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3 yrs ago
Wishing a relaxing weekend for everyone. Take some time to be kind to yourself, to unwind, and to have some rest. <3
6 yrs ago
I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
6 yrs ago
There was an explosion at a cheese factory in France. De-Brie everywhere.


that elder scrolls / mass effect roleplayer

I put a spell on you

“I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.”

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In Hello 4 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you all. I have experience roleplaying at the table top, and prior experience in forums, however that was some years ago. I hope we can get along swimmingly.

Welcome friend!

If you need any help with anything, let me know :)
Hi guys!

I love role playing and I'm out for fun! I enjoy most sorts of roleplaying, and you can go ahead and check my profile or interest check if you wanna know more! Sure am looking forward to meeting and playing with whoever the heck wants to meet and play with me!

Don't be a stranger!

thanks for reading

Welcome Pandolin!

What an adorable avatar! :D
In Hello 4 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Used to role play. Sometimes still role play. Who knows, but I still love indulging in creative imagination. That's all. Otherwise, hello.

We are happy to have you here, Star Wars lover! Looking forward to seeing you around
@Stormflyx Can I throw all six of my points to McKenzy because A. Dog and B. Border Collie means no C. Contest :P?

To give 6 points to one entry goes against the spirit of the vote — but you can just give 3 to the best one! I do encourage a full vote though :)
Voting is now open! :)

Looking forward to seeing the winners!

Honorable mentions to the runners up!

2nd - Bowie
3rd - Gizmo

2nd - Suki
3rd - Hiro/Phat Boi

2nd - Danica
3rd - Enigma

Thanks again to all who entered, this has been a lovely turn out <3

Pet Name: McKenzy

Pet Nicknames: Kenzy, brat dog, Kenzy girl

Age: 5

Kenzy's Likes:
Loves, loves LOVES to play fetch. Kenzy also enjoys performing tricks so she can guilt us into giving her treats, and she adores going for car rides so she can catch some wind and meet new friends! She also loves her cat friend Phat Boi. They are best buds.

Kenzy's Dislikes:
Water. Absolutely hates the stuff. Baths??? The devil. Do not mention the b word or she will instantly get upset. She also really hates when the humans work because that means we can't give her all the attention she so obviously deserves.

How would you describe Kenzy's pawsonality?
Super energetic and playful. She always wants to play and seems to have an inexhaustible resource of energy that I wish I could tap into. She's also very smart and mischievous and can often be found getting her nose into things that I never in a million years thought she could have figured out, and she's also very talkative. She likes to sass and talk back to me whenever we disagree about whether or not it's time to go outside.

Why I love Kenzy:
She is so sweet and clever. If I'm having a bad day, she'll always come and sit a toy on my lap and just lean against me like she's giving me a hug, because toys make her happy so they must make human happy too, right??? Absolutely the most patient and tolerant dog I've ever had. She's never shown any aggression towards another creature and she's fantastic around kids. She's just a super goofy, adorable, and loving ray of sunshine that seems to always cut through whatever gloom is happening in my life.

A Random Fact/Anecdote about Kenzy:
Her best friend is a cat that we rescued and she helped to bring out of his shell. My cat was abused before we got him, but he'd grown up with dogs so he was more comfortable around Kenzy than our other cats, and she was so sweet and patient with him while she became his friend and helped him to adjust to life with us. I often find them sitting on the bed together or looking out the window, and he's always coming over to groom her. They're truly the best of friends and he is a completely different cat than when we found him, and it's all thanks to Kenzy being the wonderful girl that she is.


Pet Name: Onyx

Pet Nicknames: The Pudgy Baby, Owl, Mr. Stubby Tail, Monkey-See Monkey-Do

Age: 1 year old

Onyx's Likes:
Playing with his brother and litter mate Midnight, snuggling, imitating the other cats in the house

Onyx's Dislikes:
People messing with his short tail

How would you describe Onyx's pawsonality?:
He's very playful and will race around the house at top speed for several minutes before getting tired out and flopping onto the ground or going over and rubbing up against someone. He also tends to go up to his brother if he sits there and is crying wanting to make sure that he is okay or something like that.

