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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 2 days ago


Having politely edged away from the ridiculously named 'The Great Waldo Maria’Shante du Blanche' and thankfully nicknamed to a more reasonably Waldo, Yennifer gave a curious look at the formerly agitated feline as she appeared as if by a cheap magician trick. Her wings curled about her as she listened to the description of the dubious 'Rotting Wheel Inn'. She highly doubted it was as well off as the cat- Kuon, she corrected herself- presented it. A stray thought of if the second floor was completely stable was entertained, but she kept the look of polite shyness. Best to be courteous rather than rude, and best to be shy rather than too bold. The shy were ignored, and dismissed and rudeness merely attracted hostile emotions. A glance at the inn, served to remind her it lived up the the rotting part of it's name.

Doubtful it was leisurely in any way. More likely than not it was a health hazard, but her brother had warned her the living conditions could be a hoax as well as the school. That it would be a risk, but he had a full house between the three of them and little ones on the way. . . It would not have room for them all and the expected twins, Tytos's wife was expected to have. Hopefully, Tytos was wrong, but from what she saw and against what she heard he would not be. A resignation curled up in her gut. If she was to stay here to attend the Hartriche Academy, then she would suffer a bit of human rudeness. She would preserve.

Upon hearing the room mates she sighed. It would not be too bad, she had been in cramped quarters before. So long as he was polite of her instruments and didn't mind her practicing, she would be satisfied. Giving the giant of a rabbit a polite smile if a tad apologetic and shy. "I do not mind-" She hesitated, longing to ask more but loath to do so in front of the aptly named 'whale of a overlord'.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 3 days ago


Of two things Nixie was absolutely clear. The first was that these crude ground dwellers had the most delightfully backwards sense of humor. And the second was that they were absolutely rude. Both of these were, of course, unacceptable. Nixie cared little about the beastboy blathering on and on about breakfast or whatever, that's what servants were for: giving their charges a proper meal at the proper hours. She cared even less, however, at the bold way in which this one attempted to make himself seem threatening or intimidating in any way whatsoever.

It was enough to make the noble girl laugh once more, placing her fingers in front of her mouth and giving a shrill, loud laugh. "Ohohohohoho, it thinks it can eat me. How absolutely idiotic. Well, what can I expect from a crude, dirty little ground walker? I will have you know that when I am in danger, threatened, or in any sort of compromised position...well the result is quite shocking." Her pun also made her laugh for the third time. Nixie was stuck in her own little world of delusion and fantasy...and once she felt a hand on her wrist she was snapped back to reality with a scowl.

"How DARE you!" Nixie slapped at the hand on her wrist, pulling her arm away from the grip. "How DARE you touch me with that...filthy paw of yours. If this were my home, why your hand would be removed from your arm for such an offense! You seem to have misunderstood me, servant lad, but a royal princess such as myself does not dirty herself with a menial task as WALKING. You are going to carry me on your back and in exchange you can tell your fellow filthy friends that you were in the presence of royalty." Nixie again clapped her hands as if that was going to work. "Come now, turn over so that I may mount you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


The hyena had to grimace as she got a better look at the build-up they would be staying in. She hadn't expected anything extravagant, but she wasn't even sure this thing was legal to live in.  Each gust of wind caused the building to emit a worrying groan. Then again it wouldn't be the worst place she had spent a night...though it would be on the list.

The cat kid looked a little ruffled after the large bearkin had finally set her...him...it down.Tenne had to chuckle after hearing the short cat  refer to her as 'Lady Tenne', pretty sure that was the first time someone had used that words to describe her. Her frown grew a bit deeper as she heard that she'd apparently being the only one sharing her room with two other people. She didn't mind the fact that the room was co-ed, having grown up surronded by boys after her mom was gone.

However, she did prefer her space, and she doubted the room had been expanded to accommodate the extra tenet. With a scowl on her face, Tenne marched over to the one she had to assume was Ozzy, based on the withering look Koun had given the bear,  a little surprised when her head needed to turn up to meet him eye to eye. It'd been some time since she'd last literally looked up to some one. The doll was a little odd to admit, but she'd deal with that later.

