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> Zuorn Ėtil Vátne (pronounced Zworn Ettle Votnuh)
> Nicknames: Ett, Vott, Vat (as in a frying vat)

Physical Description
> Appearance: If the stereotypical short, ugly gray aliens are the dwarves of the galaxy, then Zuorn is a cosmic elf -- plus a little something extra. She’s 8 feet tall and snake-hipped, with long, thin limbs and gray-blue skin. Her head is a little bigger and more bulbous than a human’s, containing eyes the size of baseballs. An indigo marking stretches across the bridge of a nose that lays flat against her face, almost like a cat’s nose. She only has tiny holes for ears, the way birds or lizards do.
> She has short, conical horns with wide bases. Their primary purpose is actually to channel empathic abilities, as opposed to combat (though they can still pack a punch).
She often wears the dark-green uniform of her military faction; short-sleeved shirts (rolled-up sleeves in her case), cargo pants with utility belts, black holsters and straps, all made from thick and durable cloth.
> Gender: Female
> Age: 25
> Height: 8’0”
> Weight: 240lbs
> Build: Lithe
> Eyes: Large black irises on white sclera
> Hair: N/A (unless you count her eyebrows, which are black)
> Skin: Light-bluish
> Ethnicity: Ecrui -- indicated by the black horns and eyes, blue skin, and purple marking over the nose.

> Possessions─┒
> Designated-Marksman Recoilless Rifle: A large, rugged thing resembling a lengthy submarine. The back end has a conical opening and is bulkier than the rest of the gun. Each cartridge is hefty, slowing its journey through the back-end of the rifle, which provides the rounds something more than air to push off of; allows pressure to build up as in a regular gun's chamber and barrel. Combining the backblast of rocket launchers with the speed of conventional, non-rocket-propelled ammo; the best of both worlds.
> The ammunition employs electric-primed tandem charges -- each round is two explosives in one and the primer is ignited via electricity. When fired, the round separates almost like a two-stage rocket; first charge flies ahead of the second to remove the first layer of armor, making way for the second to come finish the job.
> It almost doesn't matter whether the cartridge gets propelled out the back end or not, as the proper and easiest way to reload the gun is to point it upwards, then insert a new round into the chamber via your left hand. Of course, it's best if it does leave the barrel, as any excess friction will cause recoil; but even then, the recoil may simply bring the gun up into the reloading position.
> Plasma Pistol: Bulky at the front and oversized in a human’s hands, this black and silver handgun shoots scarlet bolts of plasma which burn through flesh and metal alike. It overheats if shot too frequently, however. The same scarlet light glows through perforations in two rows along the sides.
> The plasma bolts are streams of a gas formed into an advanced laminar flow plasma phenomenon called structured plasma. This phenomenon acts almost like a solid, having a cohesive yet unstable form; once one part starts breaking apart, it all breaks apart. When this happens on a direct hit, the target experiences a transfer of force as if hit by a solid object. In all other ways, however, it's identical to regular plasma.
> Structured plasma causes flesh to near-instantly melt or peel away. Wounds differ from gun to gun, but often resemble craters or quarries between 4 and 12 inches in diameter; this one creates 6-inch wounds.
> Ecrui Combat Knife: Being so tall, her species’ combat knives are longer and scarier. The one she carries is 12 inches long. A small metal “wing” juts out that can serve either as a finger guard or as a place to put her index finger for increased leverage. The blade is excellent for chopping and stabbing. Part of the back edge is also sharpened for back-cuts and the aforementioned stabbing.
> Secure Comms Device: For communicating with her commander and others aboard the rebel ship.
> Wristwatch: Its face divides the day into twenty-two hours counted by four thin, black hands, though that's not much help on an alien planet such as Earth. She doesn't bother to take it off.