Why I love Onyx:
He talks with his tail. Cats aren't so much like dogs where they don't tend to wag their tail or you can easily tell if they are happy or something, but Onyx is very different where he will flip his tail around and clearly talks more with it then any other cat I have seen. Not sure if it is because he has a sort of short and stubby tail or not, but it is great.

A Random Fact/Anecdote about Onyx:
He has to be the silliest little thing ever. In the house we have 6 cats, and Onyx is very much the baby, but he works to imitate the other cats to the point where if he sees one of them yelling for food and putting their paws on a drawer handle to get closer to the food, he does the exact same thing. One time another cat was blobbed out on the floor (she's very much a butterball of a cat) and Onyx went to lay down next to her and imitated exactly what she was doing, he was in the same position next to her, looked over at her again, and then proceeded to puff up his stomach so he blobbed out in the exact same way.


Pet Name: Peep the Sheep

Pet Nicknames: The Stomach on Legs

Age: 7 years

Peep's Likes:
Food, especially dried apricots; hanging out with animals of other species, in particular cows and chickens (although she needs to work on her stealth skills in order to get closer to her bird friends); head butting things, mainly her long suffering sister.

Peep's Dislikes:
Being put on her back; snow; dogs; small loud children.

How would you describe peep's pawsonality?
She's a right greedy guts that likes to think she's the boss of her little herd, but really I'm petty sure the other sheep are smarter than her and just play along with her crap. She's very friendly with humans (apart from shrieking kids), but is completely unconcerned about things which don't involve other animals or being fed. Being fed is a very important part of Peep's day, if you forget she will scream at you. If you oversleep, she will scream at you. If she's just hungry for some reason, she will scream at you. She likes to throw her weight around and can sometimes be a bit of a bully, except for when she gets shorn and the other sheep realise she's not as big as she looks and get their revenge.

Why I love Peep:
She's a big idiot. A very lovable big idiot.

A Random Fact/Anecdote about Peep:
Peep and her sister (Bo) are both technically French because they are Ouessants, a rare primitive short tail sheep breed from an island off the coast of Brittany. Ouessants are the smallest naturally occurring breed of sheep in the world, so they only come up to about my knees. Oh, and they live in a graveyard (gotta keep that grass trimmed somehow right?).

Official Voting Thread

First Round Voting has finished! With the Winners announced below! Soon, they will be immortalized on the RPGO Discord as an emoji!

I've left off usernames of owners, this is to try to discourage popularity based voting, but again, if you want to jump out and claim your pet - I'm not going to kick up a fuss. This is all just a big bit of fun after all! :)


Votes are counted as follows, so please pay attention!

Each and every Guild Member receives 3 VOTES for Best Pet, just like with the previous round you get 6 points to allocate as follows;

You can give one pet 3 points
You can give another pet 2 points
You can give a third pet 1 point

So you have 6 points to allocate for Best Pet. Think of it as 1st, 2nd, 3rd pick! This is so those of you who have entered can vote for your own pet, but you also need to give points to other ones too, and spreads votes over!

Simply post your vote in the comments using the following form for my counting ease!

Final Round Voting will end on January 30th, with the Best Pet announced on January 31st.

Remember the following rules:
6. You can vote for your own pets. But I encourage voting for others :)

7. This is informal and fun! So don't take things personally. In that same vein, be respectful when talking about the pets - remember that they are someone's beloved companion and it's not very country roads of you to be mean-spirited and if you do that you'll be in a world of hurt (mean comments will have your pet removed from the contest if you are an entrant, and if you are a voter your votes will not be counted).

Have fun!

Thanks to all for the first round votes! This voting is now closed.

Will do a count and get the final round up today!
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