Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts


:D Okay get this! Could I make a character that is a bad guy but is terrible at being a bad guy. (Like to him something sinister would be like cooking food for someone and purposely burning it) :P if not I'd still like to join.
@Narcotic Dollie

O(≧∇≦)O Yes! Will be useful after all!

@Ace of flames01
Yep XD I believe I seen that one before!
:D Maybe JUST MAYBE!!! A reaper could help on this quest!?


Ozzy's attention quickly focused on the large man that spoke a bit oddly especially to the women. He was not fully sure about how he liked this human. He seemed to be more of a dictator than a supervisor. To make his first impression even more not so enjoyable was the circle man's name. It was far to long and confusing for Ozzy to remember or speak. There was a good chance that he was gonna forget or say his name wrong each and every time it pops up in a conversation. Ozzy noticed the small feline approach him. The feline's appearance by their self made Ozzy grin. They were small and cute just like Barnaby. Speaking of Barnaby after the feline confirmed Ozzy's question they questioned him about the living situation on Barnaby and Ozzy simple replied with. "The thanking you and yes Barnaby will be staying here with me." Ozzy gribed largy and put Barnaby down on top of his suitcase. "I am the sorries but I can't help myself!" He shouted reaching out and giving Koun a bear hug and then letting them go. Ozzy even patted the felines head after a few brief seconds of hugging them. "I've never seen such small cute animal before." He stated smiling big and picking his suitcase and Barnaby back up. "I do hope we will be getting in the soons."

Permission to have Ozzy pick up and :P bear hug Kuon? If he can't pick the rest of the characters up they'll still get bear hugged! Be warned!!!
:D I'm glad Ozzy is to the liking of some! XD I don't know why but I can picture him with a Panda step brother that would cling to him! >~< it sounds so adorable to me for some reason.
Ozzy Walked through downtown Almaston his large suitcase dragging beside him on his right side as he pulled it along. The wheels of the mobile suitcase were more than noisy causing as much noise as possible as Ozzy walked. Oddly that wasn't the most attention grabbing thing about Ozzy. It wasn't even his small ears or puffy tail that was open for the world to see on his back side. It was the large possibly 3 feet tall white bear that was cupped under his left arm. The best part is the white bears name is Barnaby and was his gift from his parents before he left home. The circus act walked along the streets getting pretty far without running into trouble. It was probably because of how proper he was dressed.

Anyways that didn't bother Ozzy. As long as he didn't have to deal with any human shenanigans he was just fine. It wasn't long before his thoughts were proven wrong when a faint feminine scream came from an alley a few yards ahead of him. Ozzy a 6'7" bear of course nonchalantly walked in the direction of the scream to investigate. When he reached the the scene two men obviously shorter than Ozzy was beating on a helpless woman. From the looks of it she couldn't be in her twenties. He sat Barnaby on his suitcase and approached one of the men who was aiming to take another shot at the woman's face. The two unaware of their surroundings barely noticed the shodaw that slowly casted over then from behind.

Ozzy grabbed one of their arms which quickly caught their attention. "I believe you shouldn't be doings that to the lady." He spoke his Russian like accent and soft tone causing a chuckle to uproar from the men. The brief laughs were quickly ended when Ozzy's grip on the mans arm tightened. He instantly started to plead for Ozzy to let him loose but he simple replied with. "Apologizing to the lady would be nicer." There was an awkward silence that was interrupted by a another plead from the man. This time he quickly apologize to the young woman and was let go. His partner confused on the situation turned and ran avoiding the penalty his friend faced with Ozzy.

After they both had left the scene Ozzy walked to the young woman. She was beaten pretty badly but only a black eye and some heavy bruises luckily she wasn't bleeding. "Are you the okays?" Ozzy asked reaching his hand out but to his surprise was smacked away. The young woman stood shaking and squeezed out a simple word as she limped away. "M..Monster~..." All Ozzy could do was stare in her direction before returning to his stuff. "Humans are the weirds Barnaby." Ozzy spoke to his teddy bear as he returned to his route to the inn. It took him awhile but he reached the old raggedy inn but it was all worth it. Once he stepped foot on the property a large smile became visible on his face.

His start at becoming a veterinarian started at this, in Ozzy's eyes, breath taking scene. As he closed the distance between himself and the inn he started to notice the people around it. Other beastkins and a man that looked very close to the description of Santa Clause his human parents used to tell him about. He happily spoke wants he was in what he believed to be speaking distance. "The greetings! I believe this is the inn, no!? For the students that will be attending the schools?!" Ozzy just hoped he fitted in and didn't cause to many problems. He already noticed that a lot of the other species didn't stand as tall as him, but height didn't matter he couldn't wait to make friends, get the knowledge he came for and take unpredictable naps.


Don smiled at the compliment and continued to stay on the defensive side of the fight. His human body unable to keep up with his brains commands and the fairies constant movement. She had to be some sort of officer to preform tactical attacks with precision as good as hers. "I'm not having such a good time!" He replied as he slowly started to notice the magical circles. He cursed under his breath as he poorly attempted to dodge the spontaneous spears of light. Don barely managed to dodge two and was instantly impaled my a third spear. "Ah! For fuck sacks! You're ruining my human form!" He shouted pulling the spear out of his body. A small whole was left it's place. "Damn that's gonna leave a mark when it heals!" He complained as he threw the spear to the side. Don eyes shot at her like darts towards a target when she said her name. He poke his finger in the whole of his stomach and then looked back at the fairy. "I'm Don a Reaper...who's already dead....and who's body you're so kindly fucking up!" Don's grip on his scythe tightened as he swung in the fairies direction like a mad man. His assult mindless and without a pattern. It was obvious he was swinging hard to, when the curved sharp edge of the scythe came in contact with the wood of a tree it sliced through it quickly but not completely. "I'm gonna avoid using my dark magic to harm a beautiful thing like you! So surrender before this little confrontation become more.... Darker!"
@Ace of flames01

XD Gawd Damn it!
@Ace of flames01

Lmao XD!! Why!!!!!!
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