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It honestly feels like it's 1979. And I wasn't even around then
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"That's kinda gay bro" -Socrates, 420 BC


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Looking side to side then smiling at his luck, Mortus takes the stash and searches for the backdoor to the tavern in order to escape with his loot.


Mortus takes the stash and immediately spots the backdoor, making his way out of the tavern... right into the path of a huge pink ball flying out of nowhere, crashing into Mortus and causing silvers to go flying everywhere. Mortus himself is knocked on the ground, disoriented. The bar owner checks on the noise and sees Mortus there covered in silver from the stash. "Thief! Thief!!" He yells as nearby authorities begin approaching Mortus to arrest him.

Kirby.png with his back to the Meaty man spat on the ground, "Was that meant to hurt?"
Kirby pivoted on their heel with a strong spin that bent the wood under kirby.png's fleshy red feet as he flipped into a head-spin.

Kirby zoomed into Mr.meaty's legs, aiming for his knee-caps in a attempt to break a leg.


"Oh, really? Come towards me as close as you like, then!"

Pebbles grinned as he ran towards the pink puffball, jogging towards the abomination gracefully before leveraging his foot backwards in order to kick it like a ball.


Kirby spins towards Pebbles, aiming for his legs, and at the same time Pebbles runs towards Kirby, aiming his legs at Kirby. A massive explosive impact occurs, sending Kirby flying out of the room and into Mortus, who was just exiting out of the tavern through the backdoor. Kirby bounces off the thief and back towards Pebbles, whose leg had gotten dislocated from the initial impact, but thanks to a second impact from Kirby's rebound, has his leg re-located into place. The second impact also sends Pebbles flying out of the room like a ball himself, crashing into a barrel of hay outside. Kirby too is on the ground, dazed and confused after being volleyballed outside and back across a tavern-lengthed distance or two.

The crowd cheers confusedly.

<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

Cool, I do like how you've been working rue game so far gm, I was just thinking about if someday the thread went ded but people wanted to carry on. Tho it can be done else were any was IG. I think maybe we should just stock with the set rules with the gm outcome tho but you know maybe if we get more judges it can speed things up if your offline spiral, but that's just a GAME THEORY. Idk forget about it, I just like blabbering allot tbh

Yeah that makes sense, I think having more GMs to resolve actions can definitely speed things up. And if I stopped being active for whatever reason it would be nice if there were other GMs who could keep it going, and perhaps they could instate new GMs, etc. Not sure how promoting new GMs works at this site yet. I suppose non-GMs can post in the IC as if they were GMs, but there would need to be some method of reaching a consensus. But yeah definitely some stuff to think about going forward~
"Uh put it on his tab" Mortus points towards Pebbles before he tries sneaking away.


The bar owner turns to look at Pebble while Mortus slips away into the shadows. The bar owner then turns back, but Mortus is nowhere to be seen. "Damnit!"

Mortus sneaks his way into the back of the bar, unseen by all, and discovers a stash of silver on the ground.

" Oh no, you don't!" Pebbles steps out of the ruins of the table he landed on and picks up a nearby stool. He then searches through the crowd for Mortus in an attempt to punish him for his monetary misdeeds.


Pebble searches through the crowd for Mortus, but can't find him anywhere. Instead he finds a different thief, who manages to steal some silver from Pebble before running off.

Meanwhile, the bar owner is asking Pebble for the 1600 silver that is now apparently on his tab.

Kirby noticed the spectator amd the man that crashed down on a table and decided to go for the spectator.
Kirby bolted toward the spectator and Chomped off his right leg to the knee while pushing the man down using gravity to help
separate any flesh still stringing from the man stump.


Kirby goes after the spectator, who gasps in terror as he begins running for his life. Kirby goes for a chomp at the man's leg, but it barely misses. The man continues fleeing into the crowd, which is also becoming frightened as the spectators all start backing away from Kirby, making concerned noises.

When the kirby.png turns towards him, Pebble's eyes lighten in the face of a new challenger and drops the chair. " I have a god and his name is the elbow." He then leapt up in the air, attempting to bring down the wrath of muscular fortitude upon the pink blob in the shape of a tombstone piledriver.


Pebble's tombstone piledriver shaped body slam just barely hits the side of Kirby's body, bouncing away and knocking Kirby back a bit, causing a slight blemish on the side of Kirby's body.
do we have to wait for gm for every roll or can we also use the sites dice and if all parties agree to the after math continue on our own?
all parties as in effected ones?

Hmm yeah usually these things are GM updates only, but if you guys want to try it for PvP actions, I'm okay with it. Anything that's not purely PvP like interacting with the world/NPCs would still require GM resolution. Also, when a PvP action is resolved by GM it may come with world-relevant consequences which may affect other players/NPCs, which would be more limited for player self-resolution. The IC formatting to keep "GM action resolution" posts organized is another concern of mine, but I suppose that's not too tough. Overall it feels a bit iffy to me but I'm not against trying it for PvP actions if you guys would like to, given all affected parties agree to the decided outcome.
kirby.png tries to attempt to comprehend where he is as he "walks" in scene.

Kirby, like always, is running in a blind rage punching at the ground as he moves onward, toward the thief and wrestler. If kirby.png strikes them with a full speed ram this will surely cause brain damage to them and kirby.png.


kirby.png's comprehension is a little fuzzy, but he seems to find himself in a moderately lit room resembling a bar as he "walks" into the scene. Many of the locale's patrons have cleared the way for a fight that appears to be going on.


Kirby runs in a blind rage punching at the ground as he moves onward in the direction of the thief and the wrestler. Kirby rams into them, but his aim is a little off, knocking them away to the side and causing mild brain impairment in the form of dizziness to all involved. Also apparently the thief had disappeared at some point beforehand, and the guy who appeared to be the thief and got hit was actually a spectator.

Mortus being an esteemed thief well learnt in the ways of Yeet-Fu, attempts to blend in with the crowd of gathering spectators in order to get away.


Mortus blends in with the crowd of gathering spectators perfectly... too perfectly, in fact, that he was mistaken as another patron by the bar owner--a patron who apparently owed a large tab. "Hey you, it's time you paid up the 1600 silvers you owe!" The bar owner points and barks at Mortus.

Meanwhile, the crowd and the other fighters have lost track of Mortus, and are not able to locate him at all.

"Ah, a new contender!," Pebble exclaims, ignoring the thief, and dives down in a clothesline towards the pink marshmallow blob.


Pebble dives down in a clothesline towards kirby.png, slamming him hard onto the ground. So hard, in fact, that the pink marshmallow blob bounced back up with equally tremendous force and knocked Pebble into the air, sending him crashing down onto a nearby table.

A dramatic "ohhh!!" resounds from the spectating crowd.
@seanmcchapman (Reminder to underline the part of your post you'd like to be an official game action)
(Although, I'm considering making that not mandatory, and just deciding what seems to warrant a roll. I guess I may just interpret freely what gets rolled if there's an action but no underline, however if you'd like to specify exactly what gets rolled, underlining would make it clear)
I grab Mortus by the shoulder and speak in a high-pitched voice sharpened by years of getting stoned on the royal courts.

" That wasn't very polite."

I then attempt to grab him by the shoulders and do a bone-breaking reverse suplex on him.


"I'm sorry sir I must have forgotten my manners" I say timidly and try to escape Pebble's grip.


The Pebble grabs Mortus by the shoulders and tries doing a bone-breaking reverse suplex on him. Pebble's grip is good, but Mortus is able to slip out just before hitting the ground, getting away relatively unharmed.

The man Mortus tried to punch earlier watches with intrigue.
@Bork Lazer Thanks! Will update soon.
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