Out of the Ordinary
> Clout: 1 ☳ Zuorn has some minor pull in her community, if only through giving direct orders. She also has a few diplomatic connections to Earth.
> Intelligence: 1
> Magic: 2 ☳ Her horns allow her to communicate empathically -- it’s not outright telepathy, but she can at least feel their emotions and feelings. Those who aren’t Lakretian aren’t privy to her own feelings in this manner -- or to the fact that she's even feeling what they are. She can turn her empathic ability off (i.e. for stealth), but it’s naturally always on. No species that feels emotions can feel them in isolation of this ability, though the closer those emotional ranges (and their owners’ physiologies and psychologies) are to her own, the easier time she has deciphering them. Emotions wholly unfelt by her race take much contemplation to figure out.
> Physical: 1
> Technology: 2
Being so long, her limbs gain extra oomph due to leverage when punching and kicking. She’s not actually that much stronger than a human, however, but she [i]can[/i] [u]run[/u] faster.
She’s also a good shot and adequate starfighter pilot. She’s a jack of all trades, really, especially anything pertaining to a spaceship or military operations.
C | I | M | P | T

-None available-
Soul Sigil

> If the stereotypical short, ugly gray aliens are the dwarves of the galaxy, then Zuorn is a lithe cosmic elf—plus a little something extra. She’s 8 feet tall and snake-hipped, with long, thin limbs and gray-blue skin. Her head is a little bigger and more bulbous than a human’s, containing eyes the size of baseballs. An indigo marking stretches across the bridge of a nose that lays flat against her face, almost like a cat’s nose. She only has tiny holes for ears, the way birds or lizards do.
> As mentioned previously, she has short, blunted, conical horns with wide bases. Their primary purpose is actually to channel empathic abilities. This "emotional signal" gets stronger the closer she gets to the source; and, to further the signal analogy, direct contact between her horns and another person's head boosts not only the strength but also the complexity and fullness of the signal -- like seeing a painting in person rather than through a CCTV camera. Turning off this ability is referred to as "going cold" -- or "closing one's third eye" by other (two-eyed) species.
> Her eyebrows lay far out to either side, almost not even adjacent to the eyes. An astute observer (or perv) might notice that the muscles in her neck and shoulder girdle appear to be reversed front-to-back compared to a human’s muscles. This necessarily cascades down her back, musculoskeletally speaking. (The pervs might also notice that she has... key mammalian features, let’s just say.)
> Her blood looks like teal syrup. It dries up within seconds of coming into contact with the nitrogen in the air, so it works great to clot and stop bleeding once outside the body. This does make surgery a pain, however.

> Zuorn is the rebels’ emissary. Her stated purpose is to establish relations with Earth’s government and procure food and medical supplies, among other things, for her people. She seems to be asking for an awful lot of it all, though…
> She may not have formal training in diplomacy, but she does make a good case. The things she describes don’t leave much to the imagination. But of course, the best way to lie is to tell the truth.

Zuorn was practically born into her role as a commander in the rebel forces.
Her father was the previous commander of that same garrison, and as a result, they trusted her and the training he gave to her. She was rather young to be a commander, but after the death of her father, she had no choice but to fill his shoes.
This led to a disastrous mission that ended in military forces taking over their moon base. Most were captured and tortured for information. She barely escaped, but the others now no longer trust her to make the big decisions. So, she demoted herself to being a mere officer; A right-hand woman to the new commander, Efrit Obnimar, who’s starting to abuse his power.
But, how would constant failure and sacrifice be better than constant crunch-hours?
That is the question she asks herself every day when witnessing her new commander’s increasingly authoritarian attitude.
One workshift, during normal operations, systems started going haywire. Electric sparks flew around like a lightning storm had just come into existence inside the ship. Then the ship slipped through a wormhole. They ended up right near Mars. The immediate reaction on either side -- Lakretian rebels and reasonably alarmed authorities -- was less than cordial, but eventually, hostilities died down. As Commander Obnimar’s right-hand woman, Zuorn became the bridge between her people and Earth's.
Obnimar refused to park his ship anywhere but in orbit, where they would be able to escape at a moment’s notice if need be, rather than be tied down on Mars and at the mercy of its inhabitants or the Earth government. Zuorn is currently the only Lakretian on the blue marble; less personnel lost if they do leave. Food, medicine, and supplies are sent up to their ship from the Martian surface. Any craft that gets too close, they warn, will be shot. Any sane person might assume based on this that they’re either complete xenophobes or hostages of Obnimar -- “But I assure you,” Zuorn will say, “it’s nothing like that. We wouldn’t dare do anything nefarious to an innocent society.”
The rebels’ secret?
No society is innocent in their eyes. Especially not ones they just met.
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