Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

XD Wait this I unfair!!!!

Reese a War good skilled in combat has to fight one person while everyone else who pain rule isn't combat has to fight like 5+ other gods! XD I'm dying from laughter I don't know who to help first when Reese Volleyball Ptah's meteors back up their *censured*

Can I make a demon race Banana-san? They would be a high defensive race! Pwease!!!!!!!! *puupy dog eyes with a hint of kawaiiness*
Could I make a demon race? XD also no I don't want Reese to be stabbed out of love he's just gonna have to be lonely or go on a God blind date.
<Snipped quote by Slendy>

I am still suprised he actually like Cythlla. Cythlla would have tried to kill him. Though as these are gods it's always possibly to revive them.

O(≧∇≦)O Revival.....but then again she could still be evil....Also XD Reese is one of the many descendants of Zues its not impossible for him to inerit Zues's ideology of having whatever women he wanted. :P But I'll just have to sail another ship with another character of someone's....
:D Great 30 years! Reese could of had a child no wait! The person he loved was killed! Now he's gonna be a butt hurt childless God......jk XD Reese is gonna be so calm in every situation it's gonna be scary. (。・ω・。) Yay for cold hearted butt hurtness!
How many years would you say has passed?
:P I've finally posted! Humans better get ready because they have just made themselves a new enemy.....well he isn't new....they made themselves a pissed/angered enemy! :D better
One Month Later

Reese was devastated about the news he received. Cythlla's death was probably way heavier on him then most of the other Merged. Not many knew of his secret feelings for the goddess. Reese's hate for humans grew even more once he visited the site of her death. He took what little hope he had left and decided to go visit his old friend making his way to the Sahara Desert. Something he would wished he had never did wants he reached the small settlement. There he searched and searched for Belle but couldn't find him. His hide out destroyed, burned and ripped apart like a tornado ran through it. Reese was slowly worrying about the location of Hus friend and began to ask around seeing if anyone had seen someone that matched Belle's description.

For four days straight he asked and the most he got was nothing. Not even a response for the people he asked. He returned to Belle's hideout and planned to stay there until his old friend returned. He waited for three days and still no sign of Belle. That's when he remembered Belle always had a secret behind his secrets. Reese searched through the base for something that would look out place. Soon he came across a wall that looked like it was forced to look like the other walls. Removing the door Reese entered the room quickly recognizing the walls that are decorated with blood splatters. "No..." He whispered as he examined the room his site coming across a body slumped up in the fetal position.

"No, no, no no no no no..." Reese repeated more and more as we walked to the corpse noticing the dark red puddle that was present under the body. "N-no." He whispered kneeling down next to the body ignoring the blood. At first Reese wanted to believe it was an intruder but then he seen it. In the corpse's bloody hands was a nearly disintegrate book decorated with blood and bullet holes. Reese began to cry as he read the remaining word on the book. "Damned" it said. He cried even harder hugging and squeezing the corpse ignoring the blood that spilled onto his clothes and hair. Someone he loved like a son and felt as if he was the last remanding family he could trust was now dead.

Reese wiped his tears and left Belle's hideout walking back to the settlement with a seriously pissed face. His human form quickly shifting to his god form as he reached the town. "You do this!!! You all did!!!" Reese repeatedly shouted punching a wall completely destroying it. His little demonstration quickly alerted the people that he wasn't human and had to be dealt with. A man in his possible late thirties attempted to reached for his weapon that was created just for god but by then Reese was already rampaging on half of the population killing anything that lived, breathed or moved. in just a mere 3 hours the once full settlement was a ghost town.

Ruins of Mount Olympus

Reese sat on the stairs of the once notorious Mount Olympus. Its been some time since the massacre and Reese has changed a bit. The once small child like God was now a 6'2" God with the appearance of what mortals would call a fit young adult. His hair a more redish color due to the blood that he was uable to get out. He sat there smoking a cigar, a new habit of his, speaking to himself. "The Goddess you loved is dead....someone you loved like a son....dead..." Reese stood his hands in his pockets and looked back at the destroyed building that once sat high upon Olympus. "Zues...." He whispered his grandfather's name. "As of now there's only choas and I'll set it straight. For now on Reese the God of War is dead.....Reese God of Destruction is all that remains...." Reese stated leaving Olympus making his way to the Nexus. If there's anything that needed to get done. The Nexuas was probably Reese's best choice of where to go.
Sorry for the double posting! @Cuccoruler
Is Egypt still off limits? o3o
@Ace of flames01
I actually just added the pic to my cs! :P That's right he dyed his hair that color!

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