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On early 20s man.

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"Hey, you! Listen to me! Use my arrow and shoot that mage!" Two of her arrows kindled in bluish flames before Jazdia tossed them down to Veronica and Chonan.

Chounan caught the arrow and readied his yumi bow. He began his Mushin phase. He executed an artful stance from his origin with his archery skill. He drew his bow with the elf's arrow. Aimed his elevation towards to the mage. The gathered up Ki made his archery blessed with unexplained source of power. He released the arrow towards to his target. The velocity was surprisingly fast that it went straight to the mage's head in a blink of the eye.
Chounan made a momentum, breathing technique and adjusted his footwork and unleashed a barrage of slashes just what he did to the champion wolf. His ki is overflowing, it's like a blazing flame the flowing from the burning. A godspeed slashes while moving so faster than a naked eye, inflicting cutting slashes in every direction. Surpassing his limits might bring this berserker to an end.
As the Mercenaries freaked out from Yvonne's terror, he put off his combat stance and signal Veronica that the area is cleared with his hand signs. He went straight to Yvonne and Matilda hurriedly to give them a hand. Chounan offer Yvonne a hand to disarmed their party leader's heavy armor so that they could bring Mathilda in safer without a heavy burden armor.
Chounan had been overwatching the party from a good vantage point. He went along with Veronica as the time the pale girl seperated the party to took someone who meant for integration. A good distance behind the pale girl, he witnessed her how to fight in shadows. He was impressed. As they regroup to Matilda's party along with a taken hostage, he switched back for overwatching the whole party.

When the time the explosion occurred. Assume that reinforcement will come. Chounan spoke to Veronica. "Lady Veronica. Keep an eye of Lady Yvonne and Dame Matilda. I will welcome our guests.". He jumped down from vantage point and mounted his horse and ready his katana. The incoming unorganized wave of mercenary group were welcome by himself from unexpected flank. Master of jocking gave Chounan and his horse a good maneuvery and dodging on incoming attacks. The kicks of the horse hooves is his offense and his katana is his additional defense as for deflecting both melees and range attacks against him and his horse. He enjoyed high ground advantages and he have Ki and Perfect counter during the initiation.

Addressing the samurai, Chounan, Veronica gestured to his bow. "How confident are you in your long-distance shots under moonlight? Will the impaired vision inconvenience you overmuch?"

"Hmm... In daylight I could hit a target around one hundred fifty meters to two hundred meters with a light war arrows. One hundred meters with a heavy ones. With a moonlight and twenty meters range. As long I have a good vantage point. I could hit their vocal boxes with ease..." Chounan answered Veronica.
I see. 神様のお恵みがありますように... May the God be with you. Who knows, maybe twisted fate give you a better future.

Well then, want for another round? You should eat plenty for your recovery. Once you brought back into good shape, let's have some drink. I noticed you are a good drinker back then."
Chounan replied and smiled.
"Hmm? Me?"

"I suppose it's an old story now. Short version, my parents didn't want me to play knight. Gotta be all prettied up nice and tidy, you see? They're bad with their finance. Like, really bad. Who even hold a party every month? Not even the royal family throw around that much money. They're trying to marry me off to some upstart noble that's trying to establish their position in the high society."

"Ain't having none of that, yeah? What kind of life is that? Basically dead inside. Grabbed great-grandpa's sword and left with a few stuff I can pawn off easily. Never looked back."


"I don't really understand how nobles do such things like that. They are failure as a parents too. I going to outlive them too if that happened to my case. Even commoners are better than that.

Anyway... What about now? Do you have any plans after this mission?"
Chounan replied.
As Yvonne done with asking a favor on Squire Anderson. Chounan is done with his meal. He made a praying hand along with chopstick and said: "Thanks for the meal..." Then he arranged neatly his bowl and spoon in one area in front him on the table.

"May I ask Lady Yvonne,

What brought you into a Mercenary Group? You can be like Madame Matilda and other noblewomen who are serving as Knights."
Chounan made a gentle asked to Yvonne who were still besides him.
"Suit yourself." Said Yvonne, not really paying much attention to anything beside the meal.

Chounan gave her a warmth smile as a gratitude and joined her table for a meal. He tested out his arm again as he pulled a chopstick from his inventory. Picking the spoon between two sticks, he eat his stew scooped by a spoon while getting picked up by a chopsticks. For him it was to test his grip strength while helping himself and it seems he doesn't bother from the people who are getting weirded on him.
“Sealing the girl’s magic. If she is as dangerous as you say, that might be best. For both her recovery and your safety. Her condition. It is not good. She has been through much trauma, more heinous than most. I do not blame you for saving the girl. I hope that she is receptive to our care. I know too well of some of the horrors she might have endured." Solomon said. Chounan nodded on him to agreed and also a gestures of gratitude. from the Doctor's offered.

The Bear, Cedar treated his bruises and fixed his stabbed wound. Upon saying about not to stab himself again made him to worry about the burden. He made a small bow with is head to show a gratitude. He wore his chest mail again and fastened his gloves, testing his healed arm by moving a bit and close open his palm. Made some small movements with his upper body as it goes as fine as new again.

Stood with his feet. Approached the noblewoman on her table along with his carried meal for himself and asked, "May I accompany you, Lady Yvonne?"
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