the other hand was hesitant but he had to forget about Zel and block Yato. With little to know time to think Reese allowed Yato's weapon to pierce his hands as he attempted to stop him. Keeping a tight grip on Yato's weaponing ignoring the pain Reese reverted his attention back to Zel who has disappeared briefly from the scene. Worriedly Reese looked around noticing Claire readying herself to release an unthinkable amount of clips on her target. "I'm sorry my friend...." Reese whispered letting go and allowing himself to fall to the ground. Thankfully he made the right decision. Zel's attack would of been seriously fatal if he hadn't decided to leave his friend as a target to Claire's attack. Reese landed and retreated behind Claire taking a deep breathe. "Careful that's still our friend also Zel's corruption is instant." Reese said looking at Yato then at Zel.

"How do I even look like a bird or a plane?"

Arron Gallagher

Kid Super


A 5'9" teenager who could be constantly seen bearing the superman symbol. Mainly a hoodie. Oddly has the appearance of a young child or a kid that's 11 or 12. Similar to Superman he often wears glasses when he hides his identity.


•Super Strength
•Heat Vision
•Bullet Proof

•XD Yes kryptonite
•Unlike Superman he faces fatigue which is slower than normal humans but can catch up to him
•Does not draw energy from the sun
•Can't survive in space
•Can die from enough wounds
•Can't lift infinity

Calm in almost every situation to the point others would believe him to be emotionless. He does fear death and other things. Arron is nice and friendly to most of the people he interacts with. Due to his past though he doesn't open that much. Which comes of strange to others since he's so friendly.

After the disappearance of Superman, Batman and WonderWomen a Scientist obsessed with Superman saw this as an opportunity to create a hero of his own. One even better than the Superman. Though to create this hero the Scientist had to use something that would give the hero it's unbelievable power. Thanks to some underground trading the Scientist came across a sample of Superman's D.N.A. The seller name was L.L. a wealthy man who wasn't a fan of people who liked Superman. After months and months of working The Scientists created what he believe to be the answer to creating a meta human. His first and last test subject, his 11 year old son, was given the injection and was monitored for several years. His aging seemed to have slowed and many other things changed about the Scientist's son. When his son was 16 he learned some information that wasn't suppose to be leaked. Like his possible death occurring during the injection. He felt betrayed and destroyed everything related to the creation of his abilities.

"How do I even look like a bird or a plane?"

Arron Gallagher

Kid Super


A 5'9" teenager who could be constantly seen bearing the superman symbol. Mainly a hoodie. Oddly has the appearance of a young child or a kid that's 11 or 12. Similar to Superman he often wears glasses when he hides his identity.


•Super Strength
•Heat Vision
•Bullet Proof

•XD Yes kryptonite
•Unlike Superman he faces fatigue which is slower than normal humans but can catch up to him
•Does not draw energy from the sun
•Can't survive in space
•Can die from enough wounds
•Can't lift infinity

Calm in almost every situation to the point others would believe him to be emotionless. He does fear death and other things. Arron is nice and friendly to most of the people he interacts with. Due to his past though he doesn't open that much. Which comes of strange to others since he's so friendly.

After the disappearance of Superman, Batman and WonderWomen a Scientist obsessed with Superman saw this as an opportunity to create a hero of his own. One even better than the Superman. Though to create this hero the Scientist had to use something that would give the hero it's unbelievable power. Thanks to some underground trading the Scientist came across a sample of Superman's D.N.A. The seller name was L.L. a wealthy man who wasn't a fan of people who liked Superman. After months and months of working The Scientists created what he believe to be the answer to creating a meta human. His first and last test subject, his 11 year old son, was given the injection and was monitored for several years. His aging seemed to have slowed and many other things changed about the Scientist's son. When his son was 16 he learned some information that wasn't suppose to be leaked. Like his possible death occurring during the injection. He felt betrayed and destroyed everything related to the creation of his abilities.
@Weird Tales

:D I'd like to join!?

Reese retreated attempting to dodge the fire balls. Being skilled in combat he knows not focusing on the target was a bad choice of action. He didn't even notice Yato taking a hit how focused he was on Zel. Thankfully for focusing on Zel Reese was able to see his sneak attack coming. Though he did see it coming he barely managed to dodge the slash by punching at the ground beneath him the wind shooting him up from Zel's reach. "Damn he's good but hell have to do better to catch a God of War!" Reese spun and swung at the air sending him falling back to the ground at an accelerating rate. As he fell he throw an uncountable amount of punches that even caused his arms and first to become a blur. The funnel of a possible tornado began to erupt from the repetitive gusts of winds.
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