Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts


:D Never mind looks like I'm dropping the corruption and possession completely, yes some demons have been known to use these but I guess they're op. And I guess I'll just change Cauliflower to immortal in age and able to die. Yep! And I can possibly die down on some things. I don't know fully about the heart thing but I'll definitely keep side effects of using his abilities I guess. ^-^ So yeah I'll get on those changes!
v.v It's 1:00 AM here so please if I screwed something up and something needs more details tell me! I'll get on it when I get home tomorrow!
Human Form

True Form
Image captured before the fall of "La prisión de Gran"( The Grand Prison) in New Mexico.
"This is just the beginning!!"

Cauliflower( is code named Collins)

Demon of the West, Angle of Death, The Forbidden Demon, Cauliflower

1,000+ years

Described as Male


Cauliflower is no where near what others may call sane. He breathes, lives and thrives off insanity. Finding pleasure in dark humor and the pain of others. He's sadistic, psychotic, chaotic and destructive. Though he's fair at some points. Instead of brutally murdering whoever gives him a foul look he let's them get chances before ripping their torso from their lower half. He's greedy and will do whatever he can to get his way. That means even teaming with others to achieve a common goal and maybe backstab them when they least expect it. Cauliflower is often careless due to his living situation and doesn't scare easily, but on the other hand easy to anger and will not spare the poor soul who choose to anger him.

At first Cauliflower walked the world around a millennia ago possessing the weak and destroying the strong. Around that time there was a wizard who traveled the land and set out to purify that current world of evil. The wizard fought and sealed away countless demons and creatures of the night. Cauliflower was one of these demons. During his long travels the wizard also wrote a book that would warn the world and his followers of what not and what to do if certain demons were to escape. The book also included demons, the strongest ones he's faced and the weakest. Cauliflower was unidentified for the book ended when the wizard cross paths with him. The fight between them was tough and the wizard rained victorious. All it cost was his life and the lives of a small city.

So the book mentions Cauliflower bit doesn't describe is threat level which was a huge problem hundreds of years later. A cult that worshiped the wizard was facing financial problems and turned to mischief to survive. To help in their mischievous acts they planned to request the help of a demon. They were desperate and needed the muscle. So they looked through the wizards book for the weakest demon possible and aimed to summon the choose candidate. That's when it all went down hill.

Cauliflower was chosen, believed to be the weakest since he had little to no description about him. Once summoned there was instantaneously death and destruction. Only a few of the cult that took part of the ritual survived, but to only be killed with the second wave of attacks that came from Cauliflower. After the complete genocide of the wizards cult he decided to lay low. Another hundred years pass and Cauliflower was arrested in New Mexico for murder. It was self defense but the five people who attacked him, bodies couldn't even be identified. He was charged with possible man slaughter and titled insane. His sentenced in title awarded him a new home in a new Mega prison named La prisión de Gran. The prison was huge almost double the area of Alcatraz, but it was build for humans. It didn't take long for Cauliflower to escape and lay waste to whatever obstacle that stood in his way. Before he knew it he was outside and the prison was decorated with flames and soon imploded. The number of causalities were unable to be precise due to how the implosion mangled and most likely disintegrated countless of prison inmates and guards. This stunt landed Cauliflower into another prison this time build for "people like him".

WGUF-What Got You Famous:
Mass Murder with a hint of Destruction of property.

Gas Mask

•Demonic Magic: usually dark or negative types of magic. Beams or rays of darkness.
•Super Strength
•Super Speed
•Ability to breathe within space, water and other toxic airs

•Blessed Weapons
•Ice Magic, Light Magic
•He can be sealed away

Secret Hideout:

None at the moment

(^~^) I would like to join but I won't be able to get a cs up until later tomorrow! Sorry for the long prep time but school gets in the way!
XD Damn it forgot the @ thingy!

@The Fox Without

Ozzy smiled as the small feline threatened him. It was the first time someone did so when he show compassion. He'd never understand how unconsciously strong he can possibly be, but that wasn't the case in this situation. He just happened to hug to wrong feline obviously at the wrong time. Ozzy's attention was back on Waldo. The large whale of a man was speaking and his large size was basically the small minded Ozzy was paying much attention to. What snap his focus into play though was when the whole man summoned the feline. In a blink of an eye they were gone and by his side. Ozzy was confused for a bit but smiled and waved at the not so welcoming glare he received from the kitten. His day was already going great in his eyes.

As the feline introduced it's self Ozzy simply waited for his name to be called upon so he can figure out his living conditions like everyone else. To his surprise he was shackling up with a beastkin of the opposite sex. Even though he did have a human step sister but that doesn't count since she was more family than someone he just met. Speaking of someone he just met the young woman on his mind at the moment was headed in his direction and all Ozzy could do was stare, smile and hold on to Barnaby really tight. Once she was close enough to talk Ozzy actually thought that she was kinda cute and he carefully listened to every single word that came out of her mouth.

He waited a brief second before speaking. "Oh! But Barnaby is the here's!" Ozzy replied pointing to the white fluffy bear that rested cuffed under his arm. Well it did at first but he gently placed Barnaby on the ground for a second and looked back at Tenne. "No worries about me I will cause no troubles but you.... are you alright...?" Ozzy asked gently placing his hands on Tenne's cheeks and closing the distance between them. He gets so close to her that it could easily be mistaken for a kiss and he stares at the cut on her forehead. He smiled and looked at her eye to eye before blowing on the cut. "You should be the worries about yourself! You are the bleedings and that's never a good sign."
My friends! I'm sorry for I must drop out! T.T Spring break's over and SAT and ACT testing is not so far away so school's gonna be on my ass like a sheep dog that's eyeing sheep! o(╥﹏╥)o it sucks to say this but my schedule will become more hectic and I'll have less time to rp so that is the reason for me leaving. Hope this doesn't damage our friendships my fellow kuns, samas and Senpais!

Oh my bad (^~^) I was waiting on someone to go! I'll get on it when I get home from school!

Okie dokie ^~^ I'll just go with my second choice! I'll get a cs up when I can!
;-; Ignored *sniff sniff*
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