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<Snipped quote by Source>

Color me intrigued

I have knowledge that your dimension falls inside of a disputed territory. And it will soon be under siege in an attempt to control said territory. There are several options available to you in response.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Okay I see albeit I see no point in trying to control the dimensions because they are infinite and impossible to account for all of them...

*Folds arms*

Yet is that really all you came here to do? To explain the way the universe works?

*Sounds incredulous*

No. The Balkan System allows individuals to claim territories of Existence. Any individual who acquires more than half of all adjacent territories will gain System authority. And while this authority does not allow you to control dimensions outright, it does allow you to designate how they interact. That has led to a territory struggle throughout Existence, which is the subject of my visit today.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Stops and turns*

Balkan System? Not familiar with it...Care to explain?

Existence has had a history of Systems, the collection of basic rules that governs how dimensions are ordered. At one point in history, the Anarchy System reigned, and every dimension was capable of engaging in conquest against the next. In a later point, it was managed by a small collection of powerful aristocrats; this System was known as the Nobility System. They were later overthrown by the organization that became known as Tier Five, which does exist, contrary to some beliefs. This resulted in the Tier System you may be familiar with, and perhaps even use as a form of classification. The Tier System was still bound by many of the processes established by the Nobility System and was eventually dismantled. Currently, we participate in what is known as the Balkan System, a novel System in Existence's history.
<Snipped quote by Source>

I'm intrigued you've tickled my interest but try not to evade my questions it isn't humerus!

*Closes doors*

Now what information could possibly be of importance to an esteemed gent such as I?

*Asks while strolling down stone corridor*

Are you familiar with the current order of Existence? It is known as the Balkan System.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Oh I didn't know I was in the company of a lady! My apologies Miss Servant!

*Bows apologetically*

Information? But why do you bring me this information? Did someone send you?

*Opens door fully and gestures to come inside*

It is no matter. I come of my own volition.
*Walks inside*

Just so you're aware, Servant is a girl. Being in a mask and cloak, it's an easy mistake to make, haha.
<Snipped quote by Source>

I'm in the company of a guest which is pleasant!


Yes I'm delighted to meet you...May I ask who you are sir?

I am called Servant. I have information that may prove to be useful to you.
<Snipped quote by Source>


*Appears at door*

*Straightens tie then opens door*

Good day stranger!

*Bows removing top hat with grandoise pomp*

Sir. Alna Von Rattler Esquire the Third at your service!

*Straightens up and puts hat back on*

The pleasure is mine. How do you do?

*Steps out onto a balcony with a book that looks ruined*

Goodness this isn't great...well everything's probably fine...

*Book turns to ash as it leaves grasp*

What shall I do now?

*Appears outside of your home and knocks on the door*
<Snipped quote by Source>

Thank you for the clarification. So basically I should figure out what's going on in the IC currently, and make a character that will be able to participate in the situation? Since it seems like there could be multiple plotlines going on in different dimensions, I would assume making a character capable of dimensional travel would be ideal here.

As long as they can traverse dimensions, we can figure out a way to include them; there are too many story threads to try to parse from zero. I can provide any information that might be helpful for you to come up with ideas if you have questions.
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