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3 yrs ago
Wishing a relaxing weekend for everyone. Take some time to be kind to yourself, to unwind, and to have some rest. <3
6 yrs ago
I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
6 yrs ago
There was an explosion at a cheese factory in France. De-Brie everywhere.


that elder scrolls / mass effect roleplayer

I put a spell on you

“I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.”

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<Snipped quote by Stormflyx>

Well, there's Season 2's tagline, right there...

A very British line...
I did get around to Hero Forging Eilidh.

I guess now to future badass.

EDIT: also fully thought through Eilidh's backstory and sea-crits and I think she has one of my favourite stories I've ever concocted from this black pit of pain I call my mind :>
The swift change of mood came as abruptly as the power returning earlier; turning the colourful gouache of the scene in front of Eilidh, melt to a darker and more intense palette of edges and lines - spikes in energy and wobbles in mood. A flash of truth. All bar Vincent, who remained, until his exit, a splash of liquid violet - specked with gold shimmer until his voice was carried away into a void - as if he was zipped and folded away into a pocket.

The time for fun, whimsy, and cups of tea had been shattered.

The Scottish woman frowned slightly, the elder in her interested only in the partially secret experiment of Conor and Julian's making. That Julian expected this team of Renegades to trust and have sufficient enough rapport with each other to make it through a dangerous situation unscathed. With a tilt of her head and a shy bite of her lip, she let her mind seek out the Irishman. Eilidh had felt him leave and so she envisioned a tethered line from her own self to him and she focused on the words reaching him.

"What have you been doing, Conor? Is this going to be safe?"

Telepathically, her words held more weight - as if the quirkiness of her being a wee smiley blind girl from an obscure fishing town now in a penthouse of superheroes had been erased. This voice was older. She didn't often do this. Speak to someone directly, deliver words to their inner self, but truth be told - she was concerned. She felt a sense of responsibility for each and every one of the team.

Wasting no time, she rose from her seat and began carrying herself away to her own room. She felt very silly; barefoot and in her nightwear. A feeling of self-consciousness trickled down her spine and soaked into her skin. She wasn't like the others. Was she simply the silly blind girl from Scotland, collecting herself a Harem of her colleagues? She wanted to be more. She wanted to at least try.

Eilidh tugged on a pair of Cherry Dr. Martens she had left adjacent to the door frame of her bedroom - a quiet spot in the penthouse that was illuminated from above by a skylight. She could feel the light in front of her, twinkling in all of its azure quality, becoming a deep pond of cool tones on her bed. She would very often climb up and out of that skylight and enjoy a beer on the roof in the dead of night. The ambient noises of Seattle her only company. "No beer tonight," she thought to herself. Next, she wrapped herself in a clay coloured peacoat. The feeling of the felt brushing against her bare arms as she readied herself helped to assuage those insecure thoughts.

If she stayed behind, she would be wrought with concern. She had to go with them. Not strong enough to take on a beefed up baddie one on one, and not willing to be a burden to the team by putting herself in front of one, a thought occurred. She had made up her mind that she would be outside of the bank; looking in, the best way that she knew how. If only they were willing to trust her too.
Have some stuff to do this morning, then I'll get my post done :3
I won’t be getting a post in until the weekend. Kind of stuck on whether to send her to the bank or keep her in the penthouse.

What is everyone else thinking for their characters?
In lieu of an IC post (kind of waiting for the plot to start, as I feel engaging sociably with a large number of the team is somewhat out-of-character for Vincent), I have a discussion point instead:

What do you guys have in mind for the development of your characters? How do you envision their power scaling up, and what does endgame look like for each of you? Do you have any hidden backstories or dark secrets that tie into your development plans (without spoilers)?

I'd like E to build strong relationships with the team, for sure. I really enjoy writing interaction, and writing emotions as well - part of why I created an empath was to get a leg up for that kind of access with the other characters.

In terms of powers, yeah, I know how her evolution is going to go. She's going to be pretty powerful in her own unique way which is how I see a lot of the current characters as well. I'm seeing astral projection, full team telepathic sync-up, getting behind their eyes so she, from a distance, can have a full and complete view of the field before them. Like human CCTV. Emotional illusion projection also that will invoke strong feelings upon people be they friend or foe. Oh and her eyes will turn white when she's being a badass strictly for the cool as fuck factor.

Backstory and her origin? Now that I won't reveal. Those cards are close to my chest I'm afraid. :>

I don't know yet.
Hiya. Sorry if I'm doing this wrong somehow, I just joined
I sort of stumbled across here in a search for a new place to roleplay. I usually do 1 on 1 and rather detailed, am I on the right site for that? Many apologies if I've just wasted anybody's time.

You're 100% in the right place - check out the 1x1 section here and post your interest check here.

Happy Roleplaying!

just one of the many reasons we loved WV.
Dandy's in on this naked superheroics busineas. No shirt no shoes no skin no problem.

She can hear you thinking about her booblahs though.

So just look but don’t think.
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