Ears pressed back, and a scowl that was slightly hampered by her right eye blinking to clear it of blood still coming from the cut, she jabbed a finger into the  large chest of the bear,  " Now listen close bear, I'm gonna tell this Barnaby the same thing whenever I find him, but mind your own business and stay outta mine,  and we'll get along like a house on fire, " she told him, the accusing finger coming back  to once more jab the innocent Ozzy, " Give me any trouble and I'll soon have a room to myself, " the rather perturbed looking hyena finished, body tensing in anticipation of his response. To be honest, she had no beef with him, but she learned that it was best to keep problems from having a chance to start.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@The Fox Without

Ozzy smiled as the small feline threatened him. It was the first time someone did so when he show compassion. He'd never understand how unconsciously strong he can possibly be, but that wasn't the case in this situation. He just happened to hug to wrong feline obviously at the wrong time. Ozzy's attention was back on Waldo. The large whale of a man was speaking and his large size was basically the small minded Ozzy was paying much attention to. What snap his focus into play though was when the whole man summoned the feline. In a blink of an eye they were gone and by his side. Ozzy was confused for a bit but smiled and waved at the not so welcoming glare he received from the kitten. His day was already going great in his eyes.

As the feline introduced it's self Ozzy simply waited for his name to be called upon so he can figure out his living conditions like everyone else. To his surprise he was shackling up with a beastkin of the opposite sex. Even though he did have a human step sister but that doesn't count since she was more family than someone he just met. Speaking of someone he just met the young woman on his mind at the moment was headed in his direction and all Ozzy could do was stare, smile and hold on to Barnaby really tight. Once she was close enough to talk Ozzy actually thought that she was kinda cute and he carefully listened to every single word that came out of her mouth.

He waited a brief second before speaking. "Oh! But Barnaby is the here's!" Ozzy replied pointing to the white fluffy bear that rested cuffed under his arm. Well it did at first but he gently placed Barnaby on the ground for a second and looked back at Tenne. "No worries about me I will cause no troubles but you.... are you alright...?" Ozzy asked gently placing his hands on Tenne's cheeks and closing the distance between them. He gets so close to her that it could easily be mistaken for a kiss and he stares at the cut on her forehead. He smiled and looked at her eye to eye before blowing on the cut. "You should be the worries about yourself! You are the bleedings and that's never a good sign."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lapis nods, though he can tell she wanted to say more. He grabs the larger chest and the tapestry and guestures with his head for her to follow him. He wants to set up the room and figures should would have her own opinions on everything...and maybe she could talk to him more. She seemed fairly shy so maybe it's the amount of individuals around making her uncomfortable. Or maybe the predators. Either way, he still wants her there.

Once he reaches the room he realizes there is only one bed. One bed and a couch. He lightly puts the chest down next to the couch signaling that he would take the couch. "where would you like the tapestry? It can serve as a privacy thing" he lightly unfolds it to reveal the deep purple with a lighter colored Celtic tree in the center along with a few gold details. He has a few pins he can use to hang up the fabric. The only problem is where to put it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 2 days ago


As the rabbitkin nodded at her to follow him, Yennifer snatched up her two previously flung bags. Tugging the large bag inside with surprising speed, her hazel eyes giving the inn a dubious look. Tugging the large case up the stairs, she reached the top out of breath and her reddish curls frazzled under the askew sun hat. This was not so bad, though perhaps it would have been best if she had packed a luggage cart and many cases instead of three of various sizes. Then again, Tytos has been reluctant to part with the majority, but a promise to return them had been enacted and thus he was satisfied. Giving a satisfied huff of victory towards the stairs, Yennifer turned into the allotted room only to blink at the single bed.

A bed, a couch, and two people. Oh, dear. Hearing the rabbit question her about a tapestry, her wings fluttered and fluffed with nerves as she set the precious instruments to the side, the large sun hat upon the smaller case. Noting the rabbit- Lapis, she corrected herself silently- had deemed to take the couch, her brow knitted and her delicate features turned to a disapproving look. "Uhm... I do not mean to be so forward, but would you not have a easier time upon the bed with... your, well... size. And all?" The rather pointed question at first trailed off into a nervous flickering of wings. Oh, what was she doing being so utterly rude! He was being such a kind gentleman- rabbit, and she was being...

"... simply stubborn, and unappreciative." She blinked, hazel eyes widening before she rapidly shook her head. her wind blow curls flying as she clapped petite hands over her traitorous mouth. Oh, that wasn't it at all! Stupid slip of the tongue! So used was she to muttering to herself quietly about the writing of song, the making of instruments she was still doing it. Her quiet and near whispery voice stammered in apology. "I-I'm sorry, it's a odd habit. I did not mean to offend you! Th-that wasn't meant towards you at all. Oh, dear. Ohhh, deary, dear." Her pale cheeks were stained a brilliant red as she turned away to merely work the clasps on the large case. Oh, what a fool was she!

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