-Rotting Wheel Inn-
Located on the furthest outskirts of the Capitol, the Rotting Wheel is an age old inn which has long since fallen into disrepair. Smashed glass can be found beneath most window ledges, and the stone walls themselves are cracked and stained. The inn consists of four bedrooms on the upper floor and a spacious lounge… with nothing but rubble and trash. The inn’s one saving feature is the expansive lake found at the back of the inn. A godsend considering how the inn does not have electricity or hot water (Cold water is however available).

-Down Town Almaston-
Located South of the Academy, Downtown Almaston is renown for being an unruly place where drunkards and thugs alike roam relatively freely. The inhabitants however go about their lives normally. Due to hardships people here are more likely to judge based on merit, rather than race. The four key areas relevant here are the Central Market place; where good can be bought/sold/bartered. The local tavern; the most affordable place to grab a bite. The Armory; A state sanctioned arena where characters can brawl it out with others. Teyte’s; A nationwide store that caters to everything from enchanted jewellery to dirty socks.

-Hartriche Academy-
A prestigious school which has recently opened its students of the ‘lesser races.’ While the three-story campus boasts an impressive assortment of learning devices, Beastkin are restricted to the first floor which consists of the faculty offices, and simple classrooms. An enchanted suit of armor stands at the foot of the staircase blocking off access to unauthorized individuals. Fortunately the school’s massive library can be accessed from the first floor. Additionally beastkin have been granted reluctant access to Garden 31, which connects to the Gate leading to Downtown Almaston.